Royal Witches

Oh crap, that's right. Frickin still fave to do five sisters, mom, dad, and the grandparents. Uhh.

I did it, all nine of them. I think they are rather varied. And I will show you all the full CS fir Connor Mckinley, the Red Warden Blade Master.
This whole affair reminds me of something I read. Heels used to be masculine wear back hundreds of years ago, and women adopted them in order to masculinise their outfits, which then made the men stop wearing them entirely. Oh boy, I can imagine how this will translate over already.
Annd done! I believe so, anyway.

What do you guys think? Anyone keen on knowing my lady?

Anastasiya Anatoli Markovic III

Red Witch and Career Soldier


Age: Twenty-Five

Sex: Female




Ana has a tendency to lead people on romantically, and she often times has flights of fancy where she spends a night or two with someone before moving on to the next. Men, women, all suffer from her heart’s fickleness. Though she likes to flirt and hit on others, it doesn’t take much for her “dark side” to surface. Ever since her twin’s death she has been distant and noncommittal. She’s more serious about her work than she is about friendships or fun. Where she used to be much like her father: a kind and giving person that would do anything for anyone and just wanted to have fun, she has become more and more like her mother: a distant and stern person that will cut you down for the slightest of transgressions. Because of complaints she’s trying to be more happy and playful in public and with others, but it’s hard.


House Markovic has existed long before the colonization of the White Wastes by the crown. The bloodline has produced almost exclusively Red Mana women. There have been a handful of other colored Mana women, all of whom were married off into other Houses and Noble families of their based color. All Markovic men have served loyal in the crown’s military forces. There are no slackers in the Markovic gene-pool. Because of the virility of their bloodline, the women of House Markovic marry only men from Houses and families that sport the Red Mana gene.

It is because of their pride in their abilities and their house that, while men are allowed to do much as they please in the way of their life choices and whom they marry, the barren women of House Markovic are looked upon as a burden. Their only hope of redemption in the eyes of the family is to take on their service time as a Warden as a career. Effectively self-exiling themselves into lifetime service to the crown.

When Anastasiya Anatoli Markovic II became pregnant with Ana and her twin sister, House Markovic was full of joyous people. The future head of the family was to have two heirs, meaning the main bloodline would continue to reign in the White Wastes. The family’s doctor the births successful nine months later during a rather terrible winter storm. Ana and her twin, Alex, were born around midnight. They would go on to grow up roughhousing with each other and practicing magic together. Over time it became evident that Ana, while skilled in battling, was clearly the weaker of the two. Alex was gifted with a particularly powerful magical ability.

While Ana was going to be the head of House Markovic, it was clear to everyone that Alex was going to enjoy a long and spectacular career in the military, if she so choose to. The sisters could be or do anything they wanted to, so long as they stayed loyal to the House. One late night Ana couldn’t sleep. She was fourteen at the time, and she went in search for her father to tuck her back into bed. Instead she found her mother, in a meeting late at night with several people she’d never met before. She only understood a few of the things she heard before they caught her and she was sent back to bed.

War, Reds, Lavan, Blight, revolt.

A few days of adrenaline as she tried to figure out what she’d interrupted, but within months, and soon years, she had completely forgot that that night had even happened. By the time she was of age to be drafted into the crown’s army, she was too preoccupied with romantic fancies. Rumors were abound that she had a different lover every night. It was unseemly for the future head of the Markovic family. Had it been Alex, no one would have cared, but there was true fear that Ana’s flaunting would anger one of the other noble houses. as the head of the house, she would someday have a duty to continue the bloodline, as well as rule the White Wastes.

None of the noble families in the White Wastes would suffer a bastard in their midst. It would bring shame on the Markovic family. Whether or not the rumors were true, no one could say. It didn’t matter to Ana that people talked about her, because she knew that soon enough she’d be traveling to the Capitol to serve the crown. Far away from anyone she knew. Then the time came, and she rushed off on her adventure with her sister.

They served together in the military, making a name for themselves as particularly aggressive Red Witches. When Alex was picked for a recon mission near the Haunted Isles, Ana couldn’t have been happier for her. Alex had always had a fascination with the Blight and this was her chance to possibly see one near the Quarantine Zone. Months later when the mission had started and Alex was one of a handful to make it back to the Capitol, that was when Ana started to change. Her sister was sick and she needed to be looked after.

