RP Area

sachi silently agreed, her head ducking closer to her crossed arms to try and retain some of her escaping warmth. she didn't say as much, but it was obvious her current outfit wasn't the most suited to the cold chill of the mountain. none of them really were. before she left, she moved to pick up the first thing closest thing in range, one of the other claw-hammers still sitting on the garage floor. the dark was rapidly advancing on the three of them as she did, so whether her looting when unnoticed was hard to say, but she wasn't necessarily looking to be stealthy. she put it away in the pocket on the inside of her blazer, a small dent signaling it's presence just barely visible among the dark fabric.

 that  accomplished, she followed the others out of the dark garage, and into the fading light of day. she waved goodbye back at keiji, and started walking. some odd feeling nagged at her as she went, but it seemed to dissipate as quickly as it came once she had to actually focus on finding her way back. when she did manage to find her way to her own part of the cabin, however, she was relieved at how warm it was. she quickly found her way toward the fire and sat. it was hard to say for how long - she simply watched the fire waver and flicker, thinking of a little bit of everything. her home, her circumstances, her coding, her memories. she wasn't sure what to think of all of it. she was overwhelmed with a melancholia, knowing that she might die very soon, but she was unsure of what she wanted to do about it. did she even want to do anything? she found no answers in the fireplace, but it felt a little cathartic to take a moment for herself.

once she finished, she got up from the fireplace, took off her blazer and slid the hammer out, and climbed into bed. she placed the hammer beside her head under her pillow, just in case, and drifted off to sleep.

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Lady Yuki Hisakawa

She had to resist the urge to choke at her words, her paranoia turned in overdrive even if she seemed that she wouldn't hurt a fly herself. 'Trust. Ha. That is a word for fools that can't think of a reason for people respect them.' the pessimistic thought shot up. However, she had also had the belief that she would hold true to her words. "I wonder how long you keep your promise." She muttered aloud once the flight attendant was out of view.

Yuki walked into her room, finding another pair of clothes waiting for her, "How...did they," The question ran through her head, although she found it a shame that someone that seemed to be so intelligent had to be such an evil person. She placed her head on the bed, half-asleep but it was definitely not like she was going to sleep soundly today. Her breath slowing down to try to calm herself enough to get some sleep today, shutting her eyes.

@Jessica Rabbit
//Once everyone is ready, rp you going to sleep then time will pass til' morning//
After Yorokobi wrote the note she gently folds it and places it in her pocket, she then wipes her tears, takes off her shoes and pins, unties her Ascot and unbuttons her vest, leaving her just in her white short sleeve button up and her skirt. She lays her accessories on the table and lays on the bed. She watches the fire while thinking as she slowly drifts off to slumber.



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Tsukimo looked up at the monitor. Had he really stayed up all night reading and re-reading the files? Oh well. Sleep was for the weak, as many would say. Although he knew that to be false, as sleep was absolutely vital to the bodies regular functioning. As much as he loved studying, he'd need to remember to still get some sleep. In a world of death, he needed to be at his peak physical form. Though, he supposed his "peak physical form" wouldn't compare to high schoolers four years older than him.

Tsukimo took a step outside and began to try and figure out where to go.
Yorokobi awoke to the sound of the monitor playing, she couldn't even get a good look or actually hear what it was saying because she was rushing to the bathroom, vomiting. She is used to this, because of her dramatic past she refuses to remind herself of. after she finished she wiped her mouth, and cleaned her hands. She then decided to wash her clothes as well as take a shower to help her get focused. After cleaning up She then walked back into the living room. She sat on the bed, and put on her uniform, vest and ascot along with her pins. She then stared longingly at the floor before putting on her shoes... thinking... She then checked her pocket to make sure her note was still there. "Good" she said with a sigh. She then put on her heels, stood up with her head held high. She fixed her uniform, then slowly unlocked the door and stepped outside and walked back to the lodge to hopefully get some breakfast or possibly cook breakfast for her fellow students.
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Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician

That voice is seriously annoying,Keiji thought. He was just getting used to his dream. It was strange. For some reason,there were floating statements in front of him and he need's to shoot it down with his words. Something about a murder. That couldn't happen in real life could it?


He scratched his eyes and got up with a yawn. One thing he can conclude that his clothes are crumpled. Oh well,maybe there's an iron somewhere. In the mean time,he stripped off his clothes and took a (sensual) bath. The kidnappers surely did not skimp on any expense.


