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Keiji Sore


"Hey, you'll never know. Even the tiniest detail might help with this case. But I admit that I forgot about the fact she had cancer. Thanks for reminding me. It's just that I'm not used to investigating homicides."


"So, we know that the will was real. " he continued."So,Kiyoko, did you write another note for Yorokobi? We still haven't clarified that in the trial."
//Hayleys hair is not cut btw//
Tsukimo sighed as he searched over Hayley's hair multiple times, until finally he decided it wasn't cut. "Well then, there goes my theory. It was such a good one, too. Hm... I wonder if..." Tsukimo thinks back to his investigation of the corpse. He tries to remember if he spotted uneven hair on Yokorobi's corpse.




Yorokobi has a lock of uneven hair at the back of her head! Maybe this is why she was found with her hair put down...strange but very clever! 

Truth Bullets can also be obtained during the trial if new points or discoveries are brought up, this can be trial-changing and could possibly lead to the killer.
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Tsukimo thought for awhile on Yorokobi's corpse before catching his breath as he remembered something vital.

"It seems I neglected a vital factor!"


"I, um..." Tsukimo rubbed his head. Honestly, he was somewhat embarrassed that he'd forgotten. He had, at the time, presumed that the hair was uneven from the indent. However, as he looked back at it, he remembered. 

"I... I just remembered. A-as I was investigating the v-victim's corpse, I noticed s-she had uneven hair. A-at the time, I presumed the indent was t-the cause of that, but... in retrospect... I think Yorokobi was holding her own hair..."
Sora's hand began to tremble involuntarily as he began to write before his hand abruptly stopped as soon it began. He shook his head and put the paper and pen on the side of the podium. "Im not going to write down everything when I already explained my findings just for some know-it-all little kid." Sora ran a hand through his hair and crossed his arms stubburnly.
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Tsukimo's eyes narrowed. "Why? Why would he refuse to write it down, huh? Perhaps he's the killer, hm? Does he realize that if we suspect him and vote for him, he dies? Wouldn't it be in his best interest to share what it is, lest we vote him to death?"
"You making this some damn witch hunt. I already told you what I found! There is no point in writing it down and im not going to just because you're too stupid to verbally understand the results of an autopsy!" He found himself shouting at the kid, something he rarely ever does in general.
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Tsukimo backed away. "Um... I... uh... um..."

"There is no point in writing it down"


"That's... um... a... that's... it's... w-wrong..."




"A-autopsy reports c-can make you r-remember t-things y-y-you didn't-t. I-it, uh... um... it lets you... uh... um... u-u-use more d-detail." Tsukimo was shaking.
He took in a deep breath and looked back at the paper. He slightly bad about being the reason why Tsukimo was shaking. He didnt mean to raise his voice like that besides doing that just made him look suspicious. He almost never loses his cool like that and took another breath before speaking again.

"Im not going to writing it down....  But i'll explain in detail and Im not repeating this again.

Yorokobi had a wound on the back of head that we can safely assume was made by the pipe wrench.

Yorokobi also had 5 stab wounds all over her chest and they weren't centered in once spot.

It also looks as if she lost more than the 'safe' amount of blood through her wounds.

She more than likely became unconscious due to blood loss.

Her stab wounds were older than her head wound which leads to believing that she was stabbed first.

And depending on how hard she was hit on the head it may have been enough to cause blunt force trama to her head. 

 Is that more detail for you?"
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Tsukimo nodded a bit, and was still shaking slightly. "W-w-why were you s-so adverse to w-writing?"

((Sorry for the short post, not much I can add.))

Keiji Sore


" Strange." Keiji said out loud. He puts his hand on his chin as he tries to form the puzzle pieces together. He sighs in frustration.


