RP Area

sachi sighed once she realized keiji had managed to step on glass. he had somehow managed to diffuse the tension, if maybe in the most pitiful way. for a moment she isn't terribly sure how to deal with the situation, but it seemed like he had already gotten on his way to fixing it before she can do anything. "alright...?" she responds awkwardly, terribly confused as he hobbles his way out. she rubs the bridge of her nose as the door to the cabin closes, a little more exasperated for the experience.

[SIZE= 16px]as sachi leans back into her chair as the door shuts behind him, her thoughts come back into focus. maybe it was just the glass breaking, but even something like this felt familar. it really seemed to put into perspective just how much time they might've spent together before. that certainly wasn't helping her make a decision about it, though. she was ready to dismiss all of this as inconsequential, but in truth, it still felt hard to do with how little she remembered. sachi ran her fingers through her hair, still unsure of what to do. it was starting to become infuriating. she closed her eyes and sat back, taking a breath.[/SIZE]

'aren't vacations supposed to be relaxing...?' not that it was ever going to be easy, but this level of stress felt pathetic. sachi stood up, walked to the fridge, took one of the cups from the cabinet, and poured herself a drink. one step at a time.

Keiji Sore


Keiji was slightly amused. Surely a child wouldn't know more about First-Aid than him. The wound has dried ,at the very least, in the cool air-condition surroundings of the Convenience Store but it sure still damn hurt. A cut. That's just it. Nothing serious and absolutely nothing to worry about. But looking at Tsukimo's puppy-like eyes, Keiji did not have the heart to tell him no. He shook his head. There might be a chance that Tsukimo will screw it up but it's just a cut. A deep one but it's just a cut.


He sat down on the ice-cold linoleum floor. Why would there be a Convenience Store though? The mastermind of this....killing game might have done it but then why? He tried to ponder but he brought up blanks.


"Hey Tsukimo." he said. " Why did the mastermind built a Convenience Store?" he bounced the idea at him.


[SIZE= 16px]@Assailant[/SIZE]
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Tsukimo pulled out a silver-looking container. "I made this," he said as he poured some of the substance onto his wound. "This coagulant should clot the blood around the wound and stem any bleeding. It should heal the wound quicker." He then began to wrap the wound. He was surprisingly adept at it.

"Probably," he said in response to Keiji's question, "To allow more avenues of killing. To make this more 'interesting'"


A loud noise was heard throughout the mountaintops, it was getting louder and closer by the minute. Eventually, the noise was drowning out all sense of thought and attempts to speak. A large black and white helicopter was hovering above Area 2 holding a cargo container below it. The chain lowered it a bit, then snapped causing the container to plummet 15 feet to the ground with a loud BANG! The cargo container slowly opened up, showing two sleeping students inside. Monokuma was piloting the helicopter, he transmitted his voice to all of the monitors. "This may or may not be the last arrivals, we'll have to see pupupu." After saying this, the chopper flew away into the cloudy sky. @TripTripleTimes @gogojojo331

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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

Hearing the helicopter prompted Sehema to open her cabin doors to see what was going on. She had been asleep for a couple of hours so the interruption was not in the least bit appreciated. She walked over to the crate, keeping a safe distance. The dark circles under her eyes and the venomous scowl would be enough to make any person think twice before speaking to her. As she stood and observed the box, she mumbled something along the lines of "...fucking bear kidnaps me and then wakes me up in the middle of the night.." 

Standing back as the crate opened, Sehema looked dumbfounded at the addition of two more students. "Human Trafficking... Is this what we're doing now?" 
38 minutes ago, DaniBot said:

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

Hearing the helicopter prompted Sehema to open her cabin doors to see what was going on. She had been asleep for a couple of hours so the interruption was not in the least bit appreciated. She walked over to the crate, keeping a safe distance. The dark circles under her eyes and the venomous scowl would be enough to make any person think twice before speaking to her. As she stood and observed the box, she mumbled something along the lines of "...fucking bear kidnaps me and then wakes me up in the middle of the night.." 

Standing back as the crate opened, Sehema looked dumbfounded at the addition of two more students. "Human Trafficking... Is this what we're doing now?" 


