Royal Witches

Should be done soon ^^ just ironing out some details heh final call if anyone wants a brute of a man servant for the general labor about the estates? :P Can work it into background, if not sure I can work with it regardless I'm sure.

I may have something for you later, but I'm trying to finish my blue witch right now myself. If he's still free when I'm working on a second character we can hash things out then. If someone offers a deal for now though, feel free to go for it.
Just for full clarification, @welian , men are able to claim Warden posts as long as they present themselves as capable enough, right? It's not like they're actually restricted to be unable to perform in anything that non-magic-practicing women can do, despite the overarching misandry? Along with that, are male criminals treated the same way? Being drafted into unwilling military service and all, that is.
When you think about it, if it was a full blown reversal of misogyny, men would probably get somewhat lighter prison sentences and stuff.

Hey guys, on Tuesdays I have 10 hours of class, so I'm basically not around at all, except popping on between classes for a bit of chit-chat. Therefore, I won't be able to look in-depth at any profiles or answer any questions that require significant thinking.

In the meantime, I ask that you all get to know each other, and compare character notes.

I've also updated the character sheet with instructions to leave rank and license blank, as I wasn't able to get to writing those out today. I'm also posting the Queen's profile, even though it's not complete, so that you all have an idea of who your ruler is.
Alrighty, so I've written up a Black Witch of Noble blood, who was trained to lead the house by her grandmother, a noble and warrior that had earned the nickname the Iron Mountain.

She's now head of house Hagermaus of Alfurasva, a region of Arcana that is known for its mountains and fertile volcanic soil, and for being a bastard to try and conquer. The house allies itself with whomever it decides is the most fair to its subjects.

Anyone wanna know her? Details below :3

Margaret "Gretel" Hagermaus III






and full of honour, Margaret knows her position in society and the strength she holds within her blood, and it would do you good to keep it in mind when speaking to her. She believes that her noble blood makes her literally more responsible for her actions than the majority of the population, although she's not afraid to remind people of their place if need be.
She is skilled in conversation, being raised as an heir to her family's titles, she has to keep up relations with other nobles and persons of interest and importance. This doesn't mean she's kind though, and although polite when it is deserved, she isn't known to hold back on those that talk out of place.

There is however a side that is not seen by many. If someone catches her eye, Margaret has been known to be upfront with her "advances", but rather than simply flirtatious, she is every inch the handsome lady. It would be unbecoming of her to make an object of affection uncomfortable.
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Whisper might wanna chat with Margaret every now and then to collaborate on spell casting if she's up for that? Mechanics tab mentions any color witch can cast any spell, so Whisper would want to see what they could come up with together. They're the same age as well, so that might be worth something?

I'll toss up part of Whisper's profile too.


Blue Witch and Inquisitor


Age: 34

Sex: Female




First and foremost her moniker of ‘Whisper’ stems from the woman’s tendency to speak in hushed whispers, combined with her personal philosophy of what it means to be aligned with blue mana.

The term 'emotionally detached' often comes to mind when many reflect upon Whisper, though that isn't to say she is not polite. Her words just don’t typically carry any emotional impact. She has a grim, pragmatic perspective on things that doesn't leave much room for intricate social graces, at least not for those who she finds tiring. Her dutiful ability to carry out hard decisions can make her look callous at times, but she does have Sylva’s best interests at heart.

She’s quite dedicated to her work, and her top priority is the country’s well being. As her research and exploits into blue magic has shown she can also be quite creative. Trust is a very rare commodity for Whisper, and in her line of work she appreciates how valuable real friends can be; in her own way of course. Because of her emotional detachment though she can get very uncomfortable with overly friendly people.

The woman’s movements are very fluid like the mana she manipulates. The quick, spry motions she uses to navigate the city and battles alike mimic a dancer’s ease and grace. She does like to find a rhythm in things when she can, and is a fan of music despite her dull facial expressions.


