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Hayley Kiyoko SHSL Pianist 

"Nice to meet you."

Hayley who is still looking for snow equipment and still holding while stilling hiding her knife see's Yorokobi come up to her as she hide's her knife in her skirt pocket and walked up to Yorokobi and listen to her words. As she put's out her hand and she shake's it "Nice to re-meet you as I haven't really haven't introduced myself my name is Hayley Kiyoko SHSL Pianist." as she ask her about what happened while she was passed out she also blank's because she was also hidden in the kitchen. "I don't know really it was just people panicking and introducing them self but when the bear came I crawled to the kitchen."
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sachi breathed deeply, feeling the touch of the ultimate flight attendant's hand on her shoulder. she wanted to take some comfort in her reassurance, but it was hard not to feel the weight of the seeming inevitability that this scenario posed for all of them. it just seemed as if it was human nature to stand on the backs of others to achieve what you wanted out of life. she could be genuinely concerned for sachi, but it was just as likely that she only offering that comfort to induce complacency, to make that stab in the back much easier later on. it's not as if she felt bitter recognizing all of this, though - if anything, her deep despair came from an acceptance of something she'd already felt for awhile before now.

in the midst of dwelling on hopeless thoughts, however, someone else approaches. "...i-i'm keiji." she hears him begin. he's unexpectedly close in front of her now, and her first instinct to move her hand away from her eye and try to meet his gaze, but she can't quite bring herself to focus her gaze on him. still, she listens to him speak somewhat tentatively, her dire thoughts momentarily quieted by his stuttered speech. the thing that truly manager to grab her attention was his outstretched hand, and the invitation that followed it. his words suddenly became more of a command than a polite request - instead of luring her in with lazily kind lies, he it was clear he just wanted to see her up and moving.. it truly seemed as he was trying to help her, in his own way, rather than just telling her what she wanted to hear.

she nodded. she closed her eyes, and slowly came back to her feet. when she reopened them, they no longer had a sad, far off glaze, but her usual unphased stare. she took a breath. "you're right..." she admitted monotonally, moving her gaze away from him for a moment as she readjusted her bangs very slightly. as she did, she just barely noticed the flight attendant talking with the well-dressed young royal from earlier. at the very least, if the young man - keiji, as it were - had ulterior motives, it probably wasn't killing her. not with those two likely to see them leave. she looked back at him. "i'm sachi. himura." she said quickly. "i guess i didn't get this far by sulking. so i'll go with you." she nods again, as if affirming this for herself, standing ready to go. just before they do she leans in, a bit closer then he might otherwise be comfortable with.

"and if we do find 'something'?" she smiles softly, but ever so mischievously. it's probably a joke, but her deadpan look doesn't give away much.



Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician


Keiji blushed a deep,rose red when Sachi gets close to him.  He could see Sachi's delicate features clearly. Her green eyes seemed dead but there is something stirring inside of them.He can practically feel her breath. It was warm and....well she was breaching his personal space. Mind you, Keiji had friends who are girls before but he was not used to girls being this close to him. He turned his head away from Sachi. He didn't want her to see his embarassment. How should he answer?


"Well...ummm...we'll see." Keiji replied shakily. He took a step back from Sachi. His feet made an audible thud on the pale wooden floor. After a moment, he then realised that Sachi might think he is rude for doing that. He bowed an apology.


"S-s-sorry. You were just getting...uhhh...bit too close. Sorry.". He got up and hastily walked to the cabin door. He turns back to face Sachi,his blush dulling a bit."Ummm....do you want to follow?" 


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sachi blinked curiously  as she watched keiji step away, confused by the whole exchange. she didn't think anything she'd done had been particularly noteworthy, but he seemed to almost be in a daze as he stumbled off. was he... hiding something? it didn't make much sense, but she'd never really elicited such a reaction in someone. it was hard to know where it was coming from. she straightened up stiffly, returning to usual form. "alright," she says, simply nodding. if he didn't have an answer, it could signal that he just wanted to keep whatever he found secret from herself or anyone else, but in any case, that was his prerogative. it honestly wouldn't surprise her if the others hadn't already found their own 'somethings' they weren't keen on sharing. 

she raised an eyebrow, not really understanding why he was apologizing, either. if she had done something wrong by getting so close, why was he apologizing for reacting? he was kind of strange to her, but the unpredictability was sort of welcomed. ...as long as it was benign. "sorry, then," she said, methodically going ahead and apologizing for her perceived misstep. she went ahead and headed toward the cabin door, following him out and gingerly closing the door behind them. she's satisfied with the resounding 'click' the cabin door makes, unmistakably signaling their leave for anyone around. once that was done, she takes to walking beside him, at a more respectable distance this time. she takes out her e-handbook as they go, moving away from natsumi's still on-screen profile and flipping through toward his own.

