RP Area

Avyn bounces in the snow and is quick to find a canin with a pixel image of herself. If she was in warmer clothes, the diver would have taken marvel at the image and grin at it as the image as caught her long, signature strand of hair that falls between her eyes. Instead, she yanks the cabin door open and runs into the heated room, closing the door behind her. She then jumps at rhe nearest heat scource, the bed, and forces her body to shiver as soon as she cocoons herself under the thick blanket.

Avyn stays like that for a while longer. The heat is warm and the smell of wood and buring flame surrounds her. This is very different than what she would feel back at home, with the smoothing sea and the salty breeze. Feeling that she snuggled enough, Avyn raises from the bed and walks around the small cabin, dragging the thick blanket with her. Soon, she notices a tablet on her bed side table. After grabbing it, she makes her way to her bed and sits comfortably before switchibg the machine one and flips though its contents.


"We have cameras everywhere you know, I can hear and see everything you unGRATEFUL students say... Buuuut its not like you can escape anyways!" 


[SIZE= inherit] [/SIZE]"You would die trying to scale the mountain, but just in case you DO manage to survive, I'm adding  rule to your E-Handbooks!" [SIZE= inherit]Monokuma then smiled as everyone checked the E-Handbooks. it listed 5 rules.[/SIZE]


1. Do not lend, break, or steal any E-Handbooks

2. Do not attack headmaster Monokuma

3. Boys sleep in their own cabins, Girls sleep in theirs. Separately

4. Sleeping is only aloud in your cabins.

5. Any attempts to escape will result in... swift punishment



Locations: Ski Lift, Garage, Mysterious Building, Cabins, Lodge

The Garage

The garage has a pair of skis leaning against the back wall. A large tarp covered what looked like a snowmobile but it was clearly not working. Tools such as hammers, shovels, and ice picks were on a rack on the left side of the garage. A pile of tarp also lay near the snowmobile.


Mysterious Building

Inside the building were shelves full of books and files, the book that Hanji had found must have been from here! The files contained student IDs and profiles from Hope's Peak. There was also a small picture of the school with a group of students infront of it, the faces were scratched out though. 


The Ski Lift

The Ski Lift didn't work, it seemed to go only up into the clouds. The radio has been burnt out for a very long time by the looks of it. The ski lift chairs were rusted and icicles hung off of them, They made a loud creaking sound as they swung in the wind.


The Cabins

The small circle of cabins were sitting far to the right of the Ski Lift. They each has pictures of every student on the doors, this was obviously the living quarters for the students.

After reading, avyn puts the tablet down on the table beside her bed and wonders what will happen tomorrow.

((Gonna add some more past post here when i can.))
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Diiing Dooong...

           Diiiing Dooong...





The monitors across the peak suddenly switched on and after a few seconds of static, the despair inducing bear appeared on the view screens. "Goooood Moooorning! It is now Daytime! Get up, enjoy some hot coco, and enjoy another chillingly splendid day!" The monitors flickered and then cut off leaving the mountain in an eerie silence. Besides Momokuma's irritating voice, the day actually looked great! The sun shone bright and there was no clouds in sight! Ice-sickles dripped from the buildings and the snow became more mushy than usual. It was rather warm outside but not enough to melt the snow. A slight breeze blew throughout the areas, the day seemed perfect. Was it too perfect?



//sorry been busy with SDR2 but i finished it last night so i should be back to normal!//



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Tsukimo sat up with a content sigh. Nothing like a good night's sleep... well, except quantum-particle superpositioning theory or gravity waves. He jumped down from his bed and walked over to the door. He shivered a tad as the cold air flowed through the cabin. He rubbed his hands together and smacked all around his body. He jumped up and down for a bit before nodding and walking out into the snow as he made his way to the main building.

Hayley Kiyoko

SHSL Pianist

Hayley wakes up and gets up and gets ready for the day. Hayley felt like she hasn't don much for the group so she decided she would do the work of going around and looking to make sure noone died last night. She exits her cabin and goes around to the main lodge, ski ring, ski lift, and everything. She doesn't look in to much detail she just looks for a body.

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Keiji Sore


Maybe Keiji should be getting earmuffs from the convenience store. He muffled awake from his slumber. The dream tonight was not really terrifying,he admitted. Actually, it was really him staring at a grey screen for a few hours. But still, it's way better than having PTSD. He sits on the side of his bed. He gets up,praying for the best that his leg has healed.


