RP Area

"It's a shame...she was nice" He shook his head after Sachi answered his question, looking back at Yorokobi's corpse. It really was a shame wasn't it? But dwelling on it wasn't going to help find the killer. He hesitantly went over to the body himself as he figured he should at least look over her body so he's not unfamiliar with her wounds. He pulled his hair in to a ponytail so he wouldn't get any of her blood in it as it was a pain to get out of white hair in the first place. He looked over the wounds on her chest and found himself feeling disgusted. "They really went overboard didn't they?"  He whispered, as his hand fell to the side. He was slowly getting a sinking feeling in his stomach and turned his attention to the ground. This all just felt very wrong and on top of that he was growing increasingly more uncomfortable being around he the body. As he began to stand once again he noticed a piece of paper on the ground laying near the blood. He picked it up and read it and felt his disgust rise. Whoever did killed someone who was for one already dying and someone who was unconditionally kind. He couldn't do this, it was just becoming to much for him to handle. He couldn't keep his calm persona, not now. He couldn't just pretend that anything about this was normal. "I-I'm going to go outside...I-I really need some air." He said as he began to leave, putting the note back on the ground. He stopped and looked over to the group forming and Yorokobi's body ".....When you're done investigating, at least cover her with one of those blankets. She deserves that."  He swiftly left the room and went around the back of the lodge, leaning against the wall taking deep breaths to calm himself back down.
Tsukimo looked down as he thought about how to word his question. I could go for intimidation and be blunt and threatening... no, she wouldn't be intimidated by me. Perhaps... I should seem pitiful? No, she's going through grief of her own, so she wouldn't feel that bad for me. Maybe I should play to her grief than?  Tsukimo nodded. "I-I'm trying to s-solve this case. I-I need to know when the l-last time you i-interacted with the victim was."

sachi blinked, surprised by the presence of someone apparently behind her. she turned to meet keiji as he spoke. "no, it's..." she wants to start by saying that sort of thing isn't an issue, that she'd be fine no matter what he told her, but considering how he'd met her yesterday, she figured the sentiment might come off hollow. so she merely shook her head. "the gas seemed to have effected us all." her eyes drifted back toward yokorobi for a moment. "probably... to give someone a chance to set the scene." her eyes glaze over for a moment as she looks over the mess, as if considering what she'd said for herself.

her eyes refocused on tsukimo when he spoke up, her gaze an appraising one. she had already made her assumptions about what kind of boy he must be, but they didn't seem to fit his nervous demeanor as he spoke to keiji. it was a glaring inconsistency, that, for the moment, would have to go unanswered. they had too many other factors to worry about right now. she nodded at his request, but didn't say anything to him as she looked back at keiji. "that's probably a good idea... this time. you should read it for yourself, though," she suggests. just moments after the words leave her mouth, her eyes catch a glimpse of hayley as she walks toward yokorobi's body. her unexpected arrival causes her eyes to widen a little, but watching her pitifully speak at the face of her former friend makes her even out. sachi turns back to keiji.

"they didn't bother to hide the evidence," she says in a low voice. she holds up the lock of hair she collected in her hand, and gives him a serious look. "with this... and the note..." she doesn't draw a conclusion, but her tone suggests her conclusion. she looks subtly conflicted as looks him in the eyes. she gives one last look back in yokorobi's direction, where tsukimo and hayley talked with each other before looking back at keiji. "...she seems remorseful." her tone isn't easy to read as she offers this to him - it could just as well be a normal, even-toned observation, but something subtle about her voice suggests something more. her eyes dart toward sora as he leaves, acknowledging his wishes, before again going back to keiji, trying to read his reaction to all of it.


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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


Continuing to stand at the execution site, Sehema stared at the place where Hanji Nakamura's life was ended. She placed her hand on her chin lost in a deep thought about the situation. So it wasn't just a joke or a prank. No prank would call for purposely murdering the person you were supposed to prank. "Just who the hell is this Monokuma?"  She asked herself before Monokuma's announcement came on telling the students to go to their cabins. She had been so engrossed, or disturbed, by what just happened that she didn't even notice the time. Well nothing good will come from me staying outside and freezing to death. She thought as she turned her bath to the murder site and headed to her cabin. 


