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Fandom RWBY: Sins of the Future

Oh, yeah that's totally my bad. Completely misread the lore and am.. very bad at math personally. I'll fix that right up!

Oh no! A Wild meme appeared! Do you choose to tame it so it can become your meme friend?


>Hell Yes

You chose Hell yes!

How do you choose to befriend it?

> Give it Memes

> Witty Banter

> Request Involvement Of Each Other's Character's In Each Other's Lives

You chose Request Involvement Of Each Other's Character's In Each Other's Lives!

Hey Quiet, now that our characters are accepted, wanna have them be friends and possible team mates?
Elision of Ecritures] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22690-quiet/ said:
Oh no! A Wild meme appeared! Do you choose to tame it so it can become your meme friend?


>Hell Yes

You chose Hell yes!

How do you choose to befriend it?

> Give it Memes

> Witty Banter

> Request Involvement Of Each Other's Character's In Each Other's Lives

You chose Request Involvement Of Each Other's Character's In Each Other's Lives!

Hey Quiet, now that our characters are accepted, wanna have them be friends and possible team mates?
The wild Meme is buffeted by the request!

Hell yeah, I do! It'll be like having Nora and Nora. Except one of the Noras is a little (possibly a lot) more boop hungry.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]


Celia "Cotton" Candy


Color/Relation of Name to Color:

Cotton Candy Pink





Human or Faunus:


Type of animal*:





A duel Bladed axe that turns into a machine gun

Color of Aura:



Sour Sucker- Celia has a specific kind of candy in order to activate this. It is a Jawbreaker that the more she goes through it, the more powerful and durable she becomes. The Layers are White, Blue, green, red, and Pink. The Jawbreaker is made up of a sour mixture that sets her off and helps her keep her focus on the battle.




Celia is very flirtatious and outgoing towards others. She finds humans very intriguing and is usually a talkative person. Besides for these. No matter what people say, she will more than likely act upon the first thing that comes to her mind without thinking of the consequences. She does not like being looked down upon. She is also not afraid to show she is a faunus. She is also almost always seen eating a piece of candy.


+ Fish



+Cotton Candy




- Water


-The White Fang


Her only fear is that no one will accept her for what her own kind has done to humanity.



She can lose her cool at times which makes her even more irrational than she already is


Celia was born into the White Fang's numbers. She was raised to fight but never wanted to. The Humans interested her and she wanted to get to know them better. Then the Human Cinder came, and everything changed. She was now forced to battle against the humans for no reason except for "Peace." She did not believe it and ran from home. She decided to enroll in beacon after faking her Transcript and is now where she is today.


She left those behind

Deja Vu:
Leave this blank for now. Once I have excepted your character I will give you a scene to type out and put here. Consider it an "example post". (Note: These scenes are of a possible future and not a guaranteed one, so it should not dictate how you play your character.)


That is a very interesting Semblance you've got there. Seems kind of under powered actually. Not saying that's a bad thing.

Now I didn't mention this (I thought it was self evident. Apparently not.) but all of the vilains, and most of the good guys, do not exist in this game. Teachers like Ozpin and Glynda are still here, and the White Fang still exist, but that's it. No Cinder, no Adam, no RWBY or JNPR.

Fix that up and then I'll except you.
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]That is a very interesting Semblance you've got there. Seems kind of under powered actually. Not saying that's a bad thing.
Now I didn't mention this (I thought it was self evident. Apparently not.) but all of the vilains, and most of the good guys, do not exist in this game. Teachers like Ozpin and Glynda are still here, and the White Fang still exist, but that's it. No Cinder, no Adam, no RWBY or JNPR.

Fix that up and then I'll except you.

[QUOTE="Ian Temero]That is a very interesting Semblance you've got there. Seems kind of under powered actually. Not saying that's a bad thing.
Now I didn't mention this (I thought it was self evident. Apparently not.) but all of the vilains, and most of the good guys, do not exist in this game. Teachers like Ozpin and Glynda are still here, and the White Fang still exist, but that's it. No Cinder, no Adam, no RWBY or JNPR.

Fix that up and then I'll except you.

Done it
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]That is a very interesting Semblance you've got there. Seems kind of under powered actually. Not saying that's a bad thing.
Now I didn't mention this (I thought it was self evident. Apparently not.) but all of the vilains, and most of the good guys, do not exist in this game. Teachers like Ozpin and Glynda are still here, and the White Fang still exist, but that's it. No Cinder, no Adam, no RWBY or JNPR.

Fix that up and then I'll except you.

