Royal Witches

TheDaftStudent said:
I thought Opium was from Asia... maybe it's only Asian countries produce poppies now. Iunno. I know Middle Eastern countries produce it.
Does Europe have a drug? I mean, did they produce anything before they met anyone else? Or where they just stealing shit from everyone?
Nope, Europeans fucked the Chinese over by introducing Opium to them. They were smart enough to know that drugs were better off not used on themselves and instead used to completely dominate foreign economies.

Also, another thing to note that while the Coca leaf was indigenuous to South America, the drug itself was conceived by a German scientist.
I did not look into shrooms, so that's another possibility. In fact, I'm absolutely sure that people are trippin' balls in this RP. It's fantasy, anyways, so...

Any suggestions for magic feel-good stuff? xD
Giyari said:
Menthol lube.
Giyari said:
Ana and her old Russian-esque house, Gretel and her old Prussian-esque house. Clearly there's a thing waiting to happen here :P
Rivals? Allies? Actually I think the houses should be on friendly terms, but the characters should be rivals :P Gretel arguing about the qualities of defence and Black magic, Ana arguing that Red magic beats all and that attack is the sure fire way to win, lol. they just bicker with each other all the time or something xD
Yessssssssss. Friendly houses - character rivals. That'd be awesome.

[QUOTE="Hungry Hungry Hobo]Heh. If Gretel and Ana are arguing about their magic while Veronica's present and they're all drinking (Veronica a bit too much but she can stop whenever she wants!) the Warden would slap the table and say:
"Bollocks, all of it! Let's settle this once and for all, aye?! My shield has got a bit of that black magic spirit in it. Toss me a spell Ms. Markovic, and we can see for sure!" Watch her get blasted off her feet and across the room, only to laugh her ass off. "See?! I can take anything you-... Oh my, I seem to have dislocated my shoulder? Another bottle of wine before I.. Ms. Hagermaus what are you do-?! GAAAH! Bloody hell! Shoulder's fine now, I'm not! More wine!"

That'd be awesome, but I doubt Ana would need to be in a fight to do that. Blasting people with magic for fun is a year-round event!
...I see.

Well lads, this is Kern McFál (he isn't fully finished yet so try not to kill me too hard!)

Kern McFál

Blue Warden and Civil-Rights Activist, Former-Soldier


Age: 32-years old.

Sex: Male




Kern is very much so an advocate for equal rights, sometimes to the point that it can be remarked upon as being staunch by others. In this matter, he will accept little or no criticism of his ideals or past endeavours for equality, so much so that he will become animated and belligerent to the point of violence. Inwardly however, he absorbs the information received from said person, especially if there a critic of the movement, in order to find appropriate responses and solutions to the doubts and concerns raised by people with similar-minded questions. A man of the mundane speaks from the heart; a man of the meticulous speaks from the mind, is something he says to reinforce such an opinion void of pity for sentiment.

The man himself lacks any emotional ties to anyone, for the sake of an instance in which such relationships may be used against him. A wise man surrounds himself with enemies; the only way an enemy can be used against him is to test his resolve, is his callous opinion when confronted with the idea of companionship. This may also be down to the fact that he can be extremely paranoid at times, finding himself to be the subject of everyone's non-existent ire. Due to this, he may isolate himself for several days in order to sort-out details that can be reviewed at other times. However excessive his paranoia can be at times, Kern is very diligent in his strive for equal rights for men; many a time he will be organizing protests or engaging in debates about various issues relating to men and women alike. Despite being somewhat disheartened by the ever-supreme position of women over men, Kern has great respect and love for women who are seen as 'sterile' by their magic-wielding brethren.

Although his sentiments may be seen as misogynist, Kern is far from the sort; he only wishes to see a society where one is not remarked as being more valuable than the other. Many of his closest friends happen to be be women who share his views in regards to equal right, views that he holds very dear to his heart. A joint effort oft repair things torn asunder, is something he says to himself although it is something mostly any person could say! Despite the nature of his work, McFál is a very-friendly person to those acquainted with him, a person who would be the first one to arrive at the bar and the first to say he won't leave. Such an attitude can only be enhanced in the instant when man and woman are seen as equal, a situation he hopes will soon come to fruition, a society that can only become an example to many others.


Your character’s backstory goes here. Include one or two major life events, maybe talk about their future goals and ambitions.


If your character has any close family or allies, or even people they hate, list them in this section.