Once she had reached her cabin, she simply laid down on her bed. She sighed as her face hit her pillow and closed her eyes. As much as the situation sucked, it almost comforted her to rest her body on something that wasn't the floor. She hadn't realized it until her body had hit the bed but Sehema's muscles had really tensed up from watching Nakamura's execution. It was only natural to be taken aback in such a manner. Even if her classmates didn't really leave much of an impression on her, a sudden death would catch someone off guard. As the events of the day replayed in her mind, the blonde would find her eyes slowly closing lulling her into a deep sleep. 


The night had been kind to the archer. She was in a dream that she was back home with her father and stepmother. Despite her feelings toward the woman, Sehema had to admit she would much rather have to deal with her than her current predicament. Her dreams were interrupted by Monokuma's announcement. Her face squished together in a mixed emotion of exhaustion and irritation. "You mean we're hostages and we can't sleep in?"  She muttered underneath her breath before pushing herself off. The archer managed to drag herself out of the cabin and into the cafe to scarf down her food. Despite still knowing nothing of the remaining classmates, Sehema continued to avoid making eye contact or having any type of interaction with anyone. That is until she went outside and inhaled the gas. Before her thoughts could even get voiced, she dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. 


As she pushed herself off of the freezing ground, the blonde archer found herself with a side of her face numb from the freezing snow. That was the last straw. She was officially done with that stuffed maniac of a bear. As she followed the trail of footsteps to the lodge, she slammed the door open only to be welcomed by the sight of another dead body and an announcement. Sehema's face turned into one of total annoyance as Monokuma mentioned investigating. Did she really have to investigate? "This is really bothersome. I didn't even talk to her let alone kill her. Why should I bother? How do we know the bear didn't kill her himself?"  She'd find herself complaining out loud as she crossed her arms with her look of disdained. 

Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician

With a slight respect,Keiji took the note from Tsukimo's hands. What he read was interesting. Maybe they were talking about the snow-mobile? That would make sense but there could be another exit as far as Keiji could tell. He took note of the note (lol). But this alone is not enough to solve the case. But it sure did rile up his suspicions. Keiji was thinking very hard.


He then heard Sora talk. Honestly,he didn't notice Sora in the room before. Maybe it was because he was hurling his stomach contents a few minutes ago. He still hasn't seen Sora's profile yet, he noticed. He took out his E-handbook at swiped to a face of Sora. SHSL Veterinarian. That's close enough to Doctor right? It seems unlikely but Sora could perform an autopsy on the victim.


"Ummm....Sora?" Keiji tried to catch his attention. " Let's n-not cover her for now. Can you...ummmm....perform some sort of autopsy on her. I-i-i don't know if you can,honestly,but can you try?"


Sachi's face seemed emotionless but her eyes tell of something off,suspicious. Keiji looks at Hayley closely , like he wanted to see every minute detail of her. He nodded at Sachi. " Maybe the murderer thought that there isn't enough evidence to prove their guilt so didn't try at all." he said in a low tone.


"Oh,there's a note here." Keiji grabbed the note on the ground and read it like a scholar. Well,technically, he is a scholar but you know what I mean. His face was a bit surprised when he read it. He offered the note to Sachi.





Sora returned to the group a few minuets later feeling a lot better. He had heard Keiji's request on the way out the room but really didn't acknowledge it the first time. He knelt back down near the body, and took another deep breath. "I guess I can try..." How he felt about the whole thing was more irrelevant to the fact that they did need to get to the bottom of it. Although he had never done an autopsy before, he has examined countless animals, living of course but how different could it be? He steeled himself as he examined he wounds once again, this time more in depth. He looked at how the wounds were made and turned his attention to the bleeding coming from her head. He gently lifted her head and brushed away some of her hair to get a better look at the wound. She was obviously hit by something or hit her head on something but there was something that bugged him. "After looking at her, the wound on her head looked a lot fresher than her stab wounds meaning I'm pretty sure she was stabbed first and then hit on her head."