Also, It isn't very underpowered once you realize it. Every single layer of the jawbreaker refreshes her strength and durability and adds onto the already heightened abilities. Basically every layer is like she took a full nights sleep and is ready to fight again
Entarriance said:

Name: May Whittier

Color/Relation to name: May is a month usually associated with spring, explaining her little flower headpiece, as well as associating with lighter colours such as green and blue. Whittier contains the letters of White, as well as not far from inaccurate pronunciation (try pronouncing Whittier White 10 times fast).

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Aura: White / Red



[L I K E S]

? Reading
? Tea

? The sky

? Fish

? Cute hair accessories

? Cold weather

? Combat

? Black Coffee

? Awful puns

? The smell of smoke, blood, and sharpie

[D I S L I K E S]

? Placed too crowded

? Unnecessary violence
? Mangos

? Closed Windows

? Chaotic environments

? Arrogance

? Foods that are too sweet

? Wide open space

? Overly innocent people

? Oranges


Shards- May has the ability to create, shape, and manipulate slivers of matter or energy, either by shattering existing objects through this ability, and/or controlling already existing shards. She can also create them out of nothing, and manipulate them for attack and defense. She can otherwise shape and compress these shards, and manipulate and move them under her will, either as a weapon similar to glass, and altering it's hardness, density, and sharpness. These shards usually float around her body and suspend themselves in midair.

While she's in her normal personality, shards appear to be a teal colour. It's used mainly in terms of defense, where there isn't much sharpness she can alter to it. However, while she cannot alter it's sharpness, she is able to manipulate hardness the best, allowing to create a shield. with the density of steel. She can create shields over large areas, but the larger the area, the more it drains her.

While she's in her hostile personality, shards appear to be a blood red, and leave light trails of red wherever they go, as if the shard itself is bleeding. It's used mainly in terms of offense. She can effortlessly alter every part of the shards, though she can alter sharpness the best, creating shards sharper than glass fragments to use as a weapon. (Imagine Touhou or games involving Bullet Hell lmao). However, the longer she uses her ability in general, it drains her even more than in her normal personality.

May's mother was a Huntress, who died during a mission when May was 7. Her father was a Huntsman as well, who wished to one day work as a teacher, and spread knowledge to the next Huntresses and Huntsman of their generation. When May was old enough to walk, her father started to teach her how to fight almost immediately, with basic sword training and martial arts. With their mother gone, her father had to keep the family alive, and they didn't live the richest life there was, but it was cozy with only the two of them in their small household by a swamp in Mistral. Where they lived had a lot of crime and thieves, though it was overall alright.

There was a small, growing academy there that, well, attempted to thrive, called Aureus Academy. While the school was accepting of Faunus, the students were much more discriminator towards it's Faunus peers. Many boycotted the school, and many teachers left their jobs in a boycott. One of the many teachers was May's father, who tried hard to maintain his dream,trying to keep the Faunus in the school through bribes and money, just so the school wouldn't shut down. Many students harassed her father for defending the Faunus, while other's did try to maintain a normal education. It didn't work well, as her father's emotions got into his work, and he desperately tried to keep his job, going as far as paying students to stay so the school wouldn't shut down. It did. It didn't last long, as Haven Academy well overtook it in terms of education, popularity, and overall everything, and Aureus was abandoned quickly, putting everyone who work their in an unemployed status.

Enraged, her father took his anger on the Faunus for losing his dream job, as well as making the cost of living difficult for the both of them, growing poor as he tried to find any form of work to help him alive, and eventually taking the path of one of the many thugs that inhabited the area. A young, confused May didn't know what was happening, as her father also used her to help him commit crimes to keep the both of them alive, as well as his own personal interests in attacking the Faunus. He deliberately depraved her of thoughts, explaining how the Faunus is the reason why they're living the way they are right now, and the reason why she never met her mother. Because Faunus was the main reason for her father losing her job, he used his daughter, who he trained in combat, to tear apart any protests that the Faunus attempted to engage in, going as far as to severely injuring some. Because the neighborhood she was surrounded by was small, and consisted mainly of other lowlifes and thugs, she had led them on to tear apart groups and slaughter other Faunus during her moments of bloodlust.

Her father grew more strict and rough with training and studies, trying to redeem himself of his failure by making May the perfect student, and the perfect tool. It only worked, part-way. While one part of May fully agreed to this, believing that by doing whatever her father said, going as far to hurt not just Faunus, but everyone around her in order to defend herself was what she needed to survive, another part of her believed that all of it was wrong, and there must be another solution to it. This lead to her having a split personality, one existing to defend herself from the cruelties of her father and everyone else in the village, while the other for her personal needs, emotions, and the overall good. She was denied from going to Haven, being the school that took away her father's job, and she was brutally homeschooled by her father, often beat or overworking past a human's limits to meet her father's high expectations.