Sai woke up. Not much to say or describe.  He just woke up. He had no clue of where he had slept, or what he had been doing. His brown eyes looked up and observed the woman in front of here, and immediately taking details. Hmm...She's a girl, that's for sure. no signs of any masculine giveaways. Except her hands. some wear and tear on those.  Maybe she does a lot of handiwork. Younger than me, that's for sure. 18? No, 16. With that scowl, she looks 30. Definitely strong minded. Eyes seem to indicate some form of sleep deprivation or stress. Definitely angry.He slowly got up out the box and looked around. Watching her reaction, he understood that he was not supposed to be here...whatever 'here' is. He decided to start some interaction with this girl with a "Hello."         

Keiji Sore


" What the fuck is that!?" Keiji exclaimed as a loud bang could be heard in the distance. Considering the sound, it sounded like some sort of heavy metal thing. He jumped out in surprise. Well,as much you can jump up while sitting down. He looks urgently at Tsukimo. We need to go,his eyes said.


He pushed himself off the floor. He hobbled to his thrown shoe and went out of the door clumsily. Because of the blood loss, his legs felt numb. It was like walking on needles. Tsukimo's medicine did help a bit but it would be a while until he walks properly. He fell flat on the snow, eating a fistful of it. Yeah,he probably needs help.


Tsukimo walked over and picked Keiji up. "D-do you need some help? I'm short, s-so it'll be easy to lean o-on me." Tsukimo could stem the bleeding, but he had no idea how to help the pain. So, he decided, he'd just do the best he could.

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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

At the sight of one of them waking up, a boy to be precise, Sehema lessened the intensity of her gaze. She was still unhappy to be awake and in the cold, but that wasn't his fault. Once he spoke, she nodded her head upward to acknowledge him. He had been silent for a good while before speaking, leading Sehema to believe that he was confused and trying to grasp a handle on the situation he was just in. She stood there and studied him for a moment before asking him a single question.

"What do you remember before coming here?"

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

At the sight of one of them waking up, a boy to be precise, Sehema lessened the intensity of her gaze. She was still unhappy to be awake and in the cold, but that wasn't his fault. Once he spoke, she nodded her head upward to acknowledge him. He had been silent for a good while before speaking, leading Sehema to believe that he was confused and trying to grasp a handle on the situation he was just in. She stood there and studied him for a moment before asking him a single question.

"What do you remember before coming here?"


Sai opened his mouth to say where he might have been, but strangely enough, nothing came to mind."That's the intresting part..." He said. "I don't." He adjusted his tie. "Intresting...I do remember my name though. That's good. And most of my life." Said was so lost in his own thoughts that he seemed to ignore the intense cold, mumbling to himself intensely for a couple of minutes. He noticed a bit of despiration in the girls face. Seemed to him that she didn't know what life outside was like either. So he was straight outta luck. "Are there others?" He asked the girl, as he slowly got out of the box. 

A quiet whimper mutters out from the girl still curled up on the cold cargo floor. She lets out another whine when the cold, frosty air sweeps against her, ruffling her long multi-coloured hair across her sleeping face. Her body tightens in herself in defence but her effort is nil as all of her body heat is leeched out by the wind. The girl lifts her head up from her fetal position and brushes her hair with a hand but she yelps in surprise and sits up to have a better look at her surroundings. 

Where in the world is she? She wonders and looks at the picturesque, white landscape with mouth ajar. She turns around finally, only to see two people already standing and facing each other. Relief washes over her and she brightens up when she sees a cabin not too far from where they are. She quickly stands up, legs trembling and bare from knees to feet, and looking at herself, she is definitely not in proper winter attire but for a much warmer weather. 

"H-hello!" Avyn calls out to the two people, people around her age it seems. Her voice is raspy and the girl coughs to gain back her voice. She calls out once more and walks forward to the two, arms wrapped tightly around herself.

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38 minutes ago, TripTripleTimes said:

A quiet whimper mutters out from the girl still curled up on the cold cargo floor. She lets out another whine when the cold, frosty air sweeps against her, ruffling her long multi-coloured hair across her sleeping face. Her body tightens in herself in defence but her effort is nil as all of her body heat is leeched out by the wind. The girl lifts her head up from her fetal position and brushes her hair with a hand but she yelps in surprise and sits up to have a better look at her surroundings. 

Where in the world is she? She wonders and looks at the picturesque, white landscape with mouth ajar. She turns around finally, only to see two people already standing and facing each other. Relief washes over her and she brightens up when she sees a cabin not too far from where they are. She quickly stands up, legs trembling and bare from knees to feet, and looking at herself, she is definitely not in proper winter attire but for a much warmer weather. 

