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Tsukimo laughed intensely as the tasers zapped him. He fell to the ground and just laughed. "What a marvelous bunch of robotics you've got!" Tsukimo continued laughing, clutching his sides as he lay on the floor.
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Keiji Sore




Keiji slowly and reluctantly pull the lever. He votes for Sora. I mean, there's not anything he can do. But he still feels guilt. He can't look at bodies anyway.


"....You weren't like this, Sachi." he mumbled to himself.


"I remember."
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Sora pulled the slowly pulled the lever to vote for himself. "So momokuma! Let just get this over with." He grinned sadly but on the inside he was a wreck. Killing some girl was the last thing he ever wanted to do, but now that it's done what could he do? He could kick and scream or come quietly, and that what he was going to do. After all he still wanted to at least go out with some form of dignity and still be the type of guy his sister could look up too. Although at the very least it was a group of perfect strangers seeing him die instead of his family so at least he could take comfort in that respect.
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"Well its finally been decided, its PUNISHMENT TIME!" 



"Sora Yukimura, your classmates have found you GUILTY, and you know what that means... I HAVE A VERY SPECIAL PUNISHMENT MADE JUST FOR YOU! THE ULTIMATE VETERINARIAN!


[SIZE= 16px]Suddenly a chain flings out and grabs Sora by the neck, the chain drags him into the clouds and a monitor shows up, displaying the execution. The chain dragged him into a room, then sets him on a doctor's operation table. Monokuma shows up with a doctors mask and begins to make small slices all over Sora and laughs. Then he is drug into another room, full of cow meat hanging on a hook. He is slammed against a meat hook, then another, and another, until his is impaled on all angles. Still alive, the meat hooks begin spinning fast and tearing up through him. After a few seconds of spinning, blood is everywhere and his mutilated corpse is dropped to the floor. A sign then pops up and says: "Hook, Line, and Sinker."[/SIZE]

sora ex2.jpg

sora ex.png[SIZE= 16px]  [/SIZE]


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"..." sachi says nothing further. she doesn't look up to meet keiji's eyes or speculate what he means. she's aware of it in every way that matters. even if she still can't readily recall why or how she should otherwise know him, what he says remains just as poignant to her. her hand raises to meet her mouth and she inhumanly stands still, her throat struggling even to swallow. keiji never says out loud how she's changed from how he remembers, but sachi knows all too well what's she's missing. she willingly let it leave. she had to. in time, she imagined he would find himself having to do the same.

at the sound of monkuma's gavel, the gruesome business of sora's execution began. somehow she finally found it in her to face forward and see for herself how things would unfurl. almost immediately, she found herself regretting her decision, her stomach pitting at monokuma's sharp claws slicing carefully into sora's thin skin. still, she did not dare look away from the horrors unfolding right in front of her, knowing she had a hand, however large, in ensuring this eventuality. what couldn't have been more than a minute or two seemed to last for hours, sora's body slamming again and again and again onto some new edge. to add insult to injury, sora's blood splattered out into every direction, every new pink sploch onto the camera seeming to irrevocably stain. the blood itself would easily come off, but the memory of it was now forever branded in her mind.

her nails, still hovering over the skin over her mouth, dug into her face, her eyes clenching shut when sora's 'body' finally stopped moving. it was hard to describe what was left as much of a body anymore - it had been drained, beaten, and cut much like an animal after slaughter. except, unlike most animals, it was clear sora had been very much awake and alive for most of the proceedings. sachi took quiet, shallow, desperate breaths, a great feeling of panic threatening to overtake her. 'that punishment... that punishment can't have been possible. this has to be hell. i must be in hell.' it felt hard to maintain her composure at first, but she realized this keeping herself upright was all managing to do. she couldn't scream, run, or cry, even if she wanted to, her limbs feeling locked to the spot. she could only stand still, paralyzed, her eyes still closed and her hand still over her mouth, waiting for something, somebody, to do or say something

Tsukimo watched the execution with interest. When it was over, Tsukimo turned to Monokuma. "Another fittingly ironic execution," he said with a completely calm tone. He grinned. "So my suspicions are confirmed. That is what awaits those who break the rules or get caught committing murder. A morbidly curious part of me wonders what mine would be like. Fittingly terrible, I imagine."

