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Keiji Sore


The chime from the monitors attracted their attention. He visibly loathed that voice. He now associated stupid deaths with that stupid bear. Two people have already died because of HIM. But no one had an idea who was really HIM anyway. They must not be sane because forcing teenagers to have a stabbing fest makes no sense. ".....Well, that was Monokuma."[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)] displaying the school insignia.[/COLOR]


" I guess I'll just go to sleep."


Avyn looks at the monitor with a curious gaze and after the screen wipes black, she crocks her head wondering who that was. Yes, she now knows what a "Monokuma" is, but is it a mascot? 

Looking at the boy she has helped into his cabin, and then back at the small group of people following behind, Avyn shakes the boy awake. Having him sit on his bed, she can now see the damage to his foot. 

"Don't fall asleep. We have to dress that foot." Avyn leaves the boy for a moment to look a first aid kit, then some sort of cleaning solution for the wound and clean towels. Living in the ocean she may have her life easy, eating all the seafood she wants and sun bathing all she wants, but having first aid knowledge is crucial to have to survive. Accidents of all sorts can happen when people are in the wide water. 

Coming back to the boy, Avyn places the found items on the floor beside the bed. "Do you think you can take off your shoe?"


((@NANANANANANANANANANA can list out what avyn might have found?))
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Keiji Sore


He should've clarified that the wound is not that serious. Though, the deep hole within his shoe wouldn't help his case. He was sat on his bed by the girl and she went out to find a first-aid kit, Keiji figured, to clean his wounds. He was flattered but it was unneeded. She was just dropped out of a helicopter in an unknown place for Christ's sake. And yet she's already taking care of him like he's the one that needed help. She seems to be a tough one, Keiji concluded. About two thirds of the population would insist to just take a  breather before addressing anyone else. He awkwardly stayed still as the other people stared at his left foot.


The girl then came back with a standard first-aid kit which was in the Chem Lab. That kinda worried him considering that he has not saw any other first-aid kit since he was in this mountain resort and that was the first time he saw one. Hopefully there's more but you would never know. Reluctantly, he takes off his left shoe and sock to reveal a dried wound. His sock was ripped in two places and there were two wounds on his foot. he had to thank Tsukimo for making that clotting medicine.


One thing at a time, the deep sea diver thinks to herself as she looks around the cozy cabin for some sort of medical supply for the fellow teenager. If she stops doing anything she is afraid, no, she knows she will freak out. So the fact there is something to do and have people to look foward to talk to has the girl from doing anything irrational, like thinking herself worry. 

Returning back to the bed with the first aid kit from an intresting room, Avyn beams with a smile seeing that the boy has the strength to take off his shoe. With the foot bare, it seems that the wound are already stopped bleeding. Not knowing that fact that the boy already had help, the girl prompts up the feet to her chilly knee to inspect the bottom of the feet with a frown. Was he walking around with until it stopped bleeding? Definitely, the glasses didn't stopped it, since they're stucked to the shoe and not the foot. Yikes, but at least they dont need to worry about pulling glasses out from him!

Avyn makes a quick work out from the cuts. She disinfected and cleans the area with an alcohol swab and then place a small butterfly bandage, twisting at the middle for a tighting hold, over each cuts. For a moment, she battles the thought of covering that with a wide bandage or not and in the end, she decides that the butterfuly bandage is enough. She is uncertain about the boy being too responsible but with temperature as cool as the one outdoor, Avyn is sure infection won't be too much of a problem. Plus, Avyn can't say she's also very responsible but all of her wounds healed in the end!

"Would you like this to be covered?" She asks the boy anyways, pointing at his foot. 


[SIZE= 16px]before sachi slunk off into her cabin, she took one last look at the dispersing crowd of students, now headed toward their cabins. in particular... her eyes landed on a cabin off in the distance, the one where keiji and one of the new students were going in. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]'interesting...?'[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] she wasn't worried something improper was occurring, but it was a bit baffling to see without context. apparently, quite a bit had happened since keiji had left. shaking her head, sachi enters into her cabin. either way, it wasn't really her business.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]once inside, she took her time in closing out the night. she took a much needed bath, put on something clean, and sat by her cabin's fireplace. tonight, though, she wasn't as interested in the past. she had thought quite enough about it today, honestly. instead, she took out her e-handbook from her jacket and began to flip through it intently. she opened up a familiar app and magnified one particular passage.[/SIZE]