During a mission her father sent her out on, she never completed it after managing to snap out of her daze through the feared scream of a child, calling for his mother. Realizing what she's done, she refused to continue to tear apart the protest, running home as fast as she could. Coming home and waiting for her father's return with a severe headache, often going back and forth between the door and locking herself in her room, Her father returned shocked, well aware that the protest continued, and grabbed her by her collar and scolded her. Enraged by her actions, he went as far as to swing at her, only to feel a sharp pain in his stomach, before the world went black.


A murder occurred in the one of the many small villages in Mistral. The body of Luceus Whittier hasn't been found, nor his daughter.


Striving to redeem herself and control her personality, moreover destroy it's existance completely, she managed to pass the exam to Beacon with flying colours, even without previously attending a combat school, though with a little combat help with someone she hated so much.

May is a polite and sweet girl, willing to start conversation with anyone, but also openly accepting to the quiet, enjoying reading in her free time. She's optimistic, and wishes to see the best in people, even if they surpass her, or going as far to injure herself for the protection of others. She tends to trust people a little too easily, though she's soft-hearted and kind towards everything and everyone that doesn't pose a threat to her. While not extremely energetic or bubbly, she has the ability to remain calm in the most stressful of situations, maybe try to crack a joke or two during it. Even with her calm and affectionate personality, she's well capable of taking an action seriously, and tries her best to ace her schoolwork.

May's other personality, known as "June", is a complete flip of May's personality. Rude and almost always rushed, she tends to take things fast. June is present mainly in battle, or if anyone poses as a threat to her, openly using violence as a means to solve problems. Loving the thrill of battle, she doesn't care for anything or anyone other than herself, and will go as far as to attack teammates and others to defend herself if necessary. She tends to be spontaneous and deranged, though her ability to fight is phenomenal, going as far as to strategize (to herself) to find any way to harm something... or someone.


Weapon Appearance:


Weapon Abilities: There are foreign characters that appear to be inactive and unpresent at nearly all times. However, in combat, these characters glow. They usually glow the typical shade of light blue (image above), which has the capabilities of a normal sword, staff, and gun. However, Dust can be transferred, and the character's would change both position and colour depending on what Dust is currently used. Each one inflicts a different launch ratio (how far you are being launched after being hit), the damage itself, as well as speed and strength). Note that none of these dusts are effective while she's in gun-mode, leaving her at a distance dis-advantage. It takes about 5 seconds to reload dust, but each dust has a different frequency to be reloaded at when in use.

  • Green Dust: Extremely high launch ratio, lessened damage, slightly increased speed. (Ex. She hits you. It doesn't hurt a lot, kind of like a baseball bat hit against you by some middleschooler. It hurts, but not a lot. However, the launch ratio is high in this state, and would launch you in whatever direction you were hit at with over 20x the force. You're sent flying without tons of pain.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: MODERATE]
  • Red Dust: No launch ratio, extremely increased damage, decreased speed. (Ex. She hits you. You aren't sent flying back with the force, even with the flat of the blade and her speed. However, you feel like your body just slid down a cheese grater and then you landed in a pool of alcohol. It hurts. A lot. It's an instant, long-lasting pain. [RELOAD FREQUENCY: OFTEN]
  • Blue Dust: Normal launch ratio, normal damage, normal speed. However, she's able to send waves of blue energy. (Ex. She misses you. You jump back. You are 10 feet away from her now, and her blade can't hit you. However, she slashes her blade down, and a blue streak of energy comes straight towards you. You can dodge it, but she can send multiple at once, and fast. ) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: MODERATE]
  • Yellow Dust: Normal launch ratio, extremely lessened damage. However, speed is nearly tripled for her naturally. It doesn't increase her strength in anything but her sword, allowing her to send extremely fast paced-attacks and dodging. (Ex. She hits you. It doesn't hurt, about the equivalent of someone only having a broom as a weapon and having to hit you as hard as they can without the broom breaking. However, she can keep doing it, as well as send punches and kicks your way, which have "normal" damage [usually difficult due to being armed. Hand-to-hand combat is inconvenient]. You try to hit back. She can dodge immediately no matter how close or how far, but she can't seem to inflict a lot of damage on you either.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: ALMOST NEVER]
  • Light Blue/ Glowing Blue Dust (ice): No launch ratio, lessened damage, normal speed. However, for it to effect, it needs to cut the skin (which is usually difficult). If the skin is cut, a slow working (but temporary) poison goes throughout the opponents body, numbing their senses before paralyzing them. (Ex. She keeps attempting to hit you. She manages to hit you once, and you manage to kick her into the sun, because there wasn't a launch ratio and didn't get blasted back. However, the one time she did hit you, you see a little bit of blood on your arm. You pass it off, but you begin to feel pins-and-needles on your arm. After that, it starts to lose feeling and it becomes difficult to transfer aura there. You lose control of your arm, and eventually the rest of your body is feeling it.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: ALMOST NEVER]
  • White Dust: Inertia based launch ratio, damage, and speed. Normal attacks are extremely lessened. Extremely high defensive rate for close combat and long ranged shots. Not any defense against explosions and wide-ranged moves. Kind of like an absorbing move. (Ex. You hit her with about 50lbs of pure force. However, she managed to bring her sword out before that, and the opponent clashes against her weapon. With the 50lbs of force that the opponent hit hyer with, she is able to hit back with that same exact launch ratio, damage, and speed that it was supposed to effect her with. Extremely useless in normal combat.)[RELOAD FREQUENCY: MODERATE]
  • "Gravity" Dust: Lessened launch ratio, adjustable damage and speed. She can change the weight of her weapon considerable to either make it lighter with less damage or extremely heavy with extremely lessened speed. Launch ratio always stays the same. Most useful for aerial attacks. (Ex. You launch her up into the air. Her weapon was extremely light, so it was easy to lift with such a massive sword. However, when she comes back down, she comes down faster than she should with a weapon as light as that, and her weapon inflicts severe damage on you if you don't dodge. It seems to weigh 50 times more than it did originally. She cannot change it every single second, however. There must be a 5 second buffer with each weight change, which means a lot in battle. Think about it in close combat. 5 seconds is enough for her to change it to heavy and enough time for you to kick her head. Note she's a normal human being and probably cannot lift a 100lbs sword with one hand and will struggle due to weight balance with two.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: VERY OFTEN]
  • Orange Dust: Increased launch ratio, increased damage, lessened speed. Seems to be very good for defending at long distances. (Ex. Do you really need an example. Just pretend the sword does a little more damage than the normal sword but slower.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: MODERATE]


