Royal Witches

Character Sheet page update!

The character sheet page now contains an Overview in the first post, which displays the spreadsheet that I have been asking everyone to add to via the form I was linking in our conversations. This will allow everyone to very quickly, see who is playing whom and what kinds of characters we have or lack.


The setting tab is still empty. I'm going to be working on that today. I found a map online that I'm going to crop down and use for an overview of Arcana - at least, the section that the roleplay takes place in. I also have a map of Sylva, but I forgot to adjust the color palette so I'm going to adjust that before I post it up.


Since like, 6 people liked that post, at least, I made a tab for NPC characters. I do not have any sort of profile form for NPCs yet, but I can tell you it's pretty much just going to be name, a few details, and a short personality.

Opening the Roleplay

Yes, the roleplay is opening for posting very soon. Possibly today. Probably not today, but possibly. Expect posts by the weekend. Still debating one whether or not I want to start everyone off in the city because holyshit that's a lot of characters in one place.

@Yuuki of the Strata @UnquietDreams @shadowqueenofgames @Capella @Captain Willum @The Blue Element
CloudyBlueDay said:
Yeah no, I feel you. I'm lucky to break three paragraphs in a post, I'm usually around two short ones.
[QUOTE="Hungry Hungry Hobo]Science would like a word with you.

Math isn't very happy that his child is attempting to overthrow him.
Funny no one noticed that your character and mine are related, albeit just a little, @Father Gigantor . Kinda puts the attention paid to the characters by the audience at a perspective, huh?
I noticed??? I mean, I don't count though, my job requires me to read all the profiles.
I've been role playing for so long that I no longer see the point in researching another person's character if I'm just going to forget in a day or two. I find it just works better for me to read them when it's relevant to my situation. I realize others don't work this way and would rather read them as they have access, or the time, but that's just no how I roll. I mean, I'll probably be reading their profile in pieces every time our characters interact, or plotting is going on.

Besiiides, if I wanted to read purely for fun, I'd grab my kindle or one of my comic collections. :P

And technically, I came to this site for Welian. :3
You flatter me, but let's not give people the wrong impression. It's always a good idea to at least skim what's available of your fellow roleplayers' characters, and I do encourage everyone to keep an eye on the profile thread. There's a lot of plotting potential that opens up whenever another one joins our ranks.
Assuming there were no ninja-edits while I was typing...

Alistair and Hayreddin are sister/brother in laws. If you two have something cool planned ahead to use that relation? Neat! The rest of us might not be as excited for whatever reasons. Personally, I'm not sure what you expect us to say about their connection when there's very little information given about their relationship as extended family, if there even is a relationship of some kind. Especially when there's no mention of each other in their profiles by name, and their connection seems further trivialized by whatever went down between Alistair and Tatiana. Then there's Tatiana's taking of her husband's surname as a "final act of rebellion to further distance herself from her family." I would imagine that Alistair and Hayreddin don't even see each other much (if at all) because of these dynamics. It might be fun to see Alistair interact with Behram, Samia, and Sadiye because of her attitude towards people in general, but there's not really anything for us worth commenting on because there doesn't seem to be any meaningful connection there. If their relationship is explored further in the IC sure, there would be stuff to speculate on or talk about, but as it stands now their connection is fairly insignificant to us as an audience, and even to themselves it would seem.

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