[Rushing Toward a New Age] Scheduling: Designing the Weft

I (Meliah) have something to do tomorrow evening at 7:00 EST, but otherwise most of my evenings are open.

*Sigh* most of my mornings, your evenings, are tied up with meetings after meetings...I could only reply to PbP during those little breaks I had.

But i think the next few days should be fine for me. I probably try to get in around 8-9am your time later... It would best you could PM me or announce the appointment here.

EDIT: 8-9pm your time. : )
I'll be busy... probably both Thursday and Saturday. I figure we won't manage to get QSF/Hanif and coyotekin/Jerias both on Wednesday night (Thursday morning for Wuming), it'd be cool if we can arrange to play with that group Friday night (Saturday morning for Wuming) and then with any luck we can play with Karrilah, Hoisen, Meliah, Myst, and any others from the camp group that want to be there Sunday afternoon (since it doesn't have to be evening/night for that group). If we can meet in the early afternoon, Thursday would work for me for the camp group, though.

That's Karrilah/Hoisen/Meliah/Myst/maybe Blaze in group one, hopefully either early Thursday afternoon or Sunday afternoon/evening.

Jerias/Hanif/Sun Wu in group two, hopefully Friday evening/night. (Saturday morning for Wuming).

If Szaiza and/or Vale are interested in getting in either group, they'd fit in either (since they've never stated which group they were moving with). Szaiya's backstory implies she'd fit better in group two.

What does everyone think?
That will be great. I will be available from (6am!!!) 7pm till 12am your time. Unless my afternoon meeting is canceled...well I can do it the WHOLE Day! : )
Thursday I have my IRL group, we usually finish around 23 CET (5 pm EST). Sunday I will be travelling home from my mother's, not sure when I'll be back at the comp. But there's Internet in the trains nowadays, so we should be able to figure something out. But I may be kinda flaky.
I forgot about my sister's graduation party (they mentioned the date once like three months ago and didn't say anything since ._.) on Friday, I'll probably get home from that between 7 and 9 pm EST.

EDIT: .....ALSO, I'll be my cousins' birthday party Thursday likely. I guaranteed that stuff would be happening by trying to schedule something.
Okay, this has gotten ridiculous.

We absolutely need a time when all of us play together. I don't even know who is in the game or not anymore! We need it to advance the plot together, and finally conquer all of Harborhead, or whatever it is we are doing.

We also need to cut down on the amount of side-sessions: we've clearly devolved into a few groups that aren't interacting with each other anymore. This is sad! I want to play with everyone and see what their characters are like.

Damn, waiting so long for today to play LIVE but fate just deny me.

The internet is down the whole morning, 3G is not serviceable until half hour ago. :(

Now i could post, but cant go teamspeak...

Sorry guys at teamspeak.

I have been falling behind the live game. I really want to play but due work constraint and time zone challenge, I couldnt be in all the games.: (

You may roleplay my character if he is essential to any part of the story. I am ok with it. I dont want to drag others game down.
Myst - you talked a lot about getting together with other players but didn't say anything about when :P Wuming, don't worry, my party ended up going on much longer than expected. I wasn't able to be present for the scene I'd hoped to run today anyway. We'll try again.

As far as side-sessions go, I expect it to cool down later when everyone knows everyone better and there's less that needs to be said outside the story sessions. A lot of the time, it's just helping get everyone on the same track, since there are so many of us. About little groups, though... it looks like we're soon to be split three ways. Myst and Meliah are Heaven-bound, Jerias and Hanif (and probably Sun Wu) are scouting ahead, Karrilah and Hoisen (and everyone that doesn't join one of the other groups) are with the giant contingent of loyal followers. I believe when the "main" group arrives at Tiraktou, the scout group intends to move on to Kirighast, so we'll stay split three ways. This way, we won't need everyone on at once to play. Breaking the groups up by available play times seems like it should greatly increase the rate we get through the story, although making sure they meet up often enough that players that would like to play with different groups can do so remains important. I believe Myst and Jerias haven't even met, although I think they'd have plenty to say to one another - their Motivations are rather in sync.
Myst - you talked a lot about getting together with other players but didn't say anything about when :P Wuming, don't worry, my party ended up going on much longer than expected.