1. Do not lend, break, or steal any E-Handbooks.

sachi smirked. wasn't that handy to know? with a tap, the app closed itself, and another opened up. time to get to work.
1 hour ago, rusticyawn said:

[SIZE= 16px]before sachi slunk off into her cabin, she took one last look at the dispersing crowd of students, now headed toward their cabins. in particular... her eyes landed on a cabin off in the distance, the one where keiji and one of the new students were going in. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]'interesting...?'[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] she wasn't worried something improper was occurring, but it was a bit baffling to see without context. apparently, quite a bit had happened since keiji had left. shaking her head, sachi enters into her cabin. either way, it wasn't really her business.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]once inside, she took her time in closing out the night. she took a much needed bath, put on something clean, and sat by her cabin's fireplace. tonight, though, she wasn't as interested in the past. she had thought quite enough about it today, honestly. instead, she took out her e-handbook from her jacket and began to flip through it intently. she opened up a familiar app and magnified one particular passage.[/SIZE]

1. Do not lend, break, or steal any E-Handbooks.

sachi smirked. wasn't that handy to know? with a tap, the app closed itself, and another opened up. time to get to work.


Sai looked around and went into the convenience store, and looked around.  "Monkuma..." He looked at the kiosk and was a bit disappointed to see that there was no one there behind the desk. He noticed how everyone else dispersed to their respective places. "Monokuma." He looked around.  "I want to talk to you."  He wondered what this 'monokuma' looked like.  Apparently, the man/woman had a bear for their persona.  Black and white.  Darkness and Light. Some sick joke? " wanna know...What are we supposed to do here?" 

Keiji Sore


"Ummmm.....I d-don't think that's necesary. I mean I'm flattered but no." he waved her off. Though he had no idea about the severity of his wound (he flunked Biology) , he was absolutely sure it was not that serious. He seriously disliked being told what to do. He always had which was weird considering that his very talent,the one thing that he is good at, revolves around following a set of rules. That's why he hated his talent,probably. So he decided to not wrap up his foot.


"Just......you know,give me some rest. I've had a rough day today. " Keiji told the girl who e still had no idea who her name was. " Saw a good man that I barely know....left for God." he darkly added. The thought that someone's life could be taken away so easily,visibly shuddered him. He waited for the people to go away before going to sleep. That would be the nicest thing they could do. He sat awkwardly on the bed as is hammer was obstructing him somewhat.


Safu was sleeping still in the container. He was in the corner so no one really noticed him. He as also covered in snow. After about another 5 minutes he awoke and sat up, shivering uncontrollably. "w-what.....?" Safu had his prison outfit on, but he might change his ways. The black haired male walked out of the container and hugged himself because his outfit was ALSO ripped up. "hello?" He called out, waiting for an answer that might not even come. Safu started walking forward slowly, teeth chattering.

Avyn hums a positive note at the answer and she moves to pack up the first kit. As the boy sits in silence on the bed, Avyn puts the first kit back to the room where she found it and washes her hands. Coming back and hearing the boy, she crosses her arms and stands in front of the boy, but she seems to agree to leave the boy alone. Just as she is about to reply, she blinks at the darken words and she looks at the boy curiously.

Did… some accident happened?” She asks, worried, but a second later, Avyn finally introduces herself to the other. “I’m Avyn Kealoha.” At the moment, she is hesitant to share her talent to the boy. Is it necessary to share such unnecessary information at the moment? She knows that this boy is supposed to be her future classmate at the Hope’s Peak Academy, but… “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked, but I have no idea what is going on.


Keiji Sore


"....Ummmm, K-K-Keiji Sore and....ummmm...


[SIZE= 16px]He stared back at Avyn and hesitated whether he should say what was really happening here. He's not known to be the most well-spoken person back in his junior high school and he doubted the situation suddenly granted him the powers of oratory. How can you say this horrible mess of a situation in a good light. Alright,it's impossible to frame a killing game in a good light. But he needed everyone to get out of his room as quickly as possible. So, he took a page out of Sachi's book. Play it straight. It came out muffled the first time. So he tried to say it louder.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]"Wearetrappedbyamaniaconthismountainandareforcedtokilleachothertoescape." He shouted in one breath. Then he covered his mouth like he said a forbidden word.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]@TripTripleTimes[/SIZE]
He looked around.  "I want to talk to you."  He wondered what this 'monokuma' looked like. 

