Royal Witches

Next move is, assuming that all major interactions are done with, would be for a timeskip of several hours to the night, where there would be the lighting of the bonfire, and a little something-something.

I'm just waiting on @Valmont and whoever else is interacting atm.
@welian Yes! sorry posting today! Things got really crazy here and ended with me getting a full time job in marketing starting monday after like a year worth of searching!?

But yesh also means I will have an actuall schedule now which means I can actually plan things out and so expect more stable posting times from me hopefully :3
Epic! I need to post shit... I've had a bad week though and this weekends gonna be busy :/
I've pretty much given up on being timely with this RP, ha!

Everyone has been super busy, it's not like it's anyone's fault though!

But sometimes, I consider making a second IC tab for people to dick around in, something non-canon.
On the subject of the Nightsisters Cult



On orders from the Crown, I made the trek into the lands of Dathomir on the intel given to us by one Charles Fitzgerald, a Warden in Her Majesty's Army. The intel said that within Dathomir was a cult of witches that were practicing a type of Mana that was heretofore unknown to our scientists and scholars. Such reports are no stranger to Her Majesty's court due to the reclusive nature of some of the more eccentric noble families. Due to this most of these reports go investigated. The interest in this specific report comes from the fact that this magic was described as a type of Green Mana as was reportedly used by the noble house of Archuleta, the over seeing house of the Archuleta Isles, now more commonly referred to as the Haunted Isles. This type of "Blight Mana" as was called by the Warden, was being used on local flora, fauna, and human populace.

As it currently stands, we have no evidence to suggest that the Archuleta family was able to practice an unknown type of mana that only they had access to. On a similar note, there was no evidence to suggest that the cult had inhabited this area for a long time, if they in fact ever did exist. It is clear that Dathomir has been affected by the Blight, just as every land has been. Due to the proximity to the Quarantine Zone (the Haunted Isles), it is impossible to say whether the amount of affect the Blight has had on this land is a product of its infectious nature, or was brought on by some sort of outside force, as reported.

When questioned about the existence of the cult, the locals reacted in fear. It was clear that they believed that if they were to answer our questions something terrible would happen to them. When we were finally able to get someone to talk to us we were informed of the following: The "Nightsisters" are a group of surviving members of the Archuleta family. They have access to a Green Mana type and practice "Blight Magic". This lines up with what we've heard about the incident in the Achuleta Isles that allowed the Abyss to open. The Nightsisters achieved their name because, obviously, they only come out at night - and they are sisters. The number of the cult ranges any where from single digits to double digits. The most common being that there are 5 sisters, total. The last surviving members of the Archuleta family? They live in the caves and under the ground and in the swamps. At night they practice their Blight Magic in hopes that they can become powerful enough to control the whole of the Blight infection. They wear white paint on their faces with black highlights to form weird patterns.

It is my professional opinion that this cult does not exist, or at least nowhere near the extent that these people believe. It is possible that surviving members of the Archuleta family fled through these lands during the first days of the Abyss being open, thus causing the belief that they stayed in this area, and due to the rather reclusive nature of the family I find it no surprise that the people of Dathomir would create strange and weird tales around the family. Especially given the Witches Coven of the Haunted Isles tall-tale that came about after the Abyss opened, and the already existing rumors of the family, it's only natural that they'd be combined at some point.

I can see no reason for the crown to seek further into the subject of the Nightsisters cult. I will be sending a request with this report for more troops to be sent to the lands within proximity of the Quarantine Zone, specifically Dathomir. The extent of the Blight's infection on this land is extensive and possibly the worst of all the lands this close to the Quarantine Zone.

For a better, Blightless future, Matriarch Neave Niccals

P.S. I did find evidence in several caves that there had been people living in them. Strange formuli and what can only be described as artifacts. I do not believe these to be related to the Witches of Dathomir (Nightsisters). These formuli are clearly about some sort of magic based mode of transportation. Possibly teleportation? Maybe even portal based! I find it incredibly interesting and will be having copies sent to my personal laboratories in the Capital. Please see to it that they are locked up and kept safe until my return.
CloudyBlueDay said:
oh my lord, Daft, how long did it take you to put in all those spoilers. Holy poop.
I have this intense desire to use blackout text all the time.

But Welian dies a little inside when people blackout text.

So I used to spoilers instead.

And not long!

30 minutes to type everything up.
@Yuuki of the Strata YEAH, RIGHT!? When I saw that the spoiler tag looked like blackout text, I had a laughing fit. I was like, "This is wonderful! I can piss off Welian AND make it so it was readable!" And it worked. She was worked up until she realized it was spoiler text.
@TheDaftStudent I looove it because it gives it that feel like a blacked out one, but like exactly what you said, it can still be read. It bothers me when someone puts something up and more than half of the thing is blacked out--to the point where you don't even know what the document is about. ;;A;;
Hey guys, sorry for the silence! Unfortunately, it was my turn to get ungodly busy. I'm trying to catch up in my classes since my grades aren't that hot, and I've also been hanging out with @UnquietDreams for a few days.

Sometime on Wednesday, I'm going to try and sit down and work on posts. @Valmont, if you'd like, you and I can continue our character's interactions in a private message. I think if we do that (and if no one else is in the middle of a scene) I can actually do the timeskip next weekend.
No worries. Life has been busy fir me to recently, so it all works out in my book. Then an, I was never good with math... Any who, just get that time skip done when possible and tag me when it's done and posted.

Hello everyone! Long time, no see! Er, no post, I guess? Anyways, two announcements, and a reminder.


I am currently working on a timeskip post that will take us to late night, at the lighting of the bonfire.

Badass actiony fight scenes are anticipated.


While I had some downtime, I made a new profile layout for Witches! It uses a lot of tabs, and if everyone adopts it, it will mean less scrolling to see all the profiles.

It has all the same information – there’s no need to rewrite any of the actual content of your profile, this layout update only involves some rearranging.

The new profile layout can be viewed on the second post of the character sign-up tab. Queen Amelanch's profile has been updated so that you can see how it looks with content.


I’d also like to take a moment to say, since I know the roleplay seemed dead for a while – if anyone is no longer interested in this story, that’s perfectly alright. Just send me a PM letting me know that you’d like to drop, and I’ll remove your profile. Otherwise, you’re probably going to keep getting tagged in these announcements.

@Yuuki of the Strata @Zahzi
Thanks!! I hope to see a lot of tabbed profiles over the weekend.
Yup yup!! I know it's been hard for a lot of people to (re)enter the story, so I'm hoping that a timeskip - especially one that includes fire and dancing and antics - will be more useful for openings.
welian said:
Yup yup!! I know it's been hard for a lot of people to (re)enter the story, so I'm hoping that a timeskip - especially one that includes fire and dancing and antics - will be more useful for openings.
Imma do one more post before the skip if that's alright?

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