EDIT: Honestly, the side sessions are interesting to read. I personally enjoyed them. : )
Oh yeah, also on the topic of the side-scenes: I mostly intend to let the currently in-focus players set the pacing. As it's their part of the story, they can move the game forward at the rate they're good with, within certain bounds. I'll kick it in the butt if it gets too slow, or put the brakes on if it gets too fast (which is a bit more likely right now :P ), but otherwise, whoever's holding the attention ball can run at whatever pace they like. But Karrilah and Hoisen will need to hand those off after Kirighast, and the people that catch them can adjust. I'm guessing things will slow down quite a bit while Sun Wu is carrying the story, since Wuming simply can't be on as often as some of us. I'm working on getting the easiest and most straightforward Motivations out of the way first, things like conquering a country (as long as it isn't the Realm!) or finding a person (*looks at snake*) so we can get to the good stuff. Once the easy stuff is out of the way, I don't expect the players to often move as a big happy family. Groups will form and break and reform with different members and different purposes, and I'm fine with that. It'll be a lot easier to give each person the spotlight when they're not all working on the same thing at the same time. Myst can run with Jerias a while, Sun Wu can meet up with his fellow Dawn Karrilah, Hoisen can go irritating some Unshaped with Hanif, w/e ^_^
I would love to meet the legendary Karrilah, heard some much about her while traveling to Harborhead. I wonder when is a possible time? My Sunday morning (tomorrow) around 7-8am (Gatherer's 8-9pm) should be fine. Let me know. : )
That would be 2-3 am Saturday night my time, I'm not sure that's a good time to start a scene. But maybe. I have a messed up sleep "pattern" ;)

On weekdays, I'm usually home at 19 CET (1 pm EST, 12 am ICT) which I guess is too late if you get up at 7 am.

Finding a time that works for two people on opposite sides of the globe is hard enough, finding time for three people separated by around 6 hours each is near impossible. At least we don't have anyone from Hawaii or something ;)
Esbilon said:
That would be 2-3 am Saturday night my time, I'm not sure that's a good time to start a scene. But maybe. I have a messed up sleep "pattern" ;)
On weekdays, I'm usually home at 19 CET (1 pm EST, 12 am ICT) which I guess is too late if you get up at 7 am.

Finding a time that works for two people on opposite sides of the globe is hard enough, finding time for three people separated by around 6 hours each is near impossible. At least we don't have anyone from Hawaii or something ;)
I guess I will catch whenever I can with you at midnight, 12am. I normally stay up late. But it seems we could never get our ST involved unless someone lose some sleep. I am ok have my sleep pattern interrupted as long as we can confirmed on the right time. Please let me know. I can make arrangement. Let's see if I have any luck tonight
As long as I know ahead of time, I don't mind adjusting my sleep either. One of the few benefits of remaining jobless :P
Just had a short session with Karrilah. Now I have to catch Hanif and Jaris for a game. : )
Well, how about sometime on Saturdays? That seems when most people might have a flexible schedule. I'm going to say tentatively 2pm EST?
Jax's game that I'm in is on Saturdays most weeks. And the weeks it isn't is because there's something else taking people's time.
As Dragonmystic is talking about getting a chance to talk to people besides Karrilah and Hoisen over and over, though, Saturday might work fine for that purpose ^_^ As Esbilon and Jax are the only two players he's not looking for a chance to meet.
Jax says he can move his Saturday game, so we can schedule this one for Saturday, right?

I don't want to be a stickler about this, but I'm going to have to be: we're having little to no story progression because we don't have a time when everyone gets together, and things are starting to devolve into chatting and...politics. (shudders)

And I know that with our wildly differing time zones, not everybody is probably going to be able to make it. But I'm going to ask you one question: how is that different from what's going on already?
The reason for no story progression since Friday is because I missed a scene I needed to be present for. The chat that four of you were in Friday was story-important even without me - it set the course for the rest of the story to follow. Now we have three groups, each with distinct goals and plans to accomplish those goals. When I meet with QSF and coyote, we'll be ready to move forward again - Karrilah, Hoisen, and probably Blaze on to Tiraktou to assimilate or overcome the resistance there; Jerias, Hanif, and probably Sun Wu on to Kirighast to begin scouting the final target; Myst and Meliah to locate a Yu-shan Gate and/or attempt to secure an invitation to Heaven, or at least a way past the Lions.
Clearer. Eh.. Jerias, Hanif: please let me know when...: ) (and if I screw up! take Sun Wu and use him...Just dont get him killed. )

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