The doctors did everything they could, but in the end she died. Ana was different after that. She was certain that full on war with the Blight was clearly the only choice to end the suffering of the realm. She was certain that the crown was afraid of doing this. Specifically the White Queen. In Ana’s mind it was clear that the realm needed to be lead by someone else. Someone not so cowardly. That was the only chance for her sister to be avenged and for them to end the suffering that the Blight had brought.

In order to try and make the changes she thought necessary, Ana has decided to go career with her military service and has continued serving long after her date was up. She’s determined to obtain a high ranking position so that she can try and show everyone that war with the Blight was the only choice. All out, unforgiving, kill them all - war.


Anastasiya Anatoli Markovic I: Grandmother, deceased. A stern woman that barely spoke to Ana, except to scold her for misbehaving. She passed away without Ana ever really knowing her.

Alexander Dmitry Markovic: Grandfather, deceased. Died before Ana’s birth.

Anastasiya Anatoli Markovic II: Mother, age 52, current head of House Markovic - an aristocratic family from the White Wastes, a land of harsh winters and freezing summers - a Red Witch that served loyally as a career officer in the military until the last head of the House passed away, at which time she retired from service to lead her house.

Viktor Grigory Markovice: Father, age 50, spouse of Anastasiya Markovic II, served as one of the higher ranking Wardens in Arcana and is now retired and living at home with his family to tend to the house and children.

Svetlana Izabella Markovic: Sister, age 9, Unknown. The youngest of the Markovic children and direct heirs to the House, Svetlana is a rowdy youth that likes to fight and wrestle and come home covered in mud, much to her father’s dismay. He’s constantly worried that she might hurt herself. Svetlana has yet to hit puberty, and thus has yet to show any magical ability. Those of House Markovic await to see what she turns out to be. Just like Rozalina, she is doted on by Ana almost constantly.

Rozalina Natalya Markovic: Sister, age 15, Red Font. Rozalina is a quiet and rather shy child. She is diligent in her studies and will often speak about her she wishes to see all of the world, should one get her to talk to them. She isn’t looking forward to her military service or even the aspect of her mother marrying her off to strength the House’s relationships with other noble houses. Ana frequently sends gifts back to their home for both Rozalina and Svetlana, doting on the two as much as their father.

Valeriya Zanaida Markovic: Sister, age 18, Barren. A boisterous child that is currently in her first year as an enlisted member of the Wardens. She hasn’t decided if she wants to pursue a military career or not yet, as she doesn’t particularly feel like she needs to enforce her family’s rules or try to appease them due to her “issues”. Her father’s constant doting has made her feel more loved than the rather harsh words her mother has on the subject matter of one’s personal futures. Ana doesn’t know Valeriya as well as she wishes, but is clearly objectionable to the idea of her pushing aside her family’s way for her own wishes. Ana takes after their mother too much for Valeriya’s own tastes.

Alexandra Anatoli Markovic: Twin-Sister, deceased. Alexandra was Ana’s twin sister and also a powerful Red Witch. She was born ten minutes after Ana, and so Ana was the heir to the House and her sister was to be free to live her own life. Not long into their military service, however, Alexandra was sent on a reconnaissance mission to a village near the Quarantine Zone of the Haunted Isles. The village had not been heard from for almost two years by that point and Alexandra was picked to be apart of a military operation to investigate. She was one of the few members to make it back, but she was infected with the Blight’s affliction. She lived only for a year before succumbing.


Eyes: Blue

Hair: Strawberry Blonde

Height: 5’6”

Build: Athletic

Notable features: Wears an eye patch over her left eye

Image: III

Ana likes to wear cute outfits of all types, but can be typically seen wearing outfits that mainly sport the color red. Sometimes you’ll even catch her wearing clothing that sports the Markovic family crest, a red bat with the letter “M” in its chest (a crest that has existed since the Markovic family was but a mere clan in the White Wastes fighting other clans for the right to rule).


Weapons: She has a metal Bo-staff with inlaid runes and a red fist sized multifaceted crystal in the center.

