Royal Witches

Hmmm. This is interesting, though! What if society also stereotypes similarly? Strong, or buff, women are seen as studs or women who only want to breed? Basically, working out just to attract dudes, or at the very least not let them get away.
Hmmmmm by that logic does that mean 'pretty men' would be expected to be more lean and slender? Lots of ways to look at it once you separate what 'beauty' is from a a gender so to speak (that said 'beauty' standards have change so much over the years and through difference cultures). For example would my character as trophy husband basically be expected to look a certain way, be more delicate even? be all smooth skin and graceful? Again I would point at to avoid confusion this is just one caste of males I'm referring to, boils down to personal reference and what your job is. Rich aloof man isn't going to be judged by same standards as a solider/laborer etc plus some women may even prefer those types of men. People have their own tastes.

As punishment for posting your profile early, I demand that you drizzle steak sauce on it and eat it.

(I'm sorry for being slow on profiles, class kidnaps me a fair bit during the week)
A trophy husband could also be a man who has the much desirable trait of being able to take care of the house and family while the wife is away. Organized, independent, can cook well, isn't lazy, etc. Mostly the idea is subjective, but I imagine being a man the wife won't have to take care of actively like a pet fits into most of these preferences.
Again its down to preference and people isn't it. We could say the same of a lot of such things in real history. For example on the one side we have the hard working home maker and on the other the rich noble women who has servants to do such things because it would be 'beneath' them to do such things. Gender roles have changed but being rich hasn't I'd imagine :P
Being rich hasn't changed at all, but neither has the concept of what each partner brings to the table for a relationship. I'm not saying there aren't rich men in this setting, I'm discussing personal skills and personality traits. If wealth is all a man brings to the marriage, regardless if he has servants or not, if the wife still has to take care of him like a goldfish (or he's a haughty jerk, on another note) he's more of a piggy bank than a trophy husband. At which point he would be the one being "dug for gold." In a matriarchal society I imagine even wealthy men need more than just money to impress, unless a woman is just looking to abuse said wealth or is very desperate.
Well that seems more common sense than anything. Perhaps we are over thinking this? We seem to have strayed into what make a good husband territory?

In royal settings the daughter (in this case the son) was at best a bargaining chip between houses to assure alliances, power and wealth. We seemed to have moved onto into what makes a good husband (which is subjective in itself) when in history many marriage were due to they looked good and were rich (and connected) A Baron for example isn't going to marry a hard working farm girl is he? He'd go for some fellows lords daughter, preferably good looking connected and educated. Arts, music and the like.

Also at this point what are we even discussing? I don't see any problems with either of our observations.
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Perhaps we are overthinking this but it's an interesting discussion regardless much like the idea of male equal rights. At least to me anyways.

Historically a Baron would not marry a hard working farm girl, typically. And I believe there most certainly are conniving men in this setting as well who as you mentioned could weasel their way into power. However, wealth seems like a minor factor in this setting for a man's appeal as most women (at least those you would want to be associated with) have magic, and thus have more than an ample opportunity to become successful entrepreneurs themselves as magic forms a cornerstone in society. There is that "bargaining chip" notion that you brought up, and I can agree with that. Coming from a desirable pedigree certainly would up a man's value, but surely there's more to being a trophy husband then that?

Like you also mentioned being cultured and sophisticated would also be a boon, which are personal traits and skills, something they can do, and be shown off for like what a trophy is. Having good genetic stock can add a bit of shine to that surely, but it's not the end all, and neither would wealth be as far as defining what a trophy husband might be in this world, which is what I'm trying to help build as food for thought for my own character's opinions.

In the end though everything is subjective, haha.
AAahhhh must confess I wasn't taking magic into consideration (gah does rather shift the cards in female favor that one) and was starting to get a little lost amongst the details thus my odd barrage of semi-questions and statements as I was losing focus somewhat xD But yes must say I agree and does rather help me get better idea of how to shape my character and was certainly food for thought. Will nip off and actually write it up now I think I keep getting drawn into this as like you I find it a rather interesting and unexpected topic. After all there are lots of books of study of equality but certainly none about how a magic society would work if it was the other way around haha

Overall your point was eloquently put! ^^ And well certainly better put than me haha alas I feel I may have caused some confusion due to some assumptions on my part. I generalised a litte to much, sorry if that was the case :o
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S'all good! All we have to go on is speculation based on real world examples and conjectures based on the lore of the roleplay, so it's all too easy for things to get convoluted. xD

What might help is maybe not wealth per se, but a man being successful in general in this women dominated society, and rising above the normal expectations? That's surely to turn some heads? Success can be a very powerful tool of attraction. Like the Queen's hubby, Cain. Commander of the Wardens, and the guy killed a dragon. He's got some major bragging rights as a man in this culture.
From what I can see, the equality-movement was attacked somewhat from glancing.
Every time someone comments on how fast the OOC is moving, it slows down for a few hours. xD

Anyways, I come bearing my inspiration/theme song for the Queen.


Larry said:
From what I can see, the equality-movement was attacked somewhat from glancing.
Eh? Doesn't the idea of trophy spouses work both ways, even in this setting? I can see men being rather proud of being married to high ranking or powerful women, and flaunting the fact off to their buddies. I believe marriage is still consensual, too (barring arranged marriages for family alliances) though at times it can seem like indentured servitude.
Marriage IS consensual - traditionally, the man proposes to the woman, and she can choose whether or not to accept his proposal. It's the same mechanic in Arcana. A woman proposes to the man she's interested in, and the man chooses whether or not he's interested in marrying her. Now, I'm not saying men go all googly-eyed over planning weddings, but things ARE flipped around, so I'm sure there's been at least one man who has taken one bite of a delicious pork roast and declared that he wants that dish at his wedding reception.
Speaking of how every thing is flipped around (turned upside down), what is the view of female nudity here? Answering "In full HD" will earn you both respect points and utter disgust.

In any case, given how my character will be just a step away from a wardrobe malfunction, compared to the real world, how extreme is a regular person's reaction to a, say, topless female? Would it be as extreme as our world where almost everyone loses their shit, a simple "meh" reaction, or a little discomfort expressed, not unsimilar to seeing a half nude man wandering around a mall?

(Inb4 I'm asking all the real questions.)
I'd say depending on the context its presented in, it ranges from "meh" to "sacred". Arcana is religious, but it does not have Puritan-like views on sex and nudity. There is, however, a goddess of the full moon who is associated with fertility and pregnancy.

There was a real trend of topless dueling in women ages ago, as they realized that when fabric got caught in wounds, said wounds got infected and then you died a horrible painful death from infection, which is no bueno. Therefore, women who had shit with each other would take their blouses off first. So, I'd say there are some perfectly practical reasons for partial nudity that no one would even blink about.

That being said, there is a time and a place for everything. Cleanliness is important, and it's not uncommon to see women and men in partial states of undress at the public bath (men are given their own section of the bathhouse to spare them from the unfortunate side-effects of being in a woman's presence) or at the river, but obvious no one is walking to the market in a loincloth unless someone is VERY devoted to their public stunt.
Side effects?! Pfftt...You mean to stop women gawking at unmarried men! THE SCANDAL! Have you no Chivalry! Think of the men's honor! You ruffian women etc xD Haha loving these switch around will hurry with my character sheet ^^ so looking forward to all this.

Actual representation of an Arcanian woman choosing her man.
Looks like the other way around to me. Pretty messy, if we're going with the nets.
simj22 said:
Looks like the other way around to me. Pretty messy, if we're going with the nets.

Was thinking that :P Surely its the dragon rider is the man and the Arcanian women is the raider with the net-gun ahaha

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