sachi breathed deeply, admittedly a little troubled with everything that had taken place. so much had already gone on today, and yet, it only seemed to be piling up. she took the note keiji had found and quickly skimmed through it for herself. she couldn't help but stiffen a little reading the body - it was written so cheerfully and nonjudgmentally that it almost read as if it was made to purposefully induce guilt. learning from the contents from the note just how throughly yokorobi had oozed good will almost made sachi uncomfortable, even. she had only negative assumptions of yokorobi's intent as she had offered consolation the day prior, but it was clear now that she had really just been genuinely kind person. she... wasn't really sure how to feel about that. 'the good die young...' she had been told that before, and now she was left to wonder just how true it rang.

regardless, the only thing thing of immediate relevance only waited at the end of the note. sachi nodded as she read yokorobi's signature, taking the note to her blazer to dry and dab away the blood that was still wet. it quickly began to leave a noticeable stain, but then again, it seemed her hands had already done a bit of a number all over her clothing, dark pink stains already accumulating her from careless touches from her dirty hands. "the same name twice," she drones, not even bothering to look up as she states the obvious. she finishes cleaning the note, neatly folds it up, and tucks it away with the lock of hair. there was, of course, also the interesting fact that their two names had made the list, but unless keiji was having some sudden reservations about sachi herself, she didn't see much of a reason to mention it.

in the meantime, she listened she had not noticed before spoke up.  she appreciated sehema's vocal honesty about her disinterest, but her insolent remarks about the proceedings were annoyingly against her own interest. "we have it covered if you have a problem with doing it," she remarked, her head turning to look at her at sehema as she spoke. and actually... she had also managed to touch on an interesting point in her complaints. "i do agree, though," she added, turning her head back to keiji. "it is possible that our captor..." before she finished speaking, she heard sora begin to speak, so she patiently waited for him to give his thoughts. at his conclusion, though, sachi nods. "if it's true she was hit last, then it's likely it wasn't to incapacitate her. along with the mutiple stab wounds, it could suggest it was a sudden, passionate crime," she observed aloud. sachi shakes her head, her gaze returning back to hayley one more time. she still seemed so pitiful, sitting so inconsolably next to yokorobi's lifeless body, but it did not change the facts. "knowing all of this... shouldn't we do something about kiyoko?" she asks keiji this in a low voice, knowing he and tsukimo seemed to be the only others who had seen all the evidence yet. "if we wait until the trial, it's hard to say what she might do in the meantime..."


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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


Sachi's comment earned her an annoyed look from the blonde archer, but she scoffed. "No thanks. I already have my life in the hands of a psychopath. As annoying as it is, I'd rather not leave my fate to people I don't necessarily trust..." With that, she walked over to Yokorobi's body and started investigating. Well she began by checking the body. As she stepped back to get a general look of the crime scene once more, she noticed Hayley walking up to the body and watched as she conversed with the body. From the looks of it, there were enough eyes to look through clues but it felt crowded. Not to mention, Sehema was curious about what had happened that led up to the body's discovery. Mainly how someone was able to gas them into unconsciousness to carry out their murder. She silently stepped back outside heading to where everyone had fallen victim to the knock out gas to search for a clue. Hopefully something was left that could help her.  

Truth Bullets

1. Stabbed First?

2. 2 Notes

3. Bashed Skull

4. Footprints

(Use these and think, more will be added. Think hard, your life may depend on it phuhuhu)

Evidence Analysis


Outside Gas Zone

There are footprints in the snow leading up to where everyone passed out, but there was an extra pair of tracks that lead up into the Lodge. Whoevers tracks these were did not pass out during the gas attack. Could it be...?


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Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician


"Stabbed first?" Keiji repeated Sora's words.There was not much of a reason for Sora to lie at this point. He barely talked to Yorokobi so it's unlikely that he is lying. But Keiji would still keep some reservations. But that was definitely interesting. " Was death immediate? If so,I don't think she had time to practise her...ummm....writing. Yeah that's it."