He put on his white shirt.Then his yellow sweater-vest and took a look at himself in the mirror. Hopefully,nothing bad happens. Hopefully. He wore his sneakers to complete his look and went to the Cabin. He was looking for a pleasant breakfast
Yorokobi tries to get there before the other students to sorta surprise them, when she arrives she discovers she is the only one there for the time being, she walkes into the kitchen, washes her hands and gets the utensils and ingredients and starts to cook a grand breakfast that's includes: bacon, pancakes, waffles, eggs, and some lovely biscuits. She is fine doing this for others because this is basically her job... As she was cooking she had a moment of almost pure happiness, like nothing was even wrong in the world, she was doing what she was born to do... She was doing what she loved to do... her happiness was amazing, she even started to hum her favorite song that her father sang to her. Yorokobi rights a note that simply states "I made breakfast for you guys, I love you! Enjoy!" And placed it on the counter.

-for song look for my first post on page 3-
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Suddently a yellow foglike gas falls from the sky, the students inhale the gas and great dizziness fell over all of them. After a few moments of coughing and wheezing, the students fall over unconscious. A eerie voice can be heard in the distance, as if its a voice in their heads. The voice says: "And the games begin..."

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Tsukimo inhaled the gas. As he was falling down, he ran through the possible options that this gas could be. The smell, taste, and color... his eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen, the possible gases having been narrowed down. He passed out before he could stop it.


Several hours pass until they wake up. The all seem confused, looking around at everyone there they notice that someone is missing. A bad feeling of despair floats through the air, what just happened? Footprints in the snow lead to the Lodge, but how was that possible? Everyone was unconscious... right? The door to the lodge was left open as well. Once everyone got inside they instantly knew what was going on. 

yoko death.jpg



There lay Yorokobi, covered in blood. There was two notes on her, one lay on the floor with some of her blood on it, and another was in her shirt pocket. Clutched in her hand was a lock of hair, I wonder who's it was? A Kitchen knife was delved deep into her chest with multiple stab wounds and an indent in the back of her head meant that she was also hit by something else. A radio on the table eerily played "Leaving on a Jetplane." Her hair was put down for some reason as well. 


VVV Note on the ground VVV

"If you are finding this note then you will know I surely am dead at this point... I wanted to let you all know that I was never going to hurt any of you... Even in the worst of situations I loved you all as if you was my family. I was not going to give into this bears tricks no matter the cost. In a way I was dieing already... I had a horrific plane crash where I tragically lost my beloved father.. I awoke in the hospital and turned out I got cancer from toxic fumes of the crash... I wasn't going to let it control my life... I lived it to the fullest, as I want all of you.. have hope and don't give in to that things temptations.. I love you all! Good luck out there!  P.s since I was not able to grow older to right a legal will and testament, I leave my aviation pin that I never left behind to Lady Yuki, and my Ascot that I never wore anything else with to Hayley. 

If this helps I have only talked to 4 people since I arrived... Lady Yuki, Hayley, Keji, and Sachi.

Xoxo -Yorokobi"

VVV Note in shirt pocket VVV


I think I have found a way to leave, but I want to talk to you about it alone. Meet me in the kitchen when you wake up. ~Hayley~


Suddenly the monitors flicker on and Monokuma starts his announcement: "A body has been FOUND! You have a day to find evidence before the almighty....CLASS TRAIL, goooood luck!"




Episode 2 Stage 2: Investigation

Investigate the murder and try to find as many clues as possible. Once you find an item, tag me in your post of interacting with it and I will post the in-depth examination of it and say whether its a "Truth Bullet" or not.

Truth Bullets are pieces of evidence that will be important to the class trial. Once I determine that you have enough evidence to find the "Blackened" then I will throw the students into a class trial. Haaaaave fun!


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sachi groaned, lying in bed after the morning announcement. in all honesty, she had no real intention from moving from the position she was in unless she was forced. she was tired, she didn't want to interact with anyone. she just wanted to be left alone today. she didn't doubt something was going to come along and ruin the perfect nirvana she had reached, but until it did, she would lay right here.