Keiji Sore


It was so fast and so sudden. Keiji didn't have enough time to look away. He jut stared at the screen and gawked like an idiot. Actually, he folded over himself.


"Hurk.." he barfed on the floor. It was the second time he has barfed today and he feels very weak. That monster,he thought.


He heard Tsukimo's remark. How dare he take something as death so likely. Keiji rests on his knees.


"....How ....dare.....you....Tsukimo."
"Huh?!" Tsukimo recoiled. "W-what? What did I do? D-did I do something t-to anger you?! I-I'm sorry!"



"...Why? Don't you-" he got up. "-you even care about him?" .He looks straight on at Tsukimo.


"...It's horrible. It's monstrous..It's beastly.....He didn't deserve this.....No one does....."


"That's absolutely why you shouldn't make friends with that monster."
Tsukimo shook his head. "N-no! It isn't l-like that?! I'm j-just... playing it smart. N-no reason to go m-making enemies with your c-captor. Isn't it best to m-make friends with the p-person who could literally k-kill you with the push of a button and w-wave of a hand?"

Keiji Sore


Keiji looks angry. How dare he! It's not like he actually cares about his death...


".....But it seems you don't even care about Sora's death. You don't even care that someone loss his life."
Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

So she was right to assume that her clue would be helpful, I mean why wouldn't it have been? It she had just presented it in the beginning, this trial wouldn't have lasted long. Sora's execution was bloody and gruesome, but she couldn't bring herself to feel remorse for him. Hearing Keiji's question and Tsukimo's studdering, she crossed her arms and stood tall. "I don't. Even if he didn't want to, he still chose to kill her and cover his tracks. I mean you can still feel bad if for someone who made their own choice if it really takes that  little to earn your forgiveness."  She shrugged, her voice still calm. "He may have lost his life, but remember that he also took one. If he wasn't ready to accept those consequences, then he should have stayed in his cabin. If it wasn't for the evidence I provided, then the wrong person could have gotten executed too. Keep that in mind."
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// @Assailant @NANANANANANANANANANA I understand it may be more difficult at times but still try to be as detailed as you can, make events and stuff happen if you want, the story may be controlled by me but everything else can be changed by you guys!//
Tsukimo shook his head. "I... um..." What am I supposed to do? They'd never trust me if they knew the truth... "I- I do, I just... I'm not good at... um... expressing emotions." Tsukimo walked up to Keiji. "W-we carried this trial, you and I... w-we're going to be the biggest t-targets for murder. P-please... w-we need to stick together." Tsukimo outstretched a hand to Keiji. "P-please?"


Keiji Sore


He really wants to slap Tsukimo. He raises his hand. Then,he listens to what Tsukimo had to say. He is twisted with anger.


"....Fine." He lowers his hands. He straightens his glasses to increase his concentration.


" You're right...."



sachi kept breathing, letting the slow, rythmic intake of air give her some peace. at first, when she hears everyone talking, she can't pay much attention to it. just breathing - and trying to just focus on that, as opposed to sora's execution - takes up the entirety of her brain, at first. but as her breaths become more steady, more calm, the world comes back into focus. her brain first cues into sehema's explanation of... sora's execution, presumably. she doesn't catch it all to know for sure. sachi opens her eyes and carefully removes her hand from her mouth to see the three of them standing together, her and keiji and tsukimo.

her heart feels like it's about to leap out of her throat when she what keiji's doing. she can see his hand raised over tsukimo, and her mind instincitively makes an association as to why. it shocks her deeply, to the point she can't figure out what she wants to do, if she wants to do anything, but the situation quickly resolves itself. sachi takes a relieved breath, realizing that that confrontation had somehow left her breathless. '...terrible,' she chastises herself in her thoughts. she definitely shouldn't have gotten so caught up about it, in retrospect. then again, this had been a very long day, filled with things she shouldn't have gotten caught up with. sachi was all to ready to finish it up and start anew tomorrow.

"then, if that's settled..." sachi finally leaves her place at her podium and moves to stand with the three of them. "and we have no further business here..." she says this slowly amongst the group, to give them a chance to speak up otherwise, but she turns to face monokuma's seat at the centerpiece of the circle. "are we dismissed?"

