RP Area

Keiji Sore


Keiji replied Sora's question with a stern glare. Sure, there is no reason to think that there's something wrong about Sora's autopsy. But there is definitely something wrong with his actions. Time to examine his autopsy.


"Well, first things first, you seem a bit adamant that Yorokobi was stabbed first. Let us just assume that it is wrong and see if it fits well with other clues in the case."

Sora shrugged and crossed his arms. "Hm...I became suspicious the moment I thought it was smart to make a scene about the handwriting thing but fair enough." He then tilted his head to the side and meet the glare with a relatively calm face. "But alright, Lets assume I am wrong, then what did actually happen to Yorokobi?"
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"Hm...I became suspicious the moment I thought it was smart to make a scene about the handwriting thing but fair enough."

sachi breathed in, a little on edge now that it seemed they were finally nearing the end.  "we noticed..." she moaned, slumping back down on her podium, this time purposefully over-dramatically. she wanted so much just for sora to show his damn footprint and it over with, since he oozed the impression he was avoiding doing it, but if keiji really wanted to go through it all with him, she wasn't going to stop him. she had, admittedly, been way too hasty in pinning kiyoko as the murderer earlier, and she really wasn't interested in potentially repeating that mistake again. though if this went much longer, she'd really start to slump onto the floor...

41 minutes ago, CreativelyPerfect said:

Sora shrugged and crossed his arms. "Hm...I became suspicious the moment I thought it was smart to make a scene about the handwriting thing but fair enough." He then tilted his head to the side and meet the glare with a relatively calm face. "But alright, Lets assume I am wrong, then what did actually happen to Yorokobi?"






Tsukimo grinned. This was their theory.

"It's all coming together!"


The attacker went to the garage, planning to grab a wrench and use it to murder someone. The gas, through some unknown means, knocked out everyone except the attacker and Yorokobi, who was already in the kitchen. The attacker made their way to the lodge, but not without deciding to frame someone else for the murder. After rummaging through the unconscious victims' pockets, they found Hayley's knife. Perfect, as Hayley was acquainted with their to-be victim. They approached Yorokobi from behind, while she was preparing breakfast, and struck her in the back of the head. She was rendered unconscious, but the attacker knew that wasn't enough to kill her. They planned some false evidence by cutting off the victim's hair and placing it in their hand. We'd all presume that was the attacker's hair, and immediately suspect one another. Hayley in particular, whom the knife belonged to AND who also had brown hair. Because of that, they forged a note with paper they'd prepared, pretending it was written by Hayley, telling her to meet there. The attacker planted that before stabbing her multiple times to kill her.

However, that wasn't enough. The attacker left to prepare for the wake-up, but Yorokobi woke up during this time. She was not yet dead. Having not seen her attacker, and having the paper left behind by the attacker, she wrote a final note speculating the people she'd met so far. Then, she finally died. The attacker cleaned off the wrench, and all was complete. That was when we arrived.

They had thrown us off the trail in more ways then just planting evidence. The stabs may have seemed random, but the attacker had basic medical knowledge, so they knew where they could stab to inflict irreversibly fatal wounds. Finally, they knew as the only medical proffesional, we'd all have to take their word on the autopsy.

The downside? If they wrote during the trial... we'd recognize their handwriting.

Isn't that right... Super High School Level Veterinarian,

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[SIZE= 26px]Keiji Sore[/SIZE]


"Hmmm...." Keiji thinks about Tsukimo's theory. It seems well thought out, Keiji thinks but there's something wrong with it. He listens intently.


Kyou's drawing>>"knocked out everyone except the attacker and Yorokobi.."


"Hey, wait a minute!"




" I practically agree with your theory but it still is a tad weak for a conviction."


"Now, don't you think it's a bit weird that Yorokobi was awake while Kiyoko was not. Well, based on Kyou's drawing, they were in the same building. So why was one of them awake while another one wasn't?"


"Also, what did Yorokobi used to write with? There is nothing in the investigation area that could be used as a writing instrument. She must've written it a while ago."


" But there's a point I agree with. If Sora was the attacker, he would've gone to the garage because he was there before. He would've known about the wrench and also about the ventilation in the Garage to not get knocked out by the gas."

"He would've known about the wrench and also about the ventilation in the Garage to not get knocked out by the gas."

