RP Area

Tsukimo nodded. He needed to interrogate everyone that had met with the victim. He needed any clues he could possibly get. Before he left, however, he had just one more question. "U-um... y-you asked the v-victim to meet up w-with you to d-discuss escaping. W-when was that? A-and why her?"

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Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou woke up with a loud yawn, with tear drops still marked on the pillow, she seemed to have recovered from last night, but she missed the announcements, the architect then went to take a shower, a quite short one in fact, finishing her bath and dressing in her clothes, she went outside to find the blasting sun covering the snow, a rather beautiful landscape if it wasn't for it's story, stepping out of the cabins to the lodge, but before she could arrive there, Kyou found a set of Footprints leading to the Garage, curiosity striking, Kyou went to the Garage, unaware of the occurring investigation at the lodge, stepping in front of the Garage, she stopped suddenly, her eyes searching for something near the garage before she enters it.
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Evidence [SIZE= 20px]Analysis[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Garage[/SIZE]

The door is wide open, footprints lead out of it to the lodge. Hmm suspicious, why would the murderer go to the garage?


Investigation will be ending soon, only a bit more of evidence is required! 


Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou looks back to the lodge in worry, why where there footprints that led out from the garage towards the lodge?, in wonder, she stepped inside the Garage she once promised to enter in caution, though her poker face was still etched on the architect's face, her eyes frantically searching for anything suspicious or of notice in it as she fearfully held her hand close to her own chest, the only emotion radiating from Kyou's persona.

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Keiji Sore

SHSL Mathematician


Well, someone was using some interesting ingredients at least. He looks at Sora. There seems to be something missing from all this. He reviews everything he knows right now. He thinks hard....


Then, he brought out the claw hammer that he was keeping in his pocket. He walks up to Sora and the body. He motions at Sora to the body.


"Hope you don't mind." he says to Sora when he compares the indent on the body with the hammer. "Is it the same size?"If Sora was observant, he would notice that Keiji was looking away from the body though.

Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou looks back to the lodge in worry, why where there footprints that led out from the garage towards the lodge?, in wonder, she stepped inside the Garage she once promised to enter in caution, though her poker face was still etched on the architect's face, her eyes frantically searching for anything suspicious or of notice in it as she fearfully held her hand close to her own chest, the only emotion radiating from Kyou's persona.


Evidence Analysis


Inside the garage was all of the stuff, but there was some snow that trailed in from whoever was awake. Up against the wall was a crudely coiled waterhose, looking out tampered with since the last time they checked the garage. On the tool bench there was alot of dusty tools scattered but there was one certain tool that was shiny and clean. It was a Pipe Wrench!


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Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou's eyes had stopped upon a seemingly Tampered Waterhose, the architect meekly approached the sabotaged waterhose, examining the hose for any other disturbances, as she was investigating the hose, her eyes stumbled upon something else, a bizarrely clean and spotless Pipe Wrench, compared to the other tools, whom where messy and unswept, this one was unblemished and sparkling, did the other students try to clean the garage?, speaking of which, where are the others?, she hadn't seen any of them when she woke up from her tearful slumber, she then remembered that a certain person, a female it seemed, said she was going to check the Ski Loft, the architect then exited the Garage, and went towards the ski loft, in wonder of what had happened while she was asleep.

Evidence Analysis

[SIZE= 18px]Pipe Wrench[/SIZE]

The wrench had some water drip.ping off of it


The hose is not broken, just recently used. The hose was lazily coiled as if put up in a hurry.

Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

As Kyou walked in the snow covered plains towards the Ski Loft, the architect is plunged into deep thought towards the newfound evidence she had discovered in the Garage, the Hose seemed to have been put in a hurry and it was used recently, what was the hose used for?, if it was for cleaning something, then why didn't whoever put the hose there go towards their lodge's kitchen sink to clean it?, was there something obstructing the hose's user?, her thoughts were then pushed towards the Pipe Wrench, why was there water dripping from it?, maybe the hose was used to clean it, but why the wrench specifically?, she returned to the real world with her realization towards the fact that she was already at the ski loft, searching for something suspicious.


Hayley Kiyoko


I get close to the door about to open the lodge door when I hear the kid say when were me and the victim talk about how to escape and why her and I say "I never talked to her about leaving so I have no Idea what your talking about."  I make a cunfussed look and look at him. Before I leave I check my skirt pocket to see If my Knife is still in there and start walking to the Cabins and knock on Lady Yuki's lodge.


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Tsukimo looked up in confusion. Ah, judging faces: Tsukimo's greatest weakness. He had no idea whether or not Hayley was lying. The only way for him to figure out something like that would be to do a polygraph. Or perhaps use some psychological manipulation to force out a confession, or at the very least figure out the truth for himself. However, there was no polygraph machine handy, and he wasn't confident enough or skilled enough to use psychological warfare.