"H-hello!" Avyn calls out to the two people, people around her age it seems. Her voice is raspy and the girl coughs to gain back her voice. She calls out once more and walks forward to the two, arms wrapped tightly around herself.





Sai noticed the girl behind him out of the corner of his eyes. Huh... he thought, I never even felt her underneath me. He then turned around to look at her and assess who she might be. Tall, slim, toned body.  Not super strong, so not a body builder. She must focus more on tone than anything, that's for sure. She's very slim too. Body of a swimmer.Signs of a Diver? Possibly. Yes. I remember her eyes from a magazine my mother had. She's a famous Deep Sea Diver. Mom was always fond of feats of strength more than the mind. Another one of our differences.   

He sighed about thinking of his  mom. He always was irritated by her as much as he did her. Ever since he dabbled in his experiments, his parents' hated him with an extreme passion. 'Ungodly'  they called it. What was so bad about his projects?  He was only trying to fine tune the mind and when that person came...Someone...He rubbed his temples for a quick second.  It hurt to even try to remember past that point. Interesting... He thought to himself. It was a mixture of fear and excitement to have his brain messed up so much, that couldn't remember a certain point in time. Such pinpoint memory loss...

Keiji Sore



He had to credit Tsukimo for kindness. He thanked him and tried to not crush his pip sized body by supporting the majority of his weight on his good right leg. About 80% of his weight to be exact. But it was still awkward to carry him all the way from the Convenience Store to the sound of the container. He stumbled over himself multiple times along the way. He forgot to take a scarf,he noticed. The coldness was even worse than yesterday. What they are walking to must be worth it.


Keiji,with Tsukimo supporting him, he arrived at the containers and saw Sehema talking to the motionless students. He gazed at the students. A boy and a girl.


" ....Ummmm.....Who did Monokuma bring?"  he said with a "What the heck is happening" tone.


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Sai opened his mouth to say where he might have been, but strangely enough, nothing came to mind."That's the intresting part..." He said. "I don't." He adjusted his tie. "Intresting...I do remember my name though. That's good. And most of my life." Said was so lost in his own thoughts that he seemed to ignore the intense cold, mumbling to himself intensely for a couple of minutes. He noticed a bit of despiration in the girls face. Seemed to him that she didn't know what life outside was like either. So he was straight outta luck. "Are there others?" He asked the girl, as he slowly got out of the box. 

Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

As the boy looked around, Sehema recognized the look of total confusion on the boy's face. In response to his question, the girl just nodded her head. "Yes there are others but I wouldn't mean you're safe."  She bluntly stated and looked at the girl who was just waking up as well. Funny, he barely mentioned anything of Hope's Peak. 'This is weird...'  She thought to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by the female newcomer's hello. She really didn't seem to enjoy being out in the cold, not that the archer blamed her. She cared more for questioning the duo more than the lack of feeling her feet were now suffering from. 

" ....Ummmm.....Who did Monokuma bring?"  Sehema turned around to find the mathematician, Keiji, in the cold as well. "New students. To enjoy this wondrous school trip." Each word she spoke was oozing with sarcasm and discontent. She turned her attention back to the boy and studied him for a moment. She took a deep breath, realizing that the duo was going to have to learn about the trip now or later. "You've both been kidnapped and taken here to take place in a killing game. It's you versus your fellow students. We had our first trial a few hours ago actually. I'm sure the bear will happily explain to you the rules to this sick game."  She waved her hands at the mention of Monokuma. Where the hell was that bear anyway? First he drops two new students and doesn't bother to explain what's going on. Sehema seemed to become more agitated thinking about the bear. She wondered how much longer it would be until she could lay in her bed again. 

@NANANANANANANANANANA @gogojojo331 @TripTripleTimes @Assailant @LunarShines

Keiji Sore


Keiji shook his head. Then,he sneezed. The freezing cold was really getting to him. Wouldn't it be difficult to at least give them winter clothes at least? Some sweaters would be fine. Full sweaters, not the dinky sweater vest he's wearing. His arms are a bit chilly with it being warmed by Tsukimo's body heat.  He signaled Tsukimo to stop propping his body up. Without much hesitation, he stood. Walking would be a pain for some hours but standing should be a-okay. He thanked Tsukimo quietly . But now, there are questions to be asked.


