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Fantasy Royal Witches

Queen Amelanch Lavan

Location: Throne room of the palace

Company: No one

Actions: Waiting to see Jamie Lockhart

Tags: @Valmont

OOC: Hey wow look a post! Feel free to control random wardens and servants walking around, btw.

After a few glorious minutes of solitude on a small balcony overlooking the courtyard, Queen Amelanch straightened her robes and quietly made her way to the throne room. Springtide was a week of celebration, but there was never any rest for the Queen of Arcana – not that she minded. It kept her mind off of other things, such as the fact that Cain had gone off to attend Grand Matriarch Mordel’s presentation. Vera, the Queen might have called her in friendlier times.

“Your Majesty,” a Warden quietly greeted her as she sat down, “A man is here to see you - he's well dressed, I think he may be a noble or a merchant.”

As the Warden said nothing else, the Queen surmised that this one person was quite possibly, at least for the moment, the only one waiting for her audience. That was a bit disappointing, but expected on a holiday – many of the usual faces were out getting ready to celebrate. Though, if this year’s Springtide was anything like the last one, there would be at least three Matriarchs coming by around sunset, forcing an excess of mead into the Queen’s hand.

… She did not remember much of last year’s Springtide, now that she thought about it. Cain refused to speak of it, outside of an errant remark about sitting gently.

“Bring him in,” she responded to the Warden. He nodded, and as he left, the Queen turned around, checking the shadows behind her for a servant. Just as she expected, there was a maid lurking back there, and with one solemn nod Amelanch knew that there would be tea and biscuits for her guest soon enough.
Cain listened to the two give their own lectures to the same topic, amused at the reaction Vera gave towards another having knowledge on a topic she believed was her domain. He gave a chuckle at the end, straightening his posture.

"I see, so it would rely on the actions of a spirit, which could lead to disaster depending on their own desire. Still, it's better than nothing." he nodded, before one arm moved up, towards where he could actually reach, and plucked the foreign substance flicked at him. Without even looking at it, he merely flicked it back to the offender before looking back to Vera.

"And yes, I will pass your regards to the Queen. I do hope your research finds fruition like this as time goes." he gave a slight bow before turning to face Celeste, giving a closed-eyed smile.

"I apologize for cutting in front. I have a rather demanding schedule. Not a good excuse, but the role of a General is hardly cushy enough for time to make great ones." he chuckled as he made his way out of the room.

Incidentally, he was not lying about his schedule. The group he had been looking at before was a group he needed to personally train. Their effectiveness in well, anything, was sub-par. This could not do- especially if they were charged with defending the Royal Family.

As he walked out into the courtyard, the troops stared at Cain with a hint of fear in their eyes. Rather healthy, honestly.

"I understand you all thought basic training was a breeze, yet have blundered your way into my ire after just one assignment. An assignment I should add that should have been completed within one day, and without any damage to Warden Equipment. INSTEAD, AFTER FOUR DAYS, your entire wagon was set on fire, and the resulting explosion due to the black powder inside caused enough damage to leave enough of a hole in the earth for me to use as your graves."

Cain was far from pleased..

"Now then. You are all blessed with the task of scouring the castle of dirt and dust before the festivities begin this evening. If it ISN'T done before the events take place, I will PERSONALLY see to it that your next tour of duty is in Fort Bastion of the frozen mountains in the NORTH. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" he growled, glaring at the now-panicking wardens.


Fortunately, their listening skills were fairly good; they were off without a second thought...
Margaret & Crystana

A Collaboration by Giyari and CloudyBlueDay

Crystana looked up. She was still so humiliated that she flipped out like that. "If you are talking about the

woman with green eyes, I have already dealt with her. But you are quite alright, I can understand your frustrations. I know there was no personal insult meant, perhaps just bad timing on my part." This statement raised an eyebrow. Dealt with? What did this woman mean, dealt with. At least she wasn't upset. That would've been bad. Bad timing indeed..

She found herself gazing at this woman's clothing. Of course, being a designer, Crystana was always looking at people's clothing. But something hit her. The woman had a marking on her lapel - nine petals.

