Roommates! [Inactive]

Miki laughed a bit, whipping the tears from her eyes. "N-nothing of the sort." Miki said, her voice shaking a bit.
Kyle sighted and slightly smiled on the side but immediately replaced it with indifference, Why am i getting so soft? wtf? He thought, he took a few comfy clothes and changed into them. He walked out of the room but peeked one last time inside, ''Friends, but one more slap and I'll kill you.'' he finally said muffling the laugh that almost slipped. He then left and sat on the sofa and started gaming.
Miki smiled as he left. "I won't." She mumbled. She dried her eyes and tied her messy hair in a bun. She started writing in her fanficiton again (Much to the rejoice of her fans) and even played a few rounds of her favorite game. She then proceeded to slave over her almost finished novel. 
(Calling it a night guys!)
Conner finished his homework outside, it was just quieter. Once he finished it, he went into the dorm and hurried into his room. There was Gypsy, sitting in the window, giving him a look that said 'Let me out of here, or else.' "Ok Gypsy. I'll let you out, but you have to stay hidden." Conner said as he cracked open the door. Gypsy ran out the room and down into the common room. 'Please don't be found.' Conner thought as he walked down after her.

(Feel free to spot her going under the couch or around a corner.)
Charlie walked down into the common room, after his film had finished. He'd thought it was an ok film, nothing special, but he liked the whole revenge thing. He saw a cat zoom past him. Is that Conners? He thought, and then walked into Conner himself. "Hi!"
"Hello." Conner said, pretending that a cat wasn't in the dorm. "So how was your first day?" Conner prayed he didn't see Gypsy. And speak of the devil, he saw her squeeze under the couch out of the corner of his eye.
"It was excellent. I slept under a tree for like the entire day." Charlie smiled and pretended he hadn't noticed the cat slip under the couch. "How was yours?" He asked, as he sat down on the couch, but not too near Kyle.
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Eri was thankful for the amount of rest she got from her little nap. Sparring that morning had drained her more than usual, and taking a short break left Eri energized for the rest of the night. She realized that she hadn't gotten out of her uniform yet, so she changed into some standard jean shorts and a loose t-shirt after taking a shower to wash the sweat and dirt out of her hair. Once she felt refreshed, Eri wandered back into the common room.
"Hi!" Charlie said as he saw Eri come into the room. "Have a nice nap?" He asked and smiled at her. He didn't realise it, but his posture was open, he felt comfortable around these people. His arms were not around his stomach, he wasn't afraid.
Eri returned Charlie's smile with one of her own. "Yes, it was definitely needed on my end. Did I miss anything?" she asked casually, sitting in a chair and propping her feet up on the table.
"Nothing that I know of." He leant back on the couch. "What do you guys do for fun around here like all I've done since I've got here is read and sleep." He asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.
Kyle was outside washing his motorcycle, it always helped him clear his mind and kill some time. He was a bit dirty and sweated a little because of the sun. When dawn hit, he went back inside with his dirty towels and went directly to the kitchen to drink something refreshing. When he walked by the common room, he saw Eri and Charlie,"heyy, didn't know you were awake" He said

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"Just woke up. Where have you been?" Eri inquired, looking at Kyle in his dirty state. She turned her attention back to Charlie and shrugged. "Nothing really. We play video games every now and then but we mostly go find something to do in town."
Charlie didn't reply to Kyle, knowing that the statement was directed at Eri and not him, he nodded him a greeting though. "I haven't been to town yet. Is it cool there or really not worth it?" He asked Eri.
Kyle looked at him,"it's nice." He then shifted his eyes to Eri," yeah was just maintaining my motorcycle." He answering her question while wiping a little grease from his hands.

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Eri nodded with a smile. "I can tell, you have grease practically all over you and your clothes," she replied. "And yes, it's very nice. Depending on where you go I guess," she added to what Kyle had said and addressed it to Charlie.
"I'll probably go when I can find someone to come with me." He smiled, then looked down at his socks. No one will want to go with you, he heard in his head.
Kyle just chuckled,"yeah...i'll go take a shower and be back." He said walking off towards his room and directly went to the washroom to clean himself.

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"Well I'm sure a group of us could all go have dinner in town, if you wanted to come along," Eri suggested. She acknowledged Kyle's departure by smiling in his direction. She closed her eyes and relaxed.
"My first day was fine. Learned a lot about salamanders. Nearly fell asleep in math. Other then that nothing much." Conner said. As he was talking, Gypsy slid out from beneath the couch and snuck into the kitchen.
"Ugh. I really need to learn more about what types of people there are because I have honestly got no clue." Charlie sighed, and studied Miki's ears. Cute.

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