"Just don't show her the note. Tell her about the note during the trial. See how she reacts." Keiji whispered to Sachi clearly. It was obvious they were referring to the same person. The two notes refer to her. She was the closest to Yorokobi. She is currently the number one suspect. But there's not enough proof to pin her. Keiji sighed. He pulled himself up. This murder thing is definitely stressing. And they have to kill one of them in the sake of justice. But isn't that a loophole? Just distribute the votes equally and no one dies. But now is not the time.


His eyes darted around the room. He saw food on the table. His stomach grumbled. I wonder who made this,Keiji thought. He walks towards it and takes a good,hard look.



The bear comes from above, as usual, from thin air. "Whats taking you so long?!" Monokuma yells at the group. "Its not like your lives are on the line or anything, oh wait, THEY ARE. So get to it, i'm getting boooored." With that the bear walks over and sits down in the corner sulking. Its sickening how he acts like this is meant to entertain him. Hes a monster.


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On September 4, 2016 at 7:05 PM, Assailant said:

Tsukimo looked down as he thought about how to word his question. I could go for intimidation and be blunt and threatening... no, she wouldn't be intimidated by me. Perhaps... I should seem pitiful? No, she's going through grief of her own, so she wouldn't feel that bad for me. Maybe I should play to her grief than?  Tsukimo nodded. "I-I'm trying to s-solve this case. I-I need to know when the l-last time you i-interacted with the victim was."



@Blu3 ((Still waiting))
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Sora glanced back at the wounds before looking at Keiji and shaking his head. "It would be difficult for someone to kill her instantaneously with a knife, I mean if she was stabbed through the heart then yeah. But I don't think that's likely." He gingerly outlined one of the wounds with his finger. "Once the body loses more than 40% of it's blood it begins to shut down and with how many times she was stabbed, she likely bled out and died from blood loss which isn't necessarily an instant death. And If you're referring to the note she left," he stood up and rinsed his hands in the sink and leaned against the counter, "Is it impossible to think she wrote it before she died?" Soon the already disturbed peace became even more disturbed as Monokuma appeared once again. The investigation was already draining for him so he didn't bother gracing him with a response.

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Hayley Kiyoko

(HI HI HI Sorry been Sick for awhile)

"Um.. The last time I saw her was... Oh right at the Ski lift right after the Night time announcement then she left to go find Lady something face."  Hayley stood up and looked around the area and trying to look away from Yorokobi. "If you want to keep talking you'll have to follow me I want to find out the murderer of Yorokobi." Hayley walked to the food that Yorokobi was cooking and looked around the area.

Tsukimo frowned. He followed her, questions rapidly firing off in his head. "U-um. Lady... something face? W-who are you talking about?" Damn his social anxiety! This investigation would go so much more smoothly if it wasn't for that! Whatever, whatever, he needed to focus. As best as he could tell, there were two possible reasons this investigation was still going on. Either some arbitrary time limit hadn't passed yet, or they were still missing some vital clues. As much as Tsukimo didn't want to be talking to Hayley, she was his best bet at finding something nobody else had yet.


Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


As she looked around in the snow, Sehema couldn't help but to notice all of the tracks in the snow. The ones that stood out to her though were an extra pair of footprints that led to the lodge. She narrowed her eyes as she began to follow the extra set of tracks into the lodge. There inside she would try to find a paper and pen to draw the size of the footprint. If she couldn't find anything helpful in the lodge, then at least she had another clue to go off of. From the looks of what she had found so far, it would appear that someone had prepared for the sudden gas attack. Once it had affected the rest of them, then the suspect used that time to choose their victim and carry out the murder. 


Once she had drew the general size of the footprint, Sehema folded the paper and hid it in her shirt for later. She would then look around the lodge for anymore clues like an empty gas container. There was no way that the suspect could just mix the chemicals together to make the gas right? That was a highly dangerous risk that could have made them the victim instead of Yorokobi. She just hoped that the others were putting in the time to investigate other places as well. If they placed most of their time investigating one area, then they'd fail to see the bigger picture of this case. 