The woman, the legend. Whisper is not a blue witch, she’s the blue witch in Sylva. She pioneered new applications for blue magic, and even patented a few spells of her own throughout her career. Illusionary. Fluid. Deceptive. Ubiquitous. Faint. Impassive. The basic tenets of her mana's color have become core doctrines she strives to live by, and this is what she believes allows her to be so successful. To any aspiring blue mages who can find her (or to be more precise, who she allows to find her) she will only impart one lesson of wisdom:

"Red magic is passionate. Black magic is brooding. White magic is diplomatic. Blue magic is none of these things. Blue magic is a state of tranquility at its heart. We are drops of water in an ocean. The art and inherent beauty behind blue magic is not trying to change the currents to suit our needs, or to fight the ever shifting tides. It is to instead read them, and then ride them to get where we need to go. There is no sense of individual identity, or personal achievement in these pursuits. The ebb and flow of magic is just as much a part of us as we are of it. Once we truly understand how to work with our abilities over endeavoring to simply use them an internal harmony can be achieved. We learn to see the currents beneath the currents, and even more deeper still."

She’s published more than a few core tomes as well, all concerning blue magic of course, that have been made freely available at libraries and academies at her request. Basic fundamentals, the intricacies of trap spells, stealth spells, and a few more that are still used as teaching aids today. One of her more popular pieces of research is the conversion of blue mana in its 'soft' state, into a more versatile 'harder' state. An infamous example of such would be her signature whip of blue mana she extends from her wand, a tool and a weapon more than capable of leaving a nasty mark. Knowledge is power, and she wishes to share what she has learned for the better of Sylva.

Despite her educational contributions to society she is still a seldom seen figure in public. Her philosophy on blue magic leads her to be very reclusive and actively elusive of any unwanted attempts to find her. Aside from her published tomes there really isn’t much known about Whisper like her real name or origins, and she prefers to keep it that way. She is a loyal servant to the reigning Queen in the very least, and has participated in battles against the Blight before. One of her more notable accomplishments in the war is single handedly luring a small horde of the wretched monsters away from an unprotected town through the heavy use of illusions.

Off the battlefield she’s thought of something along the lines of an ominous omen. She uses her skills to randomly monitor the public, and to keep tabs on current affairs. Anything of note she will report to Queen Amelanch, or deal with herself. The rumors surrounding her unexpected visits, and sudden disappearances of troublemakers (or dissidents) are a dime a dozen. There’s even speculation that she was involved with the uncanny, overnight vanishing of two feuding blue noble houses eleven years ago. Not only were the people gone, but also the estates of both properties, as if they had been picked up like toys and removed from the city. Whatever the truth may be, she remains tight-lipped about information regarding herself.


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Short blue hair

Height: 5'8"

Build: Slender and athletic, and a little too 'top heavy' for her liking.

Notable features: Several bone white tattoos are visible on her face, neck, and torso. The symbols themselves are runes of her own design.

Been talking with some peeps, after Whisper I might be tossing in a plucky, magicless woman who signed up for service with the Wardens. Here's a taste of her.


Magic? Bah! I work for a living!
after being asked about magic

It is not your false sympathies that keep the Blight a gossiping headline in the news! It is only with the blood of martyrs that you are free to prance about in your nigh doomed illusion of a life! Do NOT look down on us!
after socking a witch for giving her condolences concerning Veronica's lack of magic

Right then! Ladies! Gents! Off to war! And once we're done punching the Blight in the throat for fun, the last one to the pubs is picking up the tabs!

You want to argue male rights? In the middle of a bloody war?! Very well then, man-ape, state your claims! [much stabbing of Blights and furious screaming] No, do go on! I can't begin to describe how enraptured I am by your case! [slash, hack, behead] Top of my priorities, it is!
Whenever men gripe about being worth less than women during fighting

Don't kid yourself, she'll defend Wardens being an honorable station to the death, but even she's still leaning towards 'no' as far as equal rights for men goes.
Ooooohhhh adoring the characters so far folks ^_^ Here is a snippet of my own encase anyone whats to know this brute :P

@Giyari would rather like to know your character :o though assume by reputation, doesn't seem type to stoop low enough to know him haha

Wesley Clove


Age: 34

Sex: Male




Overall his gibbous bearing speaks volumes of the man. Though ugly both in appearance and manner he harbours an abominable calibre of tenacity and a vicious streak as wide as his gut. Accompanied by rather grim outlook and possessing a wicked gallows humour befitting his often mangy appearance. All the better really for he has little to no standards and has the morals a common thug, if you pay him enough he’ll do it. He has few ideas above his station however rather committed to life as it is, certainly not one to question the authority of the Matriarch after all it has always been this way.