The pressure on his leg felt even heavier than before but the pain subsided, at least. He still needed to hobble a little but he can do it by himself. He breathed a sigh of relief. He went to take a quick(sensual) shower soon after.On his back were the same clothes that filled his closet. He felt a tinge of deja-vu. Wasn't this the same way yesterday started? He felt terrified of the prospect of another corpse. His body wouldn't be able to handle it. To be safe, he took ten minutes to pray for the safety of all of the game participants. Yep, good thing no one saw that or they would conclude that he is a nut. He put on some new shoes that were set in the room and hobbled out into the  Cabin to fix breakfast. He needed to ask Sachi something later on.
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with the sound of the morning announcement, sachi's eyes unwillingly peeked open. this morning she was splayed out on her bed over her sheets, her limbs tangled up like roots sinking up and into the ground. 'urgh...' she thought sourly, putting a hand on her face. she had never been much of a morning person in the first place, but the idea of getting out of bed felt like poison. she rolled over, pulling her pillow up and over her head. she really didn't want to do it - she tried to think of some reason she wouldn't have to - but she figured it was probably for the best. she reluctantly rolled back over onto her back. "i have to..." she let out a loud yawn and stretched out as she sat up sat up, rubbing her messy hair back down onto her head. as much as she didn't want to, she assumed it was probably better to go ahead now and get somewhere with other people, lest she be killed right here in bed. she kept that thought at the front of her mind as she got to her feet and started her morning routine.

she took her time, made herself look decent, and headed out. as soon as she opened the door, unexpectedly bright light filtered into the room, and as she stepped out the morning, she covered her eyes to look around. it was... surprisingly pleasant weather, as far as the mountains went. it wasn't quite as hard to get her flats through the thick snow today. that was one small relief at least - yesterday had been a killer on her legs. as she walked, her thoughts unfocused and light, she looked down to her e-handbook. the day seemed to be going rather well, actually. she was tired, sure, but her work was going on at a good pace, and she was no stranger to long hours. and she was secretly enjoying being back at work. all in all... it seemed like she was off to a good start. 

with one big push, the doors of the cabin came open, and sachi stepped through. there was always a possibility of a black and white bear coming in and announcing a body, so she would really prefer it to come after she had had some coffee. as she breezed in toward the kitchen, she came to a stop as she saw keiji. "morning..." she stiffly announces, trying to avoid what happened with sehema again this morning. she moves slowly through the kitchen as she makes her way toward the coffeepot, eyeing him up as she goes. "that's from last night...?" she asks warily, and somewhat confusedly, as she makes it over to the machine and leans besides the counter.



Keiji Sore


The weather was pleasant today. Not unreasonably cold. Just warm enough to appreciate the situation that he's in. It's ironic, he pondered. The white tips of mountains and the harmony of the scene should've calmed him if he wasn't in this 'killing game'. But that is the reality of the situation. He sighed to himself. Now he noticed that his thoughts are getting darker. He really needed a light to hold onto.


He entered the Main Cabin and started to toast some bagels in a conveniently placed toaster on the counter. He felt a pang in his heart that for some reason, he's eating the same food of a maniac. He shuddered. He sat quietly on the table,eating bagels as Sachi went in with eye-bags. If Keiji remembered correctly, Sachi was practically unapproachable before 10 when they were younger. That seems to be one of the things that haven't changed. She managed a forced "morning" from her mouth. He acknowledged it back. He decided to wait when Sachi finally wakes up when....


"that's from last night?" she asked,pointing at the coffee machine. Weird. He swore that he didn't make any coffee last night or today. "I'm not quite sure," he answered slowly. "I think Sehema made it." he asserted. He finished up his bagels and went to the sink as Sachi  leans on the counter to drink her cuppa. No coffee for Keiji however. He's more of a tea person. But he poured himself a glass of water because he needed to be quick."


[SIZE= 16px]@rusticyawn[/SIZE]
Tsukimo entered into the cabin. He quickly and silently took an apple and sat down nearby. He begins brainstorming on many various projects.

((Sorry for short post, just wanted to get him there.))

