Royal Witches

Amelanch: -sighs and pretends she has a functional domain-
Connor is a loyal Queen's man to the toes. That has to count for something in making everything right with the world.
Well, she does have Kris The Fucking Strong Mandala as one of her guards and her little runt of a sister as a crime deterrent. I'd like to think it's pretty functional
Look, okay, have you SEEN her picture? Those are MASSIVE curls, and her hair is still pretty long all curled up like that. I think Amelanch legit has like, pretty princess Rapunzel hair.
To what extent is battling the blight going to be an active focus of the rp? There seems to be an openness to creating characters who are not army men/women and/or who are not skilled, but I'm hesitant to build one if it's expected that there will be battles often.

The people who are making non-combatant characters will eventually become combatants. However, there's also a decent chunk of political drama/slice of life plotness for those willing to partake in such things.
welian said:
The people who are making non-combatant characters will eventually become combatants. However, there's also a decent chunk of political drama/slice of life plotness for those willing to partake in such things.
Oh, snap. xD No more seamstressing for the seamstress!
Hrmm... My idea is to make an engineer font who just wants to elevate her family name to Kennedy status-and make lots of money. (>:<) The way she plans to do this is by selling weapons specialized for fonts, but I don't think she will fit overall unless I make her invested in the politics. In which case... she would be for keeping the blight around because her plan to get rich requires conflict... Are there any groups that are against the campaign to eliminate the blight?
EVERYONE wants the Blight gone, they're awful. I think Font-specialized weapons is brilliant, and she'll fit just fine - the Queen would be VERY interested in the possibility of being able to mobilize more people for the Army.
That little bit about my character wanting them around will have to be a secret, then. Okay thanks again~
Sure as hell not tomorrow since I'm in class all day, but maybe Wednesday.

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