Roommates! [Inactive]

Kyle was blocking the door with his wide shoulders, he kind of tensed up hoping he wouldn't notice Eri on his bed. 'Why would he just come up like that the dumbass' he thought but not expression any emotions whatsoever on his face. He hid his nervously with an indifferent mask. He simply said,"Named Kyle, " and he walked in his room

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'An odd choice of words,' Charlie nodded and went back into his room, grabbed his phone and layed down on his bed, putting his earphones in, he nodded his head along to the tune of guitar and drums.
Eri woke up to the sound of people talking. She yawned and blinked her eyes open, looking down at the bed beneath her. She didn't recall sleeping on Kyle's bed. He must have carried her last night. She glanced up and saw Kyle walking into the room. "Hi there," she said wearily, stretching her arms.
Aris hesitantly picked up his chopsticks, and dug into the food. It seemed alright at first, but it soon became apparent that this was nothing he liked. He glanced over at Miki, and she seemed to love it. Besides, she was the one who brought him here, he didn't want to seem rude, so he took a deep breath and did his best to stomach the food. "Come on man, you've had worse than this.." He thought as he fought the impulse to throw up. He finished the food in less than 8 seconds, and coughed violently afterwards. "Yeah, that was... Special!"
Miki smiled. "Yeah." She looked down. She finished her food in one gulp and stood up to pay. "We should get back." She said, walking out.
Kyle closed the doors not noticing her awake, he walked to his closet and found casual clothes to wear. He hadn't heard because of the commotion outside of valises being dropped and people greeting. Probably a new batch of people arrived. He started taking his shirt off when he glanced at the mirror facing his bed with Eri awake. He flushed red and immediately put his shirt back on."ohh heyy, didn't know you were awake.. how did ya sleep?" He asked nervously

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"Sure." He wiped his mouth and followed her. Well, at least he had something in his stomach now, he hadn't eaten anything in the past 17 hours or so.
Charlie was bored, and he pulled out his earphones even though he'd only been listening to them for a minute or so. He arranged some books on his shelf, in author alphabetical order, and then grabbed Game Of Thrones from it, unlocked his door, and walked downstairs into the living area. He sat on one of the couches and opened his book, tucking his feet underneath him. No one was around, he noticed, so he turned the pages using his mind.
Miki got on the bus, sitting down. She looked outside silently, watching the scene pass by without saying a word.
"Great, but where did you sleep," Eri asked, blushing at the brief sight of his chest. She stood up from the bed and ran a hand through her hair, probably looking like a zombie with her tangled hair and wrinkled clothes.
Her sudden silence came as a slight chock to Aris. She'd been happy and enthustiastic just a second ago, what was the problem? "Hey.. What's up? Did I do anything?"
"Sooo... Is there anything you want to share? If you need a deep and interesting conversation, I'm always up for it." He sighed too, and added; "My life wasn't always great either. I'm sure I can relate somehow."
"I slept downstairs, on the sofa." He responded rubbing his neck, he hadn't slept very well since the sofa was so small and him so tall. "Tho, a batch of new people came in, banging all there luggages. They were loud and just felt to angry to sleep again.." He said sighting. He hated to nag and felt like was telling his whole life story just with these few sentences, even if it was just a few details of his morning..

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"It's a long story." Miki said. She got off the bus and started walking. "It's about my stupid roommate." Miki said, walking towards the park instead of the dorm.
"New people? Fantastic. I was just starting to get used to you," she said dryly, but flashed a smile in Kyle's direction. "So what's on the agenda today?"
Somehow, someway, Conner found himself climbing the water pipe towards the roof. Why was he there again? He wanted to know if anything was up there, probably. Or maybe he just felt like climbing it to see if he could. Well, whatever the reason he was making some noise, not much. His shoes would occasionally slide on the wall or the pipe would make an odd noise every now and again. He wasn't far up, just reaching the second floor, but he was making good progress.
He followed her, hands in his pockets. "It's sunday, if there's anything we've got it's time." He had taken a certain liking to the girl during their brief time, and so he didn't want her to stay bummed out like she was right now.
"Well, the first day, I got stuck with the delinquent of the school. He sat behind me, followed me everywhere. At first I thought it was annoying, but then another dorm member, Eri, came along. He started hanging out with her, leaving me alone." Miki said. They had reached the park. She sat down on the swing and kicked her feet up, looking downwards.
Kyle just snickered, " oh well, there was more people around us before this batch came. You're the one who came to me." He said smirking and going to the washroom to change completely.

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Aris took a seat in the swing next to her and looked down at his feet. "Delinquent.." He thought. It wasn't a word he'd heard in a long time, but when he'd heard it was always aimed at him. He pushed the thought aside and looked at Miki. "Alright. Isn't that a good thing though? I mean, if he was so annoying, isn't it good that he's bothering someone else now?"
"Actually, I believe I was the one that tripped you," she mused, putting her hair into a braid and looking out the window. She waited for him to change, humming to herself as she watched the sun hang in the sky.
Charlie absent mindedly played with an orb of light in his left hand as he read, twisting it into shapes and letters. He continued to read, ready to put out the light and resume turning pages with his hands if anyone came in. He knew there were Neko here, but he didn't know how people would react to someone with magic.
"Well that's the thing. Se apparently, I wasn't bothered as much as I though." Miki paused, looking down. "It was the first time someone had bothered to get to know me in ages. Years even." Miki said looking down. "I fell for him in the process. But now he's fallen for the girl down the hall." Miki said.
Kyle stuck his head out of the washroom door, '' Don't remind me. I was gonna kill you that day.'' he said frowning and looking straight at her eyes. He zipped his black jeans and came out of that room and jumped on his bed even if she was there. He didn't care if she was there, tho he left some space for her and stretched on his bed. He had missed it, even if it was only a day.

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