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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


Listening to everyone argue seemed to make the headache from yesterday rear it's ugly head prompting Sehema to groan and run her temples. There were those who thought Hayley was suspicious, herself being one of those people but something about it seemed too easy. Poor Tsukimo was trying to see if the lock of hair belonged to Hayley whilst Sora believed that the hair might have been tugged out. "That would be too tedious of a task..." She ended up mumbling to herself as the debates continued. Once they decided to wait for Hayley's testimony, Sehema looked up at Kyou's blueprints and nodded as if she approved. "She's right. There are footprints leading from the garage to the lodge that suggest that not everyone had been knocked out by the gas. I found them as well when I was investigating the gas zone area." 


This lead to another question. Who wasn't at the gas zone when the gas was deployed? Sehema decided that it would probably be best to ask the question after Hayley's testimonial and a few others. She fell silent and crossed her arms as she glanced over at the talented pianist and waiting for her responses to the growing suspicions. 

Hayley Kiyoko

"Yes of course you could look at my hair." one thing bothered Hayley was that her knife that was in her skirt pocket was gone. Also how did someone get it while she was awake.... 

"I got it."

"Okay so this make me more suspicious but I think the Knife that stabbed Yorokobi was the knife I had for self-defense and I had it on me at all times so I think the murder happened while we were all asleep because how would they get my knife with me awake."

Keiji Sore


Keiji shrugged his shoulders when Sehema asked him to tell the last time he talked to Yorokobi. Not much actually.


"Well, I was with Sachi,trying to calm her down when Yorokobi joined. I don't think I technically talked to her actually."


New Truth Bullet:Keiji's account


He seems slightly curious in Kiyoko's reply. Missing knife... Was it stolen or did she lose it on purpose. But one thing is for sure.


"I think I know why the wrench was needed. You see we were all knocked out...well most of us. But..uh....we won't be asleep forever. Probably a few minutes or so. The killer couldn't wait for the victim to die of blood loss because a number of people were already close to Yorokobi. We could still revived her and she would tell us who tried killing her.That's why the wrench was needed. To quicken her death."


"That might also be the reason why Kiyoko's knife was lost. You could see what happened. But I think the killer was fairly close to Yorokobi,to be honest."


Special Skill:Deduction
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Tsukimo thinks on that.

"Hmm... could that be the reason? The killer could have simply stabbed the jugular or the femoral artery if that were the case. Nothing could have saved Yorokobi at that point. However... as for the sleep time... the frenzied knife stabs suggest they may have been afraid of being caught, although the use of the wrench contradicts that. However, there is some important time-placement evidence. I left as soon as the morning announcement was made. I then passed out from the gas, woke up, and was in the kitchen almost immediately after. The time seems to make it impossible to have killed before or after. The total time it took was maybe a minute. A kill of this magnitude could not have occurred during the waking moments. As such, it seems safe to say... that this killing definitely took place during sleep time!"

Special Skill: Induction

Keiji Sore


Keiji nods his head. It most definitely happened when everyone was sleeping. But sleepy time sounds a bit silly to be honest. Keiji manages to hide his smirk.


So,it couldn't be a passion crime because the wrench contradicts that. Then,it wasn't...


"The killer could have simply stabbed the jugular or femoral artery"


"I've run out of Math puns."




" There is a reason why the killer would want to do so. To make us think that Kiyoko did it."


"The killer wanted us to all think that Kiyoko did it so the killer 'borrowed' Kiyoko's knife to do the murder. The knife was obvious so that Kiyoko would be suspected. That's why it was left as well. But in fact, a wrench killed her.Of course, Kiyoko might be the murderer and tried to make it too obvious that she is the killer so that we wouldn't consider she did it."

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[SIZE= 14px]((Stab Wounds)) >[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"But in fact, a wrench killed her."[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Not to be negative, but..."[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Refutation[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"That isn't relevant," Tsukimo said to Keiji. "That didn't answer the question. Either way, the knife WAS used. That doesn't at all answer why the wrench was used. Whether or not the wrench was the fatal blow isn't exactly in question here. You said the wrench was for a quick, fatal blow to stop us from catching the culprit in the act, but a stab to the jugular or femoral artery would have accomplished the same thing. Furthermore, if Hayley was being framed, the murderer WOULD have used the knife. None of that explains why the killer would use the wrench."[/SIZE]

Keiji Sore


Well, Tsukimo was right. It dtill doesn't quite answer the question. Why would the killer used a wrench? That seems to be the most important qursion right now. Keiji crosses his arms.