...well, it didn't really take long for 'something' to come along. sachi had her eyes peacefully closed, minding her own business, when a strange gas started to invade her airspace. it was immediately choking - sachi's eyes shot open as she struggled with her throat, trying to keep air going in and out. "i - was - already - sleeping!" she yelled indignantly through struggled breaths, to anyone listening. she didn't have much time to resist - she was already tired, and it didn't take long for the gas to completely engulf her, making her pass out.


the next time she wakes, sachi immediately jumps up and out of bed, in a much nastier mood after the whole affair. if there was anything she hated more than being kidnapped and forced to play a killing game, it was being rudely awaken before she was damn ready to wake up. well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but she was certainly standing for this much less. she frustratedly pulled on her ensemble from the day prior, not even bothering to find something clean, took her hammer from out from under her pillow and stashed it back away in her blazer, and stomped out from her room. once she was outside, she immediately followed the trail of footsteps. if their captor was apparently in the lodge, she was going to ask an explanation. ...probably politely, all things considering.

unfortunately, when she reached the inside of the cabins, she did not come upon what she had been expecting. an all too familiar odor wafted disgustingly in the air around her, and the walls were painted with a sickly pink. she didn't see the body immediately, but she knew what she must be walking into. "a body has been found!" the announcement played almost as soon as he eyes fell on the actual body, a truly gruesome sight. laid out before her was the ultimate flight attendant, yokorobi, wounded savagely and left on display in plain view of everyone. sachi could only grimace, her hand reaching up to cover her mouth sadly. it honestly didn't feel real to her, to see the girl like this. without really thinking about it, she walked softly over to where her body laid, and knelt beside it. she wasn't sure why, but she found herself going through the motions, checking for yokorobi's pulse, though sachi was sure in her mind the girl had to be dead.

"it's true..." sachi remarked softly, to no one in particular. she could not feel a pulse. yokorobi was truly gone. she did not know how to proceed with this confirmation, so she simply waited for the others to inevitably arrive, blankly looking over the sad scene in front of her.

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The first thing Sora heard was the annoying voice of Monokuma coming from the monitor. He groaned and rolled over to the side covering his head with a pillow, it was much too early to be awake at all. And just being awake was almost disheartening, proving that everything was truly happening. But that really wasn't the point, the point was that he had to awake to that obnoxious voice at friggen 7am. Glaring daggers at the wall he tried to force himself back to sleep. It didn't seem like sleep would come at all anytime soon and found himself still very annoyed. He tossed his pillow at the monitor before reluctantly pulling himself out of bed and to the shower. Although getting into the shower seemed to be the only thing he could do before the air was no longer air but something else, gas. "Are you effing kidding....?" He covered his nose and closed his eyes, sighing as the he knew there was nothing to fight it but by just letting the inevitable happen.

He found himself sitting under the rain of the shower, what was it an hour? Two hours later? He hastily shut the water off as it had long since gotten cold. That announcement was extremely pointless if they were going to be knocked out later. He pulled himself off the floor once again and got dressed in the clothes he found in his cabin. He still rather be in his bed but it cant be helped now, besides he might as go to the lodge at least it was better than moping about lost sleep. He stepped outside and instantly shivered as his hair was still damp. 'I swear Im cutting this as soon as I leave here.' Though his hair was the least of his worries as something just felt....off....as he got over to the lodge. As soon as he walked in he could smell blood and was greeted by the sight of Yorokobi's corpse as he turned the corner to the kitchen.

Sora stumbled into the wall, just seeing the girl's body made himself him uneasy. That was the same girl he remembered crying yesterday, and now she was...He shook his head and turned his head way from her body. Not that he spoke to her much but he knew she didn't deserve this. She seemed nice from what he witnessed. "She's dead isn't she" It was more of a statement than a question as any idiot could tell with that knife sticking out of her chest that she was long gone.
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Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician


Keiji was just opening the door to the Lodge when he fell something horrible. "Ugggh" Keiji repulsed from the smell. He later limped forward and smash his face on the front door of the lodge.


He had a dream. Not a wild one,mind you but more of a dream about the past. Keiji was 7 or 8 in that dream. He was standing with some childhood friends. They were talking but he was focusing on a house. The house seemed comfortable,probably upper-middle class at least. The address was No. 8 Shiratori road. In one of the windows was a girl. Somewhat difficult to see but she had light green eyes. She was staring at something.Not sure what. When she was not, she was gazing outside the window, looking at nothing in particular. 


