Roommates! [Inactive]

Eri snagged some pineapple from the fridge and began eating a few pieces as Kyle's ramen heated up. She tossed one into her mouth. "Guess everyone else decided to go to town," she said, talking about the other new dorm mates.
Once his ramen were done, he transferred the soup in a bowl and started cutting chicken and some vegetables to eat with it. ''Did you meet them? I find them pretty noisy and there is that one kid who just shitted in his pants seeing me..don't know why.'' he said sitting on a chair and starting to eat.
"Nope. I was sleeping so I had no clue we had new recruits until you woke me up," she said in reply, finished with her pineapple and moving on to have some watermelon.
Kyle played around with his fork in the soup. ''Yeah, sorry 'but, I didn't get why he literally hid his face like I was going to hit him.'' he said somehow confused. He knew people were wary of him but that guy literally didn't know anything from him.
"Maybe he was shy?" Eri suggested, recalling the first time she had met Kyle. She wasn't exactly scared of him, but he did look mean. She ate some watermelon and glanced at Kyle.
" yeah, but still. People always do that and it pisses me off." He said scoffing the remaining ramen in his mouth. He then stood up and washed his plate. "Do you want me to wash your plate?" He asked seeing that she finished her pineapples.

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"Yeah, thanks," Eri said with a smile, handing him the plate. She took some water from the sink and as he turn around, she flicked some at his face with a grin. "Oops."
Kyle was taken back at first, surprised by the liquid splashing his face. He then smirked realizing why she had done, "well, aren't you feeling prankish today~ " he walked to the fridge and took some whip cream. "Ok,now let's start fair and square." He said waving war to her.

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Eri slipped past him and grabbed another can of whipped cream. "Fair and square, right?" she quipped, firing some whipped cream onto his head.
"Hey are you ok?" Miki asked. He looked fast asleep. She picked him up and hualed him back. "Uhh. can someone open the door?" Miki asked.
He awoke with a jolt when she started dragging him. "Eurgh, that was so nice, why'd you wake me up?" He said with an obviously fake sad face. "You're way stronger than you look though. I am 6'3'', and I weigh 211lbs, I've seen bigger men unable of moving me." (Maybe there should be a spot for this in the CS? I made up my mind about this before making the character) He pushed himself off of her, brushed off the back of his pants. "Well, thanks either way. If it had started raining that would really have sucked.." He trailed off as he felt how tired he was again. He leaned against the wall and sighed loudly.
"Well then sleep." Miki said, opening the door. She smiled and walked thought the open spot and up to her room, not looking at Kyle and Eri.
He almost fell in through the door, and waved to the two in the area before sliding down against the closest wall and basicly fainting.
Miki heard a thunk half way up the stairs. She turned around to see Aris passed out on the floor. She hooked him under his arms and dragged him up the stairs and into her room. She tossed him on one half of her bed and she sat on the other, pulling out her laptop and starting to type again.
Icefox11 updated Roommates! with a new update entry:

Height and Weight

I know this is a bit late but can you all add your height and weight to your CS?
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Miki kept on typing. She was on a role and was not keen to move or do anything until she had finished the part she was on. Her entire life was being poured into a book. She sighed, leaning backwards a bit. She had run out of ideas at this point. She set down her laptop, making sure to save the file, and picked up her guitar. She dusted off the case and opened it up, revealing her guitar. She pulled it out and started playing Radioactive.
Korin left the school office with a piece of paper and a dufflebag. the paper had a room number on it but he had no idea where it was. He sighed as he walked about aimlessly for some time. he found his way to a staircase and made his way up . he heard faint music get louder as he ascended. the stairs led to a hallway and the music got louder until Korin found the room where the music was coming from. he set down his bag and sat outside the door against the wall listening with his eyes closed and enjoying as he rested
Miki's highly trained ears heard a thunk outside the door. She stopped playing and opened the door up, revealing yet another newcomer. "Great. Another one." Miki said, looking at him.
Korin looked up and smiled. He stood up and extended a hand in greeting. "Hey, I'm Korin. I was just listening to the music. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." he said with an embarassed smile
"Yeah. Name's Miki." Miki said. "Now could you kindly step away from my room." She said. "I have already had enough for one day."
Kyle had just finished his can of whipped cream. It was practically everywhere in the kitchen, but mostly on him and Eri. He burst out laughing at Eri's face. ''Oh my fu ckin god, You should see your face!'' he shouted talking his phone from his pocket to take pictures of her.
Korin shot her a smirk "My apologies my lady. I wasn't aware you owned this stretch of hallway" he said as he picked up his dufflebag from it's resting place on the floor and slung it across his back. "I'll see around Miss Miki." he said already walking away. "That was about as smooth as sandpaper" he thought to himself "talked to one other person and they don't like me.....guess that's just my lot in life" he sighed as he walked down the hall and found another staircase that took him outside. it was starting to get dark and he still had no idea where he was going. it was a warm evening so he found a tree in the courtyard and sat leaning against it "Korin, you're kinda a loser" he said outloud to himself before closing his eyes
Eri snatched his phone from his grasp and laughed. "You should see yourself!" she exclaimed, taking her finger and swiping some whipped cream off his face. She licked the whipped cream, and laughed. "Holy crap we made a mess."
He just chuckled looking at the mess they created in the room. He opened a cupboard with towels and took two of them. He started washing the counters and glanced at her occasionally, '' You look cute tho,'' he said smirking.
Eri couldn't help but laugh again as she wiped the whipped cream off her face. "Oh, I bet," she mused, smiling impishly at Kyle as they cleaned the kitchen up.
After washing up everything, he leaned tired on the sofa in the living room. The kitchen was really dirty and they ended up cleaning it up more then necessary. '' Eri! Tell me about yourself..'' he said smiling faintly. He didn't understand why he was so tired, he didn't feel like doing anything at the moment that consisted too much concentration. Just talking was enough for now

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