Royal Witches

Haha yep that was me and nice to see you remember me, short as our chat was ^^ one of the few to survive my length introduction if I recall xD
I was researching guilds and then I got sucked into the history of education and then I went on Tumblr and this is why I cannot be trusted with important things.
Fun fact: licenses are indicated by flowers.

A six-petaled flower on a witch means she is allowed to use upper-tier spells, the potent kinds that you need background checks for. On a Warden? It means he has a firearms permit.

On that note, I would like to add, the Mechanics tab has officially been update with Ranks and Licenses, and don't panic if they don't apply to your character. They might not, and that's totally cool.
Look at the time. It's "Simj asks another semantics question" o'clock.

What are the chances that, between two sisters, born to a Witch, one of them is completely incompatible with magic while the other possesses skill in magic?
Uncommon, I suppose? For the sake of "another topic welian has no idea about and only googled for five minutes" let's say about 2% of Arcanian woman never develop magic. That's two women out of every hundred that will never show any interaction with mana, ever. Sometimes shit happens.

Now throw in pre-Industrial birthrates.

Pretty sure there's a LOT of people with sisters, and maybe there's a few of those sisters who just can't pick up magic, no matter how hard they try.
Story of Amelanch's life! (and how her older sister's ended...)

My cat just farted...
I haven't really been able to crunch down on creating my character yet due to the flood of schoolwork I'm (not really)dealing with right now, so this'll be just a quick character pitch. What do you think about a ex-warden (drafted due to criminal activity) turned stay-at-home dad?
About five minutes ago!

I think that ought to be the last tab before the roleplay begins, which ideally will be tonight or tomorrow. It's going to be a doozy though...
No, he wasnt saying fun.

He was cutting off the -ck of FUUUUUUUCK.

Which is my reaction right now.
Well I don't have anything planned for until Teusday at tge latest. So, for me it's something like 'Yay!' Give or take some excitement.
Tagging @Zahzi because he's in the RP and yet has said NOTHING in ANY of the planning threads.

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