RP Area

Tsukimo looked up at Kyou. He seemed correct. Though something about that bothered him. "Hmmm," he thought to himself. Of course, once again, it was loud enough for everyone to hear. "It seems, then, that the wrench was most likely used. However, does that mean..."

((Stab Wounds)) >> "Yorokobi's cause of death was most likely blunt force trauma"


"Y-you've... um... y-you've got th-that wrong!"


"I- um..." Tsukimo's stutter and anxiety was back again. It seemed that just calling Kyou out took a lot of his willpower. "I-it might be t-too early to s-say that. Killing in that m-manner takes a lot of force: I don't know th-that there are m-many people here who are capable of doing that with one strike," Tsukimo said. Part way into the sentence, he seemed to revert back to his "talking to himself really loudly" thing. "However, any one of us, aside from me due to my height and stature, could likely hit her hard enough to at least render her unconscious. It's possible that she was hit on the head, and then she was finished off with multiple stab wounds. But, if that were the case... why would the murderer stab so many times? That would indicate a crime of passion, but if they had time to switch weapons, that likely isn't the case. Something still doesn't add up..."

once sachi arrived, she readjusted her outfit at her podium and looked over the other students once again. it'd been a little while since she'd seen some of them, and some of them she hadn't yet really bothered to put a name to a face, so while tsukimo went over the facts of the case, sachi positioned her handbook under her podium and flipped through the names she saw, zoning out for a bit as she tried to memorize them all. once she heard someone else speak up - kyou, she remembered - she tuned back into the proceedings.


"It's possible that she was hit on the head, and then she was finished off with multiple stab wounds..."

"actually..." sachi suddenly speaks up. "if it helps, i think sora mentioned earlier that he thought she was stabbed, first." sachi twirled her hair lackadaisically as she spoke, her gaze otherwise pensive as she looked around to both keiji and sora. her nervous energy actually persisted in her even now in some capacity, but it was easier to drown out now that she was here, her thoughts so focused. that was actually one of the reasons she liked programming so much - it required so much focus, it was hard to worry about anything else going on when she was doing it. maybe if she focused her efforts as thoroughly here as she did when she was working on a project, it would result in a flawless trial? well, she could dream. unfortunately, that's about all she could do at the moment, as she couldn't really think of anything else useful to add. not right now, anyway.

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Tsukimo looked up to hear Sachi before lowering his head. He seemed deep in thought. "The knife was a kitchen knife, that's all but confirmed," he said aloud. There he went again. "That means the crime of passion theory is still possible. However, then one must ask why the wrench was used. It's hard to believe that someone went to the garage to grab it to use in the murder, only to end up using a knife as well. Furthermore, the indent is too hidden to be used to divert attention. One would immediately assume the stab wounds were the fatal blow. If that's the case, it must have been used in some way. However... why? Wait... it's certainly possible... could it be?"
Once Sora had gotten there, he stared in awe of the court room there. Wow, it seems their kidnapper had really thought of everything. Soon it didn't take long for the the trial to get underway and he silently listened to little kid, Tsukimo he recalled, repeat the facts of the investigation. It seems like the kid had it all figured out, but there were several many unknowns of the case.

"Well, it really wasn't an assumption. The wounds on her chest were not as fresh as her head wound, after all with the medical experience I have it's not that hard for me to tell regardless of the fact that fact of being a veterinarian. After all the killer could have thought that if stabbing didn't kill her, hitting her in the head might but she more than likely bled out first."
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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


Hearing Monokuma's summon to the Ski Lift cause Sehema to outwardly curse. "Damn! Thought I had more time..." She gave up her search and went to the ski lift eyeing everyone that was there. From the looks of it, it seemed that she had been one of the last to arrive. It seemed that everyone was quick to gather to get this trial over it. She was one of them. As the ski lift inched closer to the trial grounds, Sehema kept to herself. She barely moved an inch until the class was allowed out of the lift and to their places in the courtroom. 


