Royal Witches

You're right Hobo, albeit that was only a second to the fact that he is a bona-fide, Civil-Rights activist.
You know, if you compare this to real life, womens rights movements didn't really pop up until like the late 19th century when they started to get more free time and a more comfortable life over all. Most of the Suffragettes were middle class, had free time, were single, and didn't have to work to survive.

Looking at the medical and technological advances, the equivalent of the 19th century is a far way off in this RP... so, you might actually find that the men aren't all that bothered by their lack of apparent rights it as a whole. After all, they NEED to stay home and raise the family, the women are out working, this doesn't seem like an age where men have the luxury of leaving the kids with a maid or grandparents while they go swanning off to fight for their rights, they got child raising shit to do, houses to keep in order, guests to entertain, and wives to shout at for getting their house a mess, lol.

All this. All very true after all if this IS the way its always been then most wouldn't question it, its very similar to the early 18th century the only difference being I'd imagine (so could be wrong) is lower tier men are still labors and the like. Gender roles aside it makes sense to put a strong guy in a mine, a farm boy on a farm etc etc

After all we are dealing with an odd mix of reversed gender roles, magic AND an active male military presence. If a man can swing a sword he can surely plough a field :P After all like the early women of such an age in the real world people are going to be different. Some men will be laborers others trophy husbands looking for a rich wife.
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Yep. Not to mention there are numerous notable books written by women before they gained the rights that men had, they were also allowed to attend university for centuries before this, and have been held in high regard as priestesses and religious figures, medics, and scientists, fur much much longer than that throughout history in numerous cultures.

Women were not "down trodden" they just had their role in society. The change came about when society started to change as a whole as living conditions got better, as education became easier to access, and women had to fight to change with it (I think, don't quote me on that, I'm bastardising my words slightly, and that is when the suffragette movement began.

So in this RP, men have their place in society, and I doubt society would function without them in that place, they're physically needed in their role, as to be quite honest, I don't think the women in this world could fill that role effectively... Can you imagine a 16th century man raising a family by himself successfuly? Probably not unless he was rich as fuck and could afford servants.
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For example my character is social terms is something of a spinster. A man in his early 30's more a laborer than a trophy husband certainly xD But he has a strong back so gets by with what work he can but certainly won't be able to rise to significant position (in general society) without the proper money and position. Though the same could be said of anybody :P This isn't a straight gender role switch due to simply biology but its a solid change of perspective to say the least.
[QUOTE="Father Gigantor]heh

By the Sisters (heh, already getting into the world.) you guys were busy. Discussing male roles still, I see. And my picture is good! Yay!
Well just settling on the atmosphere I'm sure, gotta understand what we are walking into after all ^^ All on same page etc etc
Holy shit, I came back to a GREAT conversation! Keep going guys, this is fascinating!

I propose the following additional topics to consider:

  • Courtship in a society where women pursue men
  • What sort of things fathers are teaching their sons in this world
  • How gay and lesbian relationships might be viewed
  • Standards of beauty and fashion in Arcana
All of the courtships...I have silly images of women walking up to men being all "Hey bby~ //eyebrow wraggle <3"
I mean that's kinda sorta what the Queen did to her hubby.

"Hey bby ur da strongest of all the da Wardens and you murdered a dragon. Daz hawt. Let's make heirs."
In reverse order, bottom to top.

Men are expected to don make up and look as presentable, and lazy bums who look disshaven and lack poise are seen as an abhorrence in that they are not eye candy for the ladies...even if it is on purpose. Ladies can do whatever they want, for chrissakes.

Lesbian relationships are a-okay, since you know, majorly female-dominated culture, and woman-on-woman is always hot, no matter what, and none of that dick-in-ass bullshit. Male-on-male is...accepted, but it's really only mostly viewed for entertainment.

"Son, when you are old enough, I'll teach you how to put on lip gloss and look as pretty handsome and buff as possible so you'll get a pretty girl coming up to buy you a drink."


EDIT: Fuck if I know anything. I step out for a few hours to do some work, and y'all having all this talk. Gotta catch up fast, I guess.
I dunno, guys look damn fine with a touch of makeup. You don't need to be a girl to use concealer to cover up a zit.
Tfw you refuse to put make up and all yo boys get rich and powerful girlfriends before you do.

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