Royal Witches

Likewise, I see that I have a person to respond to now as well! I will get on that in the morning. : )
@Giyari There is probably something that Margaret is wearing that shows her to be a noble, right? Like the petal lisence? Where is it? I'm going to have Crystana suddenly see it and realize she yelled at someone important. xD
CloudyBlueDay said:
@Giyari There is probably something that Margaret is wearing that shows her to be a noble, right? Like the petal lisence? Where is it? I'm going to have Crystana suddenly see it and realize she yelled at someone important. xD
Hmmm... I... I dont actually know! Do petal licenses come in badge form? Margaret does speak with a fairly "proper" choice of words though, and her clothes are top notch, plain looking, but very high quality., Crystana might pick up on that? That is if the badge is not a thing of course. Would be fun to notice though :3

@welian Halp! Petal licenses! they got badges and such?

Yep! It's a symbol that can be worn as a crest, or printed/etched onto a document, kinda like a sheriff's badge or an organ donor heart.
Excellent! Alrighty then! Imma say it's pinned to the lapel of her top. Not that I know exactly how to describe what she's wearing... I'm no expert in medieval styled fashions xD

I do know that her outfit is black and red though, with some gold accents thrown in. Gonna say her trousers are red and her top and boots are black :)

Oh! Should tag you! @CloudyBlueDay
I posted, so naturally you'll have to let me know if I goofed up. : )
I don't know what to do, perhaps I could have the little girl with the money come visit the stall. *Frustrated noises*
It's alright, you're not alone! There's a fair amount of people who aren't sure where to come in and honestly, I should have started the roleplay at a more interesting part of the story.

I've been considering a timeskip to nighttime, since that's when the bonfire will be lit, and when the Blight becomes more active - but I don't want to interrupt any current interactions.
I'm not totally sold on doing the timeskip - I'll wait for others to respond here and see if they have any opinions before doing anything.
I wouldn't mind a timeskip. I'm trying to write posts for two roleplays at once so give me a few. Maybe we could do a collab-post, @Giyari, if we want things to go quicker? o-o
Giyari said:
A collab post?
Yeah, it's a thing that you do when you don't want to fill the IC with pages of just conversation. We take it to PM, and it doesn't matter how long each post is because once we finish the scene we shove it all into one big post and one of us posts it.
Ohhh! YEah that sounds goo! That would get that scene done relatively quickly! Otherwise it would be another... maybe 3 posts each, or something, I reckon
Giyari said:
Ohhh! YEah that sounds goo! That would get that scene done relatively quickly! Otherwise it would be another... maybe 3 posts each, or something, I reckon
Yea! So I will PM you in a bit with my first post and then you reply as if you would IC, but it can be shorter. Then we go back and forth 'till we're done, and we post it! :)
Cool, go for it :3

Aaaaaaaaaand, I have some pics for Charlotte! Took me aaaages! [link] [link]

Also off to bed, gotta be up early-ish
Ahhh, school stuffz. Fair enough. I don't mind that the RP is just slow, it's just that the OOC usually moves a bit faster and it's been awfully quiet in here.
I was away from the past few days on a class chalet thing, slowing down my already-not-posting into negative figures.
Pfft. I'm on spring break so I'm totally raring to go, rp-wise. Plus, after the tenth, I'll only have 2 classes a day on Tuesdays, one in the morning and one in the evening. Unfortunately, that means five hours in the middle of the day stuck on campus with nothing to do, but... I got Steam, and my controller.
Oh the perils of people in school.

I guess that'll be me over the summer and till next spring. Wooo taking a semester off

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