Role on Team: Ren (Studious, Silent but strategic), Jean (Kind of clumsy but compassionate cinnamon roll too pure for this world), Ruby (because what sweetheart isn't Ruby).

Role on Team: Neopolitan (Quick, somewhat sadistic), Mercury (care-free, craves for action and excitement),

May Whittier





? High level patience and ability to stay calm

?Very high defense and force field capabilities

?Intelligent, good at long-range attacks.

?Very high offense and combat capabilities

?Quick adaptation to an environment, survivalist expertise

?Extremely agile and fast

[W E A K N E S S E S]

?Lack of strength, not a strong offense

?Emotions can get in the way of combat

?Tends to overthink situations, over-complicating them

?No sense of teamwork

?Lack of empathy and humanity, underestimating the opponent

?Irrationabiliy, going
too far for the sake of fun, not heeding orders

[F A C T S]

? An absolute god at cooking

? Totally did not take 5 hours to draw

? Seems to really love patting people on the head

Enttariance!!!! I still need to get you to draw Lilith!

You are missing a spot for Deja Vu, but other than that...


I scrolled up thinking "What the heck is this chat?!" before realizing it was just the OOC section, haha.


deja vu is awkwardly hidden between "my inner anime nerd" but im probably gonna boot it up to where the name n stuff are
Entarriance said:
I scrolled up thinking "What the heck is this chat?!" before realizing it was just the OOC section, haha.


deja vu is awkwardly hidden between "my inner anime nerd" but im probably gonna boot it up to where the name n stuff are
My first thought when I read his comment was. "Oooooohhhh... heeeee is in trouuublllleeee"
There! After exhausting my efforts, I edited my character a bit so his new name is Alexander Genevieve. This still goes with the name rule, because it's a reference to Alexandria's Genesis, a rare mutation which gives women purple eyes, no periods, no hair besides atop the head yet still fertility. I kid you not.
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]There! After exhausting my efforts, I edited my character a bit so his new name is Alexander Genevieve. This still goes with the name rule, because it's a reference to Alexandria's Genesis, a rare mutation which gives women purple eyes, no periods, no hair besides atop the head yet still fertility. I kid you not.

...... but...... the only thing to do with color is the purple hair....

Why not name him Garret....... It is literally taking out the "Ci" out of Cigarret
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]There! After exhausting my efforts, I edited my character a bit so his new name is Alexander Genevieve. This still goes with the name rule, because it's a reference to Alexandria's Genesis, a rare mutation which gives women purple eyes, no periods, no hair besides atop the head yet still fertility. I kid you not.

You didn't have to change his name. both Finch and Hawthorn still worked.


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