She listened as Tsukimo summarized the situation and Kyou attest to the pipe wrench being the weapon to be the final blow. It seemed like it wasn't the case however when the one who had spoken to her beforehand, Sachi, mentioned her being stabbed first. They made very good points but Sehema felt like the scenario could have played differently. 


 "The wounds on her chest were not as fresh as her head wound" -> "But wait!"


The tall female spoke up for the first time in the trial. "If that's the case, then why did the killer go through the trouble of cleaning the wrench but leave the bloody knife for us to find? Also something else troubled me about the scene..." The ultimate archer placed her hands to her mouth in a thinking position. "There was a lock of hair in her hand, but the lock seemed too clean. If she had been in a struggle, then the lock would be more uneven wouldn't it?" Sehema fell silent as she waited for anyone to back her train of thought or debate it. 
Tsukimo nodded. "Brown hair... Hayley fits that description. However, so does the victim." Tsukimo looked up to Hayley. "Um... C-could you... Um... Uh.. Show us your h-hair?"

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Keiji was a bit stunned with the class trial room. He nearly fell off his ski lift because h was bot paying attention. They must definitely be sparing no expense.


Keiji listened attentively to the debate. He waitrd for the right moment to join in. Everything seemed right at that point. Then he thought of something.


"If she had been in a struggle...."


"You're right. There was no struggle." 




"I might be ...ummm....wrong but I think the victim was killed when making breakfast. Besides the fact there was....uhhh....no damage at the crime scene, I've found a pot full of stew which has blood in it. You can probably add 2 and 2 together."


He turned to Tsukimo when he asked that question. Keiji,who was standing next to Kiyoko can clearly see Kiyoko's hair being brown. Is Tsukimo colour-blind or something?


"Well....ummm...you can clearly see her hair being brown. B-b-but why are you attacking her so early? My hair is also brown and you can make the case that I forged the letters to get Yorokobi out. I...umm... m-mean not that I did it. I think...uhhmmm... we need to hear her side of the story first."


"It would be a bit unfair." he continued when he turned his head towards Kiyoko. He stared at her. "But let me remind you that if you lie, we would uncover the truth."


"Besides, I think the note on the floor is a bit suspicious. Like why was it on the floor while the second note wasn't?"
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"I- um..." Tsukimo stuttered. He couldn't just let Keiji walk all over him. He knew what he was saying. "S-she... um... Hayley, I mean... she's j-just the prime suspect of the m-murder." He shook his head. "It's t-too early to s-say for sure that it's her, b-but she is the most l-likely as of now. I... um... I just want to s-see if her hair is cut."

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He looked at Tsukimo and looked at him almost incredulous. "So wait you think that Hayley would cut her own hair for Yorokobi to end up having with her? Thats pretty absurd if you think about it. If anything I think while the victim was being stabbed it's possible she could have grabbed the attacker's hair, maybe close to her scalp and then that could explain why it's clean looking."

He then turned his attention to the archer girl. "I do agree that it doesn't make since about the wrench but maybe our attacker got scared and left in a hurry and forgot the knife"
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Tsukimo looked at Yorokobi. "I-it's dangerous t-to make assumptions. Be-besides, th-that second th-theory of yours would p-prove Hayley as the a-attacker. Showing her h-hair then would n-not be a waste. We m-may have no idea w-why the hair was cut... b-but if it was, th-that places her a-at the scene of th-the crime."

"Hmm, but are we positive the hair was even cut? Like you said we shouldn't just assume when our lives are on the line. Its not totally impossible to pull out  some even strands of hair."  He crossed his arms and stared at him.


((Lock of Hair in Hand)) > > "Its not totally impossible to pull out some even strands of hair."


"You've, um... uh... um... y-you've got t-that wrong."


