Roommates! [Inactive]

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Charlie asked, sympathetic, "Im kind of accustomed to bad days." He realised how he may be coming across. "But you don't have to, I mean I'm not forcing you."
Korin woke with a shiver. He looked at his phone and realized he'd dozed off. He gathered himself and his bag and started back inside the way he'd come. he walked through the hall he came through before and saw a guy standing outside the room of that girl that sent him away earlier. he stopped and asked Charlie, "I don't mean to interrupt, but I'm new here and do you know where my room is?" he asked holding up the paper they gave him in the office.
"It's fine. I was just writing it out." Miki said. She loosened her bun and rubbed her eye. "You can come in if you can wait for a minute" She said. Suddenly the other guy waved a paper at her. She pointed down the hall and disappeared inside her room, leaving the door open. She took her other friend and carried him over to the other bed before going in to the bathroom to take out her contacts.
Miki walked out of the bathroom with her large glasses on. She sat on her bed, pulling out her laptop again and starting to type. "So, what's up?" She asked, focused on the screen.
"I uh, I'm fine. Are you okay?" He looked at her. "Not meaning to sound bad or anything but you've looked a little sad all day. Since we met i mean."
"Well, that's how I am." Miki said. She closed the laptop and picked up her guitar, strumming a few chords.
"No. I am just, not typically friendly." Miki said. She played some more chords, looking down at the guitar.
"Fair enough then. So do you like playing the guitar? How well can you play?" Charlie grinned, feeling he was getting good at social interaction again. He sat down next to her.
Korin went in the direction he was pointed by the 2. He smiled back at Charlie and said thanks before he disappeared into Miki's room. "well at least he was friendly." he thought "maybe it's not gonna be so bad here afterall." He found his room and found it to be empty of residents, but he could tell he wasn't the only one staying there. he approached the empty bed and dumped the contents of his bag out. he set up his radio, put away his clothes, and tossed his odds and ends in a chest at the foot of the bed. Korin suddenly felt very lonely sitting there alone in the unfamiliar place. he sighed and turned the radio on the classic rock station. then he put on a pair of MMA gloves and proceded to shadow box to the beat of Boston's "More than a feeling".
"I play fairly well if I do say so myself." Miki said. She strummed a few cords before playing the guitar for wake me up.
"Sort of." Miki said, looking at him. "Well I better sleep. We have school tomorrow ." Miki said.

Slowly Korin came to the realization that he was no longer punching air, but was on his knees slamming his fists into the lenolium with all of his might. He had worked himself into a rage, but not one of anger but a rage induced by extreme sadness. once he realized what was happening he threw himself onto his bed and yelled into his pillow as the fabric soaked up the tears that were streaming down his face just moments before. and with a single sniff, Korin got his emotions in check. he then pulled out his tenor recorder from the footlocker and began to play a slow, mournful, native american song.
He smiled at her and groaned at the prospect of school in the morning, then got up and walked to the door. "See you tomorrow probably." He walked to his room and lay down on his bed, he kicked his jeans off and pulled on some baggy sweats, then fell asleep. (Also who is my roommate)
Miki stood and shut the door. She looked over at her compadre in Kyle's bed. She thought about how he would have a fit in the morning if he found him there. She sighed, to tired to move him again. She threw the covers over him and slipped into her bed, turning over to fall into a deep sleep.
(She said I was) Korin stopped playing as the room to the door opened and saw the guy from earlier came in, changed and layed down. He quietly put his recorder away and said "By the way, I'm Korin." and he turned off the light
"Ah!" Charlie squeeked, he hadn't realised there had been anyone in the room with him. He pulled his legs up to his chest. Had Korin seen him change?! "C-Charlie. God you frightened me."
Korin chuckled heartilly "never heard a guy make that sound before, sorry dude didn't mean to scare you. ya, I just got here tanite from Florida."
"I only got here today, from New Orleans." He mumbled into the dark, thankful for it, it meant Korin couldn't see how Charlies face probably was. "Are you like a Neko or anything?" He couldnt help himself.
"na, just plain ol' human...well, mostly" he said "ya I'm not exactly cut out for civilian life anymore, so I had to come here. how bout you?" he asked
"Not specifically speaking a human." Should he open up about what he was. He had to do it some time. "I can do things." He lifted his hand into the air and released an orb of light from his palm. "With elements. Mainly light and fire"
Korin sat up "That's so cool. ya, I'm differant too, but not like THAT...." he paused realizing he'd never had to explain it to someone who didn't know anything about it before. he went on to explain "when I was 16 I was almost offered up to a demon as a sacrifice and I saw the demon, but then the cops interrupted the whole thing. The thing is though that once you see your first demon you can always see them. apparently its a rare gift called discernment. you know how there's mediums and stuff? well the only real differance between what I have and they have is that I can see the demons for what they are and mediums are fooled by the demons into thinking they're talking to dead people. so now I have to train to fight and the church sent me here." 
(What does that mean for the storyline developing)

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