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Hayley Kiyoko

SHSL Pianist

Hayley kindal of faded out during the rest of the trial bit tuned in to her Monokuma say that Sora was found guilty which shocked Hayley because her is a Vet and helps things live but he murder a living thing which was a great friend of Hayley. She watched the execution of course in great horror but trying not to show it because he murdered Yorokobi. She then looked over to the group in tears that see didn't notice until now and walked over not wanting to be alone at this time. She walked over and asked "I heard something of a will do you know if Yorokobi said and thing of me?" she said cleaning the hot tears off her face.

sachi blinked at hayley's words. it wasn't that sachi had forgotten the matter of yokorobi's will up until now, but if she was honest, she'd just been looking for a different time to settle it. she wouldn't care about something like this normally, but... well, something was still nagging at her. if had been up to sachi, hayley would have been convicted and executed much like sora had been way before they had collected all of the evidence. it hadn't been an unreasonable conclusion at the time, only a hasty one, but it was still weighing on her for whatever reason. "yes..." sachi admitted carefully, her eyes looking away from her for a moment.

sachi walked slowly over to where yokorobi's belongings still laid. with a surprisingly ginger touch, she untied yokorobi's ascot from where it hung. she took it, and the promised aviation pin back over with her, pocketing the aviation pin for yuki's sake later. in the cold mountain breeze, the ascot waved and floated gently as sachi held it out in front to give to hayley. "this is what she wanted you to have..." sachi explains, an unreadable look on her face as she watches hayley cry. she did not know if this gesture would help her at all, but secretly, just this once, sachi let herself hope that it would.


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Hayley Kiyoko

SHSL Pianist

Hayley folowed slowly behind sachi in the cold moutian air with her left foot freezing because she forgot to put her shoe on put she put it on on followed her and watched as she took of Yorokobi ascot. As Sachi gave the ascot of Yorokobi to her and explained this what Yorokobi gave to her Hayley took it and then hugged Sachi. It lasted maybe five seconds as she let go. "Sorry um.... I-I get to um... yeah.. S-Sorry." She said putting on the ascot with tears going down her face and a smile also.


sachi stood still as hayley suddenly wrapped her arms around her. it had been too sudden for her to object to. her eyes widened at first, her stunned body unsure of how to otherwise react. her first instinct was to reject something like this at it's face, to be somehow offended at the act's perceived disingenuousness. no matter what they'd done for her, sachi could never imagine thanking someone so intimately. however, in the short moments they embraced... sachi somehow found she understood. it was not full on reciprocation, but before the hug ended, sachi arms moved from her sides to lightly touch hayley's arm, a small acknowledgement and acceptance of her gesture.

when she moved away, sachi looked down, her eyes somehow unable to meet hayley's. her dazed mind was still blank, buzzing uselessly with unprocessed information. when hayley spoke, her head just moved automatically, her eyes looking to see her as she put on the fluttering ascot. even knowing where the ascot had been, how it and all of them had gotten to this point, her heart somehow lifted as hayley tied it on. "sure." sachi turned away, unable to look at her any longer. she tried to hide her confused feelings from the group by turning her face away from them all, her eyes landing on the steep hillside beside them and an obfuscated view of the world from the clouds just beyond. her cheeks were warm, probably even somewhat red now. she knew this feeling would not last - her brain was due back on at any second, ready to remind her what pointless sentimentality would reap. but, right now... this was fine.

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Keiji Sore

".....Fine,you're right." Keiji lowered his left hand. To Tsukimo, Keiji towers over him. About 10 cm or so. This made Keiji more imposing than Tsukimo. He didn't accept Tsukimo's hand though. He still looks visibly pissed. Possibly the shade of red I'm using to write his words.


[SIZE= 16px]He looks carefully at Tsukimo and he breathes in. Breathing exercises. After a few minutes, he has calmed down. He then finally accepts Tsukimo's hand. [/SIZE]


"Sorry about that. It's just that.....you know,I have a very serious reaction towards......the people who left? Yeah. And I just don't like it that you seem to not care.It just....grinds me up,you know." he said with a completely straight face on. His hands are in his pockets. His right pocket is bulging a bit.


He made a cross against his chest and started praying to himself when he heard Kiyoko asking about the will. A prayer for Yorokobi. A prayer for Sora. A prayer for himself.


" It seems like you remember about yourself,Sachi." he told her with a soft smile.





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