However firmly a creature of habit he has his vices, long now grown used to the benefits of serving his ‘betters’ which has kept him in fine supply of cheap liquor and acrid tobacco amongst other assorted ‘luxuries’. Clove is a simple creature, an opportunist, a survivor and ultimately greedy. Because of this however this makes him malleable and easily manipulated, something of a perfect henchmen overall to anyone with a nefarious enough mind to use him.


Eyes: Green

Hair: Black

Height: 5’9

Build: Stocky

Notable features: A hunched and brutish figure.

Description: An oddly proportioned man with a large barrel of a gut upon stocky legs, his shoulders are broad and hunched from which his overly long arms dangle ending in large worn hands. A round head sprouts from a thick neck with a large flat nose flanked by a pair of beady eyes, often blood shot and framed by dark bags bore of late nights and nefarious habits. Greasy black hair hangs in unkempt strands from his scalp, the hair line starting to recede but his chin covered in a thick equally unkempt beard that encloses his lower features, leaving only his mouth visible, so often twisted in a persisting grimace.
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Haha! Margaret is definitely not the type of person to be talking to Clove xD

He seems interesting though :)

And maybe her and Whisper could discuss battlefield tactics at a pre-skirmish meeting? Veronica interests me though, her and Margaret seem like they would get on swimmingly, Margaret could use a reliable, hard working, honourable, Warden in her Company of solders :P
I will show y'all Connor when I'm on a computer. I might even go theough the trouble to include his family, all nine of them.
I have 2 hours until my next class, so feel free to ask me questions - make sure you tag me!
I might be using this lad as his appearance.

His name will be Kern Mac Fál, I reckon.

I have a feeling I might just use Trotsky alright, because some of the lads were having a jab at me that I look like him with a ginger beard!
validity of statement unclear, post pics plz ;D


I actually only skimmed your profile, and skipped the picture, so I don't remember what it looks like, lol

I would preeefeeeeer artwork. I am not going bite anyone's head off over photography, only over grammar.
I would if I could! I know it may seem a bit stereotypical, but he's a plotting revolutionary also!
@welian, would it be okay if I just made up a secret-society called the Arcanian Insurrectionist Brotherhood (AIB) as a revolutionary group that has nothing to do with the story (yet anyway! ( ;) ))?

If Amelanch's profile is any hint, the commander of the Wardens is a man. That's a pretty lofty position for a dude in this setting, but it does show that it's still possible for men to achieve high stations in society? They're a lower class sure, but they're not enslaved? Well, minus convicts serving in the Wardens, but they've been naughty anyways. Perhaps an outright violent rebellion with clandestine meetings, and secret societies isn't the way to go about this? It'd be counterproductive to the cause I would think, and only push women away from considering equal rights an option. A more cooperative, peaceful, and legal reformation effort might be better rather than trying to force it (which would detract from the original story as welian has pointed out before).

There can still be optimistic chaps who haven't had their teeth kicked in by this matriarchal society, and still wish to pursue equality through setting forth a good example. Especially since (barring convicts once more) service in the Wardens is completely optional for men. That's probably why the Wardens as a militant organization is so small; most men in families are already being taken care of since the woman of the household is the breadwinner. Willingly serving in the Wardens probably nets men nods of respect from women because of that fact.

Try consider a different approach I suppose is what I'm trying to say?


2, 5, 6, or 7. 7 has the best fantasy vibe in my opinion, but the rest are still nice pics.

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