Roommates! [Inactive]

Miki walked out of the crowd, walking home. She stayed alone as usual. She unlocked the door to her room, sitting down and writing again.
Kyle went to his locker and grabbed a few homework he had from 101 course and mathematics. He was able to see Eri from above the crowd. He slid behind her and hide her eyes with his hand, '' Guess who?'' he said whispering and making his voice unrecognizable.
Kyle sighted, ''Well then, I'll give you a few hints then..'' he said while going in front of her but still blocking her view. He kissed her on the lips sweetly and briefly, ''Now do you recognize me? '' he said smiling. He had never smiled this much for someone, just wat kind of magic did she use on hhim.
Eri blushed and her smile grew wider. "It couldn't be Kyle. Well, maybe it could be…" she joked, laughing.
Korin jumped a little when the final bell rang. he'd let time get ahead of'em. "oh well." he thought as he collected himself and quickly made his way downstairs and outside lest he get locked inside all night alone. he watched and listened as everyone walked back to the dorms, not wanting to be rude, but wanting to be a part of the group, figuring he'd engage conversation at a more appropriate time.
Kyle just laughed off dropping his arms to his side, ''The unique and only, Kyle Warran.'' he said proudly winking at her. He felt warm inside when he heard laugh. He intertwined his hand with hers and walked to the dorm.
Eri smiled as they walked back to the dorm together. If someone had told her the day she had met Kyle that they were going to end up liking each other, Eri wouldn't have believed it. But even now, as they spent their time together, Eri felt happier than she had in a while. "I'm glad school's over for the day. It seemed to drag today," she said as they arrived at the dorms.
'' I just starred at you, so i didn't mind if time was slower,'' he said playfully feeling flirtatious. He looked at her smiling, it was so honest her smile and just made his day.
Eri blushed. Not many people could flatter her very easily, but Kyle's flirting made her feel… almost bubbly. "Oh please," she said lamely, smiling and grabbing some chocolate covered strawberries from the fridge and sitting on the couch.
Charlie woke up the second the bell went off. "Sh*t" He mumbled as he realised he'd missed the entire school day. Standing up, he grabbed his backpack, dusted off his uniform, and ran to the dorm. He didnt disturb Eri and Kyle who were flirting with eachother so much Charlie almost threw up. Instead, he walked over to his roommate. "Hey."
Kyle just grabbed some of her strawberries, he looked right at charming purplish orbs, ''You know Eri, I always thought happiness started with an H. Why does mine start with U now?'' he said smiling warmly before biting on the chocolate strawberry.
Eri laughed, and took a bite of a strawberry. "What book did you get that one from?" Eri teased. She ate another strawberry, then tossed the remains into a little cup that she had carried the strawberries in.
Kyle just sighted, ''Woman not understanding a man's mind, you know You're kinda, sorta, basically, pretty much always on my mind. So i just come up with all of these for you.'' he said pointing his head.
"That's sweet, though I'm sure you have plenty of things to think about." Eri pecked Kyle on the cheek and walked into the kitchen to throw her trash away. She proceeded to take a soda from the fridge and took a sip, wondering momentarily where everyone else was.
Kyle just blushed when she kissed him and giggled slightly. He stood up and grabbed his bag, ''I actually have a few homeworks to do. Don't know if you do but I think im gonna start so I have free time tonight.'' he said jumping and sitting on the counter right next to where Eri is standing.
"I managed to finish mine during class. I can probably go out for a run or something if you need to concentrate," Eri suggested, pulling her hair back up into a ponytail.
Miki stopped writing and started her homework. She got hungry 10 minutes though and went downstairs. She grabbed a bag of chocolates. She ignored the both of them and walked back upstairs. She finished up her homework and started writing again.
Charlie figured his roommate was lost in his own world, and went upstairs and got changed. He came downstairs a moment later in black jeans and a sweater that was too large for him. He walked into the kitchen and smiled at Eri.
Eri saw Charlie walk in and smiled back. "Hiya. I was wondering if everyone decided to ditch campus after school ended," she said to him, finishing her soda and throwing it away.
"Well I thought about it but I don't have anywhere to go." Said Charlie as he looked at Kyle nervously. "I slept all the way through school, did I miss anything in class?" He leaned against the counter opposite Eri.
Kyle looked at the boy that just came, he wasn't really giving him much attention at first. Tho, he felt the nervosity of Charlie rising up. Deciding not to scare someone else, he tried creeping a smile on his face. He could feel the tension in his muscles, not use to that movement if not with Eri.
"Nothing really. I wasn't exactly paying attention myself," Eri admitted. She probably should actually listen in class tomorrow.
Charlie almost thought he had died, Kyle smiling at him like that. Was he making up and trying to be nice? Charlie smiled back at him nervously, "Hi." He said to him, then looked back at Eri. "Ah, whatever then"
Kyle raised his hand in the air kind of awkwardly, ''Hi'', he said still stretching his smile.just why was he doing this. It was so unnatural and kind of weird.

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