RP Area


[SIZE= 16px]The bear was long gone by now, but after a few minutes he came back with a sandwich in hand. When he saw the students he seemed very shocked. "What you guys are still here?! The trial is over, get the hell outta here!" He then flips the lever on the Ski-Lift and it roars to life. The seats then start lurching downwards. "Better hurry up and catch your ride! Don't wanna miss it phuhuhu." Monokuma laughs as he disappears behind the throne, seemingly from thin air.[/SIZE]
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Tsukimo sighed as Monokuma disappeared. He wanted to get a very passionate word or two with that bear... regardless, he made his way over to the lift. He had a lot to think about this night, and he also had to figure out how he could prevent himself from being killed. He was too big a target now to just sit passively by and hope he wouldn't die.
Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

Sehema sighed as she saw everyone still in the courtroom, still in shock. "He's right. Come now, you all can mourn on the way back to the cabins." Her attitude unchanging as she casually started walking towards the ski lift. If anyone assumed that she didn't care, then they'd be right. Besides, she didn't remember them. She wasn't going to lie and pretend to miss them. She leaned back on the railing of the lift and stayed quiet. When they reached the cabins, she would walk out leaving everyone behind. The archer figured that the others would be too busy consoling themselves or Hayley to notice that she had broken away from the group. 

Once she was out of earshot of the group, she sighed loudly and rubbed her temples. "I need a cup of tea..."  She groaned and headed for a kitchen to make some. Maybe a nice cup of chai with some milk. That always seem to calm her nerves, and oh boy did her nerves need calming. As she strolled into the kitchen, her first thought was to check to make sure that she was the only one here. Afterwards, she'd head straight for the back to start on her tea. 

sachi simply continued to stare at the view before her. she sort of let's keiji's words stand on their own, making no attempt to correct or contradict them. maybe he was right. maybe these sorts of things were indicative of the sort of person she used to be. in fact, she knew it was probably true. still... she was tired. she didn't like feeling like this, so drained by the world and the people around her. it was no one's fault but her own that she'd managed to fall so low. not hayley's, not sora's, and not even their captor's. if keiji thought this was state was somehow preferable, an accomplishment to be celebrated, he was just as naive as he ever was.

...there it was again. another unintelligible stray thought. they at least seemed to be proof buried somewhere in her mind that keiji wasn't lying about having remembered something, but then, what could it be, exactly? "better hurry up and catch your ride!" she really didn't have time to examine her thoughts much further as she made a mad dash toward the lift, believing whole-heartedly monokuma would leave them if they didn't all make a break for it. in her mind, the sociopathic bear trying to make painful death into an art form would certainly have no qualms in freezing them half to death. with a small leap, sachi makes it into of the departing chairs and rides the steep drop down in silence, spending the trip in thought.

once they all made it to the bottom, she stumbled back onto solid ground, all too aware by the time she had made it what she wanted to do next. she searched out keiji in the group of them. she wasn't sure if he had made it before or after she had, but when she did manage to find him, she made her way straight towards him. "keiji," she calls, more of a warning of her approach than a greeting. she comes to stand in front of him. right in front of him. she takes him by the shoulder and speaks to him quietly. "we need to talk." 


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Keiji Sore


Keiji actually wanted to examine the trial room before that wish was cut short by Monokuma. He did kinda find it funny that a robot needed to eat. I mean you have to look at the brighter side of things sometimes. But what Monokuma said was true. The sky was turning a dark blue colour and it was unbearably cold. Hah unbearably cold right. Keiji would slap himself for that joke later on.


Keiji flopped on the ski-lift,making no attempt at being majestic. He didn't need to be because the view was. The sharp inclines of the mountains were coated with smooth white snow. It was a shame all this beauty would be wasted on a killing game,Keiji thought. Maybe it's so that he might not have any objections at dying. He shook off that sinister thought.


His feet hit the ground. Or is it snow? Well it didn't matter. He's going to take a rest and-




He turns around to see Sachi with a concerned face. She drags him to the side. That's embarassing,he thought. A boy being dragged off his feet by a girl. He didn't object however because Sachi was surprisingly strong.