//Will make a post today, tag me in posts if oyu wanna talk to monokuma because im usually away or doing things on the site and it wont give me a notification otherwise.//
Tsukimo walked back to his cabin with a yawn. He looked around the cabin in satisfaction before closing the door. It seemed that people were beginning to go to rest. That's alright. Tsukimo help up a container and gently tilted it. "It's a shame I had to use some of the coagulant so soon," he said aloud to himself with a sigh. He plopped down on the bed and laid down, holding it over him. "Hmm... but it certainly made for a good test run. I hope Keiji is feeling better." He yawned a tad and put the coagulant back into his lab coat.

[SIZE= 16px]sachi blinked, hearing someone call from outside. she had assumed that, by now, the crowd would have dispersed, individuals headed off to their respective cabins. instead, she heard someone's voice call out faintly over the cold mountain breeze. "hello?" sachi sighed, putting aside her e-handbook for a moment to better focus on the sound. one of the new students were out in the snow, calling out for someone. she couldn't fathom why - it seemed like the two she saw in passing were being informed - but still, for whatever reason, they were out there. to lure someone out, maybe? there was no telling. she was kind of curious, though. and knowing who managed to get themselves lost could be profitable...[/SIZE]

sachi reluctantly got to her feet and hastily pulled something on. then she made her way to her cabin door, and stuck her head out of it. not too far off was probably the guy in question, dressed pretty skimpily for the weather conditions. which was saying something, considering the different outfits she'd seen. "hey, gigolo," she called, still standing in her cabin's door frame. "what are you still doing out here?"


Safu blinked at the other person, a girl it sounded like. A gust of wind blew and he hugged himself. "well....i escaped from-" {probably shouldnt tell her that} He thought to himself. "my house because of certain....things.....that happened. I hid in a container and fell asleep....when i awoke i was covered in snow and was here...." He slowly walked over to her, his outfit becoming more visible. It was a ripped up prison attire. He gave a sweet smile. "can i please go inside?" Safu mainly just wanted to get warm, and fast! {im freezing my ass off.....hurry up lady!} 


the story gave sachi at least a moment's pause, but seeing him move closer to the light made her snort. she grinned sardonically, leaning on the door. "you're kidding. what do you take me for?" this guy was unbelievable. she had jokingly assumed he was some sort of prostitute without seeing him fully, but now that he was clearly visible, she could only assume he he had to be that or some sort of criminal. and she really had no intention of letting a delinquent into her cabin, even if she disregarded monokuma's rule on sleeping arrangements. her eyelids lowered, her gaze shifting to something more appraising.

[SIZE= 16px]"sorry, pretty boy. no guys in the girls' cabins."[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] there was still a tinge of amusement in her voice, but it's mostly straightforward. maybe he really didn't know that? it was hilarious either way. still, she stuck her arm outside of the door frame and pointed it off to his right, where the boys' cabins were lined up. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]"your cabin is probably that way. can't miss it. your face is on it."[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] she closed the door somewhat and pointed to the sign of the front, a pixelated portrait of herself. she tapped her fingers on the door she was holding, eying him up as she looked for his response.[/SIZE]


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Avyn hums a positive note at the answer and she moves to pack up the first kit. As the boy sits in silence on the bed, Avyn puts the first kit back to the room where she found it and washes her hands. Coming back and hearing the boy, she crosses her arms and stands in front of the boy, but she seems to agree to leave the boy alone. Just as she is about to reply, she blinks at the darken words and she looks at the boy curiously.

Did… some accident happened?” She asks, worried, but a second later, Avyn finally introduces herself to the other. “I’m Avyn Kealoha.” At the moment, she is hesitant to share her talent to the boy. Is it necessary to share such unnecessary information at the moment? She knows that this boy is supposed to be her future classmate at the Hope’s Peak Academy, but… “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked, but I have no idea what is going on.


Keiji Sore


Keiji reconsidered what he said when it seemed that the new girl looked stun while Sehema was unimpressed with his explanation. Come on,he thought. That was definitely not enough information. But he couldn't bring himself to it. He didn't have the heart to. Not after what he saw. Even the memories of it was making his stomach turn. Couldn't Sehema handle it? He was tired and it would be nigh impossible to get his gears working to recall it all. He pointed at Sehema.