Then it struck him why the name Sachi Himura sounded familiar. When he woke up, he was in high spirits when he pushed himself up. He saw Sachi in the lodge. He didn't question why he was lying flat on the floor for what seemed like a couple of hours as he rushed up to Sachi.


" Hey Sachi! I remem- (  @rusticyawn ) " he stopped when he saw the pink blood. No. It couldn't be. There couldn't be a murder.


"A body has been discovered!"


He hasn't eaten anything yet but his stomach is already churning. The dead corpse of Yorokobi was horrifying. He ran out of the Lodge to throw up.




(Did you draw this @LunarShines ?)
Tsukimo leapt into action once the corpse was discovered. No horror or fear or disgust on his face. I can't let us all die... I need to find the truth before us, hiding in this twisted lie.  Immediatly, while everyone was still in shock or horror, Tsukimo examined the murder weapon. He then continued on to examine the rest of the body for any other wounds.


Evidence "Truth Bullets"Analysis

Murder Weapon?

The knife plunged into the girl was a kitchen knife, one was missing from the knife rack as well.


There were five stab wounds in the chest and what looks to be a indent in the back of the girl's head, was there more to this?

( @NANANANANANANANANANA no, I just edited it alot. Made the blood pink and added static effect)

//Remember, keep up with the "Truth Bullets" write them down or something! Since this is the first case there will be a little guidance but don't expect as much later on//
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"she is," sachi replied somberly to sora's question. this scene felt, in some way, inevitable, but sachi still couldn't help but be effected by it now. it was strange - she had not known this girl personally, but she somehow felt bad about it now. like she was familiar enough to feel as if she would be losing something by her death. which didn't seem to reconcile with sachi's actual memories of her, which were pretty much nonexistent. her examination of her dissonant ideas of yokorobi, however, were interrupted suddenly when she heard the sounds of keiji rushing onto the scene. "sore?" she asked, her voice sounding somewhat startled. her head whipping away from the girl in front of her toward the doorway where she had heard his voice, but she only caught sight of him briefly as her ran out, obviously disturbed by the scene he had seen.

sachi blinked, slowly turning back toward yokorobi once she had seen keiji go. it took her a moment to realize it, but her hands were shaking as still held yokorobi's limp wrist in her hand. 'what's going on...?' she thought to herself, her eyes a little wide now as she looked over her again. her head felt like it was swimming now, weighed down by some weight she couldn't discern. she had felt it again when keiji had spoken, those weird dissonant feelings she was feeling about yokorobi, but stronger, somehow. none of it made sense - she did not care about strangers, and she did herself a disservice when she pretended like she did. but... she shook her head, her eyes shutting tightly for a moment as she gathered her thoughts again. the weird swimming feeling dissipated once she reopened them. she reassured herself; she was just staring at inevitability. a folly of human nature. she tried to ignore that she had to remind herself this, something she had never had to remind herself of before.

she finally noticed the palm she had been holding to take her pulse had something clutched inside of it. very lightly, she let go of her palm, and used her working hand to gingerly open yokorobi's fingers to reveal the lock of hair that had been hidden there. "someone's hair..." she said to aloud, taking it in her hand to examine. as she looked around, maybe to confirm someone else had seen it before stashing it away for later, she suddenly noticed tsukimo at work, steadily examining her with seemingly unfazed expression. 'that's about right...' she thought to herself, turning back toward the body. 'we didn't know her. it's just a farce to act as if her death meant something to us.' her throat tightened a little as the thought registered for some reason, but she gritted her teeth, and continued on.

"just a moment," she directed to tsukimo, rising slightly and moving up her body, to her torso. "it's probably more appropriate that a girl check her clothing..." she noted, her hands lightly touching upon yokorobi's button-up shirt. she went about it as quickly as she could carefully, careful not to reveal something inappropriate to those who had gathered as she patted over her frame. just as she was finishing up, her hand felt something substantial in yokorobi's breast pocket, so her fingers delicately slid it out, a small yellow note. it had been small enough that it had fit fine without being folded, so sachi turned it over and looked at what was scrawled onto it. "ah, so that's it, then," she mused as she read the final letters on the page. she looked over to tsukimo and nodded, handing him the note she had found. once she did, she got to her feet and moved away a little from yokorobi's body, her eyes still looking at tsukimo. now that she had a good idea what was going on, she wanted to get away from here. she would wait for the other's thoughts, and then... then, she'd probably go after keiji.


