Roommates! [Inactive]

He stood up from his motorcycle and then chuckled, ''well then lets get to the dorms before they start assuming stuff.'' not noticing her blush because of the darkness. Tho, he did walk closer to her than usual, it was unconscious from his part tho and actually liked those feelings in the pit of his stomach. It made him remember those happy days in childhood, 'How much would I pay for those days to come back..' he thought smiling sadly.
"Good idea," Eri agreed with a nod. She walked side by side with Kyle until they got to the dorms. She made a beeline for the couch and went vertical. "Miki! We're back! Took longer than we thought."
Miki hears yelling from downstairs. She groaned, the house filling with noise quickly as they entered. She sighed, preparing herself for the worst.
Kyle just sighted at her screaming, he left his shopping bag in the living room and went directly to the kitchen and got a bag of chips. He then jumped from the back of the sofa on it, making a loud noise of satisfaction.
Miki walked downstairs. She had a lazy pair of sweats and a tank top on. Her hair was in a high bun and she had her thick glasses on. "What?" She asked, standing in the doorway.
"We just got back, just wanted to let you know," Eri stated lazily from the couch. Her ears twitched tiredly as she dozed.
"Well then. If you don't mind, I will be in my room.... questioning my existence." Miki said, turning back up the stairs. She didn't really want to hang in the room full of love sick puppies.
Kyle ended up shifting movies on netflix. He found a movie, Hashi: a dog story and actually cried quietly wipping the tears off his face. He then watching the walking dead but ended up sleeping, too tired of his day.

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Miki grew tired of the tv and walked downstairs to tell them to turn it off. She found them both sleeping on the couch, lying quite close. She snapped a picture then turned of the tv and went to finish her story.
Kyle woke up in the middle of the night. He just had the worst dream ever and was sweating bullets, he sighted when he saw the tv still on and Eri's sleeping form on the sofa. Everyone in the dorm was sleeping right now and here they were asleep on this small sofa. He sighted and lifted her up avoiding to wake her up. He unlocked his room and sighted in relief when he saw Miki sleeping. Growing tired of the weight,he wasn't very athletic, He dropped Eri on his bed, and almost skipped a heartbeat when he saw her sleeping face, 'what's happening to me!!' He thought. He then left from the room after changing in his pyjama and slept on the sofa.

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He was so late, like days late, but he'd pitched a fit at his aunts house and made sure he didn't have to come during the initial busyness of the first day. He dragged his suitcase along a corridor, coming to some stairs. Sighing, he breathed in and headed up them, before dropping his suitcase with a loud bang at the top of the stairs, he wasn't so physically fit, he must say, as he sat on the floor trying to regain his breath.
Miki awoke to a loud bang outside her dorm. She looked over at her roommate, spying Eri instead. She could ask him later, for now there were more important things. She opened the door and looked outside. "Hello." She said, rubbing her eye and yawning at the new person passed out on the stairs.
Charlie was startled by a girl his age, a Neko. She looked as if she'd just woke up, which was understandable due to the time. He looked up at her. "Hi." He smiled and took a deep breath in and a deep breath out, before standing up. He hid his body behind a large suitcase.
Miki giggled. "Stop hiding, I know your there. Trust me my roommate would do worse." Miki said. She moved the suitcase with ease, smiling at the person behind it.
Charlie's posture was closed, his arms wrapped around his stomach. He smiled at her, then looked at the suitcase. "I really need to get my stuff to my room."
(You know, normally I read through everything to make sure I know the story, but right now, I don't feel like reading 59 pages..)

Aris stood in front of the school with his luggage case on his shoulder and his dufflebag under his other arm. He never really grasped the concept of holding things by their handles, and always made a point of doing things your own way. Nontheless, he packed rather lightly anyway, so holding it like this wasn't a problem. He was excited to start at this new school, and make new friends. Maybe, he'd even meet a girl.. He smiled at the thought, and start walking to the dorms. Being late wasn't the obvious way for making a good impression though..

Coming into the dorms, he heard a rather loud thump from upstairs. It was still quite early in the morning, and he wondered why anyone was making so much noise at such an early hour. It did peak his interest, and it was in the direction his room supposedly was, so he decided to check it out. When he came to the stairs, he had to shift the luggage bag to under his arm so he didn't hit the roof. At the top of the stairs there were two people conversing, or so it seemed. One of them had an enormous suitcase with him. Aris tilted his head. Who'd bring such so much luggage with them anyway? Eh, it was their choice.

He came to the top of the stairs and smiled at the two. He didn't really have a choice, they were in his way. "Heyyo! Good morning you two." he said with his warmest smile. He nodded at the boys things. "Do you need any help with that?"
Charlie, again startled, turned and looked at the new guy. "Er... Yes actually.." He stopped smiling. "It's way too heavy, but... That's only if you don't mind of course!"
"That is, if you don't mind carrying this." He put his duffle bag down. It was probably a lot lighter than his suitcase anyway. He used his empty hand to lift the large suitcase. Yupp, it was heavier, but Aris was quite proud of his physique, and wasn't about to give it up. "Okay man, where do I take this?" Holding it with one hand was rather straining, so he hoped to get a quick answer.
"Hallo." Miki said. "I am the one with the dysfunctional roommate, who was sleeping on the couch. My name's Miki." She said, smiling.
Charlie pointed down the hall at a door, and smiled. "Thank you." He said to the guy. "Nice to meet you Miki. I'm Charlie." He stuck out a hand for her to shake, blushing a little.
Miki shook his hand. She smiled. "Most of the time I am writing or in my room, so feel free to stop by." She said.
"I probably will," Charlie said, and pulled back his hand and wrapped his arm back around his stomach, "But for now, unpacking.." He began to walk towards the door that he had pointed at, and fumbled with his keys to open it.
"Yeah, I'd shake both your hands but I'm a bit preoccupied. I'm Aristide, but call me Aris. Everyone else does." Aris took a deep breath, and sprinted down the hallway. He put the suitcase outside the door, and let out a loud sigh. His room was right next to this guys room anyway, so he left his baggage there too, and sat down on top of it. "What's your name, anyway, guy?" He said as soon as the dude came over to the door.
"Charlie", he said, and smiled at Aris. "Thanks for helping me, I'm hopeless and unfit." He laughed a little under his breath nervously. He put his key in his lock, and opened the door, then, dragged the suitcase in and fell on his bed.

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