"we need to talk."


Keiji pondered for a moment. She finally remembered. He smiled. He got himself up on his feet.


"Sure. So how was the last 6 years of your life since you moved?"


"I'm a bit peckish. How about we catch up over dinner in the Cabin? I have to warn you though that I'm not a good cook."
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When the students arrived at the bottom of the ski lift, they noticed that there was a cave that wasn't there before. It must have been hidden by the snow. There was a small opening at the end of the cave that lead to a new area. This was not a cave...it was a tunnel! On the other side, there was a large bowl-like area that had buildings at the bottom. The large mountain made it impossible to even see what was above the snow-valley but perhaps there is a way. A large glass tube ran from the bottom of the valley, all the way to the peaks, it was an elevator! But it seemed to be out of order right now. There was a Chemical Lab that held chemicals and acidic solutions. There was a Gym where the students can exercise if they would like. A Ice Skating Ring sat in the middle of the valley and took up most of the room. Finally, there was a Convenience Store, it was very out of place. It looked like a 7/11 but had a Monokuma color scheme and a Monokuma logo.
Without a moment's hesitation, Tsukimo immediately ran to the Chemical Lab. He had many ideas for things he wanted to make, he just hope the chemicals were available. Medicine, things for self-defence, and things that could potentially lead to their escape. His strength was chemistry, and he'd just been provided access to his specialty. He was like a kid in a candy store.
Tsukimo immediately began throwing things together. He grabbed different bottles and started pouring his creations into them and looking around. He began storing his creations in his lab coat's pockets. He was amazed at how useful this lab was. He grabbed some gloves and goggles to bring with him, should one of his creations go... awry. He also grabbed a plastic bag and placed it in his coat. He had made a few types of medicines and tools. He wasn't a pharmycist, so of course he couldn't make advanced medicines and cures. However, basic antibiotics certainly weren't above his level. Now, should anyone get sick, he could help cure them. That was something, at least.

at his mention of her family's move, she did remember how much that had phased her. sobbing, begging, the whole gambit... but in retrospect... why? even six years ago, sachi didn't remember herself being particularly attached to the home she grew up in. she had always dreamed of traveling, too... the memory didn't seem to add up now that she was thinking about it. as she tried to piece together the events in her mind, it seemed to be obvious now that something was missing from it. something...

sachi flinched. she remembered it now. she remembered being on her knees in the back of her family's car, desperately yelling, trying to get her parents to stop. until now, she hadn't remembered what it was she was shouting, or why she would do something like that even knowing how her parents would feel about it. it was his name. she had been shouting his name. she sighed. it was clear now that the truth was right in front of her; there was no point shying away from it now. she looks away for a moment thoughtfully before simply skipping to his second question. "that'll be fine..." she accepts, a quiet and thoughtful tone to her voice. the cold breeze was picking up, and she could see everyone gathered heading their separate ways. "come on," she says hurriedly, trudging her feet toward the cabin. if he had any more questions, she had no intention of answering them outside.

she made it to there first, taking the liberty of throwing open the doors once she arrived. all to glad to have finally made it back somewhere warm. '"the real cruelty is having us out in the mountains in these outfits,'" she jokes dryly, stepping through the living room. she's thinking about inconsequential things like that as her head turns toward to kitchen to see sehema in the kitchen. she hadn't seen anyone leave for the cabins so...this was unexpected. "hello, rijinder..." she greets uncertainly. sachi knew she herself wasn't leaving - she needed to eat too badly - so she simply continued making herself at home in the cabin, looking idly back at keiji.



Keiji Sore


" Sure." Keiji answered Sachi. Six years felt like such a long time. In those six years, Sachi became famous for programming and he thought that he would never see her again. If there's one good thing that will come out of this killing game is the fact that he met Sachi. He leapt in glee in his heart although he was struggling through the thick snow. The Cabin beckons from a distance.


