Roommates! [Inactive]

Eri rode with Kyle on his motorcycle to the restaurant. Once they arrived, she and Kyle got everyone a table. "What do you think you're gonna get," Eri asked, while waiting on the others.

(baack haha)
When they arrived, Miki got out of the car. "Come on guys. Let's go!" She said, walking in to the restaurant.
"True." Conner said before they got to where they were going and get out. It was good to stretch his legs. And when he got to the table, he sat where he could stretch without bothering anyone.
Charlie walked into the restaurant quickly, keeping up with these people. He sat down and put his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his hand. "I don't know. What's good?" He'd gone a little pale.
Alexander got out of the car and walked into the restaurant along with the rest of the group. Kyle and Eri were already there and saved a table for them. He sat down and looked over the menu, unsure of what to get. He didn't say much.
The moment korin got out if fhe car the harrassing voices started and he could see faces to the voices. They were twisted and grotesque and ever changing. Korin tried to ignore them as best he could. He just gritted his teeth, clenched his jaw and balled his fists as he walked in silense behind the group
Miki sat down next to Charlie, smiling at him. She picked up a menu and started looking it over. There were a lot of choices.
Charlie smiled back at Miki, glad she chose to sit next to him. He picked up the menu and looked at the vegetarian choices. His eyes scanned the choices nervously, but he settled on a pasta. He looked at Miki. "What're you gonna have?"
Kyle sat next to Eri and didn't even glance at the menu," I'm taking the same as always, a Big Joe(hamburger!)." He said, he often came here with old pals of his. "There best at hamburgers, steaks and souvlakis , so up to you what you guys want." He said.

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"Pasta." Miki said. "I love most food, but I love pasta the most." She said. She gave him a toothy grin before setting down her menu.
Kyle looked at her like she came from an other planet,"why would you eat pasta in a steak and hamburger joint? That's just ridiculous" He asked.

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Korin took a seat though he didnt pay much attention as to who he sat next to. It was everything he had to keep up his facade. He said outloud. "When the waiter comes can you just tell him i want a burger and a water?" He said a little louder than everyone else was talking. Then added "please?" And issued a smile

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Eri studied the menu for a moment. "I'm craving steak, so I'll probably have that with mashed potatoes," she said once the waiter had taken everyone else's orders.
Charlie grinned. "I'm actually ordering pasta too." He looked at Kyle. "I don't know about Miki, but I'm having pasta here because I'm a vegetarian." He laughed and leaned back in his chair.
Kyle just shrugged,"whatever you guys want." He said boredly. All he knew is that, here the plates were huge and he was never able to finish a plate and everything was excellent. He remembered the first time he came here, two friends of his, Shawn and Alex, promised him the best food ever. They had found out about this joint from some restaurant palmares, he wasn't expecting much at first but was surprised once he ate. Since then he always came here, until he changed school in freshman year.

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"Mmm..." Alexander wasn't really sure what to get and looked away while randomly pointing his finger around the menu. It landed on steak. "Never actually tried it steak before, but I guess now is the time." He said aloud, though more to himself.
Charlie scratched his chair nervously. He didn't know how to handle this eating in front of people. He looked down at the table and took a deep breath. He would be fine, he had to be. He closed his eyes for a second, and then looked up at Miki. "So you know how you're Neko... Like... Not to be weird or anything but is your tail annoying?" He mentally slapped himself. What a stupid conversation starter.
Korin got up. " i gotta use the bathroom." He said loudly before standing up and quickly heading to the mens room. He got in and slammed his hands down on the sink. He yelled in frustration. Would his life ever get easier? He turned on the water and splashed some on his face a couple times

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"Classic cheese burger." Conner said to the waiter. He said it was a burger/steak place, so might as well. "I'm Conner, for those that didn't know."
Eri leaned back in her chair as they waited for food. She found Kyle's hand under the table and laced her fingers with his. "How long do you think it takes for them to make the food?" she asked curiously. Eri looked over at Conner and smiled. "I'm Eri."
"And what about your ears can you like..." he laughed and looked at the table. "Can you like hear stuff like thats really quiet? Enquiring minds wanna know." He tilted his head towards her and propped it up with his hand. He waved at Conner, he already knew Charlies name.
"Yeah. Like when you guys are really noisy in the morning." Miki said. She twitched her ears, looking at him.
"Didn't take much time when I use to come here." He said finding comfort while holding hand. He sipped on the cold glass of water in front of him. " it wasn't as popular 2 years ago then nowadays"

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