"do you mind if i ask you some questions as we go...?" the way she says it, it hardly sounds like a question, but she still looks up at him expectantly, her handbook tilting toward him meaningfully.


[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Sehema took the e handbook that was tossed to her, a bit more aware. She began messing around with it while drowning everyone out. As she turned the device on, her eyebrows furrowed with how much information it had on her other than her talent. It seemed a bit invasive in her opinion. As the blonde archer fiddled with the device some more, she spotted the different areas that seemed to be available to them. All of which confirmed what everyone had pretty much knew already. They were nowhere near Hope’s Peak anymore. Plus if what the talking bear named “Monokuma” said was correct about stealing their memories then it would make perfect sense why they wouldn’t remember. It would also explain why Sehema’s own head was throbbing in pain souring her mood with each passing moment. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]Watching everyone break off to start their own ventures, Sehema finally stood up planning on exploring the building they were in now to see if she could find something for her head. She silently ventured around the building searching for a medical room or a medkit at least. As she continued on with her venture, she felt the handbook in her hand vibrate causing her to look at it once more. The first sight that greeted her was a list of rules. [/SIZE]

1. Do not lend, break, or steal any E-Handbooks

2. Do not attack headmaster Monokuma

3. Boys sleep in their own cabins, Girls sleep in theirs. Separately

4. Sleeping is only aloud in your cabins.

5. Any attempts to escape will result in... swift punishment

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]She narrowed her eyes at what she thought to be a disgusting farce. There were so many things wrong with this list, she didn’t know where to begin, but the last rule was the one that caught her attention more. [/SIZE][SIZE=15.3333px]"Swift Punishment?"[/SIZE][SIZE=15.333333333333332px] She asked aloud trying to put together what that meant. From the context of the conversations everyone else were having and now the rule, it seemed like Monokuma wa forcing them to stay on “vacation.” Sehema had no honest intention of finding out what the bear meant so she continued her venture. After finding some sort of headache medicine, the ultimate archer plopped two pills in her mouth and swallowed. She then left the building following her handbook’s guide to what seemed to be a mysterious building. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]As she inched closer to the building, it seemed that some of her classmates had already beaten her and seemed to be surprised. She turned her attention to the object that had them surprised and Monokuma laughing. She looked over Hanji’s shoulders as he held an open book. Her eyes narrowed again once she read the bold red letters [/SIZE]"Hope's Peak Ski Resort Killing Game"[SIZE=15.333333333333332px] [/SIZE]"What type of vulgar prank is this?"[SIZE=15.333333333333332px] For the first time, she had spoken in front of the group as she glared at Monokuma. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15.333333333333332px]She had more questions for the bear but before she could ask them, she saw the glare of the SHSL Lawyer Hanji Nakamura rush towards the bear landing a sucker punch. For a bear issuing such serious threats, he seemed to be pretty easy to knock down. Her smirk then vanished as she watched silently as Nakamura was executed in front of her leaving the blonde speechless and clutching her fist. Surely it was no prank. They had been kidnapped by a homicidal lunatic. [/SIZE]
Yorokobi Tomasu

SHSL Stewardess

"I see" said Yorokobi, "I love the piano" she said "although obviously its not my strong suit" she said giggling, "I saw that everyone was going to check around the place, so I thought I would catch up with you and help search!, I want you to know that what that bear wants I am never going to do even if my life depends on it, I am not hurting anyone!" She said almost shouting, "helping the group is my priority, so I'll help you search for anything!" 
Sora watched the girls as they left the kitchen. The both of them didn't seem very threatening, maybe if he decided to continue to seek those two out he might be able to find at least two people he could trust. Maybe he'd meet up with them later. But at the moment with the brutality he just witnessed staying in the main cabin didn't seem like the safest place to be. As well as this day had drained him completely and just made him longing for sleep despite only waking up roughly an hour ago.

