Roommates! [Inactive]

"At the least I keep my lines strait." Miki said, glaring at him. She felt nothing but hatred now, consuming her body. She barred her fangs and sat back down.
"Cool," Eri said in reply with a smile. She stood up and looked at the clock. "I better go get changed. I'll be right back," she told Charlie, then strolled to her room and changed into her school clothes.
Aris' hand dropped to his side. His eyes narrowed. This mans morals disgusted him. Respect had to be earned, yeah, but you should have the human decency not to fight. Especially when you're a lot stronger and bigger than the other person. He didn't actually hit Miki though, so Aris didn't have to intervene.. Yet.
Kyle just looked at her bewildered and furious , ''Just who the fuck do you think you are!'' he shouted. She had pushed him to his limit right now and she just pissed him off. ''Just shut the fuck up for once idiot!'' he shouted.
Charlie sat awkwardly, trying to ignore his stomachs previous sound. He waited for Eri, kind of happy that he'd managed to score two people who were nice to him. He bit at his nail while he waited, and looked at his shoe. Leaning back a bit, he assessed his uniform.
"All I see is a human that stumbles in the darkness until he destroys everything in his path. And I am not going to be one of those things." Miki said, the venom seeping into her voice. She grabbed her uniform and walked to the bathroom to change.
Eri changed into her uniform and heard Kyle yelling across the hall. She sighed, and fixed her hair into a braid, then walked back into the living room. She was tempted to intervene, but figured they could handle the argument on their own. If it got worse, Eri would pull Kyle out of it. She smiled wryly at Charlie. "Sorry about the yelling. They fight a lot," she said slowly.
"Remind me not to get on the bad side of him. I've already walked into him once, literally." He bit his nails, then sat on his hands to stop himself. Looking up at Eri, he wondered why she was being nice to him. Charlie did not make friends easily in his old school, this was just surreal.
Eri smiled, recalling all that had happened last night during her conversation with Kyle. "Yeah, once you get on his good side he's not that bad. Trust me," she said in reply, sitting down to put her shoes on.
''And what do you know of my past Miki-Chan! You know nothing and here you are talking like you do! I would say the same about you, staying here typing and swallowed in her own world. Maybe if you would control that shitty mood of yours, everything would be just perfect!!'' he finally screamed. No one was allowed to slap him like that in such an embarrassing way. He honestly hated her up to now, and he thought they were getting a little closer all the time. He even worried her once when she stormed out of the living room crying. But what she just did was unbearable. He was red in anger and just changed in his uniform rapidly not caring if he basically ripped his shirts sleeve and slammed the door of his room exiting.
Miki walked out and sat on her bed. She had the urge to scream into her pillow, but instead just pulled out her guitar and started playing. She had already done enough damage.
"Easier said than done. All attempts of conversation just looks like I'm annoying him, I don't know" He looked at her struggling to put her shoes on, and couldn't lie to himself that she was cute in her uniform. The sound of shouting continued upstairs and Charlies eyes glazed over, remembering his home life. Why he was here. He unconsciously put his hand up to his ear, as though to cover it, though when he realised what he was doing he pretended to play with his hair.
Eri finished fumbling with her shoes, and sat up. She tossed some of her stray hair out of her eyes, glancing at Charlie. "Yeah, he comes across that way at first, you just got to get to know him. What's your first class?"
"I actually don't have a clue, and I've already lost my timetable, but I'd expect potions." Charlie shrugged, and clenched his hand into a fist by his side after he'd finished playing with his hair. "And as for getting to know him, I just don't know what to say to him. I'm not so... Sociable." If Charlie wasn't so sociable, then why was he so talkative with her and Alex?
Kyle almost stumbled down the stairs because he slipped making a lot of noise while trying to regain balance. His body was all tensed up, he could punch anyone at this stage, he walked in the kitchen and started pouring milk and cereals for breakfast, as he was trying to grab a spoon he made all the utensils fall. He hated how he was now, he knew he had a few anger management to do but at that moment he was just so angered. He slammed his hands on the counter and started breathing deeply to calm himself, notice it wasn't working. His cheek was still burning with the slap and just angered him even more.
Miki walked downstairs and put her plate in the sink and walked out the door, ignoring Kyle. She walked to the park, climbing the tree. She sat against the trunk of the pine. She sighed and looked around, sitting in the morning sun.
Charlie didn't move, all this sudden activity, noise, and anger, made him slightly confused. But definitely frightened. He looked at Eri, hoping she would do something.
Alexander was a bit shocked about all the fighting and screaming that was going on and later the sound of banging coming from the kitchen. 'Well, there's someone to try not to piss off'' He thought to himself in his head. He leaned on the wall and went back to listening to Charlie and Eri talking without realizing it.
"Well, you seem pretty talkative to me," Eri replied to Charlie with a smile. She winced at the sound of Kyle making a ruckus in the kitchen. She shot Charlie an apologetic look. "I'll be right back." She stood up and walked from the living room to the kitchen, where Kyle stood hunched over on the counter. She stood beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Kyle?" she said hesitantly. "You need to calm down, okay?"
Charlie turned to Alex. "It's not just me who is terrified of Kyle right?" He asked him, then grinned. Charlie grabbed his backpack from next to him and checked through all his stuff.
"Yeah, no... I hope I never get on his bad side. I'm already nervous about doing that with people already." He slightly mumbled.
"Well you don't have to worry about that with me," Charlie said, "I'm sort of just... Either terrified or talkative." He looked at the time, still time to go until eight, so he didn't have to worry yet. His stomach made another noise.
Kyle just looked at her bewildered, ''How the fuck can i calm down! That freaking bit ch is creating all this chaos for nothing!'' he said trying to not talk loudly. Miki just entered the kitchen ignoring him and he just glared at her with hatred, that attitude of hers just disgusted him. His cheek started stinging again, it honestly really hurted im physically but mostly mentally. He tried hiding it from Eri, finding it embarrassing.
"Well, that's good. Also, I would probably say to go into the kitchen for that but as of currently, maybe not." Alexander commented on Charlie's stomach, unsure of what to say since he was still a little freaked out by Kyle.
Eri pulled his face up so that he was looking at her with his blue eyes. She touched his cheek lightly, the one that had been slapped, and smiled encouragingly. "Then give her some space. You two are obviously not in good places with each other right now, so just try to cool off and not talk to her."

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