Roommates! [Inactive]

Miki flipped the guy over her shoulder, placing her foot on his back. She looked over at the door where one of the new dorm members had entered. She smiled and walked up to him. "Spar?" She asked.
He watched his roommate throw a cigarette into the grass from a little far away, he had not been noticed. Smoking, he thought, disgusting. He lay back in the grass and carried on reading, until curiosity got the better of him. He'd never actually seen anyone fight before, only read about it in these stupid books of his. Game Of Thrones probably couldn't put a match on the real life exhilaration of fighting. He stood up and hurried over to the door, sneaking in and hiding himself in the back of the class where he wouldn't be noticed. He saw Miki , and heard her ask his roommate if he wanted to spar.
Korin smiled at miki and silently decided to let her wipe the floor with him. No sense in showing his hand so soon and besides, he'll need to get better at taking hits and theres only one way to do that. "Sure" he said to miki as he squared off
"Your move." Miki said, getting into position. She was still angry about this morning, this outta help.
Korin shot out a jab catching the girl in the nose before catching himself. Hed never purposely lost a match before. He dropped his hands and braced for retaliation 
(My bad)
Growing bored of the sparring almost immediately, Charlie stood up and snuck out of the lesson. He walked back into a shaded area of the outside. He took out his phone and earphones, layed on his back, and listened to Gorillaz, falling to sleep slowly.
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Miki smirked as he missed. Miki brought up her foot, aiming for his face. She hoped to make collision with his jaw.
(Oh god, the alerts that don't exist.)

Things happened... Blah blah.. Breakfast..

Aris was a little confused by the exchange Miki and that guy had had. Fights, if you don't like eachother, aren't supposed to end in tears. He sighed. He'd never understand other people after all. He had to get to class though, and he was already late. He made it to fighting class just in time to see Miki fighting a guy way larger than her. Not as big as him, but still pretty big. He sat down beside the ring(?), and just observed.
Korin didn't move except to turn his cheek to her quickly approaching foot and allowed it to plant him on the cheek. He moved back half of a step but remained standing, hands still at his side. "Is that all you got?" he asked belligerently. 
(all your hits land after this unless you choose otherwise)
Miki smiled and dived for his feet. She lifted him up and tossed him on the mat. She placed her foot on his back until the whistle blew, signifying the end of the match.
"That was fun, I'll have to let you beat me up again sometime." he said smiling as he quickly got to his feet and dusted himself off. He walked over to the bleachers and sat down watching the other matches in progress.
Miki walked over to Aris and sat down next to him. She sighed, leaning over. The fight this morning wasn't pointless, but it wasn't rational. She hated losing people, but if he was determined to leave her in the dust, she wouldn't go down crying.
Korin got himself up and walked over to a heavy bag suspended from the ceiling and started to work it. He kicked it with enough force to nearly fold it in half before it corrected itself. he then went to punching. He threw a right jab and a left hook and sent the bag swinging. as the bag swung back his way he threw another left making it perform a violent shaking when he connected. Korin now bored with this opponent found himself a corner off to the side where no one was really looking and started his daily regiment of pushups: 20 left arm, 20 right, 20 regular, 20 vertical, repeat.
Aris threw a glance at Miki. "Good morning sunshine. How are you holding up?" He hadn't really cared too much about the fight. He wasn't a part of it, so he had no way of knowing if she was hard, or if he was weak. "Need another punching bag?"
Alexander continued feeding his Salamander, taking care for any fire that it might've hissed out occasionally. One kid decided it would be funny to set another girl's hair on fire using his Salamander but somehow managed to fail that and instead, when he was trying to look in its mouth, burned himself. Singed hair spelled a bit terribly but the kid soon left the room to get first aid and also a reprimand for his actions. After the feeding they soon learned that you can train a Salamander to put out any fires it might accidently cause, or simply fires in general, using it's icy cold body. That was a bit strange to Alexander. The instructor went through specifics on how to train Salamanders to do this but said they probably wouldn't do the training in class and she would do it instead.

((So done. So, friggen' done. 5 paragraphs shall now be this one and I shall be right back as I become Satan himself.))
"Nah. I beat up to many things today." Miki said. She smirked at him, quickly letting it drop from her face. She sighed and leaned over on him. She was so emotionally drained that it had taken a physical toll.
Korin finished up his routine and slipped out a fire exit as quietly as he could. he found his way back to the dorms and then to the roof. "I think I just found my new chill spot" he thought to himself as he took a seat against the [don't fall off the school]wall. he pulled out his orange he didn't eat for breakfast and peeled it. He became sad at the silence. he remembered when things were simpler, when he had friends, when everyone back home didn't think him crazy." he sighed and laid down staring at the clouds. he pulled out his tenor recorder from his bag and started to play "scars of time"
As Conner fed the salamander, his teacher continued to talk about them. How they produce fire, much like dragons but instead of a gas or liquid they spit something back up that they combust in the back of their throat. To where they are commonly found, active valcanoes and remote hotsprings, occasionally near heat vents on the bottom of the ocean. Everything that was known about them was trying to be crammed into the one seminar.
After sparring during fighting class, Eri pulled her hair into a ponytail and change back into her normal uniform. She had seen Miki and one of the newer dorm mates spar together, and had spent her last few minutes of class watching them before moving on to English. Eri arrived at the classroom, and sat near one of the windows.
Todays class was very demanding and Kyle pretty much had to give his 100% of concentration. It was about all the creatures like unicorns, phenix etc and where they came from and where they were hidden etc. It was very interesting but consisted of constant taking of notes. He didn't mind tho, since he liked writing. The bell rang as he finaly finilyzed his notes and exited the classromm. He walked to english lazily and bored, nothing in teresting was happening. He entered and saw Eri on his seat. He walked by her, ''Hey~ you know you took my placee?'' he said smilling and laughing a litttle. He didn't mind, he would just steal the seat next to her or in front of her. He remembered that last english course, Eri was never heard of in, she was practically silent and didn't do anything.
Miki walked in to class and sat in front of Eri. She smiled at her friend before turning around. She just pretended Kyle wasn't there.
Eri smiled back at Miki, and stood up from the desk facing Kyle. "Am I sitting in your spot? My bad, hope you'll forgive me," Eri said with an impish grin. She stood on her toes and kissed Kyle, then moved to sit in the desk behind him.
Kyle had noticed Miki coming in but didn't acknowledge her. He wasn't expecting Eri to kiss him in public, he liked i t tho so only kissed her back and wanted more but were in classroom. '' I could of changed place thoo... I didn't mind.'' He said smirking. He sat in his desk and turned his seat to talk to Eri and occasionally laughed, until bell ringed
Miki paid attention to the teacher all class. She didn't want to have to deal with Kyle. She sighed and rejoiced inside as the next class started.

(Anyone in favor of a time skip?)
Eri was relieved when the final bell rang. She walked over to her locker and grabbed her bag, taking a sip from her water bottle as she did so and put it back in her locker. She strolled outside, and wondered where Kyle was. She had lost him in the end of the school day crowd.

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