He finally left the kitchen seeing that the main room has begun to clear out as well. 'It seems like everyone else got the same idea. It seems like no one really wants to stay here.' But honestly who the hell would even want to stay here since there was nothing you could even do in the main cabin except mull about the possibility of a) being murdered or b) someone else committing a murder. And both those options were pretty shitty in Sora's opinion. But the personal cabins sounded a like a good idea. He could maybe get some sleep or at the very least think things over. It was decided, he was going to head to the cabins. Heading to the door, he noticed both Sachi and Keiji both heading out. "I'm sorry but do you mind if I tag a long? It's safer in groups after all."


The Garage

The garage has a pair of skis leaning against the back wall. A large tarp covered what looked like a snowmobile but it was clearly not working. Tools such as hammers, shovels, and ice picks were on a rack on the left side of the garage. A pile of tarp also lay near the snowmobile.


Mysterious Building

Inside the building were shelves full of books and files, the book that Hanji had found must have been from here! The files contained student IDs and profiles from Hope's Peak. There was also a small picture of the school with a group of students infront of it, the faces were scratched out though. 


The Ski Lift

The Ski Lift didn't work, it seemed to go only up into the clouds. The radio has been burnt out for a very long time by the looks of it. The ski lift chairs were rusted and icicles hung off of them, They made a loud creaking sound as they swung in the wind.


The Cabins

The small circle of cabins were sitting far to the right of the Ski Lift. They each has pictures of every student on the doors, this was obviously the living quarters for the students.
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Tsukimo looked around inside the buildings. He began reading all of the files for something important. He felt himself being relaxed and excited at the same time. Away from people, away from the cold... just him, and a plethora of reading material. He read up on everyone, learning more about them. Even himself. Though he had to question how this amount of info was possible.

Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician


"Ummmm....yeah....sure" Keiji answered to Sachi after thinking for a few minutes. "Ask away.". After a few crunching steps,they made it to the Garage. Keiji  wanted to open the rusted iron door but he was interrupted by Sora.


"Ummm..." he looked at Sachi for a minute,trying to see if she would be okay with it. "Ummm.....s-sure.If you want to." Keiji stuttered out to Sora. He scanned Sora. He looked fairly mature for a teenager and his locks of hair was majestic. He was wearing a white suit,white coat.....actually he is literally just the representation of the colour white.Keiji was unsure whether Sora could help open the door but the more the merrier,right?


He pushed against the steel door to get it to open. After a groan and a creak the door opened. The light entered the unlit Garage. Keiji took a few steps in. He turned back. "To be honest,I'm just looking for a self-defense weapon." he said in a low-voice,to not attract attention. "I think you guys should take one as well."



sachi flipped scrolled through the information she'd found on him at keiji's go-ahead, thinking of what she might be interested in asking. she didn't manage to make a decision before the two of them were met with sora's presence. when keiji's eyes met her own, she didn't really change expression, her eyes looking back over at sora seemingly without much care. he seemed... tall, but otherwise, not a lot stood out about him to her. otherwise, it was hard to discern his intentions for wanting to tag along, but she simply let keiji's admission to let him join their group go unchallenged. she stayed silent as the door groaned and creaked open, not inspired to much of anything.

at keiji's comment as they entered, though, she nods. "fair enough," she said dryly, her eyes already drifting off towards the room around them. she couldn't say she had such a one-track mind, but then again, she hadn't come for any reason real reason, and she couldn't say she wasn't interested in attaining a weapon, either. if there was something interesting, she wanted to know about it. specifically, her eye was drawn to the large tarp concealing something large underneath it over to the side. she moved closer to it and pushed up the tarp to find a huge looking snowmobile, just sitting idle. she pushed it back even farther, just out of curiosity, to see if she could get it running with what she had, but no dice. "a snowmobile..." she announced, coming to sit down on the it's hood to get a better look of the place from the inside.

curiously, though, before she came to look at anything else, she saw only more tarp just at her feet.  she wasn't sure what was weirder - the fact that there was still a potential vehicle here at all, or what the fact that there was even more tarp suggested. "this might not be the only one, either..." she trailed, a hint of interest in her voice. none of this necessarily meant anything, but it was all a bit mysterious. and bit alluring. it wouldn't surprise her if that was the exact reason they were here, to just be alluring only to crush their hopes later, but if that were the case, if would be far less interesting. she wanted to ponder what this all might mean a little longer, so she watched the two boys carefully from the top of the machine.



Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician


Keiji crouched down to grab a claw-hammer off the floor. He didn't even try to hide the fact that he was taking it. He felt the weight of it on his hands. It was heavy enough to do damage but not enough to be cumbersome to bring. He slid it in his right jean pocket. It made an awkward bulge but that will do for now.


He looks at the snowmobile with interest. After Sachi suggested to him that there were more made him more curious. The snowmobile does not work,anyway but it sure is a bit queer. He crossed his arms in contemplation. "What could that mean?" he asked to himself. It doesn't make sense,he concluded.


"If only we had a SHSL Mechanic." He sighed.


Lady Yuki Hisakawa

[SIZE=13.3333px]Yuki looked up, her hair moved to her side to show both of her eyes, her blue eye staring up at her. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]'Is she trying to comfort me?' [/SIZE][SIZE=13.3333px]The thought making her embarrassed, making a student who was probably a lower title worry about her made her face red. "S-sorry.." She said quietly the female already off and running along to talk to another person probably not hearing her. After a few minutes, she brought herself up and slowly moved her feet back indoors after taking her 'breather'. The pink dress covered with snow as she brushed it off, moving along indoors towards the now-smaller group with people slowly exiting to explore the area. The royal making it a rule not to breathe through her nose or look at the wall, quickly moving the fireplace area, taking her suggestion to warm up. The royal sat down on her knees with her hands on her lap, the warmth, slowly moving through her. However, the cold had already taken it's toll as she found herself sneezing time to time (although she guessed that it wasn't bad enough for a cold) the fire warming her up while she slowly built up her composure again so she could go explore later.[/SIZE]

@Jessica Rabbit
"I think it means whoever brought us here is a complete idiot. If they want us to kill to leave don't leave a potential getaway vehicle in plain sight." Sora said staring at the snowmobile crossing his arms. Why that even be here in the first place if this is supposed to basically be a death trap? But this also was a good thing, getting the thing running isn't that impossible. well as long as it still had a engine. Sora leaned himself against the nearest wall, thinking to himself. "I wonder, is there anyway of checking if there is actually an engine in it?"


sachi shrugged, rubbing the hood with her hand. "my guess? it's here as a joke. if whoever wants us to kill each other, they might get a kick out of watching us flounder over a means of escape that's so close, and so out of our reach." she smiles sardonically as she says this, but her face sobers up again as she looks back to the tarp on the floor. "anyway, if the other recently left, then it's probably guaranteed it's our captor that took it. and if they went to all of this trouble to get us up here, and spent all this money, they would probably make sure the other couldn't get functioning." her eyes move away from the two of them, and to the edges of the ceiling in search of cameras. "or they have a failsafe..."

once she finishes postulating, she brushes her hand around the edges of the hood, looking to see if she could potentially pop it up from where she was sitting. "that said, i guess there's no reason we couldn't try looking." she frowned as she finished her search, her hand finding no way to pull up the hood from the front. she hopped off the front and examined the vehicle from the distance the others were standing at, hoping to find an alternate means of entry. she wasn't quite sure where to start - the machine was different from a computer, or even a full-fledged car, and it didn't seem as intuitive so operate. sachi wrapped her arms together, trying to keep warm amidst the frosty air, and looked around the rest of the garage again, to see if there was anything else that could help, or anything else of interest.


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All of the monitors in the resort suddenly flashed on. Monokuma appeared on the screen drinking a glass of what can be assumed as some type of alcohol. He smiles and then announced: "Attention all vacationers, it is my responsibility to tell you that it is officially nighttime! Return to your cabins and sleep well, or NOT phuhuhuhu" The monitors then shut off and a loud bell rang three times. The cabin doors then unlocked and the fireplaces inside them lighted up.

 @Assailant@NANANANANANANANANANA@CreativelyPerfect@Jessica Rabbit@Blu3@Lucremoirre@Fazy@T h e F o o l@rusticyawn@DaniBot 

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Tsukimo sighed and took a few books. All of the files he hadn't read yet, basically. He'd probably stay up and read the files. He almost tremored with the thought of reading more. He began to think on their current predicament. Were there any copycat cases in the past? Did anything about this particular case seem familiar? He went off to his cabin with those thoughts in his head.
While standing with Hayley, Yorokobi heard the thing that brought them there on the monitors, she then looked at Hayley and nodded letting her know she was going off to the cabins and to make sure everyone else made it there as well, after walking back she stopped at the cabin they woke up in to check on Lady Yuki, "I wanted to make sure you guys saw the message, I'm guessing the girls and boys have to split up now" she said with a sad giggle. She the stood in the door way with her hands advancing towards the girls cabin, she looked at Lady Yuki and said "madam I'll gladly walk with you if you would like" she said as a gesture of trust and respect.

Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician

Keiji was grateful that he was wearing a sweater-vest. Possibly a sign of being a geek but at least it will warm his body.Too bad his arms weren't. He started to shiver. Monokuma's announcement seemed right as the light outside faded into darkness. Keiji could barely see the faces of his comrades.


"I think it would be better to...ummm....get some rest first." he told Sachi and Sora. It would be difficult to work on an engine in the dark and there doesn't seem to be a light switch in the garage. And if there were,it's too dark to find it. The cabins beckon in the distance.


"I-i-it's starting to g-get chilly."

Kyou Akiyama

Shsl Architect

Kyou looked at all of the group with suspicion from the main cabin, she then decided to go for the cabins for now, as it wasn't really a good idea to stay awake and ponder for the moment, she them made her way to the cabins all while she pulled out her E-Handbook, as soon as possible when she entered the cabin, Kyou almost instantaneously ran towards her own bed and cried herself to sleep, she just saw someone die, in front of her eyes, if she can't panic while they're still here, then she shall panic on her sleep.
Lady Yuki Hisakawa

Yuki looked up at the announcement, having to go to her cabin, honestly happy about being in a quiet place. Her head raised up to see the same female from before offering to walk with her, her eyes scanning her for any sign for her to not trust her. Not the least bit guilty about suspecting her but after realizing that she seemed to have no such motivation she held her hand out to grab hers before stopping herself again. "Thank you..."  She murmured out before stepping through the snow in pace to the Girls Cabins. "Why are you so normal?" The question spilling out of her before covering her mouth with one hand at her own rudeness. "Sorry. Didn't mean it like that." 

@Jessica Rabbit
Sora looked up after the monokuma announcement. Had that much time really passed between waking up and now? After all it was now pretty dark, and the temperature was dropping. He started to head out as he heard Keiji speak. "True...I guess we can work on this tomorrow. See ya then." He waved to them both as he left. Maybe tomorrow they could get the snowmobile possibly working. That was at least something to look forward to.

It didn't take him too long to get to cabins and figure out which one was his. As soon as he got in collapsed on his bed. In the comfort of his temporary room his didnt have to keep up the facade of being calm. He still couldnt believe the events of today. That wont soon ever leave his head. This was sure going to be a long night.
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Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician

Keiji was shivering violently when he trudged out of the Garage. He waved a goodbye at Sachi. Now, Sachi Himura. That name sounds oddly familiar. Keiji tried remembering but his mind drew blanks. He sneezed in the cold. His biggest concern right now is getting to a warm place quickly.


The cabin door was inviting like some sort of distant family home that Keiji seldom visited. He saw his pixelated face on the door. He went inside. Keiji checked his room. It was fairly spacious to say the least. Which makes it strange considering they are kidnapped to be forced to slaughter each other on this snow-covered top. But he didn't complain. He had a nice fire. The kidnapper provided extra clothes (All the same sweater-vests though) and a comfy bed. He made a little prayer and slept like a log.


As Yorokobi and Lady Yuki was waking to they're cabins, Yorokobi heard what Lady Yuki said, she giggles and says "well madam, I wouldn't say there is a 'normal' I'm just an average person who cares for everyone who needs it, I'm a flight attendant.. it's what I do hehehe, and I know these circumstances are fierce but I want you as well as everyone to know that you can trust me, and no I'm not just saying that, I mean it! I'm not giving into that things tricks." As they approach they're cabins she gently touches Lady Yuki's shoulder with the final words "I promise" before they part to go into they're separate cabins. Yorokobi walks into her cabin and closes the door while locking it. She then walks over to the bed and sits on the side of it, as she does this she starts to cry silently to herself to get all her stress and fear out. She finds a small piece of paper and a writing utensil, she then writes a small note to herself and places it on her person just in case the... well... unspeakable happens to her..

@J e s t e r

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