" Sorry....I'm just,you know,tired. Just asked Sehema." he dumped his responsibilities on Sehema. His injured leg might be enough of a reason for Sehema to not get pissed at him. Hopefully. "C-can you guys....uhh...p-please go out?"


Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

In response to Keiji's pointing at her, she held her head and sighed. "I know that you have a lot of questions, but I'm turning back in for the night. We can answer them in the morning when his leg is better and my patience isn't getting thinner with the amount of sleep I'm missing. Please don't wake me unless someone else has turned up dead." She responded bluntly as she walked back into the biting cold. She stopped at the doorway and spoke once more. "Or if you're so eager for questions, you can walk with me and ask them but I'd hurry. I'm not the type to wait for indecisive people."  With each passing moment she was still awake, what little filter she had when she spoke diminished. If she stayed up any longer, or God forbid the rest of the night, then she would not be the most pleasant to be around. Not that she actually cared whether or not the rest of the students wanted to be around her. Their emotions clouded their logic and judgement. When the time came for Sehema to make her choice to either kill or not, she'd make sure that she would have no hesitation. 


That being said, she was contempt with just observing right now. The thought of the whole process of getting away with it seemed very tedious and no one here seemed worth the trouble. Her thoughts seemed to transition from her motivations to the actual Hope's Peak school. Surely a school as prestigious as Hope's Peak would notice a whole class missing. Whether or not they actually cared to alert the parents she was unsure of. A part of her hoped that they didn't. Her father had already suffered the news of a member of his family being abducted twice. A small tinge of pain resonated in her chest imagining her father's reaction. The last time she was abducted, Sehema had managed to hold out until the police arrived. But then afterwards, the police had to deal with the two bodies of the kidnappers. This time around was different. She couldn't pinpoint where the bear would turn up and if she could, she couldn't lay a finger on him. She had no choice but to play it safe for now. 

Avyn looks at the boy, Keiji Sore, clueless at his explanation, and after his state of mind, the girl just smiles emphatically. She replies, "I can wait for tomorrow. No need to rush things for now. Thank you for trying, Kei, and see you tomorrow!" 

The girl follows the blonde girl to the cabin exit. "Thank you for your kindness, miss. Maybe there is some information in my cabin, but I'll definitely come look for you tomorrow!" Walking back to the cold, Avyn closes the door behind her. "I'll go ahead and find my cabin." She hopes down to the snowy patch, hopping from one foot to another. Avyn turns to look at the stoic girl and beams a large smile. "I hope you a good night!"


Keiji Sore


Well that was easy,Keiji thought. Both of the girls went out of his room with,thankfully, shutting the door to the coldness outside.Now it's time to just let the body's natural healing system to patch the wound up or whatever. He closed his eyes and drifted off to slumber land.
Safu blinked at the picture and then nodded a bit. He walked towards the boys cabin, ending up tripping and face planting in the snow. He groaned and slowly got back up, shaking the snow from his hair. His face was red from the cold and also red from embarrassment. Safu moved on, eventually making it to the boys cabin. He found it and saw his pixelated picture. The male wiggled to handle and saw it was ajar, so he headed inside. Warmth took over him and he relaxed. It was still kinda cold, but it was better than outside.

(sorry for short response)

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

Sehema arched her eyebrow as the girl smiled and waved at her. She raised her hand up in a pathetic excuse of a wave. It had seemed that she had taken Sehema's explanations as kindness.  The blond didn't really see it as an act of kindness considering the fact that Avyn was going to learn sooner or later the details of this little gathering of theirs. "So trusting considering the circumstance. I'm not sure whether to find it endearing or just foolish..." She muttered to herself once Avyn had left to find her cabin. Finally things had calmed down and she was alone again so she headed back towards her own cabin. Once she was inside, she locked the door and almost dived back into her bed falling to sleep in mere minutes. 



[SIZE= 16px]sachi shook her head, smiling again in disbelief as she sees the young man outside face plant into the snow. what a day. when she sees him disappear off into the distance, she closes back the door of her cabin and retreats back beside the fire. she takes off the clothes she had put on to stick her head outside and takes a moment to decompress. after that, she simply picks up her e-handbook again and gets back to work, continuing her night as if nothing had happened. she'd probably slump over asleep at some point, like she usually did, but right now, she excitedly tapped her screen. it was time to put her talent to good use.[/SIZE]

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