[Rushing Toward a New Age] Scheduling: Designing the Weft

Sorry, life got a little busy the past few days. And Saturday would be a no-go for me. I have a Pathfinder game I run, face-to-face no less, on that day.
that's where I was this Saturday as well, and probably will be in the foreseeable future, provided this attempt to patch things up with my friends works ^_^
I've been toying with setting up a single time for everyone to meet again since Dragonmystic brought it up before, and a few other players have put in more work than I have finding a time we can all meet together. I've got two times I'm looking at now, though as always I'm open to suggestions. Early Saturdays, starting between 11 am to 2 pm EST, ending no later than 6 pm EST. A few players would need to juggle an existing game for that time, though, and I think it doesn't fit Wuming at all (although I'm a little lost on his schedule again). So I poked around this thread and found a lot of players originally indicated that Friday afternoons would work for them as well, so I'm also looking at Fridays, starting sometime between 1 and 5 pm and ending whenever we feel like :P

If we can't get everyone together into a time, I'm not opposed to setting up two different times during the week as well, to run different groups together. Let me know if either/both/neither of the above times work for you, and if there's a time that works better you think others might be good with.
The saturday works for me, but I'm not sure if I could manage the Friday one all the time. It would be an on and off proposition if we did do Friday.
Saturday clashes with my game, but we're working on if/how it can be moved. I'll get back to that point later ;-)

Friday works for me, and my preferred time frame would be something like 1 pm - 10 pm EST.
Looks like everyone's good for Saturdays, then. Snake, you mentioned mornings weren't good for you, what's the earliest you could reliably be on Saturdays?

I think this Saturday coming up will be perfect for everyone meeting up so the advance team can report in and decisions can be made and team members can be moved around. Look out, the plot's threatening to move forward :P
Mornings are excellent for any day... Except Saturday. On saturdays the earliest I can be around is 4:00 pm Central Time
Sunday work for everyone else? It'll be hard on me, but I'll manage if it mean I can get all six players together at the same time.
woo, that's everyone by my count. Should we maybe set times? I can start earlier than any of you (withe possibly exception of Gatherer on prime numbered days. I have no idea how your pattern is.), but I would prefer to end not much later than 7 pm EST (1 am CET).
to make room for combat or something in our scenes, if we're ending by 7 pm, probably need to get started by no later than 2 pm, preferably a little earlier. Why don't we say we'll start at 2pm, and if everyone shows up earlier, we can start earlier?
EST is going to be the default timezone for this game.

Because I say so.

(Actually, no, it's because that's where the majority of the players, and more importantly the GM, reside.)

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