The gas knocked out everyone outside,that is true. And the knife was in Yorokobi's chest. Maybe, if you add them together...What if...


" How about the killer made a mistake? The knife is in Yorokobi's chest. What if the killer was trying to stab Yorokobi's heart but failed? The knife seems to be deep within Yorokobi's chest which makes it difficult to pull out."


" We also know that the gas affects people outside....Actually, "


Keiji realises something.


"What was that gas anyway? I don't think sleeping gas is easily available here.:


Hayley Kiyoko

(taking a shot in the dark here)

Hayley stood there listening to Keiji and the kid go at it and try to figure out the murder weapon and then it hit her.


"I don't think the murder had the knife I think Yorokobi had it as self-defense because she could have been the only one to see that I had the knife and I think the murderer had the pipe wrench and when Yorokobi got my knife the murder hit her and turned the knife on her."

Hayley was somewhat sure of her own claim.
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Keiji Sore


Stabbed first>>"the muderer hit her and turned the knife on her."


"Your calculations are flawed!"




"I'm sorry to remind you but Sora specifically said that Yorokobi was stabbed first before being whacked on the head. Knife first then wrench."


"But that does raise an interesting point. If Yorokobi knew about the knife, that means she specifically took it off you when you were sleeping. Then why was she in the kitchen,then? Was she really the only one who knew about Kiyoko's knife."


Keiji wondered. He looks down to his shoes in a frustrated state of mind. There still is something wrong with all this.
Sora stood listening to all the things being said between mostly Keiji and Tsukimo until he noticed something about Keiji's deduction.

" What if the killer was trying to stab Yorokobi's heart but failed?"


"You have a point, I dont think that's exactly correct..."


"If you were going to stab someone in the heart you'd focus most of your effort in that area, but her wounds were all over her chest. But I do agree with the fact that the knife was pretty deep in there. I feel as if the wrench was a last ditch effort by the killer and with the knife being stuck like that it makes since that the wrench is the only thing that's clean if they wanted to hurry. But with what Hayley said...its almost if it seems that Yorokobi was the one awake durring the gas incident, but if she was wouldn't that mean she's the inital attacker and got over powered?"
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Keiji Sore


Keiji nodded his head. What Sora said is definitely within the realm of possibility. But there seems to be something off about that but he can't put his finger on it. Maybe, it would be a good idea to review everything they know.


" So let me get this straight, Yorokobi was making breakfast in the morning when all of this happened."


"Then, gas was released outside and everyone there was knocked out. Yorokobi took a knife off of Kiyoko when that happened. We don't know why she did it. Also,based on the Kyou's drawing, Kiyoko was in the kitchen."


"Unbeknowst...Unbenowst....Screw it. The attacker seemed to not be knocked out by gas and used Yorokobi's knife on her. It was probably an act of confusion as the killer didn't quite kill the victim with the knife."


"Now, there seemed to be not much time left as the killer ran to the garage to grab a weapon.... a wrench."


"Now is there anything wrong with what I said?"



"actually..." sachi started, smiling playfully. "it's 'unbeknownst'." of course, it didn't actually matter, but it made for a nice non-sequitur. after, her face straightened out, giving keiji an actually serious look. "so... the assumption is that the killer ran all the way to the garage to get a different weapon, came all the way back to yokorobi, and then ran all the way back to the garage to clean the weapon. no?" her gaze narrowed before her eyes closed, contemplatively. "it would be one thing to run all the way to the garage in the first place, but why would someone bother to run to clean the wrench when knife was already sticking out of her chest?" she opened her eyes again, looking at him expectantly.


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1 hour ago, rusticyawn said:



"actually..." sachi started, smiling playfully. "it's 'unbeknownst'." of course, it didn't actually matter, but it made for a nice non-sequitur. after, her face straightened out, giving keiji an actually serious look. "so... the assumption is that the killer ran all the way to the garage to get a different weapon, came all the way back to yokorobi, and then ran all the way back to the garage to clean the weapon. no?" her gaze narrowed before her eyes closed, contemplatively. "it would be one thing to run all the way to the garage in the first place, but why would someone bother to run to clean the wrench when knife was already sticking out of her chest?" she opened her eyes again, looking at him expectantly.



Tsukimo nodded. "Mm.. yes, the knife was clearly used, but the wrench was hidden. Why? What about the wrench is so crucial to this case? There's something we're missing. If the attacker just wanted to cover their tracks, they would have cleaned the knife and hidden it as well. However, they only did this to the wrench. Why is that? What about the wrench was so important?

What if... what if the wrench had more than just blood on it? Maybe it got something else on it? That's why they had to wash it off..."