"The... um... t-the..." Tsukimo took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, holding his chin in his hand. Once more, he began talking to himself. "Hair like that... could it really be ripped out? No, that's impossible." Tsukimo frowned. "If it was ripped out, it would definitely be uneven. Hair doesn't simply come out evenly, even if it's close to the scalp. This hair has an edge to it that's highly indicative of being cut. Furthermore, there's something very commonly associated with cutting that could do the job: the knife. The knife which also happened to be a weapon involved in the murder. But how are they correlated? That theory of mine... is it too outlandish? Perhaps it is..."
Sora shut his mouth, the kid has a point besides there's not a need to argue with a kid who already is a know-it-all. He rolled his eyes. ".....I see, but if was cut with a knife as you think, its a bit harder to get a clean even cut like the apparent hair in our victim's hand. You'd have a better chance with sissiors."
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Tsukimo didn't seem to hear Sora, or if he did he dismissed him. "So, compile what we newly know: the stab wounds were given before the wrench made contact with Yorokobi, the murder seemed to occur by a bowl of fruit in the kitchen, a kitchen knife was used. The hair was likely cut off with a knife, specifically the murder weapon, but the hair's owner is unknown. The wrench was almost certainly the cause of the blunt head trauma. It is still unknown if the trauma or the stab wounds were the fatal hit, but the wrench's indent's motivation is unknown. That's where we are currently. As of right now, a few questions still need to be solved before we can piece this mystery together.

1) Why was the wrench used when the knife had already been used?

2) Whose hair was cut, and why?

3) How does Hayley, who seems to be at the center of all this, fit in?
4) Did the murder occur during the sleeping gas incident, or before?

5) How did Yorokobi anticipate that she'd die?

As for the first question, a few speculations can be made. Two possibilities are before me at this very moment. Either Yorokobi had the knife to cut fruit, and the attacker came up with the wrench to attack her, or the exact opposite: Yorokobi got the message to meet Hayley in the kitchen and brought a wrench to defend herself with if things got nasty. She was surprised and stabbed multiple times. While this would support her making a death note in advance, there doesn't seem to be an explanation as to why she was hit with the wrench..."

Keiji Sore


Keiji was blinking his eyes. He took off his glasses and massaged his head. That is strange. Why are there floating words in front of everyone. Maybe it's just the stress or something. But Tsukimo's words are glowing orange. He thought there was a flaw within his argument.


"We m-may have no idea why the hair was cut."


" Sorry, but that doesn't add up!"




Keiji put his hand on his chin. He's thinking.


" I thnk that the killer was planning to frame someone, Kiyoko....probably."


"Think about it. The hair was cleanly cut,right. Then why would the killer leave hair? One reason, the killer was trying to frame someone with brown hair. There's a reason why that collecting hair would be easy. We can also argue that they forged the letters. Though, that might be wrong, that's all the more reason to listen to Kiyoko first before we answer those questions."


".....Also, is it just me or are there floating words in front of us?"


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Tsukimo frowned. "He seems to believe I'm accusing Hayley," he said to himself. "He's also making assumptions that the killer left the hair. The hair was being held by Yokorobi, and once rigor mortis sets in, placing anything in her hands would be very difficult. If anything, it's more likely that Yokorobi cut the hair herself. Besides, I only want to see if Hayley's hair was cut. I'm not accusing her of anything." He then looked up at Keiji.

"U-um... i-it IS always a-a possib-bility that the e-evidence was fra-framed. H-however, I t-think we should t-trust the evidence u-until we have a reason not to. I-if we can't trust the evidence, w-what CAN we trust? S-suspicion is fine, b-but to outright d-deny it without any t-true reasoning is dangerous."

Keiji Sore

Keiji seems a bit unnerved by Tsukimo's suggestion. That simply is ridiculous. He straightened up himself. He holds his collar when he addresses Tsukimi. "Sorry, but I...ummm.... disagree. To be honest, I hate being a mathematician but I learnt to not take truth simply."