"Soooo.....ummmm..... how did Monokuma bring these two? And who are these two exactly." he said when he squat down to see them clearly. He couldn't recall who these people were. Probably never saw them before,he obviously concluded. Then, Sehema briskly explained the rules of the game. She was a bit too blunt about him but at least she didn't  mince any words. It was the straightforward truth. She was a girl who wouldn't beat around the bush. A girl who shoots straight on the target. He sighed....But that would freak out these two dazed people who just arrived.


"...I-I-I think...uh... you should go to your c-c-achoo! Cabins ...umm....there." he pointed at a group of cabins in the distance. " You shouldn't-sniff- stay in the cold for long."


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After Avyn approacced the two people, the girl is quick to notice another pair of students making their way towards the area. The two newcomers are... strange, as the taller of the two boys is limping and the tiny kid is doing his best to help support the older boy's weight. Blue eyes looks at them in worry.

Actually, everything about this is worrisome. The deep sea diver has no idea where she is and how she got here. Before waking up here, Avyn remembers... she remembers... The girl looks up at all the faces before her with her eyebrows scrunch up in confusion. There is a vauge idea who these people are, but that realization only causes her more uncertainty as she has no idea where she would have seen or, perhaps, met these people. She looks down at the foot prints in the snow. Monokuma, that doesn't ring a bell either but it (a name?) must be important.

The girl looks at the other girl in confusion. The only school she knows of is the famous Hope's Peak in Japan, the one Avyn was preparing to go to this Autumn. Realization smacks the girl as she remembers why the people in front of her looks familiar, especially the blonde girl and the limping boy. They are students at the Hope's Peak Academy! She remembers surfing through the internet looking at her future classmates with her mother. The faces are the only thing she can remembe; their names and titles are forgotten long ago, the same day she saw her future students in the internet.

"Ye-yeah, I think we should continue this inside." Avyn is quick to agree with the boy leaning against the smaller boy. She then looks apologetic at the girl that is kind enough to explain the situation to her. "I'm sorry, but I think I am having trouble... understanding? grasping? the situation at the moment." For a moment, the girl fumbles with the right word to say in the language not native to her.

Not waiting another moment to get inside, Avyn steps on the foot prints created by the oldest male student wearing a black dresshir, and then hops around the boy and the blonde girl to step on the new set of footprints created by the blonde girl. Refusing to step on the cold snow, Avyn follows the footsteps all the way to the warm glowing cabin. 


Hayley Kiyoko

SHSL Pianist (btw the main character in the new Dg v3 game and her talent is SHSL Pianist and she stole my talent)

Hayley walked around the cold snow trying to find out why this was happening to her when she heard a crash of metal not to far from her. She walked slowly to the metal box to see two new students. She hid in the shadows to scared to move. When they exited the box she saw a girl with very colorful hair and a older man. She then saw Keiji and the kid walk up to scene and walk with Sehema and the new students two the lodge. She ran after them and walked up two the two new students "Hi there I guess you guys are in the dark about where you are but I would like to get to know you, I'm Hayley Kiyoko SHSL Pianist nice to meet you."


Keiji Sore


Keiji sighed at the girl. She's not Japanese,it was clear in her language. Communication problems would be a barrier. It would be 43% easier if she spoke Japanese fluently. That is going to be difficult considering that Japanese, to his calcula-God-damnit. He is doing Maths again. .....Actually , wait. Aren't we speaking in English. Like since we have been in this hell hole? Maybe he's thinking to hard. Maybe he is if the girl was already moving to the Cabin. Maybe it was a communication error. What he meant was that she should go to her cabin. The cabin that Monokuma assigned to her.


"Hey wait!"Keiji waved at Avyn. He tried to walk forward but he nearly stumbled over himself. He rested on his knees. The sun was absolutely gone so it was difficult to see anything. He had to thank the light from the Cabin for that. " It's late you,know. You should go to sleep in your dorm."
"Killing...game?" He said to himself quizzically as he followed Avyn. This would be the perfect place to do it I guess, he thought, No idea where I came from, so no possibility of me finding a way back. Not with these extreme temperatures, anyways. This one man on the left looks like he's already sustained injuries, so...some violence already happened, plus if there was already a murder, people must be on edge. what I am missing is the 'why' and the 'how' of this 'game'. He rubbed his shoulders to try and keep some form of warmth, as he felt the cold getting to him now. Those people must find him weird, not talking to anyone, doing anything. He must remedy that when he gets warmer. He can't become a suspect in his first day. After that, he must have a chat with this 'Monokuma'...  
Avyn is stepping from toe to toe as she wairts for the rest of the students to catch up to her. As she did so, another student, a girl with pretty long, dark hair, appears to her. She looks nervous but nice and Avyn smiles cheery at her. 

