Roommates! [Inactive]

Charlie watched her play. While he enjoyed the lights and vibes from the arcade, the only actual games he was good at were the shooters. But he just wanted to watch Miki for now. He leaned against an arcade machine, grinning. He breathed in and out deeply. He was feeling fine.
Kyle wasn't sure how to start, he remembered every moment at that damn school. He didn't necessarily hate that school but more the fact that he was imposed to go there. He looked in distance, '' Well, I was doing stuff I wasn't suppose to purposely to get expelled.'' he admitted, his life back then wasn't ideal and he was disgusted of it. But even tho, he had a few good memorable souvenirs from those days, often with the same people that crossed his mind. He smirked saying the rest, '' I was only there for the start of my freshman year, but I made a few friends so it wasn't that bad.''

(sorry i re-posted and edited cause the last one was just horrible how i wrote O_O )
"Oh what to play first. Should I race across the world? Or maybe I should prevent terrorists from capturing the White House. Or should I begin with the classics and work my way through arcade history. So many choices so little cash." Conner said as he ran around the arcade.
Charlie watched Conner running around the arcade choosing a game, and nearly fell over with laughter. That guy was... In need of some assistance. Charlie felt he should probably play a game before he looked like a creep, and found Time Crisis. He'd completed it a few times before but, he didnt care.
Miki walked over to the coin pusher. She placed I a few coins in the machine, grabbing a load of tickets. She grinned and grabbed her tickets.
Conner eventually found a game to play. It was called Burnout. He owned the game on his Game Cube back home, and he loved it. This would be a blast from the past with a twist. That twist being an actual steering wheel and on manual shift.
Eri nodded as she listened to Kyle talk. "Yeah, at least now school is more interesting what with you going with different species and races or whatever," she remarked. "Makes school more interesting."
Kyle simply nodded and turned a corner with more lights and a lot more humans walking around. He spotted an Arcade not too far and it looked packed, ''Feel like going to the arcades?'' he asked smiling.
Miki cashed in the tickets, getting a large stuffed animal. She walked over to a bench to sit. She sighed, leaning back.
Charlie sat next to her and looked at the stuffed animal. He laughed a little to himself about it, he remembered a friend who used to love stuffed animals no matter what the age. "Why the sigh?" He smiled at her.
"Because." Miki said. She sniffed the air. "Your breath smells like something." Miki said. "Ever since the restaurant." Miki said.
"I know what pasta smells like. It smelled... different." Miki said. She looked at him. "Your hiding something." She said.
"Not hiding anything." He looked her in the eye and then looked away. He rested his elbow on his knee and then his chin on his hand. He kicked at the floor with his shoe.
Miki got really close to his face. She took a deep breath. Vomit. "So that's what you were hiding." Miki said. She looked him strait in the eye. She got very worried.
Eri grinned and nodded. "Yeah, so I can beat you at ski ball," she quipped. "But first, I need to do something."
Charlies heart was beating in his chest very fast. He closed his eyes and leaned backwards. Running a hand through his hair, he felt sick. no one ever knew before.
"You cant hide something like that from me Charlie." Miki said. She looked him strait in the eye. She sighed heavily.
Charlie bit his lip. "I..." He didnt know what to say. He couldn't even think of anything to say, and he always could. He put his head in his hands. "Don't tell anyone." He pleaded.
"Out of the way you gits!" Conner shouted as his car streacked by in the on coming traffic lane. He picked the muscle car, fast and strong, but can't take corners well. He was surprised that he was doing so well, second place and first place was in his sightes. But it was not to be, for before he could pass him a car came out and blindsided him. Hitting the stearing and ragging a little, Conner decided that the best thing to do for his health was to leave it for a bit. Taking a nice calming walk around the arcade, making sure his ride didn't leave without him. He began to wonder what he would do about Gypsy, perhaps Charlie could help him, he seemed like he wouldn't mind his cat. So he began his search for Charlie, and found him with Miki. "Charlie, can I talk to you real fast?"

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