Royal Witches

Wow, guys, it's Semantics O'clock. You know what that means!

So, you know how it is, with gentlemen thieves, swooping in valiantly to save the day, and bridal carry chicks and say something really flirty.

In a reversal of roles, would that mean gentle-lady thieves would pick up dudes in a bridal carry and say something flirty? Or would they, for extra lesbian points, also pick up chicks and say something flirty. How are heroic male figures (even if they arent actually male SPOILERS) seen in the general society? Heroic, as in, the stereotypical hero, not the war hero kind of stuff. Gentleman thieves. I'm talking gentleman thieves.

  1. Yes
  2. Also yes
  3. Since ladies IRL are kinda sorta seen as "mustering a masculine strength to get shit done", I would gather along the lines of "mustering a feminine intelligence to get shit done". Also the ladies would be fawning over him.
Charming thieves of either gender wooing their marks, or dexterously saving someone from a mishap in the dark of the night. What's not to love? Romance definitely isn't dead in this setting, and I think a fair portion of Arcana's population would still dig this or at least find it appealing. It might even be alluring to have a man running around pulling these stunts, like he's some renegade prince charming of the night. Supposedly he's a lesser figure in society, but he's got that debonair flair for sticking it to the (wo)man in charge, and looks good doing it. And if it's a woman pretending to be a man? That adds a whole new flavor of mystery and intrigue to the whole scenario. In the end they're still a thief and thieving is bad, but an elegant bandit will always find public affection, even if it is sort of taboo. Although, it being taboo could even add onto the hype.
@Captain Willum

Make a few more posts! But also I'll send you a message.

Sorry for the radio silence everyone, class got kinda hectic this. I'm working on the intro post for the RP now though, I expect we'll have lots of fun this weekend.
welian said:
@Captain Willum
Make a few more posts! But also I'll send you a message.

Sorry for the radio silence everyone, class got kinda hectic this. I'm working on the intro post for the RP now though, I expect we'll have lots of fun this weekend.
Cheers, Welian. This weekend's going to be crazy busy for me. I got valentines day madness with one job (catering) and an article to write for my second job. I hope I might be able to ream out a post Sunday night if the thread's ticking away by then :D

Hell yeah! Don't worry about it, as long as there's at least 3-4 people around, the RP will be off to a good start.

Yesterday a hummingbird got stuck in our house again. My mom cupped it in her hands and took it outside, and it sat in her hands for a second. It was so adorable! The closest I've ever seen one.

And look at the kitty in the background, LMAO!
When my grandmother June was alive, we'd sit on her back porch during the summer with drinks and watch hummingbirds at her feeder she had set up. She loved hummingbirds.
TheDaftStudent said:
When my grandmother June was alive, we'd sit on her back porch during the summer with drinks and watch hummingbirds at her feeder she had set up. She loved hummingbirds.
Awh, I'm sorry. :C We have lots of hummingbirds here, you should come sometime! ;)
I am doing a Tinychat while I write the opening post for the roleplay. Come and join me?

I'll be on voice, but there's no need for you to do the same if you'd prefer to just type.
Meeh! \(:'()/ (my attempt at showing hiw I'm throwing my hands in the air). I'm on my Ipod and going to go to a friends house.

I can't even download the app on my Ipod. I probably could on my phone, but the darn thing is being stupid.
I feel obliged to inform y'all that I'll be less active in the next one week. I have to return to my hometown for a family reunion, and the connection there is piss poor. I'll do my best to keep myself updated and try to post as much as I can. I cannot make any promises, however, since I'll probably be busy throughout the day, having to entertain old people and putting on fake 'good kid' behaviour. That means limited to no phone or computer usage whatsoever.

That's all I got for you guys. Catch you later, dudes.

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  2. Wait for the room to load.
  3. Select "join as guest"
  4. Type in your name.
  5. Do not share to facebook.
  6. Start typing


simj22 said:
I feel obliged to inform y'all that I'll be less active in the next one week. I have to return to my hometown for a family reunion, and the connection there is piss poor. I'll do my best to keep myself updated and try to post as much as I can. I cannot make any promises, however, since I'll probably be busy throughout the day, having to entertain old people and putting on fake 'good kid' behaviour. That means limited to no phone or computer usage whatsoever.
That's all I got for you guys. Catch you later, dudes.
Not a problem! We'll be here when you get back.

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