Fighting style: While trained as well as any other member of the military, she likes to go for massive amounts of damage when attacking. When she’s in a situation she can’t take on one at a time, she’ll go for a wide spread attack. She’ll burn down everyone’s houses, if she can’t just get one, in other words.

Spells or magic items, if any:
[QUOTE="Father Gigantor]Heels used to be masculine wear back hundreds of years ago,

On that note, men also used to wear make-up all the time too, hell men still wear make-up all the time. Actors and celebrities are well known for wearing a lot of make-up
Hmm. How is cross-dressing viewed in this society? Can, for hypothetical reasons, a male dress not unlike a female, and behave as such?
Don't see why not, cross dressing has always been a thing, and was much more accepted way back when than it is now. In fact for a time, male and female fashions were equally as flamboyant.

@TheDaftStudent Ana and her old Russian-esque house, Gretel and her old Prussian-esque house. Clearly there's a thing waiting to happen here :P

Rivals? Allies? Actually I think the houses should be on friendly terms, but the characters should be rivals :P Gretel arguing about the qualities of defence and Black magic, Ana arguing that Red magic beats all and that attack is the sure fire way to win, lol. they just bicker with each other all the time or something xD
@Giyari @TheDaftStudent

Heh. If Gretel and Ana are arguing about their magic while Veronica's present and they're all drinking (Veronica a bit too much but she can stop whenever she wants!) the Warden would slap the table and say:

"Bollocks, all of it! Let's settle this once and for all, aye?! My shield has got a bit of that black magic spirit in it. Toss me a spell Ms. Markovic, and we can see for sure!" Watch her get blasted off her feet and across the room, only to laugh her ass off. "See?! I can take anything you-... Oh my, I seem to have dislocated my shoulder? Another bottle of wine before I.. Ms. Hagermaus what are you do-?! GAAAH! Bloody hell! Shoulder's fine now, I'm not! More wine!"
Another quick question, any tobacco/narcotics in existence? I'm really just asking mainly about cigarettes.
Bleh. Could you remind me what time era is this based off again? I can't quite recall, and 1950's just keeps bothering me.
I also need the time era mainly because of attire. Are dress shirt and pants anachronistic? I NEED DETAILS. I NEED EVERY LAST INCH.
Ya'll heathens are asking me questions at 4am when I am fast asleep, lol.

The setting is not strictly tied to any particular time period, but start with "generic Renn Faire/ Disney fairy tale" time period (So about 1500s to 1800s), and then as far as technology goes, slowly push toward the mid or late 1800s for a slight/early steampunk touch in regards to industrial machinery, except powered by mana instead of steam.

There are trains, actually - rail transport in general has been used for a thousand years, but steam locomotives weren't invented until late 1700s, early 1800s. Flintlock muskets showed up in early 1600s, and in the 1780s you start getting machines like threshers and power looms.

Sooo, I would suggest, that you imagine a fairly agrarian society that is right on the cusp of its own special brand of magic-infused technological revolution.

Double-posting because drugs

Opium seems to be European in origin, so I would gather that there is that in Arcana, but cannabis is Asian and right now there's no Arcananian equivalent of Asia. Likewise, since tobacco is American, I don't know if it grows naturally in Arcana, or, much to Larry's delight, there ARE other countries that trade with Arcana and this world has its own witchy version of the Silk Road.
Actually, Tobqcco is European, or somewhere over there. Tobacco was shiped over, and sold rather well. So, American farmers used it as a cash crop, growing small gardens of the stuff. Corn, on the other hand, is all American. And pumpkins I think, perhaps it was squash.
Beowulf said:
Actually, Tobqcco is European, or somewhere over there. Tobacco was shiped over, and sold rather well. So, American farmers used it as a cash crop, growing small gardens of the stuff.
You have that the other way round actually, Tobacco was already in widespread use by Native Americans before Europeans arrived and took it back with the.
I thought Opium was from Asia... maybe it's only Asian countries produce poppies now. Iunno. I know Middle Eastern countries produce it.

Does Europe have a drug? I mean, did they produce anything before they met anyone else? Or where they just stealing shit from everyone?

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