Royal Witches


And, possibly? The Abyss as it exists in this story is a singular location, but it's entirely possible that Arcana exists on some sort of hollow planet, and the Blight is some sort of underground Hell that leaks out in other parts of the world too. Or, like actual plagues, there are different kinds of Blight that pop up in other parts of the world. Maybe there's a Blight that specifically appears as worms and only infects water.
Follow. But! Follow only if ye be men of valor! For the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel, that no woman yet has fought with it... and lived! BONES of full fifty women lie *strewn* about its lair! So! Brave witches! If you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth...

//makes fangs with fingers >8U
I'm curious now. What are you all expecting to be in the Abyss?
Your wkrst nightmares in short. For me, it would be giant spiders and other spider like things with the occasional centipede monster. There would be other horrors, a specific nightmare for everyone.

Oh, and dah plants. Ghost Oaks, just as it sounds. Bone white, even the leafes. Oddly enough, they are more aligned to Black then White. Fire blossoms, ok these are more stereotypical red flower that is aligned with Red.

Or perhaps everything is aligned towards one color or another.
Most plants aren't aligned. Mana is more like blood type.
Alright then. I can work with that. Introducing, the Mana Bloom. Plants (not sure if it should be ivy or something else) that appear to grow where there is an abundance of mana, changing thejr color as mana concentration changes.
Addressing different kinds of blight in different parts of the world- how much contact does Sylva have with other parts of the world? Are there other kingdoms or whatnot elsewhere, and if so- it's likely that they've talked and perhaps shared information about the blight unless its only effecting Sylva
There are, but they have not been developed because they are not part of the story.
welian said:
There are, but they have not been developed because they are not part of the story.
maybe then the blight is problem enough that its keeping expansion down all over enough so that they cant talk because they too busy dealing with it locally
You guys are not safe. I'm learning more and more about the BBCode on this site.
The columns, mang! And the justified text! Center block! Borders!
This world in a Tumblr post

Dad: [to children] Eat your vegetables so you can grow up big and strong, like your mom!
(Camera pans out the window, mom is splitting enormous logs for kindling with a hand axe)
welian said:
I'm curious now. What are you all expecting to be in the Abyss?
Have you ever watched a series called Claymore?

KiraInfinite said:
Are there other kingdoms or whatnot elsewhere,
Teeechnically Alfurasva is a separate country to Sylva, but they're allied and share more or less open borders and trade with each other. The story is Sylva tried to conquer Alfurasva one time in the past, but couldn't break past the mountains and fortresses. Alfurasva's leaders were all "Damn, good fucking try, man! Here, lets be friends, that was impressive spirit you showed, hahahaha! Have a beer you tenacious bastards, hahaha!"

true story.
I've seen promos for Claymore, I've never actually watched it. Why?
Well, in claymore there are these weird human eating monsters, and the main characters are all half breeds of sorts, half monster half human that hunt down the monsters using their own power. All the "Claymores", the hunters, are female, but it wasn't always the case. In the past before the manga/anime began, there were male Claymores, but psychologically they couldn't handle it and went fucking mental and turned full monster but with higher human-like intelligence.

Now, I know you said you didn't want magic males in the RP thanks to the biology of it all, but what if there was attempts to artificially create magical males using transplantations and crystals and magical bullshit? And the experiments dramatically fucked up? And they, are the source of all the malice from the abyss thanks to the ravaged state their bodies and minds were left in?

It should be noted that the male claymores were not necessarily evil, and that it's been a while since I watched the show xD
Late response is late, lol.

I can dig some details of that. There are definitely things that are just wrong that exist in the Abyss. With any luck, we'll see them in one or two major scenes.
So what's the next move? Margaret is off to the castle to meet her sister and her entourage, who else is around that area that she may bump into?
Mabel is prolly gonna be hanging out with the royal kids, playing role of royal babysitter.

I got kinda hit with lack of ideas to post for the rp opening, so... ;;A;; I should post for the scene skip.

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