[SIZE= 16px]He was thankful for the heat of the cabin. At this rate, freezing might be his death. Maybe he could get a scarf from the convenience store,he considered. He let out a sneeze as he pushed open the door.[/SIZE]


Sehema was drinking a warm cup of tea by the counter top. He waved to her in a polite fashion. Then, he walked to the fridge and opened it. He took out some butter,cheese and creamy mayonnaise and put them by the stove. As he was searching for bread,he asked:


"So, do you remember back then Sachi? Do you remember Shiratori Road?"

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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

She had been so engulfed by the comfort of solitude and her tea, she failed to notice Sachi and Keiji walk through the door. She jumped when Sachin said hello. 'Shit!'  She thought to herself, a bit of her hot tea splashing on her hand. Sehema's first thoughts was to scold the girl for startling her with a hot drink in her hand, but she didn't want to ruin the good mood she had beforehand.  She turned to Sachi and Keiji and nodded in their direction. "Hello." 

She had already set her cup down and began to search the kitchen for a napkin. She walked to the sink and placed her hand under the faucet and ran some cold water on it. By this time, the bright red blotch was easily noticeable and stung a lot. Once the blonde pulled her hand away from the water, she placed the napkin on it and pressed hard. As Sehema started to return to her cup, she overhead Keiji's question.

"So do you remember back then Sachi?

Do you remember Shiratori Road?"

The question sounded pretty personal and yet interesting to the archer. So it seemed that Keiji and Sachi had known each other before the academy. That would probably be an important bit of information later, but Sehema begrudgingly decided to leave. She had been seeking solitude and as such had no desire to stay and eavesdrop, even if she had been the first to come here. She held her tea and started to walk away. "Good night." 

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sachi took a seat at the kitchen table, waving at sehema as she began to go. she was sort of relieved to see it. she seemed to be someone with her head on her shoulders, but sachi wasn't really sure if she wanted anyone else to hear this conversation. she couldn't think of a reason it'd strictly need to be confidential, but regardless, there was still a lot the two of them didn't know about each other. if they were going to be sharing a lot tonight, it was probably for the best to keep it to just the two of them, just for safety's sake. she waited for a moment, to give sehema enough time to depart, before letting their conversation continue.

"the road itself, of course," she answers frankly. "not much more than that." sachi taps her fingers anxiously on the wooden table.  "i do know that we knew each other, we were probably friends, but that's about it." the admittance feeling awkward as it comes out of her mouth. it was frustrating for her to apparently not know something so big, something that had to have been such a fundamental part of her life. part of her felt absurd even admitting something like this could be true, but everything else obviously pointed to it... and it just felt degrading not to know. it meant she was under another hand, another someone who had taken something from her and was lauding it just out of reach. the worst part was not even knowing what it was that she'd lost - what exactly did that time mean to her? could it still be relevant to her now?

[SIZE= 16px]"...i have had moments of epiphany as we've talked, though. if you tell me what you know,[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] i could remember some of it from listening."[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] sachi tried to be measured and calm as she spoke[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px], but figuratively, she was at the edge of her seat right now. she was all too aware their captor had to be lurking somewhere, taking note of their conversation. if that person had taken away these memories and was sitting idly by as they resurfaced now... it spelled out nothing good for them. still, even that fact would not shake her resolve. even if these memories were [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]inconsequential[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px], even if they changed things for the worse, she would still rather know them all.[/SIZE]



Keiji Sore


"So.....you don't remember it?" Keiji said in a disappointed voice. He was hoping that Sachi at the very least remembered her own home. He crouched to open a cupboard to find a bread box. Fresh as well,he thought as he opened it. He focused his attention to Sachi who was sitting,waiting by the table. He smiled at her.


" No.8 Shiratori Road was the address of your old home. Mine was No.7 Shiratori Road." Keiji started to explain. " Convenient because those were the ages when I moved in that house with my father and......ummm-late mother."  he added with a slightly sad tone in his voice as he cut the bread.