"I- um..." Tsukimo handed Hayley a note. The note stated as followed:

"I think I have found a way to leave, but I want to talk to you about it alone. Meet me in the kitchen when you wake up. ~Hayley~”


Hayley Kiyoko


I get close to the door about to open the lodge door when I hear the kid say when were me and the victim talk about how to escape and why her and I say "I never talked to her about leaving so I have no Idea what your talking about."  I make a cunfussed look and look at him. Before I leave I check my skirt pocket to see If my Knife is still in there and start walking to the Cabins and knock on Lady Yuki's lodge.



Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

As Kyou walked in the snow covered plains towards the Ski Loft, the architect is plunged into deep thought towards the newfound evidence she had discovered in the Garage, the Hose seemed to have been put in a hurry and it was used recently, what was the hose used for?, if it was for cleaning something, then why didn't whoever put the hose there go towards their lodge's kitchen sink to clean it?, was there something obstructing the hose's user?, her thoughts were then pushed towards the Pipe Wrench, why was there water dripping from it?, maybe the hose was used to clean it, but why the wrench specifically?, she returned to the real world with her realization towards the fact that she was already at the ski loft, searching for something suspicious.



The knife is missing from Hayleys pocket

[SIZE= 20px]Cabins & Ski Loft[/SIZE]

No significance 
Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


It seemed that Sehema was on a trail. She smirked as she followed the footsteps all the way to the garage. She noticed the doors were wide open and walked in where she ran into another classmate already investigating. She arched an eyebrow, not really remembering this classmate at the initial crime scene. A part of her felt bothered that someone else had beaten her, but she realized that it'd be better if they had more than one person vouch for a clue. The archer did her best not to hinder the girl's investigation while looking over the evidence in the garage herself. Taking a mental note of the snow and the hose, the blonde haired teenager went to look at the pipe wrench. As she saw the water dripping from it, she reached out to pick it up to weigh it. She already had an idea why it was dripping wet, but she just wanted to make sure. 'Would this be enough to bash someone's head in?' She thought to herself as she noticed the girl heading out. Sehema debated on following her, but there was one more thing she wanted to check on. She browsed the garage again looking to see if there were random puddles on the floor. Maybe the hose had been used to wash something other than the wrench. 

Ding Dong Bing Bong....



The monitors cut on and it displayed Monokuma. "Attention all Ski-ers! The Class Trial is about to begin! Come to the ski lift and... HOP ON!" The students felt a deep knot inside of them, one of the students had murdered another... And someone is gonna die for it... this is.... ULTIMATE DESPAIR!


Truth Bullets

1. Stabbed First?

2. 2 Notes

3. Bashed Skull

4. Footprints

5. Pipe Wrench

//Also any of your discoveries can be a Truth Bullet//
Tsukimo frowned at the announcement. Hayley would appear to be the murderer. All signs pointed to that, but... that seemed... TOO easy. Was this just his immense intelligence making a twisting mystery seem like nothing more than child's play, or was he being deceived? Perhaps it really is that simple? However, it was not with despair that he hopped onto the lift, but instead with a sort of giddiness. Even if it was murder, he LOVED a good mystery.

Hayley Kiyoko

Hayley read the note that Tsukimo had given to her and handed it back to him because she needed to figure out the murderer is. When Lady Yuki didn't answer she left and thought she had to come out soon. Hayley heard the announcement and headed behind Tsukimo. She had no clue who did it but she had to find out and advenge Yorokobi .

(Sorry on mobile atm but be back on laptop in a min.)


Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou heard the bear's announcement through a nearby monitor, the architect being shocked still with the realization of the facts, there had been a murder, and she hadn't even known it had happened, maybe she could have stopped it, maybe she could have pinned the culprit himself, but no, her tears caused someone else's death, however, there was no time to waste, as she had a class trial to attend, turning her eyes back to the Ski Loft, she finds two people stationed there, a young woman and a small boy, she reconized the woman as Hayley Kiyoko, she had introduced herself in the night before, though the architect remembers the small boy being on the lodge, he had never quite introduced himself, Kyou then quickly made her way towards the two, her mindset focused on the class trial as she awaits the others to arrive.
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Sora glanced up at the supposedly blood splattered food and shrugged. 'I wouldn't trust it' He thought to himself, but after all he wasn't necessarily hungry at all after this investigation. His brain wanders off temporarily thinking about something completely unrelated to the whole situation before being brought back to reality with Keiji's question. "Huh?" He looked at the hammer and then glanced back at the body. "I mean, It sorta matches the wound but-"

Sora get cut off by the monokuma announcement. He groaned, it seemed like it was time for the trial. "I guess I'll explain more her injuries at the trial then. I'll see you at the ski lift" He sighed and shook his head as he began to exit the lodge and head to the ski lift. Once he got there he saw a small group forming and walked to them. Lord, what was going to be in store for everyone?
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once tsukimo's question had been answered, sachi followed the two of them quietly from behind to yuki's cabin. she was definitely intrigued to hear hayley supposedly had not heard of the note before then, but she wasn't sure what to make of it, if anything. it did seem as if hayley was honestly surprised, but it wasn't as if sachi had much experience with other people, either. she was used to rigorous meeting and greeting, but she couldn't claim to know many people on any sort of deeper level. she would not rule out hayley's suspicion, especially when the three of them failed to find yuki to hear her story or condition, but she couldn't rule out the possibility of hayley's innocence any longer, either. once the announcement sounded, tsukimo and hayley immediately left for the loft, but she stayed for a moment longer, studying the abandoned cabin curiously. 'i wonder where she is currently...'