Keiji Sore


Keiji waved an acknowledging hand as Tsukimo entered the room and ate an apple. That's a good thing that he's not dead. Keiji had to admit it that the smart-ass kid is a help for this situation. His schizophrenic personality is a bit jarring but Keiji can put up with it at least. The boy seems to be thinking hard so Keiji left him alone.He watched Sachi pour herself a cup of coffee. Then,silence. No one said a word.


The awkwardness was starting to nerve Keiji. He wanted to ask Sachi something but another issue was more pressing. "Soooooo...." he started. "What do you think about the new guys?"



sachi nodded before taking a long sip. not the best she's ever had, but it was certainly coffee, either way. in the silence that followed, her tired half-lidded eyes stared blankly at the floor, her thoughts drifting off a little as her mind took a break. it took her a second to look alert when keiji asked his question. "i don't know," she responded quickly, moving her cup a little closer to her face. she shook her head. "i only met the one in the prison getup, so, i don't have the highest hopes..." she put the cup to her lips again and took a couple of hurried gulps this time, realizing the tepid drink wasn't worth savoring. she frowned disappointedly as she put it back onto the table, still leaning on the counter as she looked toward the two of them for their thoughts.



Keiji Sore


[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Times New Roman']"Wait,what prison get-up?". He almost fell off his chair when Sachi said so. To his knowledge there were only two students that Monokuma dropped in. The foreigner and a guy wearing a prep school uniform. Both of them don't seem to be wearing clothes that would qualify them for prisoners to his eyes so god forbid that it means that there is another student. He groaned. How the hell did Monokuma managed to bring another one so quickly,he asked to himself.[/FONT][/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Times New Roman']" Are you telling me there's more?"[/FONT][/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Times New Roman']@Assailant @rusticyawn[/FONT][/SIZE]

( Please post :@gogojojo331@DaniBot@Blu3

The night sleep on the cabin's bed was an okay rest for Avyn. She didn't really needed the sleep since she arrived at the winter resort already asleep, but once the girl searched her small, but adorable cabin and going theough the student electronic handbook there was nothing for the diver to do. So to past the time, she took a nap for the next 7 or 8 hours. 

Once the girl gets up, she takes a quick shower and picks up a new set of clothes that is a bit warmer to wear than the ones she arrived in but still inappropriate for the cold tempature. She will later have to visit the convience store after she meets with everyone in the bigger, wooden house. 

There was one thing that confused the girl when she read through her handbook. There was no further information about where she is and she was only able to find her personal profile, the student list, and the rules. However, and she has no idea how she missed this, but Avyn found a rule within the electronic that confused her. "No voting for corpes." That anf with what Keiji said last night is startimg to worry the girl greatly and she needs some confirmation to her line of thought.


"W-what?! you try to weasel your way out of giving a punishment? NO, I WON'T ALLOW IT. New school rule: NO VOTING FOR CORPSES! If this rule is broken... well you know how it goes." 


When the students arrived at the bottom of the ski lift, they noticed that there was a cave that wasn't there before. It must have been hidden by the snow. There was a small opening at the end of the cave that lead to a new area. This was not a cave...it was a tunnel! On the other side, there was a large bowl-like area that had buildings at the bottom. The large mountain made it impossible to even see what was above the snow-valley but perhaps there is a way. A large glass tube ran from the bottom of the valley, all the way to the peaks, it was an elevator! But it seemed to be out of order right now. There was a Chemical Lab that held chemicals and acidic solutions. There was a Gym where the students can exercise if they would like. A Ice Skating Ring sat in the middle of the valley and took up most of the room. Finally, there was a Convenience Store, it was very out of place. It looked like a 7/11 but had a Monokuma color scheme and a Monokuma logo.
Just as all the students awoke and everyone settled into the new day, everything seemed unusually quiet. This eerie silence kept all of the students on edge, there was no sign of Monokuma since the morning announcement which was rather unusual. He usually loved to meddle a lot. Suddenly, the monitors switched on and displayed a tall man in a white suit with a doctors mask on dancing in the snow. Swing music played through the speakers and drowned out the whole mountain. The area where the man was dancing was easily noticeable, it was outside the Lodge where everyone first woke up. The man spun around to the music as if he had no care in the world, who was this man? And did he know of their current situation? The music continued playing and was still deafening, perhaps the man knew of this or else he would not be dancing to it.