Name: Relationship


Eyes: Blue eyes with a green tint.

Hair: Very short, dark-brown hair.

Height: 5'11

Build: Average

Notable features: The stern expression that constantly masks his face.

Image: [X]

The majority of the time, Kern will be seen wearing a uniform that is shown here, along with a dark-brown pair of boots. Strapped along his shoulder is a bandolier


Although not a combatant from sustaining a serious injury that forced him to refrain from entering the army, Kern owns several souvenirs from his time in the Arcanian army.


To my brother Gallowglass,

I write to you in accordance with recent events that have taken shape. The thread of the Blight, a constant blemish of the past on our country, has taking the forefront of our fair Arcana's interests, a plague that reaps our crops whilst slaughtering our cattle. The movement must refrain it's actions for the time being; the vying for civil legislation is nothing in comparison to the situation we now find ourselves. Such support and willingness to help the cause will only help further our endeavours, that Amelanch may finally grant us status on the pedestal, that the balance may be equivalent. For the spoken word, let us reduce our activities to the preparation of future marches and of persuasive deliberations to sway people into our way of thinking. However, we must show full support for the Army in all it's engagements, in all it's expeditions, that a reputation of earnest will sweep through the ranks of man. For the foreseeable future, our struggle will be the struggle of the nation; our arm that of the nation's arm.

Fare you well,


My character. After so many delays, and laziness, I'm finally going to post him.

Connor James McKinley

[Red Warden of her Majesties Army.] Details

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Rank: Blade Master.

License: A piece of paper signed by her Royal Majesty confirming him to be Blade Master.


Like most members of a Red household, he is a rather warm personality. Happy most of the time, and treating everyone he talks to like a friend, to some degree or another. His temper, however, is extremely short. He quickly blows up, and he does it spectacularly. But, he often feels guilty about what he said and/or did, and quickly apologizes. He does not see himself as good enough when it comes to being a Warden, and pushes himself to improve, which easily leads to injuries during practices.


He is the only son in a family of daughters. It's rather odd how it all worked out. He was somewhat spoiled as he grew up, being the only son and all. Well, this wasn't for the better. His sisters constantly picked on him, running to tell his parents every little thing he did wrong he did wrong, physically ganging up on him, and even using magic on him when they were old enough.

But eventually, he couldn't take it anymore. The day large popping sound more then anything else. Well, he didn't think it was all harmless fun, he thought they were trying to hurt him. So, taking a considerably larger rock he threw it back at his sister. The rock flew true, and hit the wall right next to her head. Panicking, she ran, and didn't tell anyone.

For the next couple of days, he felt free. They didn't bother him. They didn't bully him, they didn't snitch on him, nothing. He could do whatever he wanted, when ever he wanted to do it. Yet, one thing kept bothering him, just in the back of his mind. It was guilt.

Needless to say, he did eventually apologize. but, not expectedly, she didn't go running off to mom or dad. Instead, she just said "Apology accepted." and went back to what she was doing. And after that, everything went back to normal. Well, for the most part anyway. The eldest never took part in it again, said she was to busy with her studies. He never believed her.


Lucial McKinley: Eldest daughter of the McKinley line. Though born a Red, she can be mistaken for a Black, or even a Blue. Calm face serenity wrapped around a calculating core. It wouldn't be a surprise to any of the family if she were to change Colors.

Annebelle McKinley: Youngest daughter of the McKinley line. Always so full of energy, and curiosity. This often leads to the grief of the father, Genji. Though she does not start it, she does join in when the twins gang up on Connor.

The twins Grettel and Rosan McKinley: Two sides of a coin. Different, yet the same. Often found bickering over one point or another. Tempers do often flare up between the two, but rarely does it come to blows. Often instigate the harrassment of Connor.

Genji McKinley: A stern and stalewart man, face seamingly carged from franite and steel grey hair only heightening the sense of hardness. He could be called hansom, if you liked that sort of thing I guess. He has the run of the house, only stepping down on certain points when his wife or mother-in-law argue about it.

Marcy McKinley: The exact opposite if her husband. Where he is tall, she is rather small. Where he is whip cord thin and looks like a gnarled old root, she is somewhat on the pudgy side. Open and warm, she treats all her guests like family. But don't let her caring nature fool you. Like all Reds, when her emotions get a hold of her, they take everyone for a ride.

Grandma McKinley: The aging matriarch of the family, brooking no nonsense from the rest of them. When you obey her rules, she is all smiles and jokes, just like her husband.