"fair enough," she called to sehema as she left. 'how reasonable...' she thought curiously to herself, turning her attention back to the case. sachi listened carefully to sora's addendum, crossing her arms. in all honesty, she was already convinced of who had done it. she didn't need to know anything else about hayley, or the circumstances around yokorobi's murder, to know who was responsible. she had motive and opportunity. in sachi's mind, that was all she needed to know. sachi nodded at keiji's suggestion, though, deciding to put aside any notion of further action for the moment. it was clear that going forward on the notion that she was responsible might be viewed as hasty - and admittedly, it just as well could be. monokuma's announcement seemed to be a confirmation of sorts - if everything important had been sorted, there would be no reason for them to continue. as keiji moved to presumably examine further, sachi decided to do the same. instead of moving toward the note on the table, though, sachi looked to find where the murder weapon had been taken from, wanting to see where the knife could have been taken from for herself.

"u-um, lady something face...?" as hayley and tsukimo passed into the kitchen, sachi caught a brief snippet of their conversation. immediately she knew who he must have been referring to - the only other person she'd heard here who had been referred to with such a title. "lady yuki?" sachi interjects, moving away from the knife rack and toward hayley and tsukimo. she took the stained note she had been keeping in her pocket and handed it over to tsukimo. as she did, she looked over to hayley, her gaze an appraising one. she didn't know why yuki's name had been brought up, but it signaled something important for sachi. maybe this was the additional evidence monokuma was prodding them to find? "it might be worthwhile for us to go and check on her," she suggested vaguely.  there was also the matter of sorting out yokorobi's possessions, but in her mind, it was something for another time. doling them out stained with pink didn't seem in the spirit of her request, anyway.


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Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician

Keiji nodded at Sora,affirming what he had said. But something was still disturbing him. If she did write it.... He looks at the food on the table as he answers Sora:


"Yes. I think it was possible that she....um....wrote it beforehand as a....how should I put it? I-know-I'm-going-to-die-soon kind of letter. But if it that was the case, she would have brought the note along with her,is that right? Then why was it on the ground? Shouldn't it be in a pocket?"


Keiji had to admit that the food looked delicious. He didn't have breakfast yet and detective work is a bit stressing to the mind. Then that obnoxious bear came in. His thoughts of hunger was replaced with feelings of hatred. Keiji was not pleased with him. Is disgusting that he views life and death likes it is a game. He stares daggers as the bear.


" Why do you care if we take our time?"


[SIZE= 16px]@CreativelyPerfect @LunarShines[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Evidence Analysis [/SIZE]

Gas Zone

There is another set of footprints of the same size leading to the garage outside.


Looks like plain old food, some blood has gotten splattered in it though...yuck


Truth Bullets

1. Stabbed First?

2. 2 Notes

3. Bashed Skull

4. Footprints

5. Foot Print Size!
Sora shrugged and shook his head. He had a point but between now and when the murder happened anything could have happened with the note in question. "Who knows? Maybe she had it had it in her pocket and it fell out? Or maybe the killer read it and just left it laying out?"

[SIZE= 26px]Keiji Sore[/SIZE]

SHSL Mathematician


Keiji wanted to dispute that but there isn't enough information to calculate the possiblity. He sighs. He's no detective and the details frustrated him. But if he can escape from his cage which were his "talent". If he can finally do something not related to Math, he would prove to be able to do anything he wanted.


He thinks of Sora's question. There are still more details that haven't been collected. It would be a waste of time (Keiji wouldn't want to calculate how much). He nods at Sora.


"I-i think that might be...ummm...true. But then the question is where was it kept?" he said when he looks into the food. Yuck.


Well,the food wasn't that disgusting but there was pink blood in the pot. 


"Is there a chance this is just Pepto-Bismol and not blood?"he points into the dish.



Hayley Kiyoko

SHSL Pianist

Hayley looked back at the girl who told her the name of the girl "Yes Lady Yuki I think it was but I may be totally could be wrong but me, Yuki, And Sora I think was the only people she ever talked to and when we separated see went to the lodge where Lady Yuki was so that was the last person she talked to." Hayley didn't see Lady Yuki at the scene so she was most likely in her lodge "I say we go and see If see is alright and what was said when she was at the lodge."





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