Tsukimo nodded as he got up. He had other things to investigate now anyways. He'd make his way back when it was time, but for now he had to confirm some theories of his. That collar... it appeared to be a basic kitchen knife. The next logical thing to do would be to confirm that theory, wouldn't it? With his results in mind, he went to the kitchen to confirm that the knife was from there, and look for anything out of place.

Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician


Keiji was a bit unsteady after throwing up his contents. He was not crying. He's more disgusted by everything. Who would take a human life? Who? A human life is precious,can't you see? Human life presents potential. It presents greatness and great sorrow. It causes the most majestic good and the most heinous evil. And yet it seems,someone among the group couldn't care less about it. He slowly stood up. He just knew Yorokobi for a day but all that potential was wasted. Now, there's only one thing he can do.


A step.Then another. He steps into the Lodge. He steps into the Lodge to solve this heinous crime,straightening his glasses. He didn't want this . Not that he cared for Yorokobi but a life is still a life!


He walked towards Sachi. He still looks unhinged but he's trying to hide it in vain. He was interested with the note Sachi gave to Tsukimo. He motions to Tsukimo to give him the note. @Assailant He tapped Sachi's shoulder. He wants to tell her something but he changed his mind to the subject on hand.


"H-h-hey....Sachi. I don't want to m-m-make you worry but I was knocked out by some sort of gas just now ? W-what was that anyway?"


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As Tsukimo was leaving, he noticed Keiji motion to give him the note. Tsukimo stepped forward to hand it over after reading it himself. His mind was already rapidly analyzing the note, so much so that when he actually made it to Keiji he froze up. "U-um..." his social ineptitude began to shine once more as he fidgeted in his place. He clearly had something to say, though he was having a hard time getting it across.

C'mon Tsukimo! This is important. Focus!  Tsukimo slapped himself a bit to focus, and with that he was finally able to speak up. However, even still, he was stuttering and uncertain. The small child, hands covered with blood from investigating the body... a determined yet frightened look on his face. The young boy who had effortlessly and fearlessly touched and investigated a violently murdered corpse now seemed terrified merely at the concept of talking.

"U-um... W-when you're d-done with t-that, could I have it back?" He asked, regarding the note. "I- um... I just t-think it would be nice to h-have all of our evidence in one place."

Evidence "Truth Bullets"Analysis


Lock of Hair

The hair was brown and also seemingly cleanly cut off. Strange.


Yellow Note

A small yellow note that read: 


I think I have found a way to leave, but I want to talk to you about it alone. Meet me in the kitchen when you wake up. ~Hayley~


I Wonder if they ever got to talk...?


The Kitchen

The kitchen was small, it had three stoves that were set next to a fridge and above them was a knife rack that had one missing knife.


Hayley Kiyoko

(No pic currently on moble)

Hayley wasn't doing much when the gas came on. All she was doing was getting ready to go and look for something to do until she was passes out on her cabin floor.......


Hayley woke up trying to remember what had happened and why she was on the floor. She got up and went out of her cabin to hear some stuff going down at the main cabin. She walked down there to see a group of people in the kitchen or at least around it. She walked into the cabin and walked to the crowed. She stopped and looked at Yorokobi and swore she heared piano music playing in the backround if this horror. She got closer to Yorokobi with tears at the side of her eyes as she sat next to Yorokobi's head. She fixed her hair a little and kinda broke down there. She was not moving or even trying to look around she just sat there and said "Well lets hope you are in a way better place then me." 
Tsukimo approached Hayley. He was planning to interrogate her. Her and the victim were to meet in the kitchen, which is where the murder weapon was found. Certainly suspicious, to say the least. However, as he approached her, his social anxiety began to act up again. He simply ended up staring at her for a minute or two, trying to get himself to actually speak. Eventually, however, he spoke up. "U-um... hello? I- um, would like to... question you."


Hayley Kiyoko

(No pic still)

Hayley sat still humming to the weird music in the radio and looking down to Yorokobi and quietly crying when she heared a nervous voice talked to her. She looked over to the kid who was asking her to ask her some questions.

"Y-yes what w-would you like to k-know."

she said this as she was crying.

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