[Rushing Toward a New Age] Scheduling: Designing the Weft

I am going to be out and about for most of tomorrow with my parentals, so I'm sadly going to be MIA. If folks in the Isle scene will be available at all during the week, let me know and we can work something out.
My deepest apologies, guys, but a friend in a rather large bind just called and I need to ramble. I may be on later today, but I can't say when. Very sorry. :/
RL seems to be messing with all of us. I... could possibly be losing my home, and did lose internet, not sure if I'll have it back by this Sunday. Posting this from my mom's iPhone ._. I'll update you all as soon as I know more.
Thanks for the support, and sorry I was late Sunday. I rigged a makeshift wireless-theft device out of a PS3, two ethernet cables, an old hub, and a USB dongle. I wish I were kidding.
I was trying a few different methods at the same time, and suddenly they worked when I tried them together, even though they don't separately. I think the dongle lets the computer "see" the wireless network, even though it doesn't pick it up well at all, then it connects through the hub, through the PS3 (which gets the wireless network MUCH better), and out to the internet. It WON'T do it that way if I just connect the PS3 to the computer without the hub in between them (or if I use a router instead of a hub). I mean, seriously, computers, what the crap?

I expect my internet turned back on Thursday or Friday, so I should be present Sunday... once. Finally got a new job, but it's going to have me busy Sundays after the 23rd. I'll see whether I can play before leaving for work, but it's likely we'll need to find a day in the middle of the week... I hate moving the day when we finally have a day everyone can reliably appear, but it seems we might not have a choice.

I'd be pickier about my job schedule, but I sorta need it to save my house, got to make up for income lost by other family members (investment service closed and took all the money, it's a huge deal around here, over a thousand people had their investments stolen, more than four million dollars unaccounted for) to the tune of around $1,200 US monthly... so I'll let you know what's going on as soon as I know how much mandatory overtime the job has. I'm scheduled Fri-Mon nights, probably working overtime Tues, and they said "and if you get two overtime days in a week your other OT day will be Wed", which terrifies me a bit at the thought of working six ten-hour shifts in a row.... but dat paycheck.
So, what does that mean for the game? Can the Isle group continue without Raven? And does our great and awesome ST-team have anything in store for the guys back in Harborhead?
We haven't had much forward motion recently, have we? I'll be honest, I'm not intentionally starting anything in Harborhead. I will respond to things players want to happen there, but otherwise I'm ready for the conversion of Harborhead into a literate free nation to proceed without the need for the players. Obviously the characters will be doing things, handling problems, making decisions - but it's not necessary to play it all it out. The raid is, I think, the only thing stopping us from skipping to the end of Harborhead's initial reformation. (Surely the entire nation won't magically transform in a year, but the seeds of change will be planted and the Exalted won't need to be present to oversee every step after that point.) Then we can move on to Thorns making itself enough of a threat to merit immediate attention.
That was what I figured. It just means that about half of us have nothing to do before the Raid is resolved, which kinda sucks for us :(
is it half? I thought it was... everyone but Karrilah and Jerias, actually. Maybe one more, since I can't actually remember the group right now.

On the good news side of things, I heard back from two other applications, one is interested in an interview, one wants me to take a tour of their facility with the promise of an interview after the tour. One is definitely preferable to the Amazon job, while the other might be. So it's less likely I'll have to drop the Sunday games.
In Harborhead: Karrilah, Jerias, Wanderer, Zhou

In the Realm: Blaze, Raven, Hanif, Ice

Half the group.
In case some people check here, I'd just like to say that currently Foolish (Zhou), CommisarK (Ice), Random_Dood (Wandered) and I (Karrilah) are idling in the IRC channel.
So, some time has passed since we last talked about game day, how would moving the session to Saturdays work for people now?
Damn. Well, in any case I can't make next week. But with Harborhead on hold, that's not likely to matter much.

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