Roommates! [Inactive]

After finishing his snack, Charlie walked out of his dorm, right into the path of the Neko guy from earlier. "Ah-ah, I'm sorry!" He looked genuinely concerned.
"Teriyaki? I've never had that before. Sounds Japanese. Is it anything like Sukiyaki?" He said. Different types of food wasn't really his thing, especially when eating out. He'd kept in shape for the past 4 years, and so only eaten after a very strict diet.
"Oh, hello again. It's no problem. I'm Conner, I see that we will be neighbors." Conner said holding out his hand. He hoped he could get along with him.
"I have no idea. But it's delicious." Miki said. She loved teriyaki. The bus stopped and Miki jumped of the bus. "Were here!" Miki said.
Charlie shook his hand weakly, then put his own boney hand in his pocket. "I'm Charlie, and it appears we will. I'll try to keep my music down for you and er... If you need anything just ask?" He figured that was the polite thing to say. He hadn't socialised with people his age for some time, and he had to get used to it again.
"Fair enough, I'll trust you on this one." He followed her off the bus, and they in front a restaurant. "We're here!" He glanced over at her. "Alright, lead the way." He offered her his arm again.
Miki twitched her ears and skipped down the path. She stopped in front of the small shop. She pushed the curtain aside and walked inside.
"Ok, it can be loud, but don't keep me up at night. I'll give you a knock if it's to loud. And if you need anything, and if I can get it, then come to me."
Aris followed Miki as she moved down the path, and into a small shop. It had a curtain covering the door, and looked pretty cool and traditional. "Uh, I think I'll trust you with ordering for me, I'm not sure with what I like."

(I'll be back in half an hour or so.)
Charlie smiled at him. Then looked around awkwardly. Did he need to say anything else? "Err...." He bit his lip and then considered going back into his dorm.
"Well, see you around." Conner said, clearly seeing Charlie was unsure of what to do. "Actually, if you want to tag along I don't mind. Just going to have a little look around the dorm and the stuff nearby, see if I can find anything interesting."
"I think I'll join you," Charlie smiled shakily, "I won't be able to find my way around alone anyway." He locked his dorm room door, and looked at Conner.
"Alright then, I have no clue where I'm going, but I should be able to find my way back here." Conner said as he walked off in a random direction. "So what are you going to major in?" Conner asked, trying to get a conversation going.
"Potions," smiled Charlie. "I'm not strong enough to do the fighting, and all the other stuff looked boring to me. Plus, I could make something to help people with it. What about you?" Charlie was trying to get himself to relax, and brought his hands away from his stomach, letting his shirt take it's natural shape, hanging off the body baggily.
"Ok! Two teriyaki bowls please." Miki said, sitting down at the counter in front of the chef. He nodded and started preparing the meal.
Kyle woke up grumpy with all the noise happening. He stood his back straight and rubbed his temple, 'who the fuck is making sooo much noise at this hour.' He though angry. He straightened up and went to the kitchen for a glass of water and walked up the stairs of the dorm to go to his room.

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Having walked in a random direction, they walked right into an angry guy, the same age, or older, than Charlie. Charlie gasped as he collided with him, and backed off a bit. "Eep!"
Kyle hadn't noticed the the young brunette before the kid bumped into him. He turned around glaring at him, "who the hell are you man?" He said angrily.

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"I uh... Charlie. And I'm really sorry." Charlie assessed the situation. He had angered a really tall guy, with more muscle than him (Obviously more muscle than me, Charlie thought). He expected to be hit or something, and so resumed his position of cradling his stomach with his arms.
Kyle wasn't expecting the guy to end up looking like such a wimp, he looked at him in disgust but ended up pitying him. He flicked his finger on his forehead, not feeling as frustrated as before. That Charlie kid, kind of reminded him of his weak side,"don't do it again." He said walking towards his room expecting Miki to still be sleeping to his surprise.

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Charlie breathed out in relief. "I think I'm going to go back to my room after that, I'm not risking walking into anymore people." He walked back the way he came, the same way as the tall guy, who, surprisingly, went into the room of Miki. Ah, so this must have been the room mate she was talking about. He walked past him quickly, but once outside his door, he couldn't resist the urge. "What's your name?" He looked at the floor as he said it, hoping the tall guy might tell him, or at least acknowledge him.
"I'm in Mystical Creatures 101. There is something about them that make them so interesting." Conner said right before Charlie collided with the other boy. Once the crisis was averted, Conner asked "You ok?" and thinking 'That guy was a bit of a jerk.'

(ooc) Sorry for not replying for a while, had to fight my computer.
Aris took a seat next to Miki as he waited for the meal. He was a bit excited, actually. He'd get to try a new type of food! He almost never did that! It was usually just tons of chicken breasts with rice to get enough calories in a day to work out. He was considering slowing down on the workout at the school though, since he wouldn't have as much time.
Charlie had already walked off, rudely but not purposefully, before the boy could ask if he was okay. He was ashamed of his own weakness but, having asked the guy his name, he felt a sort of accomplishment in him.
The food arrived and Miki didn't hesitate to dig in. She opened her chopsticks and started eating. She sighed after her first bite. She was being un characteristically nice today. She just wanted to get out of the house and away from that jerk who left her.

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