"You can say we are... in the night!" Her attempt at a joke is... lacking, but nonetheless, Avyn smiles brightly. "I am Avyn Kealoha, deep sea diver." If she isn't freezing, she would have offered a hand to shake, but instead Avyn smiles politely at Hayley. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Hay-- ah, Kiyoko."

Avyn looks back to the coming group but only to look at the glasses stumbling in the snow. Her eyebrows arches in worry, and without hesitation and a word to Hayley, the diver leaps into the snow to help the teen on to his feet.

"Are you right?" Avyn looks at the foot the boy is having trouble with. The girl cannot see the blood soaking shoe due to it being burried in the snow and light is limited this far from the cabin. Then she looks at the smaller boy next to the injured one and smiles warmly at the boy, the kid. "You did good, but let this sister take over for you." In the next seconds, the diver has looped one of the teenager's arms behind her neck and holds him tightly for balance.

"You alright?" She asks. 

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Keiji Sore


"Ummmm....thanks?" he said. Avyn was taller than Tsukimo so it's less awkward to lean on her than on Tsukimo. He didn't care if she was a girl. She was nice he admit,in the first few moments. But he needs to be wary about her. It's usually the foreign people who are the most rash.....Okay,now he's resorting to racism now. He sighed. She was even worried about him. " Well it's my fault my foot is like this. I stepped on some glass but that's all,nothing serious." He laughed at how stupid it sounds.


"If you don't mind,can you bring me to my Cabin?" he asked as he pointed at one of the cabins. " I just need to rest. Next morning,I should be fine. Just find the sign with my pixelated face."


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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


Sehema thought about taking this time to split off from the group to return to her cabin, but she was still interested in the newcomers. Especially the boy would seemed to be too calm to be in this situation. Sehema turned her attention to Keiji's foot and shook her head. She held her hands out and made two small clapping motions, as if she were addressing followers. "You heard him. To the cabin before the wound on his foot does become something serious." She turned and walked away in the direction towards Keiji's cabin. "We can talk and walk on our way there. Come now, it's very cold and I have no intentions of freezing." She said trying to make the group mobile, not wishing to stay outside and die a peasant's death. 


sachi looked up, a low rumbling coming in to interrupt her thoughts. at first, she didn't think anything of it, continuing to sip as she waited for it to pass. unfortunately, it only grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and louder, until she was sure that whatever it was had to be just outside. 'more commotion...' she thought sadly, putting down her cup to brace herself for whatever was going on outside to breach the main cabin. she stood carefully still, eyes fixed on the living room in front of her, waiting... except, nothing really happened. the noise eventually died back down, returning back to mere rumblings in the distance before disappearing entirely.

[SIZE= 16px]she knew that sound had to have been a plane or some other loud aircraft, but why it might have came by escaped her. it certainly wasn't rescue if nobody had come by by now, so it must've been one of monokuma's plans. in the shape she was in, she really didn't care to go find out what it had been. she simply went back to sipping on her drink, returning to the former calm that had preceded the whole event. she was curious, sure, but whatever it was could wait for tomorrow. she had filled her distressing event quota for the day; it was time to just get back to her cabin.[/SIZE]

after taking her time in finishing her drink and cleaning and putting away the dishware, she finally decided to step out of the main cabin. when she did, she could see what it had been that had disturbed the peace; two figures she couldn't recognize were fraternizing with a group of the other students. "oh, good..." she muttered darkly to herself, holding her shoulders as she braced against the cold night's weather. more students. as if she didn't already stand so slim of a chance of escaping this with her life. she walked  with her head down as inconspicuously as she could, trying hard not to catch anyone's attention as she shuffled off to bed.

Keiji Sore


Keiji,with the help of the foreigner, stumbled towards his cabin. He took out his keys and unlocked the door. The night was cold. His leg was still numb. His eyes are starting to droop. It's probably enough for the day. They entered his room.


[SIZE= 16px]"Just put me on my bed,'kay?"[/SIZE]

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*



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