He extends his right hand to Sora. "Can I at least have my note book back?"
(Its alright, kinda my fault XD)

Sora let out a nervous chuckle and scratches the back of his neck. He didnt really have the best answer for that. "...I..uh...I didnt mean to yell like that but I also wasnt trying to be accused by some ch-...one younger than me because Im trying to spare everyone my crappy handwriting. Sorry I lost my composer..." He sighs and hands the paper back to Keiji.
3 minutes ago, CreativelyPerfect said:

Im trying to spare everyone my crappy handwriting



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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


Sehema gave Sora a firm stare. "Is exposing your handwriting really worth making yourself seem suspicious? Besides I have another clue that we could possibly use." She reached into her shirt to pull a folded piece of paper. She unfolded it and turned it to the others revealing the footprint that she traced from the snow. "I figured using this as a guide could help us find out who was still up when the gas knocked the rest of us out. So I wouldn't worry about a measly paper with chicken scratch on it." She still held on to it close and waved it in front of everyone looking around for their reactions. 


((I'm trying to contribute! I promise! D:))

Keiji Sore


Well, the writing is practically scribbles, Keiji observed. Sure, you can attribute that to trauma but that's highly uncharacteristic of Sora. He's the guy who just handled a corpse without a protest. Why would he experience trauma now?


Keiji was clearly interested by Sehema's paper but he was also interested in the fact that the hair was Yorokobi's hair. There goes the theory that Kiyoko was being framed. So, question is whether she cut her hair herself or the murderer did it. He tries to remember if there was hair in the food Yorokobi made.


" So, everyone show you shoes then?"
Tsukimo nodded and took off his shoes and walked over to Sehema. He held his shoes up to the paper. There was a very noticeable size difference.

Keiji Sore


Keiji took off his left sneaker and passed it to Sora who was on his left. Besides Sora was Sehema.


He smiled at Sora.
"I wasn't trying to make myself seem suspicious...." His voice trailed off and stared at the floor and continued staring at the floor once Sehema mentioned that she had drawn footprints. He made no attempt to reach for his shoes at all and wordlessly passed Keiji's shoe to Sehema. He kept his eyes adverted to the ground.

Hayley Kiyoko

SHSL Pianist

Hayley walked up to Sehema and took off her left shoe and put it up close to the paper and her shoes were small and slim so it was not a match. "Um.. Sora? are you going to give your shoe to Sehema?" Hayley had a now suspition to Sora.

Keiji Sore


Keiji scrutinised Sora from top to bottom. Although social interactions weren't his strong point, he knows Sora was hiding something. His eyes widen at a realisation. Maybe.....


"You know, Sora was one of the first people to have found the body. So far, his autopsy makes little sense when you think about it. Yorokobi was the only person who knew about Kiyoko's knife... Then why would the killer use the knife if Yorokobi was using it in the first place?"


"Sora....would you care to explain?"

sachi was snickering to herself somewhat sardonically at the display of sora yelling at tsukimo, but it was only a few moments before she suddenly stopped herself, a very brief flash of surprise flitting her features before she returned to form. which, of course, was still a bored-looking slouch onto her podium. not that she was actually bored at this point - it was quite the opposite. when sehema announced the trace of a footprint she had been keeping around, sachi's eyes lit up, and her posture straightened once again. once she took her turn in going up to sehema, she nonchalantly slipped off one of her indoor shoes and hung it next to the copy, her own shoe clearly too small to match it.

"not that anyone's surprised..." she said matter-of-factly, pushing back a lock of her hair before simply moving back to her own podium. of course, she was focused in on sora the whole way back, all too eager to hear his response to the piling questions being directed at him. she said nothing further as she finally returned, but her eyes were staring darts.

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He sighed, Sora had found himself in a ditch and knew there wasn't a way to dig himself out of this one. "Do I want to explain?" He echos, shaking his head with a small chuckle. "First I want to know what part of my autopsy sounds so suspicious. Also before I say or do anything do you guys think I killed her?" He looks up from the floor with a hard look on his face.
"It's... a, -um... it's too early to s-say for sure, b-but... um... you're being v-very suspicious."

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