Roommates! [Inactive]

Alexander put his knees up to his chest and studied his shoes. 'I really hope my parents made the right choice...' It wasn't exactly his choice on what high school he went to, but he didn't fight it too hard. He heard a voice greeting him and looked up to the stranger while reacting a bit slowly due to him being tired. "Uh, hey. I'm Alexander, how about you?" His response a bit awkward from the anxiety of meeting new people.
"Yes." Miki said. She took a bite of her bagel and looked at him. "Not a very happy one mind you."
"Charlie." He could sense the awkwardness in Alexander's voice, and sort of felt the same. He stood up and walked over to him, extending out a hand for him to shake, though his other hand was wrapped around his own stomach, urging it not to make a noise of hunger.
"Doesn't bother me in the slightest. I've got my own grim stories." He gritted his teeth for a second. Had he said too much? He didn't want to seem pretentious. "So, what's it about?"
"My life I guess. I sort of started writing to solve my Kyle problem and it turned into a autobiography." Miki said. "I changed the names though." She passed him the laptop.
Standing up, Alexander shook the hand of the man he now knew as Charlie. "Nice to meet you, Charlie." 'Well, at least the first day is starting off right, I suppose.'
Charlie looked up at Alex, god did he tower over him. "How old are you?" He asked with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Charlie looked down at his own body and sighed. Why couldn't he be taller.
Alexander was a little hesistant to say his age, mainly due to how young he was. People always assumed he was older, for obvious reasons. "Well, I'm actually only 14..." He said a little quietly, unsure of how Charlie would react to it. It's a bit of a common thing to hear about older teenagers picking on the ones younger than them, after all, and since he wasn't sure about Charlie's age it could be risky.
He leaned forward and inspected every word on the screen. His half-smile turned into a neutral melancholic expression, and he felt empty on the inside. He could relate to many things that she wrote, but many things never happened to him, and despite their negative factor, he'd rather have had those "normal" bad experiences, than his less-than-legitimate experiences. "Wow. That sucks. I'm sorry." He said, glancing at the girl. He sighed, and said "I'd share my past with you, but I don't know what you'd think of me after that."
"Trust me, I live with a psychopath." Miki said. She thought of Kyle and just wanted to punch him.
"Christ! Your height doesn't give that away." Charlie smiled and sat down next to where Alex was sat before they shook hands. "I'm seventeen, and obviously my appearance doesn't really give that way." He looked up at Alex. Why was he being so chatty? He was normally so shy.
"Eh.. Alright." He stood up and grabbed the corner of his shirt. He hesitated for a second, and then pulled it up. You might've thought he was just showing off his abs or something, but on the left side of his abdomen, there were 4 large scars. Circular scars.
Eri stirred, and opened her eyes to see Kyle looking down at her, and a boy around their age sitting across from them. She yawned, her ears twitching, and sat up as she stretched her arms. "What did I miss?" she asked, smiling at the two boys.
"Yeah, I suppose appearances can be quiet deceptive." Alexander gave a small chuckle before sitting back down in his original spot, now next to Charlie. "I wish my appearance rang true with my age, but oh well. When exactly does class start here?" He asked, realizing he had no clue and forgot to ask the lady at the front desk the day before.
Miki looked at the scars. She tentatively traced the scars, looking at them. She didn't say anything, she was to busy, plus she wanted to hear his story.
Kyle sighted, ''Nothing much really,'' he said standing up. He looked at Charlie, ''Starts at 8:00'' and he walked out of the living room. He walked to his room and was about to open his door when he heard Miki call him Psychopathic. Automatically, he knew someone was in there. He just shrugged not caring what she said and opened the door smirking, ''So I'm a psychopath now..'' he trailed off the last few words looking at the boy pulling back his shirt on. ''OHHHH, So i don't sleep in the room for a day and you bring some boy in. Interesting.'' he said grinning evilly.
"If.. Err.. You couldn't tell.. These are bullet wounds.." He went on, to talk about a specific time when he was 12, and looking out for a large scale drug shipment. An opposing gang had attacked the safehouse, and shot him four times. All the other guards were killed, but he thought that they were merciful with him because he was still only a child. "I spent 2 months in the hospital, and it still hurts sometimes... However, I was stupid back then, and didn't stop. I finally learned my lesson when I got this." He lifted his shirt even further, revealing a smaller scar almost in the center of his chest. "It's half an inch from my heart. Luckily for me, it missed everything important, except my ribs. It scared me out of that lifestyle though."
Miki got up and smacked him. "Really wanted to do that." She said, glaring at him. "And what I do is none of your business."
"8" Charlie confirmed. He noticed the girl from earlier was awake and he smiled at her. His stomach made a loud noise and he immediately went a bright red.
Once Eri felt more awake, she turned her attention to the new boy and smiled, her ears twitching. "Hi, we haven't met. Obviously," she said with a small laugh. "I'm Eri."
He let his shirt fall back down. Interesting, the girl seemed to have no problem with him being in a gang what-so-ever. Well, he hadn't revelead that he was a murder yet. His eyes wandered to the new guy. That must be the boy she had had issues with. He reminded Aris of how he'd been a few years back. So.. Intimidating. Nontheless, he didn't scare Aris. No, not many things did. Instead, he raised a hand, offering a shake. "I'm Aris."
If Kyle didn't control himself, he would of punched her right across her head. He grabbed her hand and tightened his grasp glaring right at her. '' If you do this again, I will not care to punch you. Girl or not, respect is earned so go calm your nervs. All you've done up to now is disturb me and cry.'' he said throwing her hand away. That smacked had stingged him, he probably had a red cheek by now.

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