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Fandom RWBY: Sins of the Future

[QUOTE="Ian Temero]You are missing two things...
1) You didn't actually fill out the "Color of Aura" part

2) You are missing the proof that you read the rules.

1.) Made her color Lavender... what does that mean?

2.) Is it give the rules a Like thing?
theManCalledSting said:
1.) Made her color Lavender... what does that mean?
2.) Is it give the rules a Like thing?
1) Lavender symbolizes femininity, grace and elegance.

2) Nope. Read through the rules and you'll see it.
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]1) Lavender symbolizes femininity, grace and elegance.
2) Nope. Read through the rules and you'll see it.

1.) Very NepGearish

2.) She's the Heart of the Team... does that Count?
theManCalledSting said:
1.) Very NepGearish
2.) She's the Heart of the Team... does that Count?
So she's a Ruby? Are there any other character that she could be compared to? (Look at the end of Lilith's CS for an idea of what I want)
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]So she's a Ruby? Are there any other character that she could be compared to? (Look at the end of Lilith's CS for an idea of what I want)

I suppose she can be seen a bit of a Weiss with how pushy she is with her team's studies.
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]So she's a Ruby? Are there any other character that she could be compared to? (Look at the end of Lilith's CS for an idea of what I want)

added more
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]
Finch Hawthorne


Character Statistics

Name: Finch Hawthorne

Age: 17

Color: Blue

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human

Aura Color: Teal

Background: Finch was born to a small and regular family in the Vale and with them he had a pretty normal childhood. His mother and father ran a small tea shop where he even worked for a small period in his life before he became confronted with the question all people are faced with when they are young and starting to grow up. Where was he going and what was he going to do with his life?

Finch decided that, with his semblance he had a natural talent which made him applicable for combat. He had no true motives or real passions other than truly fighting against creatures of Grimm and using what he was best at to help people. The adrenaline, reward of doing good in the world and ability to put himself through programs that would truly make him something drove him to apply for and be accepted into Signal, where he went through the regular regimen of practice and training until the age of 17, where, out of being primed for battle and now possessing his new weapon Chastiefol he made himself, he decided to go to Beacon to finally fulfill his dreams of becoming a hunter.

Personality: Finch is a loving and carefree individual who happens to work well with others. His moreover sweet and friendly extroverted personality allows him to make friends easily and also brighten up a mood. He is slightly childish out of this however, making it rather difficult for him to deal with complicated or serious situations where he isn't very well versed. He tends to keep happy and very loyal to his friends in his own bubbly way, allowing his friendships to become the very thing which drives him to succeed and have the purpose that he sometimes struggles with as well.


Semblance: Containment- Finch's Semblance 'Containment' allows him to create small spheres at the tips of his fingers which can float, being able to withstand as well as hold moderate amounts of pressure until they pop, which makes them very reliable for storing objects which Finch can carry around without the need to exert any physical energy, however this is just one side of his abilities. Finch's 'Bubbles' don't just hold physical objects as they can also hold amounts of invisible pressure which attacks give up. To avoid taking damage, he can just contain it into a Sphere, nullifying the attack until he simply hurls it back at his opponent, turning it into an explosive full of painful energy or literally an explosion which he can also contain. However, these Bubbles are not indestructible and if the attack if great enough, they can be popped.


  • Kittens
  • Books
  • Tea
  • Teal
  • Blue
  • The Outdoors
  • The Indoors
  • Rain
  • Animals (In General)


  • The Rude
  • The Arrogant
  • The Color Yellow
  • Losing

Appearance: Finch is a young and slender boy who stands at a not at all intimidating height or standing of 5'2. He has a full head of black hair as well as a pair of deep blue eyes. His skin is rather pale enough to mimic that pf porcelain and he often wears a collection of simple hoodies, jeans and converse wherever he goes.


  • He is no particularly physically strong
  • Relies on his Semblance
  • Not Good in Close Quarters or Hand-to-Hand combat

Other: Theme Song:




Weapon Appearance: Chastiefol ~ The Infinity Bow ~ As the name would suggest, the weapon itself is a simple bow which has a metallic makeup, coming with no arrows or quivers the bow comes equipped with a variety of Dust within the bow itself, dispensing at will with a variety of dust including Water, Fire, Wind and Electricity which can be shot at an opponent in the form of a simple vial with the help of a dispensable metal chord from the top, which is attached manually to the other end.

Weapon Abilities: It can be used to dispense Dust against opponents from a far distance as well as be used for defense with its metal body when in close combat.



You are missing some information.


2) A spot for Deja Vu

3) Proof that you read the rules
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Can i ise Azure and Joy? :D

I think we're just going to stick to just one character for now, though that may change later.
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]I think we're just going to stick to just one character for now, though that may change later.

Dawww okay x3 idk who to choose now •-•
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]You are missing some information.

2) A spot for Deja Vu

3) Proof that you read the rules

Okay, I added back the spot for Deja Vu
WAIT they is more people let the voting continue.

Wolf or bear guys, good thing I haven't had a chance to start yet.
I'll see where this goes then I'll decide on who to use lol
[QUOTE="Ian Temero]Let's hear it for the wolf girl!

Though I will want to know the full capability of the weapon, just to make sure it's not too OP.

AWOOOO! @HoneyBear-Kat
Why did you tag me for that @^@

Know what, im gonna use azure, cause i love her and i had her for like ever, and if we ever need more charas, ill bring in joy xD
But joys personality is just so great xD AGHHHH im so indecisive
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]But joys personality is just so great xD AGHHHH im so indecisive

I know the feeling, I left it to a vote and even though its 3-0 I still can't decide.
NekoChanBo said:
I know the feeling, I left it to a vote and even though its 3-0 I still can't decide.
Yea and im looking at the CS skelly and i saw that they can only be mammal faunus'? And my other character is a snake faunus so...i have no choice now xD my decision was made for me lol
With Ian, I was in a roleplay which failed before it even really began which was RWBY as well. We're both using the same characters from that roleplay, and what was hilarious was how in that Roleplay everyone on the team was 'edgy' or mysterious and aloof, so I decided to full on Nora that situation. Thus came Finch.
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]With Ian, I was in a roleplay which failed before it even really began which was RWBY as well. We're both using the same characters from that roleplay, and what was hilarious was how in that Roleplay everyone on the team was 'edgy' or mysterious and aloof, so I decided to full on Nora that situation. Thus came Finch.


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