Royal Witches

Guys do some dumb shit when in front of a girl they like, and girls are absolutely no different in this regard.

//has done dumb things

Hey Cloudy! Safe to say welian's still accepting. We're still in the thread's debut phase, so ignore the OOC post count. Things move a little quick at times here. Lots of interesting discussions to be had on the reversal of roles between genders, though!
Hungry Hungry Hobo] [URL=" said:
Hey Cloudy! Safe to say welian's still accepting. We're still in the thread's debut phase, so ignore the OOC post count. Things move a little quick at times here. Lots of interesting discussions to be had on the reversal of roles between genders, though!
Awesome. I think I even saw this in the Roleplay Advice section, loved it there too, luckily I caught it in time! :D
Uhg, gender role reversals. Well, I won't be used to it, but I'll do it. Or perhaps I'm rather good at it and don't know it yet 0.0
Reverse them roles, reverse them roles!


Hmm. I'm trying to wrap ky head around the role reversal, and how to 'play it', if you will. I have an idea, never mind. Disregard what is being said.
Beowulf said:
Uhg, gender role reversals. Well, I won't be used to it, but I'll do it. Or perhaps I'm rather good at it and don't know it yet 0.0
Did you not read the interest check or something? What were you expecting?
I wasn't expecting a complete role reversal. I mean I thought I knew what would be swapped and what wouldn't. Just ignore my ramblings, I'm not making much sense to myself sometimes.
Beowulf said:
I wasn't expecting a complete role reversal. I mean I thought I knew what would be swapped and what wouldn't. Just ignore my ramblings, I'm not making much sense to myself sometimes.
I think the entire idea of the rp is being overcomplicated, imo.

But I mean, it was kinda expected for there to be a large extent of role reversal considering women are running the country and the story is predominantly about said women running the country and fighting monsters. o uo
[QUOTE="Yuuki of the Strata]I think the entire idea of the rp is being overcomplicated, imo.

What do you mean?
Just reading over the ooc and stuff, I personally thought the focus of the rp went from the broadened idea to microsociological topics.

Don't get me wrong, sociology for a rp is really important and I love psychology and sociology implemented in rps, but the emphases on male movements, reverse gender roles (though they are important to get a grasp of the world at hand) I think got a little too....complicated? idk. I thought there would be more girl emphasis instead of what is the man supposed to do. xD

I'm not saying any of it is wrong or anything, I'm just...I dunno. Confused maybe. xD
Welian has mentioned a couple times already that she doesn't want the story derailed by the things you mentioned so I doubt it'll be a problem once things get going.
Of course, Blight first, romance second. Though the whole role reversal thing makes the romance much easier to do on my part.
[QUOTE="Yuuki of the Strata]Just reading over the ooc and stuff, I personally thought the focus of the rp went from the broadened idea to microsociological topics.
Don't get me wrong, sociology for a rp is really important and I love psychology and sociology implemented in rps, but the emphases on male movements, reverse gender roles (though they are important to get a grasp of the world at hand) I think got a little too....complicated? idk. I thought there would be more girl emphasis instead of what is the man supposed to do. xD

I'm not saying any of it is wrong or anything, I'm just...I dunno. Confused maybe. xD

As far as I'm aware, the OOC talk is just that: talk. It's just world building for the sake of it. Occasionally Welian answers a question here or there, but that's it.
Speaking of which, I'm going into the tabs and reorganizing the information. Nothing in the content is changing (maaaybe a little fluff here and there), but it should be a little easier to digest everything after I'm done.

In the meantime, does anyone have any suggestions for opening scenes/events? The capital city, Sylva, is always a good place to start, but it also has a barrier over it that the Blight can't pass, so it might not be the best option for those looking to start with a bang-up action scene.
Also I forgot about double posting so now I have to wait a bit between posts, which reaallly puts a damper on my thread updates.

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