Grandpa McKinley: Of averaging height and balding, the way he looks like a bird only makes him seem older. Always doing something to make his family laugh. The neighbors thinks his mind is going.


Eyes: Brown.

Hair: A light reddish color, orange really.

Height: 5'11"

Build: Tall and slender. If he was to be compared to anything, it would be a heron, or stork.

Notable features: He's rather, how to put this, pointy. Chin comes to a point, sharp elbows, etc. Has a tattoo of mythical creatures, looking much like red snakes with a golden mane and claws, wrapped around both his arms.




If your character is not a combatant, indicate that here in this section.

Weapons: Hand and a half sword.

Fighting style: Tries to do as his teachers taught him, which is stay fluid. Seamlessly flowing from one form to the next, almost like a dance. So, let's call the style Sword Dance.

Spells or magic items, if any: His sword is imbued with runes that give off a fiery aura. So, for all intents and purposes, his sword can combust into flames.


The bundle of lathes that were his practice sword slipped free of his hand, and flew across the practice yard. Seconds later, another practice blade stopped on his neck, indicating a killing blow. "Better. But you should have countered Hummingbird Kisses the Blossom with Three Pronged Lightning instead of Boar Crashes Down the Mountain." his teacher, an old and grizzled man called al'Lan Grojen, said. Age was certainly something he knew, with his hair white and eyes crinkled at the corners. Yet, instead of weighing him down like most, it seamed to make him stronger.

"Yes, sir." Connor said simply, pushing the bundle away from his throat and scurrying to retrieve his own practice sword. Retrieving it, he moves into the starter stance and says "Again."

Giving Connor an exasperated look, Grojen says "Boy, you keep this up and you are going to turn into one big bruise." Yet, he to went into the starter stance. And soon after that, they advanced on each other. With a sung clack of the practice blades clashing, they began. Fluidly they fought, attack turning into defense and counter attack. To the untrained eye, it simply seemed like it was a dance with swords. But to the trained eye, they knew this dance was deadly, even with practice swords.

Yet the outcome was the same as the last time, and another collection of bruises was added to the last. "We are done." Grojen said quickly. "You are almost done with your training. Soon, you will be called Blade Master. We will resume training when you can sit down without wincing."
Of the two lads posted, they both look Irish!

Except for mine, who looks like Lenin!
I know, I'm so hard core. I'm trying to get away from naming every character that. Just imagine this for a second, a dwarf in a fantasy setting named Connor McKinley while everyone else is like an elf or something with super weird names. I have to fit in a little bit.
Even if you just look up words in Irish, they would probably fit a fantasy roleplay just fine.
gg, profiles are being completed. Looks like I need to step up my profile game.

//cranks up the wub wub

Hmmmm addressing @welian comments earlier you've all given me A LOT to think about in regards to gender, what is the beauty standards in this woman's world, how men are presented and as such I will be shelving Clove for another RP. Instead I will be rewriting and submitting rampant gold digger Jamie Lockhart, somewhat lower nobility, he will firmly part of the system a young semi-rich heir looking to catch himself rich and powerful wife. After all like any good noble son should! All he has had to worry about in his life is looking pretty for women, being the right amount flirtatious and graceful to try catch the right eye so to speak.

Hehe you lot have really gotten into some ideas, some rather firmly part of the system other outright against it even :o Great variety and as such think it will be fun to shake my character up and make a man who is striving to be the man 'society' expects him to be (so make up and heels? ) ^^ With some sly manipulations and dirty secrets thrown in :P

Edit: Also assuming early Edwardian heels meant for men, big heels rather than high heels of the modern era
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Ok, here's how I'm going to solve this problem. Ladies, what do you say makes a man look good? There, the possible answers will answer the question. There are multiple answers.
Could just have both, if it works I don't expect them to want to see the Sword master in heels lol maybe the pretty boys back home but a solider? After all its not like woman got a choice in 'what looked good' in such ages it was just the standard society set.

Can you find me good wub wub? CAN YOU? Because I do love me some Knife Party and Nero.


Now I ain't saying he's a gold digger, but he ain't messin' with no broke womenz
Oh god, I can only imagine a blade master in heels. And here are the good wubz I promised, at least I like it.

Ohh, never mind. This isn't knife party. This is much more chilled.
The new soundtrack coming up for League of Legends is pretty fly.


Maybe it's not up to your level of wub, but damn if I'm not digging this

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