Roommates! [Inactive]

After finishing up in the kitchen, Eri followed Kyle to the living room and sat on the other end of the couch. "Well, there isn't much to tell. I don't really want to bore you with my past," she said softly, the painful memories of loss shattering her happy mood. Still, she kept a smile on her face and looked over at Kyle. "What about you? Any weird fetishes or whatever you wish to share?"
Kyle sighted, ''Well, I'm willing to tell you anything if you do.'' he said resting his head on her lap yawning. He felt comfortable with her somehow, like he could trust her.
Eri nodded and stared at him a moment before looking away. "Don't say I didn't warn you then," she said wryly. "I don't really have family anymore, because my mom and sister were both killed in a car accident. I had my father, but he was desperate and drowned his sorrows in alcohol and suicide. They were my adopted family; I was the only Neko, but they were the closest thing I had to it, ya know?" Eri sighed, and smiled sadly. "Enough about me though. What about you?"
Kyle looked away, he somehow didn't regret asking because now he knew something new about her. Tho he hated the fact that it was actually such a sad story, he looked at her from her laps.

'' Ok, since you told me this honestly, I might as well be. My dad is a total prick that left my mother hanging on depression. She embarrassed him when she tried suiciding but it was all his fault. They divorced because of it, and since then, he didn't give her one dollar and i've been working to pay her treatment at the hospital. Not only did he seperate me from her but his also captivating me in his damn mansion to heir his company..'' he sighted in anger and tightened his fist, ''He ripped me away from everything and decided my future without my concern. I just hate him with great passion.''
Eri's face fell as she heard Kyle's story, leaning back against the couch. Once he was finished she looked down at him and frowned. "That… sucks having a family that's broken. I can't empathize with that, considering all my family is dead, but I am sorry. Your father shouldn't do that. He should let you make your own decisions."
Kyle sighted, '' Yeah, Tho I will never do what he wants. I'm pretty selfish and always end up doing what i want.'' he said grinning. He stared at her from his position, '' So fetishes, hum I guess i could say...purple eyes, neko, golden hair, funny...wonderful overall.'' he said winking at her grinning widely with sparkly eyes full of honesty.
It took a moment for Eri to realize that all that Kyle had been listing was related to her. She blushed and smiled, looking at her hands. "Hmm. That's quite a list," she said softly, stealing a glance back at him.
Kyle sighted and lifted himself up from her, already missing the heat from the contact but if everything went as planned, he would have it as much as he wanted. '' So like I said, I'm pretty selfish and I get what i want... So.. can I steal a kiss?'' he asked with confidence yet with a faint tenderness in the way he said it. He would never force a kiss on a girl, especially if he likes her. He stared at her with great hopes, he would of never thought she could of been someone to waver his heart in such a short time, but she did so naturally. He noticed it a while now, just how much fun he had with her and how he could be himself without being judged rude or weak.
A small smile crossed Eri's face and her ears twitched as her cheeks remained their pinker color. She chanced another look into his blue eyes, and as hot as her cheeks were getting, she couldn't look away. Er lowered her lashes and said, "Yeah, be as selfish as you want, I guess." Eri hadn't even considered liking someone when she came to this school, much less a human. Heck, she could barely believe that a human liked her for who she was.
He reached for her, his hand brushing the strand of hair off her cheek as it slides ever so lightly past her ear his thumb rubbing softly caressing her earlobe his fingers supporting the back of her head as he lean in and firmly yet seductively place their lips together. He could feel her quickly inhale pulling the air from his own lungs their moist with desire, he pulls her body closer and embrace her holding her tightly against him feeling the race of their hearts as one. He placed his forehead on hers, peeking a few quick and sweet kisses.He then blushed intensely when he opened his mouth, '' I... I like you Eri.'' he said whispering nervously. He felt like it was right and he really did like her, he was just scared of how she really felt towards him, even if they did kiss.
Eri didn't know what to expect when Kyle leaned towards her, but everything he did made her knees weak. She found herself smiling and probably blushing harder than she had ever blushed before. "It just so happens… that I like you too," Eri replied in a hushed tone. She closed her eyes and grinned, their foreheads still touching.
Kyle cupped her cheek smiling widely, he never felt so much feelings overwhelming. It was hard for him to keep it all bottled up, '' I'll be ever so grateful to you,'' he said intertwining his hand with hers and stealing one last kiss.
Alexander arrived at his new high school, unsure of whether or not he would enjoy it. The dorms were a new experience for him after all. As long as he kept to himself he figured there wouldn't be much trouble with anyone. "Well, I s'pose it's time to find my room..." Alexander mumbled under his breath as he walked into the entrance of the school. The office seemed a bit bland to him. He walked over to the front desk and asked the lady behind if she was able to refer him to his room. After going through the details such as what his name was she handed him a key and sent him on his way. Various noises such as talking, laughing, a bit of music here and there could be heard as he walked along. 'Mmm... A little noisy.'

Quickly arriving to his room, Alexander opened the door and walked in. It was bigger than he expected. Due to the lack of any extra objects he assumed he was alone for the time being. That was a little saddening but also nice to him. He'd at least have a moments peace to himself. After looking around again he dropped his bag onto the floor and took out his belongings such as his laptop, music player, journal, some extra clothing, and a few other school items. Alexander laid on his bed after finishing and stared at the ceiling. "I guess I'm officially here." He said aloud.
Eri kissed him back eagerly, then smiled. Her ears twitched, then her smile faded slightly. "How do you like me? I mean… I'm a Neko, and normally that repels people.." she trailed off, even though her arms were still looped around his neck.
Kyle just looked at her curiously, '' I guess... I just like you for who you are. Race doesn't matter...'' he trailed off ,''I mean, even if you are Neko or Human, I would still feel the same..'' he said confidentially tickling the back of ear to bring back that radiant smiled she gave him before she asked that question. ''What about you? No one would even approach me without shitting bricks.''
Miki continued writing. She filled the empty cyber pages with her life story. She sighed, looking at her guitar. She went back to playing her song, not caring if anyone heard her.
Eri blushed when he scratched the back of her ear and shrugged. "You acted like an asshole, but to me I felt like there was more to you. t wanted to know you, I guess. And I like being with you," she said shyly, smiling at Kyle.
'' Well, everyone was on my back from day one. Obviously I would be defensive.'' he said chuckling reposition himself to lay his head on her lap, ''So are people like afraid of ya cause you are Neko?'' he asked.
Eri shrugged. "There isn't anything really scary about Nekos. We just aren't human, so people judge, I guess," she sighed, looking down at Kyle.
Kyle smiled, ''The favorite hobby of humankind.'' he said yawning loudly. Sleep was calling him for hours and since it was already quite late and there was school tomorrow, he didn't feel like sleeping too late.
Eri readjusted her position so that she was lying comfortably along the couch, yawning. She was already pretty drowsy. "Mmm, night, Kyle," she murmured, dozing off slowly.
''Goodnight Eri.'' Kyle said smiling and eventually dozing off with her in his arms, his body tightly pressed against her's.
Charlie suddenly grew cold, the rooftop was not the place for him, and as he walked downstairs he realised that the dorm was now bustling with life. He walked into the kitchen, grabbed some water and walked upstairs. He knocked on that girl Mikis door as he heard some sound coming from her room. Music.
He didnt expect her to be like that. His face turned red, "Sorry I just... I liked what you were playing and..." He looked at the neko girl, very pretty, he thought.

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