" If I remembered correctly, you stayed most of the time at home right? Never went to any school?" was the question he asked although it sounded more like a statement. He went back to the fridge to take out a container of margarine.

sachi shook her head. in retrospect, it was possible there was actually a lot she was missing. she knew that her memory had been a bit sparse, but she had just assumed there hadn't been much worth remembering in the first place. it hadn't occurred to her just how much she might be lacking. her fingers start to tap onto the table again, the revelation not helping her feelings of discomfort.

'neighbors, then...' right. a memory came to with some effort. she had been sitting by her window when she saw those people pull into the driveway, a couple and their son. it had been so surprising at the time; the house they were occupying hadn't been lived in for awhile, and there hadn't been much activity otherwise on that street. most of the people who came and went were always much older than she was, uninteresting and transient. she had never thought to talk to him, even knowing he would be living so close, but in the end, from her memory, he approached her.

"i think i... remember that," she admits quietly. "i don't know why you bothered - i was a very quiet child." that had improved steadily overtime, but she knew it must have been true when they met. her parents used to pride their demure, pretty daughter. things always changed. she nodded with his other question.

"...right. it took a considerable amount of work for my parents to accept hope peak's offer, but eventually, i managed to convince them."



Keiji Sore


Keiji smiled at Sachi as he brought out a frying pan out of the cupboard after he assembled his sandwiches with cheese and mayonnaise. At the very least, she remembered some details. He remembered about the house he was living in. It was a two-story,upper-class house. A bit luxurious because Keiji's father and mother were lecturers in the nearby university. Father is teaching Pure Mathematics and Mother was a Theoretical Physicist.  Mother was. He breathed in. 


" Other students in my school thought you were weird back then. Even I did at the time! We just saw you by the window staring at.....something. Because of the benefit of hindsight, all of us know you were coding on a computer but back then, we didn't know." . He managed to do a little laugh at his own stupidity back then. How could he thought that something was wrong with Sachi.


"So....we tried to get you out of the house,one way or another." He said when the pan was starting to sizzle with margarine. " Do you remember that rascal Yu? He thought it was a bright idea to break your window with his baseballs so you would go out. If you want to know what happened to him, he's our senior in Hope's Peak academy as the SHSL Baseball Pitcher." 

[SIZE= 16px]sachi blinked. it was an interesting story. when keiji referenced her window breaking, it seemed to remind of her something she had already remembered. she distinctly remembered the sudden shattering sound and her utter surprise as something streaked across her room, just missing some of the more complicated machinery scattered everywhere. her memory had been a bit vague on the rest, but... she actually could remember what she had picked up. a baseball. right. she had raced over to the window, and then down the stairs, to try and figure out what was going on. she couldn't recall what she had said to them when she got there, but she certainly remembered the face of that [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]smiley[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] pitcher as he tried calming her down afterward.[/SIZE]

sachi wasn't sure why, but it almost felt nostalgic to look back on it. they all managed to console her, and her parents, though certainly angry about it, hadn't blamed her for it like she'd expected. "i'm not surprised," she says. "that ball traveled quite a distance. if it wasn't lucky, it was certainly skillful." sachi breathed in deeply, taking in the smell of the margarine. it wasn't an especially nice or awful scent, but it too seemed somehow nostalgic. it had been quite awhile since she'd had anything so rustic. actually... maybe the last time was more than six years ago. it was probably appropriate then, amidst all the reminiscing. she smiled a small, satisfied smile, the quaint situation actually getting the better of her for a moment. her face sobered back up, though, and she looked at him scrutinizingly.

"that didn't answer my question. why were we friends? why do you care?" her last sentence is like an accusation, her gaze narrowing slightly, as if she's trying to discern his intentions. every time he's smiled at her, tried to tell her how she 'used' to be, it's only made her more uncomfortable, and now she can finally articulate why. none of it makes sense to her. there was nothing there to like about sachi. she wasn't a person people just liked. he had to be deluded, mistaken, or opportunistic; she wanted to know which it really was.



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Keiji Sore


"....Well, you tell me. You were the one that approached me. The other boys left and I was the only one who volunteered to clean the glass. I just don't know why but you did. You were shy back then and I was honestly shocked when you spoke to me. Before then,I did not think much about you but for some reason,I don't know, I felt there was....Oh,I don't know." he said as he placed four grilled cheese sandwiches on the table.


