Royal Witches

Maraget would take someone in, but only if they were prepared to learn to be a soldier, haha! Her family aren't a sciencey lot, although they do support it's learning by the locals they watch over :3
TheDaftStudent said:
If you want, I have an NPC character you can live with.........Matriarch Neave Niccals. She's a scientist and is rather obsessive with the Blight.
Oo interesting. Celeste builds weapons so she can ask Neave about their weak-points and chemical makeup. Maybe if Neave has clearance to have dead/live blight in cages or something, Celeste can do target practice. I think some kind of partnership should happen here, either way.

@Beowulf I think Celeste would like fish nights. She's probably never had it before and thinks it's a rich person's food. Would his family be the sort to absorb her into their group or would they give her space?

@Giyari Celeste would have a hard time learning soldiering from anyone who wasn't a font, due to back story reasons. She resists learning self-defense from people she doesn't feel "understand" her role and potential. It's a stubborn teenage logic that would probably earn her many punishments.

She is a blue font, if this changes anything.
Beowulf said:
@Capella Looking , they would easily absorb her into the fold. Metaphorically speaking. And Grojen would love a guests for fish night.
(:3) I think if they are merry people, it will grow on her in a good way. Do they have kids?
@Beowulf Sorry I didn't notice earlier that it was Connor's family you were talking about. I skimmed some profiles yesterday but the names haven't stuck. I think I would like to have Celeste board with them, if it's okay. It would bring her out of her comfort zone in a positive way. She kind of needs some emotional softness, too, and having girl friends would be a step in a good direction.
CloudyBlueDay said:
I haven't read all this giant conversation but if needed Crys could probably help out too? owo
I've unofficially made it Celeste's dream to buy something from Crys's boutique if she has one. She probably window shops, but never goes in because she doesn't want to embarrass herself. I thought I would let you know. (^.^)
Capella said:
I've unofficially made it Celeste's dream to buy something from Crys's boutique if she has one. She probably window shops, but never goes in because she doesn't want to embarrass herself. I thought I would let you know. (^.^)
Haha, awesome 8D
Loving the interactions of characters so far^_^ people merging ideas and such, always good for RP. Oh and great read by the way folks enjoyed the bio's so far, got a diverse mix to say the least :P thrown mine in as well finally settled on my character.
@Capella and everyone else for that matter. Feel free to control the family members. I only laid down their basic personalities, don't be afraid to flesh them out a little bit. Even describe how they look if you want, just stay within what has already been said, i.e. Grandpa McKinley is balding. I'll update their slots as people add to them.
Hmm. Should Ali have a little precocious crush on the Queen? Feels like fun to have her gush over the queen every time she sees her, and lament about...various trivialties that keep them apart. *lots of glaring at Cain*
-snort- Do whatever you want, I'll play along within reason.

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