@Assailant @rusticyawn@gogojojo331@DaniBot@Blu3

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Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer

As the morning announcement when off, the blonde shot the screen the dirtiest glare she could muster in her half awakened state. The bear had the nerve to wake her up in the middle of the night and then wake up early to mingle with peasants. She waited for the announcement to go off before she went back to sleep. If she was supposed to enjoy this sick, twisted vacation then she was going to catch up on as much beauty rest as she could. 

- One Hour Later -

Sehema sat up in her bed stretching and yawning. Thanks to the extra hour of sleep, she felt more refreshed. She stood up and placed a finger lightly on her chin in a thinking position. The archer pondered on her course of action for the day. There were numerous buildings that had been opened to them thanks to the trial. Buildings she wished that she had went to investigate the previous night, but it made no difference. The opportunity had presented itself once more and she would surely take advantage of it. Sehema held her stomach as she heard it making a loud growling noise. She had almost forgotten that she hadn't eaten anything since before the trial. It would seem that investigating would have to wake until after she had sated her hunger.

As she made her way into the cabin, she spotted Sachi, Keiji, and Tsukimo. She couldn't help but to overhear Keiji's question as she strolled by to make some food. Once she was done, she brought her plate and took her seat at a random table. "Our opinions shouldn't weigh too much. Don't forget that they're here under the same circumstances as we are. Placing your trust on someone based on initial opinions will prove lethal. In fact, it's the same if you let your guard down around anyone." She eyed all three of them before she started to silently eat her breakfast. She didn't voice it out loud, but she found one of them very interesting already. Ayvn seemed trusting of everyone. Maybe she'd fit into this group better than Sehema. 

She seemed to be throughly enjoying the food she had fixed when the monitors came on. 'Hmm. It's about time that bear appeared.' She thought not really expecting anything weird to happen. She was half asleep when the morning announcement came on, so she didn't really pay much attention to how weird it seemed. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of another person, a grown man at that. From the looks of his attire, Sehema assumed him to be a doctor but something seemed off. The man was oddly careless and dancing as if he was blissfully unaware of where he was. Or maybe he was aware of where he was. Sehema looked troubled but continued to watch the broadcast, seeing if the man would speak. 

@rusticyawn @NANANANANANANANANANA@Assailant @TripTripleTimes

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sachi looked at him curiously before nodding slowly. "it would seem so..." she says curiously, mulling over the thought. if keiji and the others hadn't seen him, it only raised more unpleasant questions about him. if the rest of them were as checkered, it really only spelled trouble. how concerning. when sehema spoke up, sachi turned her attention and listened intently. she really had nothing to had to her eloquent thought, only a tacit shrug and an amused smile that seemed to say 'well, she's right'.

the casual banter going on was sort of weird for sachi, but oddly pleasant. of course though, as if right on cue, a horrifically loud song started up out of nowhere. sachi's eyes widened, and her whole body twitched in surprise. before she could ask, she saw everyone's eyes move toward the monitor behind her. she turned around to find some man in the suit crazily moving to some song she couldn't understand. "what is this!?" she yelled, covering her ears and gritting her teeth at the display. she wasn't even sure anyone could hear her exclamation over the noise. her confused surprise quickly turned to anger as she gritted her teeth. whoever this was, monokuma had taken pains to interrupt them with him in the most obnoxious way possible. the only thing to do was get whatever this was over with try to salvage what was left of her already piss poor hearing.

without much delay, sachi turned and began to stomp toward the door, with every intention of going out to find him.



Keiji Sore


"Jesus!" Keiji screamed when the screen turned on to THAT music when he was about to finish his glass of water. His eyes darted to the monitor which the music blared out from to see a curious sight. A tall man dancing to swing music. Literally outside of the Lodge that he was in. There could only be one logical conclusion. He was somehow involved in all of this. Not quite sure if he's the mastermind but it's certain he has something interesting to say. His insides fill with rage. For all he wanted to go outside to see the monster, he was not sure whether it was a recording or live. That did not matter to him though. He took out his hammer and followed Sachi out of the Lodge, gritting his teeth.