"It's a nice theroy but there are some holes."




Sora stared at them with the same air of calmness, he had already lost and there was no longer any point in fighting like a child. "As educational as our trip to the garage yesterday was, I was actually in my cabin when the gas happened. The gas had started in my cabin initially but abruptly stopped. I was still awake, and the first thing I did after I left was go to garage. The trip yesterday gave me a pretty good idea where everything was and I got the wrench. But it's funny, on my way to the lodge I kept trying to talk myself out of it. I kept trying to convince myself to just go back to my cabin but it was too late because she was there and already unconscious.

I hit her with the wrench, twice. Her true cause of death is actually blunt force trauma to the head. After she was dead I knew I had to make it look like I didn't do it. I had no intention of dying as well so I staged it with cutting Yorokobi's hair, stabbing her, planting the note, everything I could think of to make Hayley look as likely as the culprit as possible. My problem was that after I found the note  Yorokobi wrote, I felt so much guilt. It's not everyday that you happen to murder a dying girl that turns out to be a literal ray sunshine.

So I ignored doing anything with the knife and picked up the pipe wrench and quickly returned it to the garage and cleaned it as well as I could before going back to my cabin."

Tsukimo nodded. It seems he was correct. Well, mostly correct. He screwed up a detail or two, but he was mostly right. Although, there WAS something that still confused him.

[SIZE= 16px]My problem was that after I found the note  Yorokobi wrote, I felt so much guilt.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Huh? B-but... then... how...?[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Refutation?[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Tsukimo looked at Yorokobi in confusion. "I-I'll buy almost all of t-that. O-one thing still confuses me though... how did s-she know she was g-going to die? You said s-she'd already written th-that note when you killed her?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Tsukimo frowned. "Also, why d-didn't you j-j-just kill her o-outright with the knife?"[/SIZE]
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Keiji Sore


"Well, that was easy. But you DID impede our investigations so technically you still had intent."


Not that it mattered as Keiji already pulled the lever. He votes for.... Actually, screw that! Why would he want to kill a random person he barely knew.


"...W-wait! C-can't we just....you know.... divide the votes among us so that Sora doesn't die.... I m-mean we....ummm....don't have to kill him!"
"I found it after was staging the scene. Like I said eariler, she had cancer and she was in a killing game. One or the other could have been her cause of death in the long run."
Tsukimo pulled the lever to vote for Sora. "But... she said it as if she was ABOUT to die... like any second. She even included a list of people she'd talked to. If that was the only reason, how could she know that they would be the only people she'd talked to before she died? Unless she KNEW she was just about to die. And... what about the knife question?"
He simply shrugged. "Maybe the girl had very good intuition. And the knife?....Well I did say that the killer probably wasn't thinking probably wasn't thinking properly." 

He sighed and shook his head looking at the ground as Keiji spoke to try and get his life saved and frankly Sora quite shocked that some wanted to spare him in the first place. "You want to spare me? I killed a dying girl because of that stupid motive, for money, and almost threw some other girl under the bus. That's quite deplorable if you ask me. Besides it's not that I want to die but if I did somehow survive this, it make me an easy target for being the next victim don't you think?"
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Keiji Sore




"....Can't you see?...."


"It's just wrong.... What do we get if we kill you?.....Nothing"


" I just.....don't think any of this is right."
Tsukimo sighed sadly. "Keiji... t-there's no point in trying. It's awful, but... c-criminals have to be punished. Beyond that, you're asking e-everyone here to forgive him. I-if even one person skews the vote... t-the wrong person c-could be killed. There's n-no point in trying."
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"Phuhuhu, so much despair! Poor little Keiji trying to save a MURDERER? Who is the real monster here? That was one gruesome scene, if he had any chance to stop he would have taken it! But no, poor little Yorokobi ended up dead, and during the gas too? Cheap shot. But finally its the time we've all been waiting for! ITS TIME TO VOTE!"



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for the last time, sachi straightened up as sora spoke, listening quietly and intently as he methodically went through how the murder had occurred. she had had little doubt before he had offered up his explanation, and as he went through it all with the group, any that remained resolved themselves. after everything was said and done, the only thing that remained in her only a dull sense of finality. it was finished. she couldn't even find it in her to act happy that it was finally done. this would be just another death. whether or not in her mind sora 'deserved' what was coming, executing him would not bring yokorobi back.