Nine petals! Oh lord! She had yelled at a noble! "M-my deepest apologies, once again, ma'am - miss.. so s-sorry.." She stuttered, bowing slightly. "You have you measurements c-correct. Sorry for m-my stutter.. forgive my nervousness.. "

The penny dropped. Margaret couldn't help but feel for the girl a little, however it was common sense to treat your customer with respect, she had gotten herself into this, albeit via aggravation of almost being robbed. Following her gaze, Margaret glanced at her license badge, so that was what gave it away? A thought passed through her head, that maybe she shouldn't wear the badge all the time, but it was soon replaced with a thought of irresponsibility and bd judgement... She had a duty as a Noble to keep up a good appearance and a sense of honour, justice, and fairness. It would go against her role in society to "blend in" with the commoner. The idea did have its tactical advantages however.

"Please, please. Do not fret. I am merely enjoying the festivities as any other person would, more or less... They're certainly different to those of my home, it's nice." Margaret laughed as the she watched the young woman blush and fumble over her words. If this was at a dance or a party she might have mistaken the girls behaviour for flirting, it was cute. The icing on the cake was however, the news that the dress was indeed the right size!

"Oh, my dear, that is excellent. It would suit my youngest sister very well, and I would hate to visit the capitol and not return with a gift for her. What is the price for such an item?" Margaret asked eloquently with a smile on her face. Her sister, Viktoria, had visited the capitol many times, she actually owned property here, but it was such a lovely dress, Margaret was sure the gift would be appreciated either way.

After a few more shaky breaths, Crystana was beginning to calm down. She was surprising herself, it had been quite some time since she was so caught up in her own emotions. Or have so many emotions at all. She was in a very panicky state at the moment, her chest rather tight from the sharp, quick breaths. Hopefully she would not start to hiccup.. that would be more embarrassing than it already was.

The woman's kind tone began to relax her. Although the 'not fret' part just made her want to fret more. "Of.. of course. I really do apologize. That was very unlike me.." Crystana mumbled as she turned around to take the dress and bring it up front. Of course, she was keeping her eye on it.. but this woman was a Noble. She wouldn't steal it. She hoped.

"A gift. Very kind of you." Crystana said slowly, trying not to trip over her words or stutter again. "I've not yet settled on an exact price. It is my most valuable piece of work. I suppose you could offer?" She now managed a weak smile and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

Buying things wasn't an odd task for Margaret, but usually it was some form of bulk purchase for the castle, or for the people of the lands, or weaponry... Clothing, a singular piece as well, was a little out of the ordinary for her, even at her status. Looking over the piece as the now calmer woman brought it to the front of the stall, Margaret had a quick look at its seams. It was of exceptional quality, just as she had said! The problem now was how much to offer... If she overshot then she would seem like she was flaunting money, plus it was uneconomical, if she undershot, she would seem cheap, perhaps even insult the stall vendors work... Shit.

"I... Not to sound pompous, but I can afford this, I however, do not really know what to offer. Dresses are not a common purchase for me." Margaret explained, gesturing to her sword, and the rest of her fairly "practical" outfit of a black tunic, dark red trousers, decorative eye-patch, and knee-high black leather boot. She was clearly not someone to wear anything she couldn't still fight in.

"Would an offer of... ten gold pieces, be suffice?" She added quietly, a little unsure of the worth of the dress. Margaret felt that ten was a good price though, it could easily buy two or three crates of good quality soft fruits for that, or a well crafted pair of daggers. Buying dresses and comparing it to banquet supplies... What would her Steward think. Looking a little less confident, Margaret did her best to keep up her appearances.

Usually she was alright with prices. Didn't she just have an idea of what she wanted for this dress? That woman's attempt to steal it, though, had certainly frazzled Crystana and broke her train of thought in half. "N-no, no! Not pompous at all, ma'am. I'm sorry, I'm quite out of it today.. ten gold pieces.." Crystana let the amount of money settle in. "That would work just fine. T-thank you, very much." A nervous smile arose on the designer's face.

Although Crystana very much wanted to make the same inspection to this Noble's gold like she had done with the thief, that would be an insult to the Queen and this woman, so she said nothing, although she did her best not to stare or glance at the woman as she brought out her purse. Stop it! Stop being so paranoid, Crys. She scolded herself, furrowing her brow and rubbing her forehead.