[SIZE= 16px]@rusticyawn[/SIZE]
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Tsukimo grinned as he got out. Like many others, he walked outside to the man. Although, danced outside might be a better term. Tsukimo casually shuffled his way outside to the others and kept pace with them. He wasn't so bothered by all of this, frankly.
Avyn is still in her cabin when the monitor in her room turns on. She looks at the screen is curiousity when loud music blasts out, causing the girl to scramble to cover her ears. She tries to reach for the monitor to maybe turn the volume off manually, but she fails to find a button of any kind and searching for long required the girl to take off her hands from her ears. If the music wasn't so dang LOUD, Avyn would have enjoyed it. 

Armed in a knee long jeans and wearing two hoodies, Avyn runs out of her cabin, on flip-flops, to head towards the Lodge. She is pretty sure that is where the white suited man is dancing, judging from the background. As the diver rans, she is annoyingly surprised that the music continues to blast outside.

At rhe outside of the Lodge, Avyn first sees the dancing man and then notices the students hanging out by the Lodge entrance. Avyn waves her arms at the familiar faces at the opposite side of the man but she quickly pulls her arms back to her ears to block out the music.

@DaniBot @rusticyawn@NANANANANANANANANANA @Assailant @LunarShines 
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Keiji Sore


"Where is that bastard!!" Keiji screamed out loud. He's no longer the cerebral timid guy he normally was. He was teeming with anger from head to toe. No mercy,he said to himself. This man. This man that knows that they are trapped here,forced to kill each other. There's no other way to enter this mountain without Monokuma knowing anyway. SO, he must be conspiring with Monokuma. He couldn't think up any other answer to the fact he was here. And no moral man would just let this killing game happen. Keiji wants answers.


He hobbled outside and searched fiercely. "Where is he?!" Keiji said again.


[SIZE= 16px]@LunarShines[/SIZE]
Tsukimo seemed to be enjoying this all thoroughly. He danced to the music, disregarding its volume. He waved casually over to Avyn, his dancing continuing unabated. None of this appeared to bother him in the slightest, and in a weird way, the socially anxious, timid little boy appeared to be the most relaxed out of everyone in the general area.

After everyone started noticing the man, and the man knew this, he simply snapped his fingers and the music came off. He then breathed in deeply and let out a large sigh. "This place is really dirty haha, just kidding." The man said in a very monotone voice. That seemed very...odd, awkward even to say. After a few moments of awkward silence, the man then began speaking again. "Hello, I am the SHSL Patient Vincent Gabriel Hollowell, but to you you its just Hollowell haha. Anyways there is about to be a snowstorm that will kill all of you. Haha just kidding"  This man, more of a kid actually, he seemed around the age of 19, was very weird. The white suit was like a tuxedo and had a black undershirt. "Well lets get on with it, this is getting rather stale so I have been advised, by myself, to answer one single question you all have. So think up of one, and make it worth while because this is your only chance. If you come up with a stupid one, I will kill you all...haha just kidding." His monotone boring voice felt like poison to the ears of the students, this man was so mysterious yet so boring...how can one human be so uninteresting? Those weren't even jokes and his laugh was unenthusiastic, he seemed like he was about to die of bordem.
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Keiji Sore


Keiji stopped in his tracks when he saw the man. Somehow, Keiji noted, the man managed to absorb all the energy in his surroundings. He looked more like a bored office worker than anything else. But considering their situation, it's strange. How did he get here? Why was he here? How are you involved in all of this? A million questions circled in Keiji's mind. He gripped his hammer tighter. Maybe the question he should ask was can I attack you. But he was certain the answer was no. His boredom must be stemming from confidence that nothing bad will happen.


He turned around to the rest of the group. His face red with anger. He didn't like the sound of all this but a question was needed. "How about,'Is there a way to escape without killing each other?'"Keiji suggested.



Tsukimo covered Keiji's mouth before he could finish the statement. He had to stand on his tip-toes to do that. "Stop. I know what you're about to ask." He backed up. "B-but... we need to be careful. If the answer's no, as i-it likely is... tha-that's a question wasted. W-we should think carefully... m-make sure we only ask a question we t-think we'll get a helpful answer to." He shook his head. "B-besides... if you're going to ask that, ask "HOW do we get out without killing each other." Just k-knowing there IS a way isn't all that helpful if w-we don't know what that is."

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