well, if she was awake and alive, she'd be at the trial. that's what sachi assumed. still ruminating on the case before her, she finally decided to get a move on. she headed toward the ski lift. once she arrived, she was surprised to see how many others had managed to arrive in the time since the announcement. the others waited impatiently before her, standing and sitting nervously as they waited for those missing to arrive. she could even hear her own heartbeat nervously go along as she walked up to the lift and carefully sat down on one of the old chairs. she wasn't sure how to feel, being so close to the trial, but her body was full of an uncomfortable anxiety she just couldn't shake. one of them was going to die again in a matter of hours, or even minutes. it was guaranteed. did she have an obligation to make sure it was the 'right' person? could there even be a 'right' person, when they were all essentially sending someone to their death in the sake of self-interest? she looked uncomfortably down at her lap and waited.

Once everyone was situated in the ski lift, the engines began whirring, then the seats began to lurch forward. Making an unsettling creaking sounds, the seats continues to go higher and faster. The Ski Lift began going even faster, and faster until it hit the clouds then stopped at the peak of the mountain. There were a bunch of podiums circling around a middle platform, in the middle platform sat a Slot Machine that said: GUILTY. This was the voting mechanism obviously. Monokuma was seated on a throne at a higher point, over-watching the trial area.




"Take your positions everyone, the trial is about to start!" The bear snickered to himself. This psycho is really forcing them to do this....how sick...


//Many things are uncovered in the class trial! Flesh out your characters to the max and most importantly FIND THE RIGHT KILLER! If you choose the wrong one, well, the accused gets punished then!//

Tsukimo smiled as he took his place. "Hello again, Monokuma! You really are a marvelous feat of robotic engineering. You'll need to let me dissect you at some point."
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Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou quickly walked to her podium, her poker face still attached to her head, "Do you actually think that Monokuma will let you do that?"  The architect said her first words towards the unknown boy, her blunt words filled with a dispassionate tone, "Nonetheless, we have a trial to attend."  She said outloud with a mournful tone, a sadness lurking behind her indifferent mask.
Tsukimo nodded and thought to himself. "Alright, time to compile evidence," he said aloud. The way he said it almost made it sound like he was talking to himself, but it was clearly loud enough to be heard by everyone. "The victim is Yorokobi Tomasu. She was killed with either five stab wounds to the chest or a fatal blow to the back of the head. A combination of this is also acceptable." Gone was Tsukimo's anxiety. His stutter and fear were gone. He spoke logically and swiftly. Everything sounded premeditated. He was deep in thought, judging by his expression, but he gave off an aura of assurance. It was hard not to feel like this small boy knew exactly what he was doing. Even still, it seemed like he was talking to himself.

"There was a brown lock of hair held in the victim's hand. Not many people match this description, though one of them is Hayley. Hayley seemingly summoned Yorokobi to the scene of the crime to discuss a means of escape, though Hayley herself denies ever writing this note." Tsukimo swerved from topic to topic seamlessly, as if it was one stream of consciousness flowing through his mind. He never hesitated or halted.

"Yorokobi seemed to know she was going to die, according to a note supposedly written by her. This could have been a dying message, or written before hand. If the latter is the case, how did she know? Furthermore, the note seemed far too loquacious to be written as she was dying. Regardless, in said note, Yorokobi said she'd only talked to Yuki, Hayley, Sachi, and Keji." For the first time since he began, Tsukimo paused. He was deep in thought. He then looked up and chuckled.

"U-uh...um... d-did I miss anything?"

Kyou Akiyama

SHSL Architect

Kyou listened to the small boy's evidence analysis, it was good knowing who was murdered, though she didn't expect Yorokobi to be murdered, but thinking in a more logical and heartless manner, it was expected, as she was strategically one of the more weakest of us all, pushing the thoughts aside, she realizes something the boy said matches with something, could it have been...?

((PIPE WRENCH)) >> "Or a fatal blow to the back of the head."


"I think that Yorokobi's cause of death was most likely blunt force trauma"  Kyou proclaimed in realization, "In the Garage, I found a Pipe Wrench, it seemed much more cleaner then the other tools in there, it was also dripping with water, I also found a Hose, it was loosely put in a wall, as if in a hurry"  The architect said with a thoughtful expression, her hands crossed, "If not certain, the hose was most likely used to clean the blood from the wrench, If the wrench isn't the cause of death, then I think it was probably used in the crime." She said with a certain tone to her voice, secretly proud of her own hypothesis.

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