Roommates! [Inactive]

He smiled and watched her slurp down noodles like it was the last supper. He doubted she'd leave anything left on her plate. Laughing he looked at Conner. "it'd end all wars, right?"
Eri laughed. "Well, I hope it would be you," she admitted. Even in the darkness, his eyes were unbelievably blue.
"Of course. How could you fight when you agree that this food is amazing. It would solve all world problems. Now all I have to do is spread the word of this marvelous place."
Charlie chuckled and leant back in his chair. Conner was something special. "You couldn't be more right my friend." He put an ice cube into his mouth and bit into it.
Miki finished her last bite of pasta. She sighed and leaned back on the bench. "That was good." She said.
Kyle giggled, it somehow gave him butterflies in the stomach every time she said something flirtatious or simply just the way she talked to him gave such an effect. He leaned his head and kissed her. He actually smiled on it not able to stay serious," I'll punch anyone who would threaten my place." He said. He then held her hand and continued walking in the direction she was going, "So why did you leave the place? "

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"I can tell you enjoyed it." He laughed. He felt his stomach churn. "Excuse me for a moment..." He got up and walked to the bathroom, knelt in one of the stalls, and made himself throw up. It had been the first time in ages, and he hit the wall when he had finished.
Eri smiled and leaned on his arm. "I don't know, just felt like getting some fresh air. It's really pretty here at night," she mentioned, looking up at the stars.
"Of course I'm right. When it comes to this kind of thing I usually am." Conner said as a grin slowly split his face. He liked Charlie, he was nice. Everyone else seemed nice to.
Miki was uncertain what was taking him so log. She was starting to get concerned. She hoped he would come back soon.
Kyle looked around noticing all the changes, he still loved it here. "yeah it is, i use to go to school a few blocks away. So i always came here after school." He said feeling kind of nostalgic, memories flooding his mind.

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Charlie stood up and wiped his mouth, then walked to the sink and washed his face quickly. He couldn't take too long. "breathe.. In and out.. Thats it." He coached himself, then put a mint in his mouth and walked out of the bathroom, sitting next to Miki, he smiled at her.
Eri looked at Kyle. "Why did you transfer anyways? Don't think I'm complaining, because I'm glad that you did," she ended with a smile.
"hi." He smiled again, god she made him smile so much. He drank some water to get rid of the taste from his mouth some more. Pushing his plate away he looked around the table. "Wanna go anywhere else guys?"
"What else is there?" Alexander asked. He never really visited this area often and didn't know much about it.
"We can if you want." Miki said. She tried to decipher the other scent she smelled but she couldn't put her finger on it. She disregarded it for now.
"Well i dont have a clue where I actually am so... I don't know where there is to go either." Charlie shrugged. "Anyone know of anywhere?" He wished Kyle were here, he'd know of places.
"Well I think there is an arcade somewhere close." Miki said. She looked at him with narrowed eyes. She still tried to figure the scent out.
"If you know the way, take us!" He smiled at her, took another swig of water, and paid for everybody who was left on the tables meals. He was feeling generous.
Miki stood up and walked out of the restaurant. She turned to the right and walked up the way. She stopped at the large neon sign. "Here we are!" She announced.
Charlie looked up at it. "Fair enough, wasnt too far either." He grinned. He loved arcades, something about the sounds and just the whole arcade vibe.
Alexander looked around at all the flashing lights. This arcade was quite large. It wasn't always that he got to go to an arcade. In fact, the last time he had gone to one was over two years ago. He had about $30 to spend because of not having to pay anything for dinner, due to Charlie's generosity. It was going to be a fun night and Alexander had a small smile on his face.
Charlie grinned and walked inside, popping another mint into his mouth. The glow of the arcade lights made him feel... Great. He turned back and looked at Miki, still grinning.
Miki grinned at him, walking inside. She walked to the nearest ski ball machine and started playing. She scored fairly well.

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