Keiji Sore


"the killer ran all the way to the garage to grab another weapon."


"No, sorry, I think I need to subtract from your argument."




" That seems a bit tedious. I have to admit though, you are still sharp since last time. I did not realise that until you pointed that out. But no, how about the killer already being the garage when the gas was released?"


"That would mean less trips hence a shorter time...That...well..umm....also mean that the killer was planning to kill in advance actually. Actually,if you think about it, it seems that Yorokobi never intended to kill in the first place."


" Look, she made breakfast in the kitchen. I don't think that the killer had time to make beef stew. Also, the fact that she was found in the kitchen with Kiyoko meshes well with that theory. She probably took the closest weapon she could find which was on Kiyoko to defend herself as she must have knoen that something was wrong."


"The knife was probably used to make us think Kiyoko did it. The wrench was to hasten her death." he seems to be continuing his explanation to Sachi but really , he was addressing Tsukimo.



(Knife) >> "[SIZE= 14px]The wrench was to hasten her death"[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Man, you seem to have bonded with that theory"[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Refutation.[/SIZE]

Tsukimo sighed. "B-but that still doesn't make sense. Back to what I was saying earlier, t-the killer could have just cut the jugular or femoral artery. Just to l-list a few examples. That would h-have pinned it equally a-as much on Hayley as u-using a wrench. I-it doesn't m-make sense to say that's the motive. The k-knife would have been used either way."

Tsukimo looked down and spoke aloud to himself. "No theory with the wrench hitting last makes sense. Could it be possible that the autopsy is false? That she lied?"
"False autopsy? What reason would I have to lie?" Sora scoffed and rolled his eyes. That was completely absurd, the thought of him lying about something so serious almost pissed him off. "I barely talked to the girl and I want whoever killed to be found as much as everone else. We don't know why the she was hit first or if the killer was even thinking about the main arteries in the first place. It was a hastily done murder in the first place"
"Hmm... if Sora was the murderer, she'd throw us off like that. We've spent so much time discussing this wrench, we've made very little progress. Exactly what a murderer would want... however, I have no reason to truly doubt her. Not yet. Time will tell." Tsukimo looked up at Monokuma.

"Hey, Monokuma! I don't suppose you'd like to give us a hint? After all, we've just been running in circles for so long. It must be horribly boring."


Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou returned to her quiet state, until Keiji started to resume the murder from start to finish based on their acquired evidence, she almost instantaneously knew he was wrong, but she awaited an entrance for her words, when Tsumiki went to ask Monokuma for a hint, she quickly jumped in once again.

((Set of Footsteps)) >> "The killer ran to the Garage to grab a weapon"


"Unfortunately for you, that is incorrect!"


The architect said out loud, pointing her finger at Keiji, "If I'm not mistaken, there was a Set of Footsteps leading from the Garage and towards the Lodge, not from the lodge and towards the garage, so I think it's safe to assume that the attacker woke up in the Garage for now."  She proclaimed, agreeing with Tsumiko's words as she continued to keep her poker face.

Keiji Sore


"Weren't you paying attention,Kyou? That's exactly what I corrected."


Keiji was a bit annoyed by that. But hey,people make mistakes sometimes. He sighed.


"No theory with the wrench hitting last makes sense. Could it be possible the autopsy is false. That she lied."


"Well, first of all, Sora is a he?"




"Also, there's not much reason to believe that Sora did it actually. Even you said it. Nothing really places him at the scene of the crime."


"But maybe it would be better if Sora writes down exactly what he saw to make it clear."


Keiji brings out a pocket book and pen. He gives both of them to Sora.




"Phuhuhu, a hint? Well that doesn't seem fair at all! But I guess I can clarify one thing, the will was NOT forged, it was Yorokobi's last will. So silly to think that a WILL was forged!"

The bear was being awfully unhelpful but atleast it cleared up some un-necessary hassle.



Tsukimo smiled. "Thank you, Monokuma!" That was largely unhelpful, but it might get Keiji to quiet down about everything being framed. "Now, then, a question remains: why did Yokorobi know she was going to die?" Tsukimo began thinking to himself.
Tsukimo frowned. "There's the POTENTIAL we're all going to die, but the way she wrote the note implies she was fairly certain she would. Very soon after writing that note, too."
"Did you read her note? It said she was ill with cancer, there was a chance she could die even without the game taking place." Sora said looking at the child and taking the paper from Keiji.

"And is it really nessary that I really have to write the what I found in the autopsy? Its kind of redundant when I already told you what I said."
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