"I would like to contend that assuming any part of the equation might lead to errors in the answer. That's why mathematicians won't believe anything unless you show proof it's true. Also....if we made a mistake in this.....you know. We would choose the wrong person. That's exactly what the murderer wants"


Keiji then outstretches his right hand."Besides, from my calculations, rigor mortis sets in at ,the soonest, 4 hours after death."
Tsukimo seemed like he wanted to refute, but he simply eeped and shook his head. Why does Keiji insist on doing this?! If we can't trust the evidence, what CAN we trust? If there's evidence pointing to fraudulence, that's one thing. But to deny evidence simply because you don't like it... that's downright irresponsible! What kind of intellectual does he consider himself to be? Besides, all I'm asking her to do is show her hair. Why does he have a problem with that?!

Keiji Sore

Keiji continues, "Moreover, what are you actually finding if you look at Kiyoko's hair? If hair was cut from hers, it would be quite difficult to see because the hair in Yorokobi's hands are just a small amount and Kiyoko has a lot of hair. Mind you, I still find Kiyoko suspicious but wouldn't it be more valuable if we ask her testimony first? We all know she's a vital part of this case. Just because her hair was cut doesn't prove much."
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Tsukimo shook his head. "E-even a small discrepancy in hair w-would be quite noticeable. H-have you ever cut your own h-hair as a child? Despite it o-often being very little, it's r-rather noticeable. Usually. Besides, I-I intend to hear her testimony. Just showing her hair t-takes less time. merely a f-few seconds. W-which she still h-hasn't done."


Keiji Sore

"I......actually agree. Any new information would help.When you frame it like that, that means more information to play around with..."He then realises how weird that sounds. He brings his hands up to his chest level and shakes them( I'm quite bad at describing actions) "No.....uhhhh.... .I mean use to solve this serious case.


"Though, we should take it with a grain of salt until we are absolutely sure."he warns


"So if you may, Kiyoko? Show us your hair and give us a testimony."



Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou's pride was quickly subsided when Tsumiko proved her wrong, but she wasn't sad that her hypothesis was proved to be incorrect, she was actually quite interested, in which led to her look at the Truth Bullets on her own E-Handbook, now having the knowledge of all the evidence she acquired until now and that the others presented, the architect kept herself silent as the rebuttal showdown between the scientist and the mathematician rose, an idea ran through Kyou's head, reaching her hand for the insides of her purse containing various blueprints, after all, an architect must keep their ideas close to their heart, if not, then their idea shall be stolen, grabbing a blank blueprint, she picked her pen and started to scribble on the blueprint, finishing it, now focusing on the trial, she heard someone request Hayley her testimony, this was when Kyou decided to jump in, "Um... sorry to interrupt, but I made a blueprint of the map and some notes as well."  She proclaimed, showing her blueprint.

Case 1 Murder Map.png

"By the way, I didn't include the Cabins and the Ski Loft because they don't seem important to this trial"  Kyou explained the absence of those locations in the blueprint to her group. "Also, Yorokobi's note said that she last spoke to Keiji, Sachi, Hayley and Lady Yuki, the four of you, may you say what did you talk about with her?, I know that note might be forged, but we still should acknowledge it's existence."  Kyou meekly suggested, with no sign of emotion from her face.

((@NANANANANANANANANANA @Blu3 @rusticyawn @J e s t e r @LunarShines))

sachi sighed and slouched at the mention of her own name, just loud enough to be noticeable. she could understand the significance of being methodical, but it didn't lessen her impatience. she just wanted to still be in bed right now, not being questioned for something like murder. it was a hassle. "sure," she interjected, straightening up as she did. "the first and last time yokorobi spoke to me was after the execution. i was... visibly distraught, so she said something nice to me as she went on her way." sachi seems a little comfortable as she searches for the word 'distraught', but otherwise, her tone and posture is straightforward and serious, perhaps in light of the importance of the situation. it doesn't last long, however, as after she finishes, she simply goes back to slouching, this time onto the podium.
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