"Alright, a deal." Margaret said with a smile as she reached for her coin purse. The small leather bag used to be tied to her waist, as was customary with purses, but thanks to the cut strings, Margaret had placed it inside her coat. The jingle of gold pieces as she placed the pouch on the stall and lifted out 10 golden coins was not too noticeable, but it was unmistakable.

"...8, 9, 10." Margaret counted aloud quietly, placing the coins into a neat stack on the stall. "I will have one of my charges collect the dress later, if you don't mind. I am actually on my way to a meeting, luggage would be quite troublesome." she added.

"Sorry to rush, but I should be getting to that meeting soon actually."

With the transaction done, Margaret nodded in thanks and left with a receipt of purchase in her hand. She'd send by her squire later, he was usually very prompt with his errands.
Jamie adjusted his lace ruff while he eyed himself over in the small polished mirror held by his servant Clove, the servants grubby hands at odds with the shinning perfection of the mirror and noble reared gentleman adjusting his locks in the reflection. Finally appeased Jamie wiggled his hand vaguely signaling Clove he was done, he walked away and started pacing once more as Clove tucked this away in the satchel. Jamie rarely travelled far without that satchel, often filled with his precious tonics and other assorted precious items.

Jamie wrinkled his nose and quickly drew a long breath from his lavender soaked handkerchief; though he had only been waiting a few moments the situation had started gnawing at his nerves. The steward suddenly appearing once more and clearing his throat brought him from his little bout of anxiety; Jamie compulsively adjusted his hair once more before striding towards the grand doors.

They swung openly eerily silent; obviously some mystic power in their design, and Jamie found himself walking flanked by two fully armed wardens with great swords pointed to the heavens, hilts pressed against their chests. Ceremonial in nature of course, Jamie couldn’t help but smile at the grandeur, as the escorted him the short distance till he stood a respectful distance from the throne and more importantly the queen that sat upon it. The pair of guards split off standing either side of him still but now with their backs to the opposing walls. The steward cut through the silent awe of the room as he announced the young noble in a clear crisp tone.

“By your benevolent grace and wisdom I present Jamie Lockhart, Son and heir, to one Matron Diana Lockhart currently over sea’s bringing your divine will and the light of the Three Sisters to the uncharted continents.”

“And the sole suppliers of the finest Ivory in Sylva and the wider kingdom...My Queen” Jamie chimed somewhat out of turn with a smirk but quickly bowed deeply with a swift flourish, staying bowed until the Queen gave him permission to rise as was higher etiquette.

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Margaret Hagermaus

Mood: Like a fish out of water

Location: The Palace

Company: Charlotte Hagermaus, her three charges, a Royal Guard, and a Household Servant

@'s: -

Picture reference for Charlotte Hagermaus

Walking the length of the market street, Margaret approached the main square in front of the palace. This was where the celebrations would mainly be held, of course there would be smaller ones dotted elsewhere around the city but anyone who was anyone would want to be it the square, this was where all the action would be. Crowds bustled back and forth between the stalls around the outer edge, groups of Wardens and young apprentice witches ferried palates of wood into the middle of the square where a large bonfire was growing out of the cobbled ground, and just about everywhere you looked, smiles stuck to the faces of all those anticipating the main festivities that were still to come.

Margaret scanned the crowd for her charges, the three of them should be here by now after their little break from being stuck under her watch. Her first glances found no one, so walking towards the palace gates, Margaret kept a look out for them. If this was a war situation she would have tried to gain some higher ground to search from, but if someone saw her scale a stall right now, well it would be a tad suspicious...

"Scuse me Ma'am!" a warden called out from behind Margaret as she guided a cart of palates towards the middle of the square. Side stepping out of the way, Margaret continued through the swirling crowds, and shortly after, caught a glimpse of a familiar face or four. Standing outside the palace gates was her three charges, and her sister, Charlotte Hagermaus, member of the royal court and the political face of Alfurasva.

