Roommates! [Inactive]

Charlie propped himself up on his elbow and let the light grow bigger and into the air. "Demons? Didn't know they were real, but then I hadn't heard of Neko's till I enrolled. So like the church sent you? Do you believe in that kind of stuff?" Charlie rolled onto his back.
"Thats the thing about believing, once you KNOW something, belief is secondary. I kinda believed there was a god, but I didn't really care or know anything about religion really, but then all this sh*t happened to me and no i don't have a choice. I know demons are real and the only book that really talks about them is the bible, so...ya. The church sent me here cuz there's like some sort of barrier or whatever, but out in the real world they're pretty much everywhere and every person has at least 2 assigned to them that follow them everywhere they go, so I came here to learn how to fight them in peace cuz when I was out there, they knew I could see and hear them and they harassed me nearly to the point of insanity." 
I don't really like to talk about it really cuz I can't prove my ability so some people are kinda bigotted about it, but how'd you come to end up here?"
Charlie nodded, and realised how tired he was. He let the orb of light flicker out. He turned onto his side and curled up in a ball. Closing his eyes "I'll tell you tomorrow" He said tiredly, and fell asleep almost instantly after saying it.

(Night everyone of different time zones! Off to school for me now ;) )
Conner stayed up on the roof a bit longer after Charlie left, enjoying everything up there. But eventually he went to his room, aiming to get some sleep. When he entered his room, Gypsy was sitting on the bed cleaning herself. "Really Gypsy, do you have to do that now?" Conner said as he shooed her off his bed. After he got changed and laid down, Gypsy jumped on, curled up beside him, and went to sleep. "Night Gypsy." Conner mumbled into his pillow, gently scratching her between her ears. And in a moment, Conner was asleep.
It was the next morning, Charlie woke up early, fretting about his first actual school day. He got up, stretched, observed his sleeping roomate, and went to go shower. After showering, he got dressed, and walked down to the living area. Confused and a little shocked to see the boy from earlier and a girl he hadnt met before asleep, he sat down on another couch awkwardly and tied his shoes
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Kyle heard a few footstep and someone breathing. He opened one eye and recognized a boy then he opened both looking at him indifferent. ''You enjoying the sight or what Charlie?'' he asked a little annoyed. Eri was still sleeping so he talked pretty low.
Charlie looked up at him. "Well, you do both look oh so peaceful." He put his feet down and tugged at his uniform to make it look bigger than his actual size.
Kyle just nodded, the boy wasn't wrong either. It was a pretty peaceful and relaxful night even on the sofa, I wouldn't mind sleeping next to her like that again. He thought. He stood his back straight groaning a little bit, rubbing his eyes. He looked at Eri, she was so beautiful, a little smile creeped up to his pink cheeks.
Charlie was aware what Kyle felt for the girl, reading it on the smile on his face. "How old are you?" He asked, was the guy gonna be in his class? Charlie checked his pocket for his pills.
Kyle stared at the rater skinny boy in front of him, '' Seventeen and you?'' he asked boredly. Might as well talk to him, or else he'll just pester me all day. He looked at his watched and sighted when he saw the time indicated, school was about to start in an hour and he just didn't feel like going. He prefered staying here and do nothing. But he couldn't afford that.
Miki rolled over, her ears twitching. "Noise..." She mumbled. She flicked her tail over her ears and went back to sleep.
Charlies mouth opened slightly. How was he the same age?

"Seventeen.." He tucked his legs up underneath him. Charlie was aware he was annoying Kyle, but he still couldn't hold his tongue. "So.. What brings you here?"
'' School obviously? '' he said not understanding why he's asking. ''So same age? Which course did you chose?'' he asked scratching the back of his head uncomfortably. He wasn't use to socializing with people or just continuing a meaningless conversation.
"Potions, but I'm thinking of asking if I can change. What about you?" Charlie tried to relax and leaned back a bit on the couch. He smiled at Kyle. Why couldn't he just keep his goddamn trap closed and stop asking the poor guy questions, it was obvious he didn't want to talk to Charlie. Why didn't he just leave him alone. He supposed something in him reminded him of a guy at his old school.
Miki got tired of the noise and woke up, throwing the cover on to the other side of the bed. She got up and brushed her hair and teeth. She put her hair in a bun and walked downstairs. She toasted 2 bagels and put butter on both of them. She ignored the two by the TV and walked strait passed them and up to her room. She sat down on her bed with both the bagels and began eating the first one.
Aris slowly slipped of the bed and hit the floor, causing him to wake up. He was disoriented for a moment, until he realized he wasn't in his own room. He looked up and saw Miki sitting on her bed. "Hey... What time is it?" He had no idea of how long he'd slept.
Kyle sighted and answered his question ''Mystical Creatures 101.'' He had to go take a shower and prepare himself for school, staying on the sofa wasn't doing any of them. He started poking Eri on the cheek to wake her up, she was still very close to him(almost on him).
"Cool." Charlie took the sigh as a conversation ender. He didn't want to extend his welcome, and stood up, walking into the kitchen. He looked for something to eat, then shut the fridge without getting anything. He walked back to his room, got his backpack, and then walked back to the living room and sat, opening his book.
He took a seat on his knees and leaned far backwards while stretching, almost laying down on the floor in the process. Then he straightened his back and looked at her with tired eyes. "Yeah, I'd love a bagel." He extended his arm to accept the bagel.
She handed him a bagel and picked up her laptop. She put it on her lap and started typing, holding her bagel with the other hand. She hardly even noticed his presence after a few minutes.
Alexander groaned and rubbed his face for a few seconds as he slowly began to awake. He could hear a few people here and there throughout the halls. After sitting in bed for 10 more minutes he got up and looked at the bed across from him. "Still no roomate..." It surprised him, mainly because it was the beginning of the year and any school he has ever been to always had tons of new students, thus he thought it would've been filled already. He groaned again and quickly showered and put on a fresh pair of clothes with his usual black hoodie and chain necklace.

After leaving his room he looked around a little bit, slightly lost. Alexander quickly found his way, though, and found a living room with a few other people in it. He sat down on the ground (He preferred hard surfaces.) near a back corner still a bit tired and waited silently for the beginning of his school day.
He finished the bagel in less than two bites, and got up to stretch even further. Sleeping on a bed sideways like that wasn't good for him. He looked at Miki again. She seemed to be caught up in something on her laptop. "Wazzat?" He asked, jumping onto the bed to get a better look of whatever she was writing. "S'this a novel or something?"

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