Roommates! [Inactive]

"You're welcome to ride with me." He looked at her smiling, still kind of nervous about the whole thing. He was thankful his car wasn't left in a mess, otherwise he'd be too embarrassed about even letting anyone go near the car.
"I'll ride with Charlie, if it's ok. Ok, we got that settled, now let's go, go, go." Conner said trying to hurry them out before one of them saw Gypsy wandering about. Conner didn't get out of his shoes, so he was ready to go.
"I suppose I need to go with you too, Charlie. If it's alright." Alexander added. He felt a bit awkward about having to get a ride there but oh well.
Kyle sighted,"fine then,which restaurant?" He said already exasperated by all of this. He wasn't very enthusiastic since he didn't even know half of them. Not even there names.

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Korin jumped out of the tree and when he landed the sole of his boot broke in half. Terror fell upon him. Hed have to go to town. He made his way around the front and saw a bunch of mids pairing up to go somewhere. He saw charlie. " hey roommate," he said " you guys goin to town? If so i kinda have a huge favor to ask" he waited nervously

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Charlie unlocked his car, then walked over to the tree. "You guys just get in the car and I'll be there in a second okay?" He looked from the people coming in the car with him to Kyle. "I don't know this town, you pick a restaurant, if you wanna." He sighed and then looked up at his roommate, and smiled. "Sure thing, what can I do for ya?"
Conner climbed into the back and sat by the window. 'That could have ended badly.' he thought to himself. Gypsy could have been found, and no one would have liked it and report her being there. Then he would be kicked out. But that was a bullet he dodged and didn't have to worry about until they got back. "Oh, by the way my names Conner." he said to the people who didn't know him, holding out his hand for them to shake.
"Miki" Miki said, getting in the shotgun seat. She sat down and looked back at him. She smiled and turned forward again.
Kyle looked at Charlie,"fine then. Let's go to Marven's. Just follow me to there." He said starting his motorcycle engine with a starter. " It's not too expensive and good." He said.

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Alexander shook Conner's hand after getting into back the car. "Alexander, nice to meet you." He said before buckling himself in.
Korin said to charlie " i need to go to town, but you remember what itold you about my.... Talent? Well i need someone to kinda look after me while im in town and seeing how youre the closest thing i have to a friend here, i have to ask" he kicked the dirt with the toe of his shoe " if you cant or youre busy i totally understand"

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"I don't mind, we're going to..." He heard Kyle say the restaurants name. "Marvens? And you're welcome to come with. You'll have to squeeze in the back of my car though." He smiled and walked over to his car, getting in the drivers seat.
Conner head Charlie talking to the guy, and scooted over to the middle. He's not a big fan of sitting in the middle, can't stretch his legs. But this was apparently Charlie's friend, so he sacrificed his comfort to make room for him.
(Waiting on Korin but) Charlie started the car and nodded to Kyle to lead the way. He smiled a little, but felt really awkward. He didn't really know these people but, he wanted to, and that's all that really mattered. But he supposed that driving a car full of people was just an awkward situation in general, especially when there was no conversation.
Korins spirits lifted and smiled and he thanked charlie copiously. He climbe into the bAck seat and said " hey everyone." He buckled up

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"Hello." Conner said and waved to the guy. As far as first impressions go, he seemed nice. Hopefully he wouldn't mind Gypsy if he found her. Wishful thinking, but Conner wouldn't let Gypsy be found if he could help it.
Miki watched the open road. She loved driving. Even if there was no conversation. Then of course someone said hello. "Hey." She said, still looking forward.
Charlie had no actual idea where he was going, and he was an angry driver. Under his breath he muttered curses and narrowed his eyes at other drivers. But he followed Kyle. Every so often he took a few glances at Miki. She seemed to love the drive, even if he didn't.
Miki looked over at Charlie. "You ok?" Miki said. She contained her laugh, looking at him very frustrated.
"I hate driving." Charlie narrowed his eyes at the car in front. "Ok no, I hate drivers." He was about to press the car horn, but put his hand back on the steering wheel. "No. I just hate him." He pointed ahead at the car in front. "Slow ass." He muttered under his breath.
Charlie breathed in and out deeply. "He's still a slow ass." He mumbled, and grinned when the guy went a different direction to the way they were going.
Conner felt like elbows were being shoved into ribs. No one was of course, but he still didn't like it. "No offence to any of you, but next time I'll just ride my bike and hang on to the back."
Charlie laughed. "Hey you didn't have to take the ride." He didn't take his eyes of the road, except to steal little glances at Miki. He didn't know what he thought of her. All good things, and she was cute and - Charlie sighed a little, but kept grinning.

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