"Gretel~! Sister! Oh it has been too long!" the tall blonde woman called out as she lightly jogged towards her, each step causing the skirt of her entirely black dress to bounce slightly from her hips, and the slim sword on her waist to clink gently against it's fastenings.. Like Margaret, Charlotte was a black witch, although she only held a basic three petal license, and holding to the traditions of the Hagermaus family she dressed almost entirely in blacks and reds. Most seen black as sombre colour, but for the Hagermaus family it had a different meaning, it signified the darkness cast by Alfurasva's mountains, and the strength nature had to plunge the land into shadows. The red on the other hand signified the pulsing life giving blood shining through the darkness cast by the imposing peaks, a beacon of unyielding human spirit in the face of natures power. Even as a "non-combatant" Charlotte still held the Hagermaus's values close to her heart, she just chose to fight with words and her spirit rather than with a sword, although she
was more than capable of cutting someone down if it came to it.

"You are as upbeat as always, I see, Charlotte. Have my charges been behaving in my absence?" Margaret responded with a smile, hugging her sister and following her back towards the palace gates.

"Oh yes! They've been the very definition of good manners and politeness, the boy in particular, a Squire? I feel he has potential." Charlotte responded cheerfully. The three charges shot each other some nervous glances almost instinctively as they picked up on the little signals that they were being talked about.

"But that is another conversation... We
do have a reason for being here instead of at home for the holiday." Charlotte added, her mood dropping slightly as her tone became more serious.

"Yes, the border lands. they're holding up for now but I fear they may not last." Margaret replied quietly as they approached the gates. the three younger members of their party turned warily as footsteps clicked down the palace concourse behind them. A royal guard, a young red witch dressed in decorative ceremonial armour, and a palace servant/greeter, dressed more simply in an expensive, yet typical servants dress of black trouser, coat and tails.

"Your Royal Highness, Landesfürstin Hagermaus, we have been expecting your arrival, please follow me." the servant said in an overly official and extremely practised tone. Margaret felt her insides cringe with each word the man spoke, "Royal Highness", "Landesfürstin", both always sounded weird to her ears. It was only ever in official circumstances that her titles were spoken, and as Margaret hated the politicalness of it all, those situations were few and far between.

"Yes, yes." she started, acknowledging the servants addresses. "After you."

"And this, my young companions, is how to
not deal with official greetings from a household." Charlotte muttered amusedly to the charges at her sisters awkwardness.

"Are you still not used to this? Miss Landesfürstin Hagermaus of Alfurasva." She laughed, catching up with Margaret and prodding her in the ribs with the hilt of her sword.

With the mood feeling simultaneously both more formal and much less seious, Margarets party made their way towards the grand palace steps. There was still much to do before the celebrations in the evening, for the young charges, there was an opportunity to learn about the workings of a place's estate, Charlotte had many political "greetings" and such to confirm, and for Margaret, she was to be present as an allied countries head of state for once... Something that, given different circumstances, she would much rather stay clear of. Politics were messy compared to battlefields, and while she personally enjoyed the company of many nobles, Margaret despised having to do official business with them.

Queen Amelanch

Time: 9pm

Location: Central plaza of Sylva, at the bonfire

Company: Yay peasants!! I mean townsfolk!

OOC: Yes, that's a disco ball.
Springtide was possibly, aside from the summer meteor showers, one of the biggest parties thrown in the capital city. In fact, Queen Amelanch had a hunch – that the people were doubling up their efforts to celebrate, in order to protect themselves, to put the Blight that much further away in their minds.

She thought about Mr. Lockhart and her talk with him, about Cain and the things he had been planning. She thought about her children, and how they were, right now, probably rolling down the biggest hill in the city with flowers in their hair, laughing and eating little fruit pies even though she told them to keep their clothes neat and not to eat too much sugar, this would be one of the only nights they were allowed to stay up late.

But children never listened, did they?

Amelanch stared up at the Lamb. The Font had been right. It looked more like a bear this year, a great big straw bear.

The sky above was dark as ink, the pinkish haze of sunset having just disappeared behind the western mountaintops. The stars spilled over like a cascade of glimmering lights. All the lanterns that had been going up during the day were lit, and there was a massive crowd in the main plaza of Sylva, where the biggest street party would be.