...this did not stop sachi from immediately pulling her lever. she couldn't say she was pleased with what was going to happy next, but really, she had no real compunctions about it, either. sora knew the risk he was taking by following through. he had acted in the sake of self-interest, even at the expense of the group. which, in sachi's eyes, was his own business. but now that it had come down to this, to deciding whether or not they would execute him, why would they not do the same? this was simply how the world functioned. a dire business of risk and reward, played against others only interested in doing the same. no matter how reluctant any of them were to participate in it, they were still members all the same.

"this is just how it works," sachi remarked darkly. "it's not going to change if we deny it, so just get it over with." as usual, her tone was mostly flat, but this time there was a slight hint of a strain on her voice as she spoke. she looked away from the circle of podiums in front of her. 'it's not going to change, so get over it.' this was not the first time she had thought this to herself, but it seemed she had to remind herself once again. terrible.
"For one, I'm a guy and two they're right, well besides the criminal part. I don't see myself as a criminal." Sora ran a hand through his hair once again. "I've already accepted the fact that I'm going to die today so just vote for me. I did it because I thought I needed it to, none of its right but what choice do you have? Risk botching the vote or killing me. If I was in your position the choice would be easy."
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Keiji Sore


"Then....w-why not vote......uhhh.... Yorokobi?"


Right now, he's grasping at straws right now. He just doesn't want blood on his hands.


" I mean,she's a corpse.....that's not a good word to say is it. A-anyway, she can't be executed, I think."


"W-what?! you try to weasel your way out of giving a punishment? NO, I WON'T ALLOW IT. New school rule: NO VOTING FOR CORPSES! If this rule is broken... well you know how it goes." The bear seems angry and mumbles to himself "I outta punish you for that..."


1 minute ago, LunarShines said:


"W-what?! you try to weasel your way out of giving a punishment? NO, I WON'T ALLOW IT. New school rule: NO VOTING FOR CORPSES! If this rule is broken... well you know how it goes." The bear seems angry and mumbles to himself "I outta punish you for that..."


Tsukimo frowned. "But what if the murder is a suicide? Then are we allowed to vote for corpses?"
Sora started to laugh. He just couldn't help himself, he turned to Keiji and smiled. "You are a nice person, but you heard the demented bear. It's too late. Too bad though, I wish we all had a chance to be classmates instead of this bullshit."

Sora then looked at monokuma with a small smirk. "Its ironic you call what I did a cheap shot when you're here forcing us to take these cheap shots. If it weren't for the fact I needed the money this wouldn't have happened or at least not with me or if you would've just left us at peace this wouldn't have happened either."
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The bear seemed stumped, not knowing what to say and then it hit him! "I am watching all of you 24/7 so if I see anyone trying to take the easy way out, I WILL STOP YOU. There will be no suicide going on here, unless I condone it. Highly un-likely though." Monokuma was proud of himself for coming up with that, Wow what a genius you are Monokuma, way smarted that Usam-- wait thats non cannon here, you can't think those thoughts! "Aw just vote already would ya? Bunch of whiners!"
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Tsukimo grinned. "Oh really?" He asked Monokuma. "I'd be amazed to see you stop that." With that, Tsukimo opened his mouth wide and attempted to bite down on his tongue as hard as he could.
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"keiji. do you remember what i told you yesterday?" sachi starts softly. "i guessed that our captor is toying with us. that they just want to see us suffer. you can see now, it's not a mindless system you're playing against. if you try and avoid this, it'll only be worse when it finally comes." sachi breathed in deeply, trying to keep a hold on herself amidst her own bleak attempt at practicality. 'why does he always insist on doing this...?'

sachi blinked, realizing that her thought just now had made no sense. he had never wanted to always do anything. she didn't know him before they had met in this place. right? she bit her lip uncomfortably, that sickly feeling from earlier starting to creep back in on her. dammit, this needed to be over and done with already. she didn't want to feel weird shit, she just wanted this to be done. she held her head frustratedly, waiting for what she knew had to come.

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[SIZE= 16px]A swarm of metallic arms came out of the wall and held his mouth open, and then tazed him. "You are acting like a child, kid. Stop it now!" Monokuma shook his head and laughed a little. "I'm getting too old for this job, IM A HEADMASTER NOT A BABY SITTER!"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]


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