He sighed. He can't read people well but he knows that Sachi feels uncomfortable about bringing up her past. Not quite sure why..... Did he mess up? Did he say something wrong there? Keiji tried to examine everything he said before. He was sweating under his collar. What did he do wrong?


"...I-I mean I liked you for you really....I d-d-don't care if you change or whatever. You are still you,right. Oh what am I saying. I've messed up didn't I?"

sachi tenses up, her mood turning obviously sour. she frustratedly grabs one of the sandwiches before looking away, staring off in some other direction. of course she couldn't accept that answer. it wasn't one. she couldn't tell him how she felt about him because she didn't know. no matter how hard she tried, this memory wouldn't come to her like the others. sure, what he described was there - she remembered crying, begging one of them to fix what they'd broken, she remembered him staying to help, but what had apparently happened after just didn't exist. maybe it was there somewhere, but she just couldn't call on it.

she shakes her head, starting and finishing a bite of her sandwich before speaking. "in either case, it doesn't matter. i'm not the same person as i was then, or six years ago. you have no obligations to me," she explains bluntly. she took another bite of her sandwich, staring down at it rather than at him. now it seemed like it was obvious this was going to be her conclusion. no matter what had happened back then, it couldn't change what she had learned in the time since. she gritted her teeth and hung her arms onto the back of chair, still looking off to the side instead of at him. even though it felt almost pointless now, she still tried to remember what it was as she ate, dissatisfied to leave it at this.



Keiji Sore


Keiji sighed as he cleaned up the kitchen. He messed up,didn't he? He had to admit however, he didn't quite remember Sachi that well. More like a blurry image of her. But he was certain of one thing. She was different....But he didn't really care about all of that at all. Sachi is still Sachi afterall,no matter what. Even if her entire personality changes. Even if she sees an anime that inexplicably makes her horny for the destruction of the world that was created by a blonde bitch that should have been put down 20 years ago....That was a weird specific thought,just now. That would never happen....


[SIZE= 16px]He wanted to say that to Sachi but the words did not came out right. He choked on his own words. He dropped the jar of mayonnaise he was holding.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]"Shit.". He said. He took a step on the glass. "Owh!" and took of his shoes to reveal a piece of glass lodged within his foot.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]"Ngh! I guess I'll just go get bandages fro-MMph- the Convenience store.Finis-Oww- the sandwiches." he said as he took two and trudged out in the snow while wincing and groaning. He disappeared into the darkness. Sooner or later, he reached the Convenience Store and searched for bandages and possibly a scarf.[/SIZE]
Tsukimo had moved into the Convenience Store and was grabbing some snacks. He turned to see Keiji. "O-oh. H-hello! H-How are you doing?" He asked. If he and Keiji were going to be working together in the future, he had to get to know him. As painful as social interaction was for the child scientist, it seemed it was wholly necessary.


[SIZE= 26px]Keiji Sore[/SIZE]


Keiji winced when he saw Tsukimo's face. Maybe it's out of disgust....or maybe the fact that his shoes were dying pink with his blood had something to do with it. He was walking on unsteady feet,like he might fall over any second. The light of the Sun was starting to fade away at that point and the Convenience Store's lights came on.


Keiji limped to the back of the store to search some bandages. The items in the store are pretty normal except for the branding. Monokuma Chocolate? Monokuma-Owada Butter? Monokuma Tampons? Will wonders ever cease? He hummed to himself a tune.


" I wonder how does someone get enough money to fund all thi-Ah! Bandages." he took out a pack of Monokuma Bandages and threw away his bloody shoe. The sole of his shoes had holes in them while a deep cut was on his sole. Probably should disinfect it. Problem is though,he thought, he doesn't know a single thing about First Aid. It probably wouldn't matter though.
Tsukimo frowned as he saw Keiji with his bloody foot. "H-hold on a moment, I've got something that c-can help!" Tsukimo ran to the other side of the store and grabbed something before returning and kneeling down by Keiji. "C-can I help you?" He asked.


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