The Queen gripped the ceremonial torch in her hands, and glared at the Be- the Lamb. It reminded her of someone, someone that she couldn’t quite place. But her heart pounded, and she tamped down an ugly wave of a strong, unsettling dislike.

“And so!” she began, roaring out to the crowds in a rich contralto. “Tonight, my sisters and brothers, a new season begins! Mother Gaia has slept, leaving us in the long, cold winter! But she stirs! Flowers are creeping out of thawing soil, the lakes are swollen with snowmelt! The Sister of the Full Moon shines tonight, and we smile back at her with Light of our own!”

The people cheered, cries of anticipation echoing off the walls of nearby buildings. Many of them had brought their own little lanterns, or at least candles to hold. There were many witches holding up wands and staves, lit with flames and orbs of light of varying colors. In fact, someone in the back, she could see, has placed a brightly glowing crystal in a large glass sphere, the facets in the glass redirecting drops of light all over the street. Beautiful, she thought. That would be a joy to dance under.

Once more staring at the Lamb that didn’t quite remind her of a Lamb, Queen Amelanch marched forward, and held the torch up to the straw. The figure caught fire quite easily, and the people roared with savage glee as the Lamb went up in flames. The Queen backed away quickly – she had lost her eyebrows one year when her son Ashley was just a newborn – and was immediately swarmed by those eager to meet her.

The Queen put on a dignified smile, and slowly progressed away from the bonfire all the same, if for no other reason than to avoid being swept into the spontaneous folk dance that had started up in the crowd.

Within the walls of Sylva, there was happiness and security.

For now.

@Yuuki of the Strata @Zahzi
Connor was just another face in the crowd as the Lamb went up in flames. He was holding a pole with a lantern lit at the end, and it could be mistaken for magical until you took more then a glance. But as the Lamb was consumed, the pole was nearly forgotten. And if the glee that filled him at seeing the symbol of Spring finally beginning wasn't enough, the revelers were already starting to kick up a merry little tune and some girls were hunting for potential dance partners.

His mom would have loved being there, throwing Genji around. Even grandma would have loved to have been there with grandpa. But, alas, they were confined to the inn. His mom said something before leaving their stall. Something about "Drunkards need a good thumping on nights like these." before she was gone.

And come to think of home, his mind drifted to the person living with the family free of charge. His mom also said something about that, politics. Or was it to be nice to people? To be honest, he couldn't keep track. Not even grandma saw her leave that morning. But who knew what women did and why?

Lost in thought, he jumped when a girl planted herself firmly in front of him and asked for a dance.
Margaret Hagermaus

Mood: Cheerful

Location: At the Bonfire, the Central Plaza

Company: Charlotte, Queen Amelanch



Listening as the Queen spoke, Margaret and Charlotte stood towards the back of the celebrations. Queen Amelanch being, well the Queen, gave her speech to the crowds of regular festival attendees while at a slightly more removed area, the attending nobles sat and listened, cheering on just as enthusiastically as everyone else. Margaret glanced around herself at the others attending, there was certainly no shortage of spirit, something that surprised her actually. Most of the time on her visits to other lands, she was met with a sort of downtrodden feeling from her hosts. Perhaps this was a good omen, a sign that times ahead might not be as grim as Margaret was forced to believe...

As Queen Amelanch returned from her speech, Margaret and Charlotte approached her.

"Your Majesty, what a wonderful speech that was, most invigorating!" Charlotte exclaimed, she was always a sucker for a good speech, and with her being in politics it Just so happened that speeches were a part of day to day life. With a simple yet well practiced bow, Charlotte greeted the queen.

"If I may critique, I think it could have used more flair, some expletives would not have been amiss, Your Majesty." Margaret added with a grin, before she herself gave a slight bow. "It has been too long, Amelanch, far too long." she continued. Being the head of Alfurasva's ruling family, Margaret and Queen Amelanch were more or less on the same level politically, with Margaret being "officially" a Landesfürstin, also known as a "Princess of the Land, a Princess in charge of a country. It wasn't a title Margaret used often. However within the partnership of Sylva and Alfurasva, Queen Amelanch sat on the top with Margaret serving below her as a general and ally. OF course this was all through choice, but as the two countries have been on friendly terms for generations, there's no reason for that to change.


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