RWBY: Beacon's Light

It's closer to the end with Torchwick and those two assassin-like characters. "He was like a big cat." "What, like a puma?"

I saw that, it was great. Did you catch the X-Ray and Vav comic?
Ooooh, yeah I remember that! That's awesome.

And yes, I saw the X-Ray and Vav comic ^.^

It's stuff like that, the little things, that make roosterteeth so lovable. Well, and the big things. And the medium things... X3
I love how Pyrra took it, pushed a book towards Juandice, and then started reading the comic.

Yeah, I love it. Season 5... I presume you've met Tex? 
We'll do our own landing scenes, then I'll post my co post with Spade, and hopefully Kaia will do hers and Hyydras. How far along are you guys on it?
We're working on it now.

Should we start as soon as we land in the emerald forest, or right before/on the launch pads?
Crap. I can't now. The place I'm storing it has server troubles now, I can't access it. It might be tomorrow before I can show it. What we did is just pm and RP the scene out.
No worries ^.^

Yeah, that's what Hyydra and I will do. I don't know how much longer I'll be online tonight, unfortunately, but I can do more tomorrow (:

I'm working on a post for the roleplay itself right now, but then I'll be off for the night.
Sounds good. 
Here, Kaia:

Michael turned, hearing an explosion. In the distance, he saw a tree go up in flames, and the cries of several Beowolves. Bracing for a fight, he raised his rifle in the direction of the blast. Five came out of the bushes, snarling at him. And as one, they charged. Ice blue tracers from Michael's rifle cut one down, and wounded a second and third. He dove and rolled away from the survinging attackers. Michael switched the rifle to a sword, and stood in the middle of a Beowulf kill zone.

Smiling at her explosion, Air cleaned off her blades. She had taken down two Beowolves after two girls had run away from their own mess. Suddenly, the surviving members of the pack ran from her. "Oh come on!" She said, then heard gunfire. "Sounds like someone needs help!" She said, hooking herself to some of the tree branches and flinging herself forward from tree to tree. Finally meeting up with the Beowolves, Air found a boy right in the middle. "Typical." She said, then flung herself forward into the air, did one front flip, then landed just behind him. "Hello there." She said. You could hear the smile in her voice. "Lovely mess we are in." She said, crossing her twin blades in front of her. "I got this half, you get them?"

Michael was locked in a stare down with one when he heard the landing beside him. Instinctively, he turned to attack, but realized it was a girl, not a hostile. "Oh, everything's just peachy," he said, turning back to his aggressors. Then the monsters charged, on his side, Michael dropped, and as a Beowulf lunged at him, he takes his sword down its underside. Rolling quickly to get up, the other almost bit him, but a well placed elbow deflected the attack upwards. Switching the grip on his sword, Michael backhanded it across the monsters throat, decapitating the beast.

Smiling at the boy's comment, Air waited for the Beowolves to attack. They circled her for a second, then two of the four in front of her pounced forward. Air scanned the area around her, then jumped in the air. Quickly, she turned her blades around, placing them against her arms to use her hand guns. She quickly fired, aiming for the heads of the beasts. One was hit in the eye, but the other shot had missed the second beowolf, which had now jumped up after her. Air smiled as she caught a branch of a tree with one of her hooks. Behind her, a beowolf waited for her to fall. Smiling. She placed one blade against her left arm, allowing herself to have one gun and one blade. She shot another fire, paralyzing the second beowolf's leg. While it was down, Air used some Dust to allow her to move faster. She pulled both of her blades together and crossed them. When she met the beast, it tried to pounce on her, but instead, she placed a scissor cut on its lower stomach. "Nice work," he said, after seeing her finish the last one.

Michael clicked the sword back into a rifle and reloaded it, scanning around for more threats. Finding none, he lowered it and said, "I'm Michael," he said to her.

Air smiled, quickly removing herself from the underbelly of the beast before it collapsed to the ground. "Hello Michael." She said, placing her blades in the X carrier on her back. She held out her hand. "I'm Air." She said, "So this makes us partners then yeah?"

He gave her hand a light squeeze, "guess so, Air." he said, looking North as he returned his hand to his rifle. "We should get moving."

Air smiled. "Yeah... Do you know where the temple may be?" She asked. Just then, a giant feather of a bird landed not far from them. Air looked up and saw something red and white attached to the big. "Well. Looks like I'm not the only crazy one here." She said, laughing. "I think we should follow that bird. They might be able to see the temple from up there and are heading toward it." She said, as she watched the red spot start to fall. "We should hurry too, cause that may have just proved my theory."

"Ozpin said it was North. I have a compass, if we need," he said. Michael looked up and saw the Nevermore, "that's a big one... Isn't that the girl who exploded?" he asked, before looking at air. "Lets go." he said, before starting to run North.

Air laughed a little and followed Michael. "That girl gets in a lot of trouble doesn't she?!" She questioned. As they ran, a few more feathers fell in front of them. "Well this makes things more difficult." Air looked up again. "Well, the girl in white just dropped." She said. "That bird seems ticked." Air ran beside Michael then. "Race ya!" She said, using some Dust to enhance her speed.

Michael chuckled, keeping his head on a swivel as he ran. "It's a big Nevermore, fighting it will be fun," he said deadpan. Michael was slightly behind her. He could have ran faster, but was both conserving his energy and keeping his heart rate down in case they had to move into a combat situation.

Air looked behind her and smiled, "Oh yay! I have a fighter as a partner!" She Stopped for a second as another feather fell in front of her. She looked up at the sky, "I don't think we will be the ones fighting it. But I am sure there are other vicious creatures in this forest." Air stated, jumping up and over the feather. "We might get surprise!" "Because there's a thousand things trying to kill us out here." he replied.

He dodged over and around the feathers as he saw the bird fly off. He saw another flying sight... That blonde boy who threw up on the flight in. He wasn't aware that this was a flight school, too. By the time they got there, the temple was empty of people. "Grab a piece," he told her. "I'll cover you." Michael dropped to a knee and looked over the forest.

Air quickly grabbed a piece, not really paying attention to what it exactly was. She smiled at Micheal, "All good!" She said handing it to him. "So, where do we go now?" She asked, not really remembering since she was one of the first one to get shot out. She looked around, then heard a loud crashing noise. "Was that a tree falling?" She asked.

"Likely," he said, seeing a trail of destruction through the woods. He wasn't going to follow that path. He saw two specks of movement at the tree line, human figures. He lowered the rifle and said, "we've got company."
Mmhm. No problem. 
Kaia, I need your help. We need the Mad King in this somehow... And maybe Edgar.
Hm… I'm not sure…

I'm totally gonna start trying to add references into my posts, since I haven't yet X3 
I think, for Edgar and the Mad King, we should just slip it in somewhere… But where?
I'm doing that too.

What if we make it an actual thing? I got it... It'll be hilarious.
Meh, can't be any longer than the first co post I ever did. 
Since the last post in the co post was Hyydras, Spade should go ahead and post.
I'll drop a one liner or a pun every time I can... So basically I'm a male version of Barbra...

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